Bush heading to London to discuss ‘the incident’

(CNS): The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly is flying to London on Wednesday, where he will meet up with Premier Alden McLaughlin to discuss the statement he issued on Monday about his alleged assault of a woman, in which he admitted that he had significant physical and mental health problems. They will also discuss how he is dealing with those problems and “the actions that need to be taken as a consequence of the incident itself”, according to a release from the premier’s office.
McLaughlin said he recognised that “the incident”, which occurred just after midnight on Saturday morning “will have consequences”.
Whether or not those consequences include Bush’s resignation as speaker is yet to be seen, although a statement by MLA Ezzard Miller and a release by the opposition today both called for this outcome. Miller, Opposition Leader Arden McLean and the premier all referenced the speaker’s acknowledgment of his physical and mental health issues.
“I appreciate the candour of the speaker’s statement and his recognition that he has problems with which he needs to deal,” McLaughlin stated. “Therefore, the most important immediate issue is for the speaker to seek the treatment that he references in his statement. I and all in my government will do all we can to help in his efforts to access appropriate professional help at this time.”
Adding to MLA Ezzard Miller’s call for the removal of Bush as speaker if he does not resign, McLean said that the “incident leaves a very public stain on our Legislative Assembly”.
He said that if Bush does not voluntarily “stand aside to seek the professional help he clearly needs, a decision must now be taken by the Unity Government, of which he is a member”.
Speaking on behalf of himself, Anthony Eden, Alva Suckoo, Christopher Saunders and Bernie Bush, McLean said, “Whilst we note Mr Bush’s apologies for his actions, it is clear that he is not dealing with the challenges of his grief and use of alcohol. However, what Mr Bush fails to note in his public statement, is the very privileged and public role that he occupies as speaker of the House.”
Because a two thirds majority is needed for the removal of the speaker, McLean contacted Premier Alden McLaughlin on Monday, 24 February “to discuss this issue and the way forward”, he said.
All of the statements issued today expressed sympathy for the victim. The premier noted his “deep regret and that of the government at this most unfortunate incident and to extend our support to the lady that has suffered injury and distress as a result. She deserves our support. I want her to know that everyone in the government wishes her a speedy recovery.”
Referring to the hashtag #sheisupported, which is now being used on social media to support the victim, McLean said, “Rightly, the court of public opinion recognises the seriousness of his actions, especially as it resulted in a woman being injured in the line of work… Women face enough challenges in the workplace: gender bias, unequal pay and inadequate benefits, without having to contend with violence and/or abuse.”
In a very brief statement from his office, Governor Martyn Roper said he was “greatly concerned by any allegations of assault especially when these relate to violence against women”. But like McLean and McLaughlin, he did not comment further, since the incident is now under investigation by the RCIPS.
“I have every confidence that they will deal with it in accordance with the law, which applies to everyone equally,” Roper said. Similarly, the premier said he had confidence in the RCIPS to carry out the investigation “thoroughly and effectively”.
McLean went further, saying, “The seriousness of this incident means it may very well progress into a criminal matter and the public must be cognisant that the vast majority of registered voters are potential jurors.” But he said that “in the interest of fairness and natural justice, our actions as legislators must not be seen to impede, prejudice or influence a criminal investigation that may result in a matter before the courts”.
He added, “We must all continue to support the victim in the matter and leave judgment and atonement for Mr Bush in the hands of his family, the electorate and the justice system.”
See all relevant statements in the CNS Library
- Fascinated
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Guess that could be another excuse! He was just gettin on down!!!
And got violent!
I partly agree with him. However, there’s nothing wrong with dancehall per se. Some of the best progressive reggae emerged out of the early dancehall music in the late 80s and 90s. What is wrong with dancehall these days is the lyrical content, not the rhythms they use.
This article did not say that Mr. Bush was taking an airplane to London, it said he was flying to London. Get a grip y’all, this is no ordinary man.
As some people say in West Bay, he is a “God”.
Share this with the British press what an embarrassment
He is going to be made Sir McKeeva Bush next week in London. What an amazing honor.
Really think people give a shit abt Cayman? Huh? N these idiotz here will never feel embarrassment.
The youth are watching.
The youth don’t give a damn about politics in the Cayman Islands, especially in West Bay.
yes…..the same ones that hang out at camana bay
I just read the following statement from the Premier, which confirms to everyone in Cayman and worldwide, the decision has already been made to sweep Big Mac’s reprehensible behaviour under the carpet, and life goes on as usual; consequently, I NOW CALL UPON ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE HONOURABLE SAMUEL BULGIN, TO TAKE THE APPROPRIATE STEPS NECESSARY TO LEVEL CHARGES AGAINST THE DISHONOURABLE MCKEEVA BUSH: “I appreciate the candour of the speaker’s statement and his recognition that he has problems with which he needs to deal,” McLaughlin stated. “Therefore, the most important immediate issue is for the speaker to seek the treatment that he references in his statement. I and all in my government will do all we can to help in his efforts to access appropriate professional help at this time.”
They simply can’t intervene in the criminal act investigation.
They can’t just assume he has mental problems. Only an expert in psychiatry can express his opinion after thorough evaluation.
Are you implying that Attorney General belongs to Cayman Old boys club?
Mac gave Sam status.
And Sam opined the grant was lawful. You just cannot make this stuff up.
So what does that mean? The foolish bloggers……
Time for Sir McKeeva to cash in a few IOU’s of which he has many on island.
The Attorney General does not bring charges against anyone. Go and educate yourself before writing in capital letters.
I’m sure he will get right on it since you used capitals.
So anyone know a member of UK anti-violence against women’s group that can welcome Big Mac and let him know the world isn’t big enough for his kind.
Needs to be dealt with here!
If not dealt with here nothing will change!
So does anyone know? Who owns this bar? Surprise!
Yet the media reprint/link the name of female victim in ongoing criminal matter and leave out his son’s connection to the bar. Compass, CNS, Marl Road, and McKeeva could all see civil suits for posting that personal info under data protection laws in effect. This place has a lot of growing up to do.
Summoned by the Headsman in Chief, but doesn’t know it yet.
Is this trip to UK paid for by the CIG? If so why… A resignation letter can be printed on-island. If he needs to “Chat”, he can also do this by phone. An in-person “dressing-down” can be done without CIG funds for a UK trip. Each of these scenerios are remote as the “protectors” will now come to defend a Woman-Beater. So Sad.
Your time is nigh! You now will held to account for your heinous behaviour and if it this was left to your detractors your head will roll.
Mr Mac Bush is like Pres Trump in USA. Bush gets away with anything before and now is no different. He above the law and MLA’s and everyone including justice dept is scared of Mr Bush
Not ‘everyone’! Women are much stronger!!
So. Why you scared? It is 2020and a long time coming! Stop being scared! This is your life not his!! Bush did not give you life!!! It us your life!!
Luv to stand and see Bush face me to face after what he did. Until then I anonymous. Nobody scared of you and your buddies anymore! True colors without doing anything! Bullying and threatening days on this Island are done whatever gender!! In workplace or outside! No more! Men too! All u good Jamaicans that r been used! All!! Squeeze out the rest of the infected puss!!! If not will keep reinfecting!
He needs to resign, go to rehab, and make amends with all who he’s hurt. Perhaps, if he’s able to sustain sobriety and recovery, he can turn this situation into something positive and help others on Island and stress the importance of mental health and alcohol abuse. Be an advocate for those in need. He’s hit rock bottom, but recovery and rising from the ashes is possible.
I do think he’s a complete jerk for what he did, btw. He has a lot of apologies to make and prove he’s sorry by changing.
There is a big difference between resigning and being removed. He needs to be removed regardless of his interest in resigning. If he resigns it means everyone else thinks what he did is ok.
The fact that neither has happened yet is alarming.
He must be prosecuted first. He committed a battery.
No question- he should charged and have all consequences coming to him. This man is clearly an alcoholic- he was running around drunk even before the unfortunate passing of his daughter. He’s sick and needs treatment. If he doesn’t find sobriety- this will happen again, no matter how many times he’s prosecuted.
Bush’s last big five star vacation he doesn’t have to pay for himself. I bet he wishes it was to Los vegas instead before they take away his credit cards.
Los vegas????
There’s nothing Premier can do for Mr.Bush as a person. Once RCIPS has gathered sufficient evidence through investigation, the case is given to Director of Public Prosecution.
9:17am had said(cops still investigating…)
“Assault Causing Grievous Bodily Harm is a Criminal Offense. That means all of those who were present, or involved, who are not coming forward, are now aiding and abetting a crime by not yielding to their obligation to provide a truthful statement. The RCIPS must know that McKeeva Bush was there, and summon his sworn statement (not to be confused with a lawyer-doctored apology letter), his driver was there, the manager, the bartenders and waitresses, the bar owners, the patrons, etc. etc. A busy Friday night, in front of everyone.”
The victim may also be forced to appear in court and testify even though she does not want to press charges. In Florida, if a victim ignores their witness subpoena to testify at trial the government can request the Court issue a “material witness warrant.” This results in the police going out to find and arrest a “victim” that does not want to press charges in order to force the victim to testify in court.
I personally don’t see how Mr. Bush can get away with the battery he committed. Cayman penal code is clear about it. Plenty of witnesses.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Are you new here? Somehow, he’s managed to brush so many exceptionally serious matters off in courts, his public duties and especially his nights on the town over many, many years. It defies belief just how much he gets away with. We can live in hope that karma has finally come to bite him but I stopped counting chicks long ago. The successive failures to address bad behavior in government are the reasons why we’re in such a mess now, and why they don’t want to enact SIPL without watering it down. They think they are above the law. Scary to think that they are even make laws. They think they are untouchable. Times are changing. We deserve better. #staywoke
You will be wrong. Bush has IOU’s everywhere in the Cayman Islands. He has the goods on so many people. He will get off and rise again with the voters of West Bay support.
Lol, so you worship him? Afraid of him?
Is he Adolf Hitler? Is there Cayman gestapo? Mafia?
The year is 2020, remember?
He is a mere mortal just like you and me. The higher he climbs the harder he would hit his bottom when he falls.
So, punch a woman and get first class trip to the UK. I’m embarrassed to say I live here. And before you even start with your “you can leave then” comments shove them where the sun doesn’t shine. Im a Caymanian.
Will they serve him alcohol on the flight?
I’m guessing paid leave so he has time to deal with his illnesses
They’re going to spin this as mental breakdown due to loss of daughter…not disgusting serial woman abuser
Which makes it all so much more sickening to use the memory of his lost daughter to justify such despicable behaviour. Makes me wonder how he justifies his equally despicable behaviour for many years before this tragic loss. His reputation precedes him. Many a bar maid could tell you of his real character and behaviour, particularly towards women, but most are too scared to speak up. Time they did a #metoo movement of their own.
The truth is already out. He was due to burst n he did!! Like puss from an infection! Now justice needs to be served and no hiding behind the titles buddies west bayers or others.
What is wrong with this picture? Never in my life have I seen so many cowards in one institution. These seem cowards jump up and down and yell and scream on matters that truly do not criminally affect a dam sole yet when the sh** hits the fan and their voices are needed, they all become mute.
Thanks to the outcry of the public, this matter is now being taken at look at by government.
Long and short of the matter here is the fact that you guys a truly representatives of SELF FIRST AND FOREMOST with very, very, very little concern with the wellbeing of the people of the Cayman Islands.
I also hear he was thrown out of Peppers for his drunken behaviour on the same day. The man is a disgrace and he should be fired immediately.
Good! So why didn’t his so called buddies take him home!!?
So he went Peppers for takeaway food? Then went Club for takeaway food? Who took him home after the incident? Did he have takeaway food with him?
What not too smart lawyer wrote that statement?
Man this government must have a lot of dirty secrets if they have to support this POS.
I think it’s time to get this put in the international press, especially as he will be in London, I’m sure the BBC and other news agencies would love to interview him over there!
Offshore Alert!
Why you CAyman Haters want to put it in the foreign press? Because you are hell bent on destroying Cayman and cant let an opportunity to tarnish it pass. I hope you realize that if we fail you might actually return to your country that you were so glad to leave.
Exact opposite…want to force our politicians to oust a woman abuser and show the world Cayman does not tolerate such cowardly and disgusting behavior. They seem to want to sweep under the rug and allow Mac to continue abusing women. While they don’t care what their people want maybe some external eyes will get them to act honorably.
I’ll return to civilisation once i’ve taken enough money out of the economy here. Thanks for having me.
Because until someone does something to hold your politicians accountable, they will continue to abuse their positions, screw YOU over and keep YOU down.
I thought the bible bashing community would also be up in arms about this issue!
Anthony Eden, Al Suckoo Chris Wight who are all about anti gays, well what about beating a women?.
Why don’t the 3 female MLAs have anything to say?
What’s happened to Brennie and Joey?
We know Capt Eugene and Austin will remain very quite.
Alden, what are you doing, just get the deputy suspend him till your return!
This is a total waste of our money, in fact I’d like to know the total cost in sending him?
Are we sure he’s not stopping over in the Hard Rock for a quick fix on route?
Didn’t you know? His heart is pure and hands clean. Apparently.
Clean once he washes the barmaid’s blood off. And his heart is pure alright- pure arrogance.
Why is the RCIPS allowing him to travel? His passport should have been seized pending investigation at the very least.
This is just a ploy to keep him out of public view until it blows over with no consequence.
Shame on every West Bay resident that keeps voting him in.
Disgraceful who is the Superintendent in charge of this fiasco, why wasn’t he stopped from leaving
Because London needs to see Cayman’s best and brightest in action.
Lodge covering Lodge.
See a Dr 8:38 about your Lodge problem. A new mental institution is opening on island next year. There will be good help for you there.
Just get over your admittance in Lodge being rejected. Its OK and get on with your life.
They are all insulting our intelligence.
The elected government members are either compromised, cautious, cowards or afraid to speak clearly on the issue just in case they need support from Mr. Bush in 2021.
However, it should not be difficult to say they condemn boorish behavior. WRONG IS WRONG the actions and behaviors are unacceptable and reprehensible…it’s that simple.
Why is no elected member prepared to call this exactly what it is and condemn the BS particularly after the apology? Why is difficult to take immediate steps to sanction the behavior and clearly set the standards of what we should expect from our leaders?
Could it be because every currently elected member especially the current Cabinet members think they’ll need Mr. Bush and potentially the 2-3 seats he could potentially command in order strike a deal with him in 2021 to form the next coalition government?
The Premier’s statement which represents the collective position of each member of the government of National Unity is another example of “CAYMAN POLITRICKS” and speaks directly to their acceptance of the behavior. There must be one standard of accountability applicable to all persons including all politicians and public officials in the Cayman Islands.
I understand that the process must include an investigation and persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty. However, there is now confirmation and an apology from the Speaker in the public domain. Our leaders need to demonstrate loyalty to what is in the best interests of Cayman not their political party or personal ambitions.
Instead of excuses it should not be difficult for our Premier, Cabinet members and all other elected leaders to do the right thing.
Johann Moxam
I would have expected the Leader of Opposition to have not printed that pile of BS on behalf of Chris, Bernie and Alva. By The Way, what happened to Kenneth? Why was the statement not made on his behalf as well? Is there trouble in that camp?
Kenny is in England
On the trip?
Empty vessels make the most noice.!!
Johann, we aren’t far from where we need to be. The people have changed, just not the politicians, and they don’t want anyone of principle interfering with their greasy game that keeps them privileged, powerful, and wealthy. We just need these guys out, and guys like you in. And if you turn out like any of them after a few years in office, you will need to go too. Keep that in mind as you position yourself for next year.
I agree with your sentiments 100%
Good man. Don’t let us down. You’re the only person out of all the incumbents and hopefuls I know of who gives me hope that we will not be ruled by plutocrats, with the UK’s blessing, forever.
The silence from Tara Rivers as a female MLA is deafening, given she ran as an independent she should have no conflict, Tara if you read these comments you have just lost three votes from my household, and I can assure you that come 2021 I will make sure to remind everyone of you silence on this matter
West Bayers stick together.
Why are you surprised? Had a jolly to Hollywood much more important now! And nobody cares what sbe or any others in their seats say! Let’s also not forget how they pursued Wendy and this site!!! They closed the TV Station and not one word of tbis o. GOVERNMENT TV… Still sbowing Heroes Day !!!
Phillip. Can’t lose what she didn’t have.
Johann Moxam : Let he that is without sin cast the first stone. Are you without sin? Are your hands clean? Just asking because I understand you might have political ambitions and so we need to know whether as a future leader you have clean hands and a pure heart. We just can’t take chances anymore.
Ad nauseous!! Wonder if he will speak out against all the shenanigans of the Dart corporation. Haven’t heard a peep from him on that subject.
@ anonymous 4.44am
There is no need to hide behind anonymity. If you wish to contact me my contact details email: jmoxam@hotmail.com
I do not claim to be perfect or without sin. Nobody is perfect and the only savior I am aware of is Jesus Christ. However, in Cayman people have given a god like status to politicians when none are saviors. They are supposed to represent the people and set an example as leaders.
If we remain focused on this topic I do not think it should be difficult to take a stand against such behavior and condemn the actions of any public official. It feels like all mla’s are now “circling the wagons” by failing to condemn such actions they are enabling unacceptable behavior. The key question is why?
Based on the information in the public domain and the apology from the Speaker this appears straight forward. There must be one standard of accountability applicable to all persons including all politicians and public officials in the Cayman Islands.
What do you want the MLAs to do? Catch him, tar and feather him? The Opposition made their statement, they like the rest of us have to wait on the outcome of the police investigation. If and when you are elected you will realise that making a lot of noise is most times not the best response!
Let it go Mac. Let it go.
But didn’t he say he had no entendtions of running for office.?
21st century in Cayman and someone has to fly to England for a conversation!!
Are we paying for this first class travel trip for him?
What do you think?
Shouldn’t be RCIPS “dealing” with him?
There should be an official protocol on what to do in such cases. Mr.Bush is a grownup to be called on the carpet by his “boss”.
Speaker Bush had the trip planned and booked before this happenned.
Do not use the respected title of Speaker in reference to this odious little man. To do so smears those who went before him and were true Caymanian heroes. I specifically note the late Speaker Edna Moyle as a particular example of high integrity in this important constitutional role.
I actually feel like that about all our politicians automatically being granted eternal “honourable” status. They’re not honourable. In fact many, like the subject of this news article, act dishonorably most of the time. Honour is deserved and I haven’t seen a deserving politician for years. Time politicians were reminded they too are public servants, and not the other way around.
Who? So what?
Is he out on bail?
Okk LOL. Is it Wednesday yet?
Don’t beat about The Bush. See what I did there?
Should a person who suddenly blackouts, looses memory and gets disoriented be allowed to fly on his own as far as London?
And we are paying for it, First Class no doubt.
Free drinks .
Better believe First Class. Only the very best for West Bay’s greatest.
This is a bloody joke right? Alden, Roper and McLean insulting the people’s intelligence yet again. Why are we wasting money for this sick individual to travel to the UK, why cant Roper, Alden make the right decision for a change and show some respect to the people of these Islands. The whole lot of you need to realise that you are not the Lords of the Manor, bur merely the servants. You need to start familiarising yourselves to you new role, moving forward. We will no longer be dictated to and will hold each elected member accountable for his or her actions.
He’s going because they can’t be the ones to make the decision, which has already been made.
Hopefully he won’t blackout after more drinks during that long transatlantic flight in First Class on our tab. Pickup the doggone phone and have a conversation with Alden and save us $10,000. Maddening!
Is he flying alone, who knows?
There are no pay phones at public beach anymore.
Hello, 1990? Yes, this is 2020 calling. We’re here now.
Hopefully the UK Cabinet Office’s Honours Forfeiture Committee will review this matter as it progresses. The Governor as Queen’s representative would have an obligation to bring this to their attention. An “OBE” would normally be stripped with any criminal conviction over 3 years sentence. Not sure if that also applies to Cayman Justice of the Peace credentials, or fake Jamaican Doctorates, but one can dream! Harvey Weinstein’s CBE is on the pending cancellation list right now.
And because of his dreadful behavior, the rumor is Mary Lawrence will be returning as Speaker for the rest of this parliament.
She might be a little confused sometimes on the rulings and precedents but she is an honourable lady. Take your pick her or Bernie. I pick Ms. Mary over him.
Ms. Lawrence opposes the Cruise Berthing Facility. So I don’t know if she will garner the full support of the house.
And righfully so. I hope the press release from the Minister of Health this afternoon denying entry to the cruise liner that has a sick crew member with the virus, will open peoples eyes on the suitability of having a cruise berthing facility in our capital George Town. With the use of tenders, there is an in-built buffer of control for our security and national health since tenders can be denied or permitted to carry the passengers of a cruise liner accordingly. Cruise liners are known to be a hotbed for such illnesses anyway.Let this be a wake up call.
Why her? Plenty of much more able people about. Just because she has a little political experience and former influence (which included picking up cushy well paid jobs for herself and family)?
Beat a barmaid, get a luxury holiday. This shows the disregard these guys have for the way in which they spend our money.
It’s not like Mac can do any other work while he’s there. Given what’s happened there is no way he should be attending any meetings or functions and representing the Cayman Islands.
So it’s flights, hotel, taxis, food, booze (shopping, gambling…) for a 15 minute meeting with a man he shares an office with here in Cayman.
You can’t make this sh*t up.
How sad, but true.
FCO called him, not Alden
Couldn’t the governor have dealt with him here. I thought in situations like this the Gov., would represent FCO. Would’nt cost us anything extra.
Can the organisers behind the ‘Stop the Port’ referendum, please divert all their energies to the ‘Stop the Bush’ referendum.
Stop the cruise ship on its way to Cayman from Jamaica with a person who might have been exposed to the coronavirus?
A good point. The interesting think here is that the Cayman people rallied and stood firm on an extremely important matter. I cannot remember that being done before.
That is a sign of the times. The people want good governance. People should feel free to express their opinions and not remain anonymous and in the background.
WTAF is wrong with the telephone????
Telephone refused to be used and abused!
Every organization on this island that provides support to victims of violence and sexual assault must publicly disapprove of the way that this matter is being handled.
Every women’s support group on this island must publicly disapprove of the way that this matter is being handled.
Every professional women’s organization on this island must publicly disapprove of the way that this matter is being handled.
Every professional organization on this island must publicly disapprove of the way that this matter is being handled.
The bar associations must publicly disapprove of the way that this matter is being handled.
The churches must publicly disapprove of the way that this matter is being handled.
Where is the public condemnation from professional organizations in this #metoo era???
The #MeToo campaign lost my respect when they constantly failed to criticise the masogonistic, overtly sexual, drug referencing, violence and rape encouraging lyrics of MOBO. Namely, hip hop, gangsta rap, drill, grime or any other ‘cultural’ excuse for entertainment some want to avoid confronting due to the inevitable claims of racism or discrimination aimed at those who find this cultural ‘art form’ repugnant in the extreme.
Until those who fail to confront such disgusting violence and abuse against women make their voices heard as they have against the equally disgusting white, privileged and powerful predators, the #MeToo organisation is lost on a generation who see such behaviour as acceptable, even normal.
The cynic in me feels this is more a case of Mac flying over to front Alden up and say something along the lines of, ‘Get me out of this **** or it’s going to be your arse on the line next!’ Does anyone really believe after this that he got the Speaker’s job because he was the best man for the job? There are some very nasty political undercurrents here.
4.39pm The language suggests non-Caymanian trying to take advantage of a bad situation to divide us.
Oh please. This is typical of the stupidity that breeds the corruption we see in Cayman on a daily basis. It’s not about Caymanian/non-Caymanian, it’s about integrity, honour and about our representatives behaving appropriately in all cases.
You’re already divided, don’t delude yourself otherwise.
There is no need. Your politicians have already clearly succeeded in doing that.
What are you talking about? This is not a Caymanian versus non Caymanian issue.
‘Undercurrents’? Do you mean like someone’s got someone else by the b***s?
Very funny. Running away so that the country will stop asking for his resignation. You did the deed, many saw you, now you are running away like a little girl. Shame on you and on all of those that are protecting your sorry butt.
4:30 pm….. Please don’t bad-mouth little girls.
You’re kidding! Fly to London???? Why? This is ridiculous.
-Make a phone call. It’s a lot cheaper.
-I guess you aren’t considered a flight risk if government pays for the literal flight.
-Is Alden a king who requires in-person groveling?
-Why hasn’t he been charged?
So when is the Premier returning? I do t understand why he has to be summons to the U.K. Could’nt the Premier Skype him? Is he paying his own airfare? They both have no shame- birds of a feather!!
Nice trip to Monaco coming up after London.
More of a fight risk than a flight risk.
Same was thought of “Iron Mike” Misick before he fled to Brasil.
Certainly a fright risk.
Why hasn’t he been charged? Because enquiries like this take time. I’d rather the RCIPS and DPP’s office get ALL the facts and do it right rather than pander to the mob.
Rubbish! People have had their passports taken and not allowed to leave or travel for alot less than this!!!
When did each individual commenting become a ‘mob’?
This is a slam dunk case with 30 witnesses and video.
You mean a slam drunk?
I for one hope this little London excursion of his will be put on his own credit card and not the public’s
Thought I understand in his impaired state he might just out of habit reach for the one that is most familiar…
Take that as you may
4:23:pm; Surely you jest. Or are you mentally impaired?
4:50, He’s jesting.
I’m assuming this is by BA so it’s rather surprising that the airline is prepared to accept him as a passenger in these circumstances. They have a duty of care to the other people on the aircraft to ensure that nobody is allowed to board who might be a potential threat to their safety. As a former pilot I’ll tell you one thing – he wouldn’t set foot on any aircraft I was in command of.
Exact,y, suppose he tries to get in the cockpit in his mental state. Will he have armed guard?
I stand corrected on this because I’d read the timeline in the story wrong. He apparently flew out on CAL and connected through MIA to LHR. Hopefully, he’s on AA because they have both Sky Marshals and FFDOs.
BA direct flight doesn’t run on Wednesdays. He’ll be connecting via MIA with lots of options. Extra expensive for us. Particularly, if he follows his ole Colombian/TCI buddy’s lead and pulls a Mike Misick and diverts southward to Rio de Janeiro. From Brasil it took Interpol two or three years to extracate him back to face the Special Investigation and Prosecution Team (SIPT) trial which is still ongoing amidst “credible death threats”.
Quite right and my original comment about the BA flights was wrong. But how did he satisfy this condition when passing through CBP in Miami, ‘Does this traveller have a physical or mental affliction which could pose a threat to their environment.’ He’s admitted that he does, his status as an MLA doesn’t give him immunity from the entry requirements so what did he tell them? I’m not making any assumptions here but lying to CBP is a Federal offence.
They don’t allow foreign criminals either. Oh, wait, someone would have to prosecute him first…
Not Wednesday yet.
at 4.23 There is a reason you’re a ‘former” pilot.
Getting him out of the country already????…. (kidding mostly)
In all seriousness this is actually a rare BDE (look it up boomers) move that Alden is making
Summoning his little lapdog across the Atlantic to inevitably end up issuing some mealy mouthed “accidents happen… who am I to judge… this won’t happen again” joint release
Still rather amusing
I didn’t have to look it up.. I know it means Big Dumb Esshole.
Ok, I hope on his own expense, I have money on it Not!
So Big Mac will get the below
business class $3,500 minimum
Conrad Hotel (5 star) $800 per night
Driver (yes the Premier has a personal driver on call 24 hrs) Big Mac will have use
Breakfast, lunch dinner $400per day
Alcohol of course $300 per day
Big Mac is there for 4days, they could have just had a Skype call or the deputy Premier could have addressed the issue!
I am not surprised that we haven’t heard from any of the Premiers minions as they don’t have any b@lls to speak for themselves.
The real unfortunate thing is come the election we would have forgotten about this and they’ll be voted in again!
I also hope the other partners in the bar with Big Mac and son get rid of them ASAP!
And what other MLA’s are over there that we are paying the bill for? Haven’t heard a peep.
And Barbara.
You forgot the casino bill
London…with continuing service to a non-extradition country.
We can only hope – anonymous at 4:16
I hear they have great casinos in Kabul.
Maybe, but the RPGs hitting the hotel walls in the night are a real bummer!
No not Kabul, but Monaco’s casinos are wonderful.
Good Lord. He should be under arrest, without any of his passports!!! He is a central suspect/person of interest in a criminal matter!
Once again Caymanian entitlement at work.
Political entitlement I assure most Caymanians would not receive this treatment
Why are the police allowing an accused criminal to leave the jurisdiction? Why are we spending money on his flights and hotel?
Ummm, the law does not apply to him. He still has not been arrested. He still has his passports. He is still free to travel at our expense. He is still forever honorable.
Governor? Seriously? This is blatant bullshit!
Forever Honorable?? Makes me want to spit!
4.08pm Obviously you are biased against Mr Bush or maybe Caymanians since you don’t mention the number of foreign criminals allowed to leave Cayman who never came back. Remember the lady who stole from the Pines ? Or the Canadian gentleman accused of stealing from Calico Jacks or the former manager at Kirks Supermarket? Just keeping it balanced.
I am biased against all criminals and against all corruption and against all appearances of ineptitude across the civil service and against all of my fellow Caymanians who refuse to look in the mirror from time to time, acknowledge when something is wrong, and who do not fight for Cayman to meet its potential.
Back of a cargo plane I hope
Time for McKeexit….
Someone had better warn the flight attendants.

The captain should not allow him on board.
Wonder if he is a bush pilot.
“We apologise for the inconvenience passengers but in order to keep our ‘distinguished guest’ from acting the fool and assaulting someone, alcohol will not be served on this flight”
They can keep him! We dont want him back. Nasty piece of work.
They can keep the Premier too , wouldn’t offer a British crown for the both of them.
No. The people of West Bay want him to lead them. He is a God in West By and don’t ever forget that fact.
Amazing what people will do for a fridge