WORC gears up for job portal launch
![Cayman News Service](https://i0.wp.com/caymannewsservice.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/jobs.png?resize=250%2C188&ssl=1)
(CNS): Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC) has said it will soon be launching the portal JobsCayman, the first step in an entirely online national work placement system, which will allow registered users to access vacancies posted by registered employers. Officials said the aim is to offer a better system for Caymanians looking for work. It will ensure that, for the first time, every vacancy where the employer is seeking a work permit will be advertised and scrutinised in one place.
Officials hope the new online system will not only cut out the cumbersome paperwork and bureaucracy long associated with the process of work permit applications but will offer real-time access for local job-seekers to the work available as well as the status of their application.
Registered employers with listed jobs will receive email notifications when an applicant has applied for a job, and registered job-seekers can receive feedback if they were unsuccessful for job they applied for, officials explained, adding that the site will live in a mater of weeks.
Officials are encouraging both job-seekers and employers to take the first step of signing up for a government account, which will give access to JobsCayman when it goes live.
Once the job portal opens, Caymanians who register as job-seekers will have the opportunity to search all the jobs posted online. The system can also generate a basic resume template using the information inputted by job-seekers, which can be used when applying for all jobs. Once registered on the system and verified, there will be no more paperwork.
However, the system requires job seekers to have online access, so government is planning to partner with libraries and to host a series of public meetings to help people register.
Job-seekers will also be able to go to the WORC office and register using available kiosks in the Customer Care Centre, where there will be staff on hand to help them through the process.
Employers will also need to register to post job adverts. When a job ad is created, a customer care officer will approve it using criteria specified by WORC. Once approved, the employer will be notified and the ad will be live on the system and can be viewed by the public.
Officials stated that Phase 1 of JobsCayman will be launching in the coming weeks. Phase 2, the online work permit application process, and then Phase 3, the Cayman Status and Permanent Residency application process, will both go live in the last quarter of this year.
See press release from WORC with details of how the process works in the CNS Library.
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Category: Jobs, Local News
You think they will be able to deal with this? They can’t even update the immigration website with the correct operation hours or even change phone numbers of people who have been long gone!
Its about T I M E!
*Maybe Caymanians can finally get a chance*
My Questions:
*Why are permits being granted to individuals whom posses no degree?
*Why do some companies offer Housing, Transportation, Food and even Children Intuition Fees to people whom they hire on work permit but do not see it unfit to offer a Caymanian who have qualifications and experience a decent salary?
*Why do we have a system that permits an individual to enter into out island without having to do any health screening?
*Why aren’t there regular and random drug screening required for individuals whom require permits?
Will Caymanians who has already registered with National Work Development Agency have to re register again with WORC ?
Thank you CNS.
CNS: I’ve forwarded the question to Auntie.
All of this cost and effort just to get the private sector to obey the Immigration law.
No, all this cost and effort to cover up for the fact that the Cayman Islands Government has failed to enforce the immigration law, and now wants to pretend that it is going to, without actually doing so.
WORC’s efforts should definitely reduce Caymanian unemployment after taking on all the additional staff that will be needed to run this new system.
Maybe they could work on keeping the main government website up and running while they are at it
Constantly down
Only problem is everyone should be able to see it. Why not? There are good people who might try for a new job but are afraid they will get fired.
What a joke. Will all businesses be forced to register? Why would they register if not enforced to, such as the restaurant conglomerate taking over EE who never hires Caymanians.
They will if they need a work permit employee.
The press release does not describe the correct legal test for determining who is Caymanian, so prospects of this actually helping Caymanians are not that good.
Great idea Sharon!
Not sure if this is her idea but she surely is a passionate and dedicated leader
Great idea, but is it Sharon’s?
Not a great idea, and not Sharon’s.
Smoke and mirrors. This will not prevent abuses. How is a Caymanian seeking promotion where they are already employed supposed to be able to advance without getting their ass fired under this system?
Sounds like this new system will promote transparency. Surely this will help.
No, it will force confrontation. The business will proceed to do what it wants, the Caymanian will hit a glass ceiling or be fired.
Ah, forcing confrontation. As opposed to simply ignoring the issue. What do you suggest instead? That WORC uses their psychic powers to decide if there have been Caymanians disadvantaged? I guess you want either an an anonymous hotline for people to tip off WORC or make allegations (but that didnt work with the old system) or for WORC to demand to see all of the employers personnel files and make its own determination as to who should be promoted?
No, the old system would have worked fine. All that had to be done was for staff to be provided to operate it, and for those staff to be free from political interference. There are countless examples of proven failure to disclose Caymanian applicants, and countless examples of no action being taken by the authorities.
Caymanians who are considered “under employed” can search for jobs anonymously.
If they apply for jobs that advance their careers and are prejudiced by applying, they can register their complaint at the new Caymanian Fair Employment Commission or they can register a complaint at WORC or both. Employers will be under much more scrutiny either way.
Caymanians’ chances of upward mobility are vastly improved by the new system.
But when there are abuses, still no prosecutions, revocations of permits, or cancellations of business licenses. Just a growing heap of victims assuaged by the shallow promise of yet another government commission.
So when my expat boss’s contract is up for renewal, I can apply for that job online and he’ll be out and I’ll be in?
That is how a group of government employees, most of whom have little to no private sector real world employment of experience, think it will work, yes.
In the real world even expressing an interest in your bosses job without his or hers invitation to do so, just gets you fired.
7.57am You do realise if you get the boss’s job you will no longer be able to sit at your desk reading the Compass all day in between chatting on the phone with your friends.
Definitely not Friday afternoons when you have to go golfing with your buddies
You do not even have to wait for his or her contract renewal, just a work permit renewal date is all you need.
They could work hard and earn the promotion?
If only that were an option…
The fact is a business must get the best employee his money can buy. Doesn’t really matter the who you are, what you THINK your qualifications are worth, why you need a job, where you your from, At the end of the day WHO PRODUCES THE MOST FOR THE MONEY IS THE ONE THAT SHOULD AND WILL Get THE JOB.
You realize you have to break multiple laws to do it your way – and before you say the laws are silly, every country has laws preferring its own citizens in employment.