DoE starts green iguana count

| 02/08/2019 | 20 Comments
Cayman News Service
Fred Burton, manager of the DoE Terrestrial Unit

(CNS): The Terrestrial Resources Unit at the Department of Environment will be starting its annual green iguana count this month. And with more than 830,000 culled over the last nine months, researchers are hoping the population will be much lower than the 1.3 million estimated last August. Cullers made massive strides in denting the population in May and June but wet weather impeded the cull in July, just as the breeding season got underway.

According to the latest edition of the TRU’s magazine, Flicker, the researchers undertaking the summer count will visit 158 locations across Grand Cayman collecting records on the number of iguanas detected at each point, their age class and distance from the point centre. The information will then be analysed to estimate the population density and size.

So far, cullers have taken 830,852 iguana carcasses to the dump, which should have a significant impact on breeding pairs, However, the iguanas are prolific reproducers and the cullers will have to fight to keep ahead of the expected surge of hatchlings. Researchers warned the surge could be substantial.

This will help cullers as the hatchlings are more visible but the drop in July means the hunters are playing catch-up after a sustained surge in cull numbers through a hot and mostly dry June. During week 37 of the cull only 9,232 iguanas were turned in, the lowest weekly count since the cull began.

See the latest on the cull figures here on the DoE website and see the latest issue of Flicker here.

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Category: Land Habitat, Science & Nature

Comments (20)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    One iguana, two iguana, three iguana, four, five iguana, six iguana, seven iguana, more…. 🙂

  2. Anonymous says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how many people with nothing positive to say even in the face of facts to the contrary that will use platforms as this to spew gloom and doom.

    I, personally, can say that I have seen a drastic drop since this radical approach has been taken against these invasive threat to our environment and quality-of-life.

    This will take a long sustained approach along with proactive measures to ensure that they are not brought in deliberately or inadvertently to repopulate.

    Just north, Florida is experiencing the same problem. Make sure that our plant imports are thoroughly inspected is one suggestion!

    Well done!

  3. Anonymous says:

    May I suggest you kill them while you are counting them.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Killing a million iguanas will result in 6 million more chickens, since the eggs are not being eaten anymore.
    I wonder which pest is more annoying.
    Am i wrong ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Idiot. Green Iguanas don’t eat protein, it will kill them.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are simply manifesting your reptilian, tare brain. It’s normal. You would be expected to think like that. So, in that regard, it would depend on whose sense of “wrongness” you are appealing to?

      When you see a mother iguana nurture her young, get back to me.

  5. Anonymous says:

    no confidence in this count….too many question marks regarding the cull numbers and the whole cull scheme/scam generally

    • Anonymous says:

      If you have no confidence go to the landfill and watch for yourself. No need to take anyone’s word for it, they are even open on Saturdays. The staff are all friendly and willing to answer your questions.

      • Anonymous says:

        yeah right…thousands are being ‘hand counted’ every day and then are put in a magic pile…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  6. Al Catraz says:

    They have to verify each iguana, and can’t use statistical math which works for many critical engineering systems. Also, the green iguanas can change their mind and be blue iguanas if they want to.

  7. Anonymous says:

    These GM species need to go.

  8. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    Keep up the good work, everybody! We won’t ever get/keep the green igs under control without civilian participation. You see ’em? Call it in, and whenever possible (particularly in the Sister Islands) keep your eyes on them until help arrives.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Waste of time and money.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Hope they carry a few cullers with them when they go to do the count.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Please keep this iguana culling program as an indefinite one!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      8:33 am, that’s the only way to keep those pests down

    • Anonymous says:

      Great means to provide useful employment. I know a few poachers who have stopped taking out of season in return for culling the greens. The counting is visible to the public – whoever is calling corruption needs a mental check. Well done DOE and CIG for this program that simultaneously benefits the people and the island. The greens must be controlled!

      Unfortunate that it ends next year but keep it going! They na ga stop breeding


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