Miller launches People’s Party

| 06/11/2019 | 91 Comments
  • Cayman News Service
  • Cayman News Service

(CNS): After six months of groundwork, North Side MLA Ezzard Miller has launched a new political party, which will embody his own long-held support of direct participatory democracy. Miller, who is the interim leader of the Cayman Islands People’s Party, said it has been registered with the Elections Office, paving the way for the recruitment of formal members and the creation of the district and general committees that will be intrinsic to the party’s ethos.

Speaking at a press conference to launch the political group, Miller said it would be very different from the political teams and parties that have gone before, He said he hopes to inspire people towards really influencing both policy-making and political representation.

At the launch of the party, the CIPP’s constitution was made public. This outlines the party’s structure, operations and rules, and depicts an organisation where the members, and not the leadership, retain control of the party. Miller said the group has plans to register as a non-profit organisation, which will make it even more transparent and accountable.

Aiming to break the mould of how parties have been formed and function in Cayman, Miller said the lack of accountability in the current system of politics has played a key role in the growing disparity in wealth, health and life chances for the average person. But to create accountability, Miller said politics needs to be a two-way street.

“The Constitution of the People’s Party is structured to achieve this basic dynamic, so that every member — at all levels — becomes an integral partner in the process of governance,” he said, as he explained the detailed structure that he wants to create with the CIPP.

Starting at the constituency level, with a grassroots membership up to a general council made up of representatives from those district committees, Miller said it will be the members that shape policy, select candidates and then monitor their representatives when elected.

“The party will rest on a foundation of small neighbourhood groups that will share information across communities and upwards to electoral district committees. The electoral district committees will, in turn, be represented in a national steering committee that will ensure that the people’s needs are understood and actioned. In the same way, information will travel down to and across communities and neighbourhoods,” Miller explained.

He said it was about “Empowering the People”, the party’s slogan, allowing them to participate in a meaningful way to ensure a truly democratic, free and just society.

Inspired to create the movement because of the concerns electors have that the people they elect disappear and stop listening to their concerns once in office and only return four years later for the few months before an election. Miller said the People’s Party will offer an opportunity for people to be directly involved in selecting candidates for their districts, giving input on policy and speaking directly to them and offering feedback all year round.

The political veteran said that the people he has been working with to create CIPP come from all walks of life and span every generation, from new voters to those who have long been retired. He said these individuals would now be able to officially join and start shaping the party and electing committees, all in preparation to select a slate of candidates to fight every seat on an agreed raft of policies in the 2021 General Election.

Formerly an advocate for independent representation, Miller said he had been put off party politics in the past by the dominance of leaders and personality politics. And despite believing that, since walking away from his last party connections, he has served his constituency well as an independent, the time has come for a more collective effort from the people, Miller said. However he made it clear it was essential to ensure that the People’s Party remains just that.

But he also denied that the party was about populist demands. Miller said the extensive participation he envisages from the grassroots to the party leadership would provide a platform for sensible and thoughtful policies, not just ideas coming from the loudest voices.

Miller was joined by other CIPP interim officers: Executive Secretary Gilbert Connolly, Chairman Donovan Ebanks and Treasurer Levon Bodden, who will be helping him with the administrative side of fulfilling the party constitution and rolling out a new kind of politics ahead of the next election.

Ebanks said he was happy to be involved in the new initiative as it gets off the ground, noting that he had the highest regard for Miller’s integrity, openness, transparency and the work he puts into being a representative.

“Hopefully, the CIPP can provide a means for others of similar commitment to come together and contribute to the improvement of the governance of these islands,” he added.

With the legal registration of the party now complete, the CIPP’s founding group is now inviting people to join them in the continued establishment of the party.

For more information email

See the party constitution in the CNS Library

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Comments (91)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Look at the picture really good and think would you want these people leading you? I like Ezzard and he has much to offer but his credibility just took a dive with his treasurer in particular who is always complaining about not getting enough handout, his entitlements and mental health status. Also, his chairman could barely lead the government much less aid in policies for country. Ahh boy… Caymanians wake up and nominate quality people to lead our people!

    • Anonymous says:

      The candidate “pool” is a murky puddle with no depth, breadth, and very light on honour code. That’s why the participant list looks the way it is, with the same career degenerates cycling over and over. Few want to rub shoulders with this crowd until SIPL is enacted. We also need to eliminate the artificially restrictive grandparent component to eligibility and ease up on second birth passports. 7 year unbroken domicile requirement is fine the way it is. These changes would broaden the pool and allow more responsible people to consider a term in PUBLIC SERVICE, rather than the career authoritarian/theocratic dictation.

      • Anonymous says:

        To 10.45am Enough of the ” Foreign is better” crap. Look at UK and US leadership right now and then stop telling us that expats are better. If you want to influence elections in elections in your home country; don’t come here and expect to be put in power as soon as you step off the plane.

        • Anonymous says:

          Mr. 6:14 pm: . I believe CNS observes freedom of the press and freedom of speech so I am going to say that your drivel concerning other countries and their voting process shows little intelligence. My advice to you is, “Grow up”!

          P.S. I am Caymanian.

    • Anonymous says:

      I too like Ezzard. I would however like to think that this is not a new anti foreigner pro Independence Party .

  2. Anonymous says:

    West Bay candidates, yes! Ray Farrington or Mario Ebanks, definitely NOT!

  3. Anonymous says:

    More retirees lookin ‘ fa money! Out with the old and bring in the youth of Cayman.

    Time for a change.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get organized then. Less talk, more rock.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      Yes but where are they? Can they stand up please and say who they are. I am all for youth but they do not seem interested.

      • Anonymous says:

        They are not interested because the old geezers in both parties have discouraged our youth from getting into politics.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wish the youth in Cayman would launch a Green Party. People’s Party, what a joke.

    • Anonymous says:

      Time for the old boys and girls to get off the financial gravy train and let the young people take over.

      • Anonymous says:

        No problem with the youth becoming responsible but what in the hell do you mean by “take over”?

        Please none of that, instead, form a political alliance, put forward candidates, and win at the polls.

        It’s that simple really…

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop sowing division based on age.Change for change sake is never good. Just look at the mess UK and the US are in because they went for change for change sake.Young or old whoever best represents your views.

  4. Anonymous says:

    All i want to know is who stole all that money from the North Side Pirates Week Committe???

    Can you imagine North Side is not part of Pirates Week this year on the account of a thief??

  5. Anonymous says:

    Ezzard, please find some good candidates in West Bay quick!!

  6. Jeremy Corbin says:

    There are sections of Ezzard’s Party constitution that appear to have been lifted from the constitution of the U.K. Labour Party.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’d be good! Cayman could then finally have politicians who represent the interests of working Caymanians and not throw them under the bus to those billion-dollar cruise ship industries, and finally have a strong backbone against DART!

    • Anonymous says:

      Well, you’d know. Now go back to sleep.

  7. Anonymous says:

    This Unity government behaves like a Cuban-affiliate office. I don’t think any of us voted for what we are witnessing, and that makes Miller look good by lonely default.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Well, it would seem, unlike current theocrats, who behave like they were born with divine genius, Miller is open to pro-participatory democracy and district soundings. He doesn’t pretend to have all the answers and wants feedback. He is pro-transparency, and one of the more procedurally astute. He seems willing to enact SIPL. He has had a front row seat and endured years of what we all have witnessed that is wrong, and fixable. That’s not all bad.

  9. Anonymous says:

    scary….cayman is better off with backward miller as an isolated independent….

  10. Anonymous says:

    People’s Party Manifesto:

    – Class Warfare
    – Caymanian vs Expat Warfare
    – Raise the minimum wage at every opportunity
    – Employee vs Employer warfare
    – Implementation of direct taxes of specific these groups based on division
    – “Free” healthcare based on division (Payer vs recipient/takers)
    – “Free” education based on division (Payer vs recipient/takers)
    – Emulate all failed policies from overseas
    – Spend copious amounts of time talking on talk shows in self aggrandizing ways

  11. Anonymous says:

    politicins should not be allowed to serve more than two terms as is office of premier!!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    So far it is a one man Party.
    Let’s hear the pick for the Districts. Obviously if you started a Party
    (The irony of one man one vote), is also an indication that you have Party members.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I hope this lives up to its ideals. I’m tired of seeing Cayman’s future dictated by people who will not be around to see it and a party that claims to want to put more power to move the country forward in the hands of the generation that actually has to live in it has my vote.

    • Anonymous says:

      Millar doesn’t want third world. Most of the voters can not live and survive in anything but third world. What will he give them to get their vote I wonder?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Yawn. Fix the damn dump Ezzard.

    • Anonymous says:

      They do not have the faintest idea on how to do that. Why do you still think they can? They can not even figure out how to keep the garbage trucks running.

      • Anonymous says:

        Correction: They don’t have the faintest idea on how to do that without upsetting some element of the voting public. If the dump weren’t a political hot potato, they would have come up with an economic solution a long time ago. If any minister should be fighting to get this resolved, it’s Joey, who lives in the same flippin’ district as the dump.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Raise the status grant period to 25 years on island.

    • Anonymous says:

      And make born status revocable if you can’t pass an IQ test! See you in Panama my friend.

    • Anonymous says:

      Seeing as Cabinet grants have been abused as the currency of corrupt favor, just delete that avenue altogether, or cap at an inconsequential number per term. There is a (finally restored) legal path to citizenship that everyone can use.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cabinet grants were almost 16 years ago and only a handful have happened since. Although some of the people who got Cabinet status should not have, most had been here the requisite 15 years (or more) and had been caught in the moratorium that was deemed illegal in the courts. Basic Human Rights conventions say you simply can’t allow people to live and work here indefinitely with a path to citizenship. As long a Cayman is a UK overseas territory, it will have to accept that. If you want to go independent and go rogue on human rights, you’d better dust off the fishing rod because the gravy train will pull out of the station and we’ll be living off the land and sea again!

  16. Anonymous says:

    How many have read this (below) comment? Let alone understood it to comment? “The competence of our governance will NEVER improve with the lowest bar of the current status quo.”

    Anonymous says:
    04/11/2019 at 2:46 pm
    With 75% of Cayman Islands GDP derived from a back bending, hoop-jumping Financial Sector, under a never-ending global compliance magnifying glass, those voters (you would think) should have a vested interest in improving the real and perceived governance problems of the Cayman Islands. It’s become obvious that this regime has no self-interest in applying rudimentary PCAMLCTF and conflict compliance to itself, delivering required transparency/performance, or, it seems, amending past lies to the truth.

    1. Nobody is currently lobbying to change the eligibility requirements in the Constitution, spec. §61(1) e&f, to expand the puddle of candidates we cycle through.

    2. Nobody is (really) compelling the enactment of Standards in Public Life Law, required under §117, louder than a whisper.

    The competence of our governance will NEVER improve with the lowest bar of the current status quo.

    Despite half-hearted periodic mentions of SIPL, the LA appears to be very comfortable with how things are/have been, and will oppose, reject, and squirm, to avoid being called out in hopes for their continued enjoyment of protocol/airport/airline/radio show perks and hopefully some future turn at the enrichment through.

    The voters, therefore, need to be the drivers of any change. It needs to happen with sufficient lead-time before an election for those candidates of good character to become open to the idea of working with anyone who wasn’t arrested or forced into an unscheduled early retirement.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wrote the original comment. Though I don’t always align with him, of all the LA members in recent time, Ezzard does tend to show up, having read the homework material, and he arrives prepared with reasonable questions. He seems to be one of the few that would stomach the very minimal watered-down requirements of SIPL and endure. I might even throw-in and vote for his party if they are the only morally-viable choice. Experience is great, but not (as we’ve witnessed) a requirement. Performance standards are so low that any new players, willing to try to incorporate a shadow opposition and restore LA debate from private Caucus, are certainly welcome.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Wolf in sheep’s clothing

  18. Hey says:

    Power is in the People. Instead of assuming the worst of this initiative try assuming the best and back that with action by reading the plans, attending meetings or joining. Power is in the People but our disunion weakens our strength as a Country. Get involved if you want your voice heard especially to the youth. Attend public meetings and rip em up, you can say whatever you want and it terrifies them! Rise up Cayman. Rise up!

  19. Anonymous says:

    oh God no

  20. Anonymous says:

    Would Mr. Miller be so kind as to inform us of his position on the forced exile of our homegrown homosexuals? This will determine our vote.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m afraid your comment hits a little too close to home.

    • Anonymous says:

      I believe he was in favor of civil unions as of the last time this was raised. I’m not sure if he’s evolved his position since then but its better than the outright hostility and hatred the rest of the MLA’s have shown.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Start with not using bottled water

  22. Anonymous says:

    Waiter Voice: “Miller, Party of One!”

  23. Anonymous says:

    Need some further clarification from Ezzard when he says that he wants to get away from party politriks yet paragraph 3 in the intro of the constitution for this new party states that it’s been created as an alternative party to deal with the politriks……?

  24. SSM345 says:

    So whens the first public meeting and where?

  25. Anonymous says:

    I am done with this current lot in the Govt. Ezzard, you have my vote. Change will never come if we don’t take the first step.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Honestly any one and any party besides the current incumbents. If other people want to jump in, go for it.

    • Anonymous says:

      The same thinking that got us into this mess won’t get us out of it. The UDP and PPM have been in power for 20 years it is time for them to be swept out office.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s exactly what the person is saying

      • Anonymous says:

        We need SIPL enacted to criminalize standard operating procedure, and career-corrupted will naturally scatter and retire to sidelines like kitchen roaches when the lights come on.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t think the “anti-expat, let’s take Cayman to independence party” is the solution.

  27. Anonymous says:

    I’d prefer a colonic irrigation to be quite honest.

  28. Anonymous says:

    From the very first time ezzard was elected in North side he has been a advocate for the country going into independents.

    If we allow him to get power we are doomed he has failed at everything.
    1. Independents
    2. Taxes

  29. Anonymous says:

    For now, my only remark is; I love the timing of this announcement.

    Well played, Mr. Miller.

    – Whodatis

  30. Another Disregarded Young Caymanian says:

    And will this just be another right wing party dominated by old men and Cayman’s past or are you lot actually going to acknowledge and focus on people under the age of 40 (aka the majority of Caymaninas, and not just the elderly people who have nothing better to do that call into talk shows all day)
    Because if you all plan on fighting the PPM and CDP for the same share of the electorate
    all I have to say to you is good luck because you won’t last long
    Any successful new party in Cayman won’t be formed doing the same old same old and trying to win the same 45+ year old vote that most politicians depend on
    Having a party that is not run from the top down is a good start, but it will only get you so far
    Anyone who wins the hearts and minds of voters between the ages of 20-40 will have a solid base for elections, and will be able to implement great policies for Cayman’s future instead of desperately clinging to Cayman’s long gone past

    • Anonymous says:

      Read 7:26am comment

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree, I for one am tired of having our futures decided in favor of people who will not be around to see it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Politicians love to say things like “who are we really developing for?” and then turn around and refuse to pay any serious attention to the concerns of Caymanians below the age of 45, the only exception to this trend is education, in every other policy area its as if we don’t exist.
      This may be harsh to some but I say it as I see it, politicians here love pandering to the idea that they are selfless and they care about the future of this nation yet their entire existences seem dedicated to upholding rigid structures and traditions of the past They’ll do things like set up an older persons council in a country where older people already have disproportionate hold on political power, while having no concern for our young people who are the ones who are struggling most, the ones who feel they have no future here, the ones who are most likely to leave to another region to fight for a better life

      Until we have a class of politician that are willing to occasionally say no to the older voters and take the younger Caymanians seriously things wont get better for us.
      Those older Caymanians had decades of leading this country, some of them did well, some of them laid the foundations for our current success, but at some point we have to start looking forward at new leadership, at new ideas and new successes to push Cayman towards

      The current LA has what? One person below the age of 45 (I stand to be corrected but I am almost certain that i am not mistaken)
      There are on the current register of electors 7,045 registered voters who are 45 or younger. That means that significantly more than half of all registered voters above the age of 45, and yet still we seem to act as if they struggle to have their input or they are a minority, with policies like an older persons council. If this were really about representing people then the district advisory councils would be put into place (and likely dominated by older persons just like every other facet of political life on these islands) This is about pandering plain and simple
      Out of those 7000+ people there is one person represents the entirety of multiple generations, one person has new perspectives, or experience with what life is like in the Cayman that was created for him without his say

      That is a serious issue, we have the same stale ideas from generations past propagating from the same candidates who run in election after election being cycled in and out like faulty lightbulbs

      Too many politicians are too scared to actually make a brighter future for us the 7000+ Caymanians who aren’t represented currently, who will inherit the consequences of policies being created in our name with no input. We have too many MLAs trying to chase the approval of people who have had their say and had their time to implement policies and govern, who have had their turn at the helm and now refuse to give us our opportunity.

      Its a simple choice, actually include younger Caymanians or admit you have no concern for them, state it publicly, show us that we are not your priority and stop invoking us and our futures to defend or justify the plans you have been trying to implement for decades while acting as if it is for us or new proposals the modern era.
      We are an afterthought in these islands and it shows

  31. Anonymous says:

    Caysanity: electing the same people over and over while expecting different results.

    Hell no.

    • Anonymous says:

      So what’s the alternative? CPP/UDP have been in power for two decades. It’s time to change that.

  32. Anonymous says:

    good luck. Heard it all before. Even the name is similar

  33. Anonymous says:

    Eh, no.

  34. Anonymous says:

    I don’t like Ezzard (politically) but someone has to break the stranglehold the current powers that be have on Government.

    I’m doing well: financially, health wise, family life; but lots of Caymanians are struggling to keep up. The current Govmt doesn’t seem to give a rip and their arrogance is galling to me.

    I have friends from all the various political groups. My stance is nothing personal. I just don’t see the current political power players doing one damn thing to help the average Caymanian.

    • Anonymous says:

      Could not have said it better..XXXX There is a new generation breaking out and they are not going to allow this type of governing…The dumbing down education-wise of the population must stop. We also need our students to come home and find jobs and we need all those that had to move to the UK because of the high cost of living to come back home and be able to afford to live in their own homes..

      • Anonymous says:

        They moved to the UK because they got Status and was able to apply for British Passport and heard about all the benefits of the welfare system.

        We do not just need to promote the idea that Caymanians have to find a Job. But should also promote the ideas that would encourage them to be an Employer.

        This generation you speak of is more concerned about hurt feelings and being politically correct.

        Before Mr. Miller could get his Party of the ground he would already been in a few coups by the same persons fooling him that they are loyal. Wait for it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Have you read 04/11/2019 at 2:46 pm comment on “Gov’t warned EIA needed for road extension”??? THIS COMMENT IS THE COMMENT OF THE YEAR!

      If you read and understand it, you will find who that “someone” could be.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you think Ezzard is the answer(to anything) then you are part of the problem.


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