Constitutional changes a ‘power grab’

The Constitutional Critic writes: This entire package is just an attempt to prop up governments in future because the PPM knows they will have a hard time forming majority governments; they essentially only win in George Town and the Sister Islands.
Let me break this down for you: The entire idea of parliamentary secretaries is just a legal way for the government to allocate higher salaries to members of their backbenches, which in turn gives those backbenchers an incentive to support the government of the day.
If they vote against the government they lose their extra pay. (Think about it this way, would you fire your boss if you had the chance if it meant that you lost your job as well?)
At the moment each of the councillors receives an additional $2,000 per month on top of their regular salary of $109,000 annually.
These councillor positions exist to incentivize backbenchers to support the government, that is their entire purpose.
The creation of an eighth minister will simply serve to push the principle of collective responsibility onto one more person, making it nearly impossible for any government to lose a vote of no confidence.
There are 19 members of the LA. One is usually made speaker and only has a casting vote, leaving 18 traditional voting members. A government can technically survive with nine MLAs, assuming the speaker remains on side when needed. That means a future government could consist of eight ministers, one parliamentary secretary and a friendly speaker, all of whom have financial incentives to support the government to keep their larger salaries.
This is going to be the Cayman Island’s version of the Fixed Terms Parliament Act, passed for the sole purpose of propping up weak governments with slim majorities so that parties don’t have to bother winning majorities; they just need to hold a good chunk of seats to maintain their hold on power and hand out ministries and parliamentary secretary positions to keep MLAs in line with extra pay or financial incentive.
There is no reason for an eigth minister in a country smaller than most cities or towns. There is no justification to allow the government to essentially pay MLAs to support their government by giving them these positions.
This is a power grab by the PPM and CDP, both of whom are worried they will be unable to elect majority governments in future, based on the 2017 election results.
This comment was posted in response to: Constitution change ‘falls short’ on key issue
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Kenneth can you please add these questions to your ballot. Do we want or need another minister? Do we want or need the current ministers?
If we truly want corruption-free leadership then we will have to remove the lodge men who sit in every top seat in Cayman’s public sector. A bunch of “brothers” taking care of each others interests.
I dare the politicians to put the question as to whether Caymanians support these changes to a referendum. Could even be done on the same day as the Port. Obviously they would still require the same standard of 50% + 1 of all eligible voters, for it to be approved (HAHAHA).
And… the new “Ministry of Trade yadda, yadda” is just so that Government can get further in bed with China since we are holding camel-loads of their money and business here.
The whole move from “under mother England’s hand” is to get away with further relations with China. After the UK shut down the China Harbour deal years ago, our Gov has had their panties in a twist with the UK’s powers.
The UK saved our arses on that deal; as China is already using their other sponsored ports as military bases… Cayman is a perfect location to dock up closer to the USA. But I am sure this is all too far-fetched for people these days to grasp…
Our ENTIRE constitution is a power-grab for the Government since the day it was incepted. Read it, the only way to get a dirty Government out is wait 4 years or find evidence that they are in some company as a controller… the constitution is simply job security for every MLA despite it having larger human rights protection for the populace it also wreaks of dictatorship.
I agree, Drain the Swamp, but who are we going to put in the House in their place? The calibre of people running to be MLAs in Cayman is depressingly poor, often consisting of people who are virtually unemployable elsewhere. There are plenty of inarticulate, semi literate wannabe politicians out there even worse than Dwayne Seymour and when bright Caymanians like Wayne Panton and the lawyer woman from Maples run they get nowhere.
This constitutional change is the first step towards independence – like it or not!
This is a terrible idea. Even were it not, how many millions is this going to cost in yet more civil service unfunded pension and salary liabilities?
The UK has some 630 MPs for a population of about 60 million. That’s about one MP per 90,000 people.
Here in Cayman we have 19 MLAs for a population of about 60,000 including about 30 000 non-voting ex-pats.
Using the same proportion as the UK we would have less than one MLA for the whole country.
Realistically there should be one for West Bay, one for George Town and one for Bodden Town, Eastern districts and the sister islands.
19 is way too many for a tiny country like ours.
Regardless of the number of members (and I readily agree too many), it’s the quality that is the problem. Business (in the truest meaning of that word) is agreed, signed in private Cabinet caucus with no public minutes. The LA is just the official venue where their private agreed plans are rubber stamped. The opposition are not allowed/required to shadow the governing Ministers, debate, or necessarily required to attend sessions. What is the point? Our LA is a sham, as is the electoral requirement for party affiliation, where the entrenched corrupt will always unite again and again in their own self-advancement, while providing an immune dreamworld of non-disclosure and non-prosecution. Voters need to drive big decisions in governance and procedure change well-in-advance of next election. Criticize as we may, where is that first voter to start the necessary paperwork and lobbying to get where many express they’d like to be? Bluntly, everyone is scared to be that person, because they know the depth of associations and retribution capabilities of this regime. Tire slashing, with no “normal” official condemnation, is the tip of the iceberg.
Westminster democracy doesn’t work that way. There have to be enough members for votes to have any substance. We can’t pass laws affecting all of us with two people out of three – all they have to do is make corrupt promises to each other and we are all held hostage. More representatives is the answer, not fewer.
What do you think about more humans, and less leeches?
Somehow all of you and CNS missed the relevant points- these changes provides important safeguards for Cayman AND were approved by the UK Government. Get over your hate for everything this Government does. These are good for Cayman – Period.
What safeguards will these amendments provide pray tell?
I hope for your sake you are not referring to the section that says the UK will consult with the elected government on any changes involving Cayman. That changes absolutely nothing, consultation can be interpreted in many ways, it will likely be a single letter or notification by the FCO to the Cabinet. The UK is not obligated to accept any concerns or withdraw proposed changes they simply have to let the Government say their piece.
That changes nothing
Or maybe you are referring to the powers reserved to the Governor being removed, to my knowledge the power to write legislation that has rarely if ever been used and would not likely be used.
Either way these changes mean nothing, at any point the UK can amend our constitution unilaterally or suspend the constitution order, they can instruct the Governor to dissolve or prorogue the LA, they can draft an order in council like they did in 2001.
The idea that we are somehow now protected from interference is ridiculous
We decided to stay under the UK and now somehow are outraged that we must follow their instructions?
Until we opt for independence the idea that we will ever be free from UK interference is farcical
The problem with people like you who are completely devoid of any ability to utilize critical or independent thought in politics is you will go around claiming to know more than people or know things better than people while making a complete fool of yourself
If Alden Mclaughlin showed up at your house with gasoline and matches and said he was only burning down your property for your benefit, you would probably be singing his praises. Because you don’t actually use your brain for anything other than a mass to keep your head from ringing hollow.
Just because a politician says something is “good for Cayman” doesn’t automatically mean it is
Just because the PPM ran saying “For love of country” doesn’t mean they actually have our best interests in mind
If you want to mindlessly swallow whatever garbage this administration puts out, maybe you should get into contact with their party, I hear yes men are in high demand in the PPM
Constitutional Critic I see you are positing divisive theories with no substance behind them. Yes you are divisive and a coward. Why don’t you post your real name if you truly believe what you are saying. It is every mans right to control his own destiny so it is for a body of people. Why in the world should these Islands not progress.. Be a man and stand up stand out. If you truly dislike this government and you have the ability to lead people and you truly believe you can effect change then don’t hide behind a rock and most importantly Don’t preach divisiveness but rather educate, your people who are not stupid. Your diatribe May sound nice to you and a few others but really who does it really convince , certainly not the majority of nay sayers on this site who are constantly berating and narey a sensible argument nor a plausible solution they provide.
The Cayman Islands need true coalescence, with men and women leaders who are not only patriots , but, who are educated, who have had experience in running businesses, who are honest and productive and most importantly who truly love this country and can plan and create and implement a vision of quality living for all , and a prosperous and harmonious society. Dissent will not achieve these attainable goals.
Here is to a brighter future for the Cayman Islands
They continue to offend daily. No care for having the goodwill of the public. The DLP government found out in Barbados that day does run till night catch it. Lost every seat due to their arrogance. Beware sirs.
Jamaica has a population of 3 million people and can manage with 15 Ministers with a handful of Junior Ministers but here in Cayman we have a population of just over 65,000 and need 8 Ministers PLUS Parliamentary Secretaries?
Are their ministers working that much harder than our own? Is our government or civil service that much larger than theirs?
Or as usual is this just a change being sought for the preservation of power in the hands of a select few?
Where do we sign the FCO petition
FCO – please step in. This does not seem to have the support of the majority of people. At least suspend any change until the views of the public can be determined. This government does not represent us!
Alden and Mac at play again knowing they are going to have even more serious problems come 2021..
They still have Tara, John John, and Austin who are nicely paid for loyalty..and we all know they will be lock step with the PPM/CDP coalition..
Money is the name of the game and folks the only way to get rid of this sanctioned corruptness is to get rid of of the entire bunch in the next election…
Politics in Cayman used to be about service to country and many of the statesmen of yesteryear must be rolling in their graves to see how today’s politicians have made the government into their own income making business and politically propped themselves up to ensure they have a lifetime career and pension plan when they are done..
I am so ashamed of these men and women that we have voted for, expected better and got worse. It’s time for a tide change Cayman, we cannot as a people continue be sold to the highest bidder and robbed blind. We deserve better and we are better than that…
You hit the nail on the head. It is exactly what the parties are doing, setting up the system to make lifetime careers based on holding the seats they already occupy, not actually reaching out to voters who do not already support them. They went to the UK claiming these talks were about respecting our local autonomy and ensuring that we have a say in changes that involve us, and got absolutely nowhere in that regard, but what they had the time to make sure they secured was another minister, new titles, and a new permanent pay increase for their backbenches.
This is quite clearly a government that is utilizing resources allocated to them to ensure that their own careers are prolonged while trying to disparage any other potential politicians. They are already in election mode just look at the amount of time these MLAs spend going after people for being “political hopefuls” and people “just trying to get into the LA” in the middle of their terms is telling. You’d think sitting MLAs would have a bit more on their plates than being concerned with keeping track of anyone and everyone saying anything remotely political in the public square but our ‘representatives’ are nothing if not spiteful and vindictive.
The only system of government they are interested in is one where their names are on the backs of the chairs they sit in with no serious electoral challenges possible.
The CDP only wins in West Bay
and the PPM only wins in GT and the sister Islands even combined with the CDP those seats are barely enough to form a government
They cant win with the single member constituencies in the way that they used to sweep the larger multi member constituencies by getting their supporters to vote for multiple of their members on one ballot, allowing them to exploit limited support to elect multiple candidates.
Knowing that they don’t need to win a majority to form a government as 2017 proved, they will make backroom promises to Independents who will jump at the opportunity to have their 4 years behind the wheel. All they need are 7-8 members and they get into government without actually winning an election. Then they can hold the coalition together with the larger cabinet and increased pay. The results of 2017 mean that in future the PPM is probably going to limit the number of people they run, and focus on areas they feel they can win rather than going after places in Bodden Town and the Eastern Districts
And I am sure the loss of three sitting ministers in the last election still haunts Alden, he might act as if it was no big deal but losing almost half of your cabinet in one night while claiming your party was facing no real opposition in the election brought him down a peg or two even if he won’t admit it.
Alden also remembers what it was like governing with a one member majority after Alva Suckoo, Anthony Eden and Winston Connolly left prior to the last election these changes are also about making sure he is never in that situation again.
It is pretty disheartening that the opposition sat back and let these changes go through calling them minor. They are altering the balance of our legislature and setting up a system with an essentially infallible government framework for the government that only exists to provide a title and resources for candidates to use in the next election.
The Opposition letting these changes through will not actually gaining any tangible benefits of their own will be something they end up regretting in hindsight I think
Well said.
“ today’s politicians have made the government into their own income making business and politically propped themselves up to ensure they have a lifetime career and pension plan when they are done”
ONLY in Cayman
50%+1 Registered Voters can and should petition Lord Ahmed/FCO to remind/awaken them that the people of the Cayman Islands didn’t vote for the Unity Regime, that they seized the government through the backdoor, stabbing their way back to the levers, and that the only reason we tolerated that action, was the hope that we’d at least have a UK Governor attending LA willing to use their veto powers to defend our civil and human rights and the idea of good governance. Unless we urgently raise our hands, the FCO is hands-off from here on out! I’m sure they are unaware that SIPL wasn’t even enacted properly!
The author understands the games being played. How could such significant constitutional changes be made negotiated and passed in the LA without public consultation? The MLA’s are clearly working for themselves not their constituents. Time vote them all out in 2021 just like Barbados did to their government last year.
Time to drain the Cayman Swamp.
The Cayman Islands uniquely suffers from the meddling and contamination of a persistent 1640’s faux-morality undercurrent, when the defense our government’s fiefdom-ruling authoritarian style, non-disclosure, religious, and sexuality stances were more contemporaneous. These minority brainwashed are connected and disproportionately served by each successive regime, in the name of cultural preservation. Not only unapologetic, these minorities are proud of their projection of a Pirate-era ethos. The only way to fix that is to statistically demonstrate how few those are of the whole.