Archive for April 14th, 2020

Schools closed for academic year
(CNS): School closure dates have not yet been formally confirmed but Premier Alden McLaughlin said on Tuesday that they would most likely be closed until the new academic year in September. The education minister is scheduled to appear at the COVID-19 briefing update tomorrow, Wednesday, when the myriad questions parents have about school are expected […]

CIG goal is elimination of virus
(CNS): Following panic in the business community that the Cayman Islands’ economic shutdown will not be lifted for many months if government is waiting to eliminate COVID-19, Premier Alden McLaughlin said he is convinced that this could happen sooner than people think if they follow the rules. He said he believes that the actions taken […]

Premier opposes forced quarantine
(CNS): Government will not be forcing people in the community who test positive for COVID-19 to go into mandatory quarantine because it runs the risk of making things worse as well as dehumanizing people. While the public is fixated on quarantining all positive patients, Premier Alden McLaughlin made it clear at Tuesday’s press briefing that […]

COVID-19 testing to step up
(CNS): By the end of this week health officials will be ramping up the testing for many more people across Cayman as part of government’s strategy to manage its way out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social isolation and mass testing are the most important elements in curtailing community spread, reducing the loss of life and […]

Suspect drunk driver hits stationary cop car
(CNS): A 43-year-old man from Bodden Town has been arrested for several offences, including including damage to property and DUI, after he smashed into a stationary police car in George Town Monday evening. The incident happened on Godfrey Nixon Way when a police officer on patrol had stopped to speak to members of the public.