Church schools get failing grades

| 30/05/2019 | 130 Comments
Cayman News Service

Triple C School

(CNS): Triple C School and Wesleyan Christian Academy were both rated as ‘weak’ following school inspections this month. While government schools have been accused of failing local children as many of them have had weak or just satisfactory ratings, these fee paying schools have also received failing grades. Inspectors said that the overall performance at Triple C, where 74% of students are Caymanian, was weak because only two thirds of quality indicators were satisfactory or better. Meanwhile, at Wesleyan, where 73% of the children are Caymanians, the inspectors said there were many serious weaknesses.

The two reports reveal poorly performing schools with weak leadership, curricula and teaching, where children are not achieving at expected standards. While both schools were rated ‘good’ for their Christian teaching and their well-behaved students, the inspectors made long recommendation lists for both schools, which will now be monitored closely and re-inspected in six months.

Despite the poor results, 95% of parents at Triple C said they were satisfied with the education provided at the school, though the students were less convinced, with only 67% indicating they were satisfied. At Wesleyan 82% of students agreed that they were satisfied with the education they were receiving and 83% of the parents were also satisfied.

Cayman News Service

Wesleyan Christian Academy

Identifying the problems at Triple C, which claims to strive for excellence on its website, inspectors pointed to weak leadership across the school as well as weak attainment in maths and science in both the early years and elementary classes. Attainment was also weak in English in elementary grades and maths in the middle school. Teaching across all elementary grades was rated weak, as was assessment in the early years, elementary and middle school. Health and safety was weak at all phases.

Inspectors found that at Wesleyan there were weaknesses across the school’s curriculum, describing it as too narrow. Weak resources and sequencing of science and non-core subjects led to weak progress, inspectors said. Students’ progress was weak and this was corroborated by the school’s test results.

See reports in the CNS Library

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  1. Anony says:

    Substandard education can be attained without paying over $7000 KYD per year. I think the parents are in denial. Over 90% of parents as well as staff were satisfied with the education provided, yet only just over 60% of students agreed. It’s clear both parents and teachers are either in denial or comfortable with substandard education. Children can easily benchmark with their peers from other schools and therefore may give a better assessment.

    At that cost I would expect the school to be meeting at least the minimum standards. Let’s not get blind sited. Even storage of harmful chemicals in the labs were noted in the report. That’s basic.

  2. Rick says:


    Even a cursory look at Triple C would prove that this report is utterly false. In any case, my child attended a government high school for years and her older siblings before that. When I looked at Triple C as an alternative I was amazed at the superior response, management and approaches. It was miles above anything in place at the white elephants the government has in place. Triple C students are also much more prepared for the real world as is widely known in Cayman.

    This report is clearly biased and is probably done by someone against private schools or religion. It is certainly not accurate.

  3. Anonymous says:

    World class cupcakes though!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Good teachers contracts are not renewed because Jams and Caribs only want to hire more Jams and Caribs to keep the lie alive that they are making progress. Its not racists, but it is culturist -if that word does not exists it should because it captures perfectly how things are run. Happens from preschool to University.

    You reap what you sew and there will be no “historical reparation” in the future for all the chances the dominating cultures are blowing off in he present. Everything is too well documented now with the internet and videos as proof for a historian to give a slanted “woe is me” story.

  5. Anonymous says:

    ‘Good Christian teaching’……yeah that’ll help them in the big bad world. But then 99% won’t venture off the island anyway because they are guaranteed a well paid job here for the simple reason they were born here. Don’t Caymanian parents want better for our children? Don’t we want our kids to experience LIFE? Let’s ditch the ‘Christian teachings’ and prepare them for the real world!

    • Anonymous says:

      They are not mutually exclusive. I am a non believer myself christian teaching does not have to mean a poor education though I realise in Cayman that is actually the case.

    • Anonymous says:

      It our Island, they are our children, so yes if there is jobs available our children should get the first choice to these jobs. And yes our forefathers, who built these islands was educated by Christian teacher from these countries and because of theirs teaching and beliefs they made it so attractive you came here for a better life, remember HERE it is better for you than where you came from and that is why you are here …….you came for you not for us. Embrace us! PLEASE Don’t try to change us!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        If you dont want to change then dont bring us to your beautiful island. Change is inevitable.

  6. Anonymous says:

    At least neither triple C nor Wesleyan sits at the foot of the dump!,

    • Anonymous says:

      I would rather my child sit close to the dump than not learn anything useful at all.

      • Anonymous says:

        Because breathing in toxic fumes for at least 7 hous a day can do not harm, right?

        • Anonymous says:

          Better than going to school and taught next to nothing and graduating thinking you’re intelligent when you’re not.

          Plus everyone within a 25 mile radius breathes that air including residents that live around there or work around there.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Cayman Prep is also a “church school” is did not get a failing grade. Focus on the substance, not the “scandalous headline”/

  8. Anonymous says:

    This is sad. It’s child abuse. Well-meaning parents send their children to pray and learn fairy tales all day instead of math, English, history and science. Why does government let it happen? Oh yeah, I forgot, religions can get away with anything.

    Religion is such a global disaster. It screws up so many people in so many ways. After 12 years of pointless religious indoctrination, these poor kids are handicapped for life. Try to imagine all the lost potential. Some kids in the world are busy learning about AI, genetic engineering, real history and real science. And then other kids are learning about a mythical genocide (flood), torture/execution (cross), zombies (he is risen), and cannibalism (holy communion). Tragic.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are an idiot. Try looking at the curriculums for the schools before you comment such drivel. A Church-owned school does not mean the students just learn about God (which you have tried so appallingly to demean). Please also remember that Catholic School and Prep school are both Churuch-owned schools. I wonder what you will say when their inspection reports come out.

      • Anonymous says:

        You can read the report on Cayman Prep at the same place you can read these ones. Enjoy.

      • Anonymous says:

        Idiot ? You sound like a true christian. Idiot !!

      • Anonymous says:

        Awww, did a religious education deny you critical thinking skills? Of course simply being a religious school doesn’t condemn an institution. Many of the best universities are or were religious based. BUT, they succeed because they emphasize sufficient secular education over the silly myth indoctrination. Cayman Prep is religious flavored but not to the point of turning out lobotomy patients every year.

        Do some research. A typical day for a ten year old at Wesleyan is a lost day. They are expected to pray, sing to Jesus, and then independently drool over ridiculous workbooks. It’s basically a subpar homeschooling service for parents who are too busy to brainwash their children on their time.

        How does government allow this abuse/neglect year after year, generation after generation?

        The fundamentalist Christians who patronize or defend these potential-squashing schools only need to imagine how they would feel if there were parallel fundamentalist Muslim, Hindu, or Mormon schools in Cayman producing flocks of faithful zombies who can’t do math.


    • Anonymous says:

      Oi lay off our transubstantiation,

    • Anonymous says:

      I do not send my children to any Christian school, however I must say that the author’s comments are in poor taste.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Failing schools do not always mean failing students – there will always be those that are top of the class with involved parents etc that break through.

    What it does show though is that money can’t buy an education – you need that parent involvement regardless if you child is being taught in a bush or a palace.

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course it does! You must be a graduate of one of these schools.

      When one is the best at the worst school it just means they are the best of the worst. When they compete against better they are not on the same level. They will either be below or at best the bottom.

      Give these Triple C/Wesleyan students the same work or tests as a student that attends CIS, Prep, Catholic and you will see that they cannot manage.

      What is understandable is that emotions run high when people are alumni or have wasted their time, effort and money sending their children to these schools the reality is you don’t know better if you have never compared.

      It is ok to live in your bubble as a parent. Just don’t put your child in the same bubble for reasons of pride.

      • Anonymous says:

        My point is that even paying school fees the school can still get a failing grade… just because you throw money at a situation doesn’t always fix it

  10. Anonymous says:

    The sad fact is that all schools in Cayman are affiliated with a church – with the exception of the extortionately priced CIS. Clearly the demand is there for a school not affiliated with a religion so I don’t understand why there are not more of them?

    • Anonymous says:

      I am a both an atheist and proud Cayman Prep parent. I’m comfortable that my children are being taught in a manner and provided with the information required to afford them the opportunity to make up their own minds on what to believe or not to believe.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes but why do they have to be affiliated with a church? Why have religion included at all? Religion should be taught at home, if that’s what the parents wish….I don’t see why any school should be affiliated with a church – that’s what churches are for.

        • Anonymous says:

          The reason the schools are affiliated with churches is because the churches originally brought the schools to the island and they originally subsidized the cost of the schools. Whether the churches still subsidize currently is a separate issue. But most religious based schools were brought to different parts of the world by missionaries to both educate children with high quality standards at low costs and of course teach the religion.

          • Anonymous says:

            Affiliation with a specific religion should not and is not a prerequisite for obtaining a basic education in our society. This is allowed by section 10 of our constitution that allows freedom from religion. If you want to be christian go to church. This is simply indoctrination while having a young vulnerable mind.

            • Anonymous says:

              You do realize these are private schools and that people choose to send their children to these schools for various reasons. There are other non religious based schools around if you prefer not to send your child to a religious school.

              There’s no one forcing anyone to send any child to a religious based school.

            • Anonymous says:

              This is a parents decision, not yours.

            • Anonymous says:

              Then send your kids to public school, CIS, Montessori or homeschool them. There are options.

              • Anonymous says:

                Public school is affiliated with Christianity and CIS/Montessori are only for the uber rich – so there is limited choice – and the point of my original comment is why the lack of choice? As there clearly is a demand for them….

                I would guess that most parents that send their kids to prep, st. Ignatius etc. would go to a non-church affiliated school if the fees were more affordable…

  11. Anonymous says:

    Such a shame. I think I was lucky enough to attend Triple C high school during it’s good years. Claude Bailey, Sue Trull, etc.. The earlier years were definitely not up to par at that time either. There have always been somewhat strict dress code rules for students and staff that were an annoyance. A teacher once told me the school was more concerned with the way she dressed (which was NOT inappropriate) than her performance. I hope they can get it together.

  12. Anonymous says:

    The glaring statistic that jumped out at me was the difference in satisfaction rating between parents and pupils. If you aren’t talking to your kids about school, and don’t know what’s going on then I’m afraid you are part of the problem.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I guess they didn’t pray hard enough? Try studying for exams next time instead of talking to an imaginary sky fairy!

  14. Anonymous says:

    This is actually funny. Atheists are the most un-profound and unscientific people I ever met. They can’t hold any conversation on any theistic discussion without relating it to the spaghetti monster. Pathetic pseudointellects

    • Anonymous says:

      Pack in stupid I think the world is slowly waking up to the facts.Religion is the cause of most of the mess in the world today.3,000 years talking the same shit every Sunday taking money from the poor.Get the children educated that they may make thier own choices.

    • Anonymous says:

      funny you should that when studies have shown the avergae athiest is more intelligent than a christian, so who is the real pseudointellect? i’ve never met a christian that can hold a conversation beyond ‘you dont really don’t believe in the bible!?’

  15. doing "God's work"? says:

    So, the article says that church schools get a failing grade for educating. But I bet they get an A+ for gay-bashing. Got to propagandize those young minds at an early age to make sure they turn out as full of hate as that bunch in the Assembly. Way to go, Cayman churches. You’re just doing “God’s work”, right?

    • Sammy says:

      Wondered how long it would have taken for your true colours to Elder. Moral education is just as important for success in life as the three ‘R’s. The headline in this article is provocative as the schools areas of weakness in the eyes of the inspectors is not proven to be related solely to their Christian affiliation. But that escapes you. This is your grand opportunity to pour scorn on the God who prevents you from indulging in the lifestyle of your choice. If gay people are so convinced that what they do is OK. Why are they so obsessed with what the Church thinks???

      • Anonymous says:

        I am gay. I am a Christian. I am a son, uncle, nephew, friend, colleague. God made me in his own likeness, therefore I see no conflict in my homosexuality and my Christian belief. Do not judge lest you be judged!

  16. Anonymous says:

    This information is good to know. A good question to ask in a job interview. Which primary/high school did you attend? If anyone comes through my door and says they attended these schools, then they would automatically be out of the running for any positions.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did you ever attend any school, 8:10 am?

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you seriously a recruiter? Does college or university success matter to you or are you hiring for unskilled positions?

    • Anonymous says:

      Bellevue please take away this person internet privileges

    • Michel Lemay says:

      A really ridiculous answer. Each former students have their own potential and you cannot judge someone by which institution they attented. I would not want my child to work for someone such narrow minded as you. Would be useful to know who you are ?

  17. Anonymous says:

    Triple C Graduates are successful in the real world and that’s what matters. They do well at university, have good careers and have contributed many leading members of our community. My kids did all of their schooling at Triple C before attending university and I would do it again even though I personally did not attend Triple C and completed my graduate and post graduate studies at UK universities. The schools inspectorate is supposed to independently and Objectively evaluate schools and work with them to improve educational standards. Triple C does not operate on the British system and the inspectorate conducted a fruitless exercise to do the equivalent of evaluating an “apple” and are insisting that it should be a better “orange”. I have also have serious doubts about the objectivity of the report. If you are familiar with Triple C, you may not agree with the leadership on all matters but you could never honestly call them weak.

    • Anonymous says:

      If I ever wanted to send my children to these schools it is because I want them to grow up and become ignorant Caymanians with a flair of entitlement and attend an overpriced second rate American university.

      At least the ignorant children that attend public school know they need to work harder because they attended a school which disadvantages them or they come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Not saying all are like this. Overall in comparison, they don’t have their noses stuck in the air like the Triple C kids.

      On a scale of 1-10 Wesleyan scores a negative. That school seems to be a Sunday school with lessons from Monday to Friday and parents have convinced their children they are actually brilliant for attending.

  18. Never prayed hard enough I guess. says:

    “Church” schools get failing grades. Who would have thunk a school built on the foundations of fairy tale lies wouldn’t be the best interest for the children actually trying to pursue an education.

    • Anonymous says:

      my kids attend St. Ignatius and i had the best laugh when i saw the project board in my son class about myths and legends, there was the mighty Zues and others on display so i ask where is Jesus was and the place went silent.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I bet they failed science!!

  20. Anonymous says:

    caymanian school leavers are a scary prospect for any employer…poorly educated with no work ethic…..and most even lack basic manners

    • Anonymous says:

      12:49 am, that is because they never had proper guidance at home.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you saying every Caymanian child that leaves school is not worth hiring?

      That is an oppressive, divisive and downright frigging racist thing to say about our kids.

      I’ve worked with many incompetent and entitled expats that should NEVER have been given the opportunity to work. They bubble to the top by snorting coke with buddies, screwing the boss (they call it “networking”). And now we are in a problem with poor management in Cayman. People who think like you.

      Stop tearing down and judging all of our children.

      • Anonymous says:

        I too have worked with such expats. Country of birth was definitely more important that the work they could do.

      • Ssay it like it is says:

        1.24pm Of course there are racist comments on both sides, but you have joined in in trumps. Snorting coke, screwing the boss, poor management – it may occur, but quite rarely. Where on earth did you work?

        • Anonymous says:

          Not rare. All thr big accounting firms, law firms. It’s a much bigger problem than you realize.

        • Anonymous says:

          You are naive. This happens frequently and in multiple white collar industries. If we ever did drug tests at work…. Northward would be filled with expats from the US, UK, Canada, South Africa…. this is widely known in the accounting, law and financial services firms.

      • Lightbringer says:

        “Caymanian” isn’t a race. Stop that.

    • Anonymous says:

      I dont like the generalisations about our host country nationals. However, my experience in Cayman working with Caymanians is that they are extremely polite, but unfortunately certainly the ones I have worked with have a serious issue with, turning up on time, doing a diligent job and have an overwhelming sense of entitlement. That said I would not dare generalise my statement to ALL Caymanians, just the ones I have worked with.

  21. Anonymous says:

    The focus of these schools is to brainwash kids with religion.
    Knowledge would be counter productive.

    Take religion out of schools. It does not belong there.
    They are creating a whole generation of uneducated anthony edens..

  22. Anonymous says:

    Yet again, more examples of better preparing Cayman’s children for the next life as opposed to this one…..the parents are completely complicit in this dis-service to their off-spring and to these Islands’ future.

    And people really question why we need so many work permits?

  23. Anonymous says:

    Neither of these schools have ever been considered well respected with expats. Wonder why? Well here is your answer!

    How is it that these schools don’t have waiting lists to get into like all the other private schools? Again, here is your answer.

    These schools have always been considered bottom of the barrel.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Make them build the Cruise Port!

  25. meh says:

    Does Wesleyan even ‘teach’? I had a couple of friends who went there, and I recall them telling me that they basically have to read the textbook, and grasp the concepts themselves and then do the workbook exercises.
    Unlike the traditional teacher-student experience, where the teacher comes up with lesson plans and then goes over material and examples with you.
    If that is still the schools approach, wondering why does anyone pay to send their kids to there? The parents sound pretty dumb as well.

  26. Anonymous says:

    What about the Catholic Church School? They have to confess to bad results.

    • Hail Mary says:

      4.18pm What on earth are you talking about, what “bad results”?. Even allowing for the number of children they accept on free scholarships the record of St Ignatius is still excellent.

    • Anonymous says:

      4:18 pm …..are you kidding??? The students at St. Ignatius have obtained excellent results over the years, much higher than international statistics when comparing to other students being assessed by the same reputable examination boards. They have attended top Universities and are well known for being productive members of the community. This is also true of course for students from other schools, but your point about bad results at St. Ignatius is simply false.

      As for inspection reports, I agree that all schools (in fact all organisations) have positive aspects and areas of improvement, and so it is a good idea to have these analysed by an external group. However, we should all keep in mind that in the end, it is the opinion of one group of people who were only present at the school for one week.

  27. Gray Matter says:

    Bringing in Third World Education Teachers is also no help… PAY better and get qualified teachers.

  28. Anonymous says:

    With such expensive school feels – I would expect my child to have top quality education.

    The principal and vice principals need to be held accountable – obviously they are not doing their job very well.

    • Anonymous says:

      Those schools are some of the cheapest on island. Get your head out of the ground. You get what you pay for.

    • Anonymous says:

      Harvard was also started by a church, you all have a problem with them as well. The bunch of you are always ranting on with your anti- church crap. We like it like that, and whoever do not like it can kindly go and take your kids with you. If you decide to say just resolve yourselves to suck it up.

      • Anonymous says:

        Harvard was “started by a church” 150 years ago. And not actually by a church, but some religious dudes. Harvard no longer panders to religion, unlike all except one of the pubic and private schools in the Cayman Islands.

  29. Ill Iterate says:

    I read in the local paper that the principals of both schools disputed the results of the inspections. If they won’t recognize their deficiencies they are not going to address them, the same problem arises with the mostly Caymanian parents.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Why is the percentage of Caymanian enrolment noted in the reporting? I don’t recall similar statistics being shared on reports on government schools or Cayman Prep.

    • Anonymous says:

      Probably because you didn’t bother to read the actual reports. Prep was 53% Caymanian.

      • Anonymous says:

        Which version of caymanian?

        • Anonymous says:

          The legal one, as defined by lawmakers, elected by Caymanians.

          • Anonymous says:

            Booya, 8:43!!! That’ll hold the ignorant bigot @9:40pm!!

            • Anonymous says:

              I wonder what will hold the ignorant bigot that says any job seeker who says they attended one of these schools is eliminated from their consideration? Now if that isn’t bigotry…

          • Anonymous says:

            Actually, few schools use the legally correct definition and for example count anyone with a Cayman passport as Caymanian, even if they are not.

        • Anonymous says:

          what a nasty and divisive thing to write. there’s good and bad in every generation from every the same bums in Cayman can be fold in every country. walk of life.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you for enlightening me, like I said, ‘I don’t recall”. The question is, why state the percentage? Why encourage a division at every level?
        Kids being taught from the early school years that there is an us and a them. Why not encourage inter school sports and music programs? We all have to get along and work side by side as adults. No need to encourage a divisive chip on the shoulder.

  31. Triple C Graduate... yikes says:

    As a graduate of CCC almost all of the issues highlighted in the report are true

    Some other issues that deserve mentioning, or repeating:

    – The school is more concerned with being a church than actually educating students spend 4 hours (give or take an hour) a week on purely religious education ( A 45 minute Bible class 2-3 times per week + mandatory Chapel services every Friday usually around an hour and a half)
    While that might not seem like a lot at a first glance when you factor in the 40 week school year that ends up totaling around 160 hours per year of by the time students who attend CCC all the way through graduate the amount of time they spent on religious education alone is well past 1000 hours

    Imagine if even a fraction of that time was devoted to improving areas where the school needs improvements even if the school cut Bible classes and Chapel length in half they would still spend hundreds of hours solely on religion.

    – Extremely high turnover rate for teaching staff

    During my 7 years at Triple C I witnessed a countless number of replacements of permanent staff

    There were at least 5 Science teachers ( in fact there was a sub in the science department for an entire year at one point) The longest tenure for a Science teacher during my studies was maybe 2 years maximum
    At least 3 Math teachers
    3 Art teachers ( not including another year long substitute teacher)
    4 English Teachers
    3 Spanish Teachers
    3 Bible teachers
    2 History teachers
    3-4 PE Coaches/Teachers

    Only one of these vacancies was due to a death, and these are just the vacancies that I can remember off the top of my head I am sure there are dozens more
    The only permanent full time staff member off the top of my head that was there the entire time I was there was the Computers teacher
    Every year the School scrambles to replace staff who leave to pursue better opportunities or simply move on from stressful and thankless teaching jobs which they are not properly compensated for
    Did I mention 2 of my teachers were fresh out of college when they got jobs teaching full time with no prior teaching experience in the HS environment
    One teacher was so young that some of the students in the class were trying to get lucky and score.

    The source of the entire issue?
    The School’s policy of only hiring full time staff that are “born again Christians” ( hence 2 instances of year long substitute teachers) makes it almost impossible to find committed and experienced staff especially in the science department which experienced the most turnover

    ( Yes that is a real policy read for yourself you can also check the application publicly available on the schools website)

    Some students (including myself) spent free time toward the end of the year looking at the ads on the school’s websites to try to predict which teachers would be replaced when we returned the next year that is how bad it got
    There is no sense of permanence at Triple C almost all of the staff has been there less that 5 years and some barely last 2 years,
    Every year students have to learn a new name, ( and there are hundreds of new names for the teachers to learn as well) Teachers come into the class with no idea the strength and weaknesses of students, with no idea who are the trouble makers and who needs extra help
    How can we expect their standards of teaching to be satisfactory when every year is a fresh start both ways. Any comfort or rapport built between the student body and staff is shattered continuously and students often lose their favorite teachers.
    Imagine trying to run an office or a business where you rotated out key staff every quarter or every half year
    You would have people coming in to fill the positions lost and clueless picking up where previous employees left off and trying to fill in the pieces
    That was 7 years of my life at CCC

    Just the tip of the Iceberg with the issues at CCC
    The school is more concerned with making sure black boys are bald (while white boys get away with murder) and that your shoes are all black or all white than keeping education standards high

    I’m not a poor student, or holding a grudge I graduated with honours near the top of my class and got into my first choice College but I will say this As a graduate, save your money and send your kids to another school, I wish my parents had.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s also a discriminatory hiring practice

    • Cayman Concentration Camp says:

      Thank you for the updated info. When I went there (over 31 years ago) it was the smaller more intimate version. But came the expansion = more money charged/profit and not guaranteed a better education for children. A shame really.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just read that link. Crazy stuff! Why on Earth do you need to be a born again Christian if your specialism is music or drama or whatever? You won’t be teaching religious education anyway. Let’s keep the kids as mushrooms. I’ll let the enlightened on here work that out.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is so true and on point! higher management have no idea and are very controlling that’s why you have such a high turnover with teachers!

  32. Anonymous says:

    Religion and schools dont mix. If you want your kid to learn religion, send him to church on Sunday and not a full time school.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Triple C has been weak for 20 years.

  34. Anonymous says:

    This is simply what happens when you employ teachers on the basis of their religious beliefs rather than their teaching abilities and it’s not confined to either these islands or Christian schools. In the UK Muslim schools have received similar criticism. It’s all part of linking education to religion.

  35. Anonymous says:

    A long time ago the government forced all liquor stores to close at 7 PM, so the owners would have time to close the store and get to church by 7:30. The purpose was to force Christian values and make Cayman a better place. Did it help? NO! Today every supermarket and hardware store is closed on Sunday, but every liquor store is open until 10 PM 7 days a week. The people have spoken, we don’t want Christian education,we want RUM!

  36. Anonymous says:

    Evolution pages still missing from the textbooks then?

  37. Anonymous says:

    What are the government subsidies provided to each?

  38. Anonymous says:

    What? Religion is not mixing well with academia?! Nooo. The long skirts are showing the short grades? Maybe now some parents will wake up and smell the coffee.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Who needs an education when you gots some Jesus in your life?

  40. Johnny Rotten says:

    This situation is not about to get any better, if fact it’s just what the Min. of Edu. and political dinosaurs want to hear. We can have all of our youth up to speed with the 21st century now can we? Moreover we can’t afford to have our youth being taught to be independent thinkers and rise up against our politicians in the name of the environment and sustainability. I’m being sarcastic of course in case anyone thinks otherwise.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Parents should be demanding refunds ! or asking for a big discounted rate until the next inspection is complete and improvements are made

    • Anonymous says:

      Most of the parents that send their kids to these schools previously attended themselves. They would not think it’s bad no matter the poor reviews.

    • Anonymous says:

      The parents are a big part of the problem.

    • Anonymous says:

      And do what for those that have children attending Public schools where numbers are vast and getting failing results as well? Should we protest to the Education Ministry and demand….what? Or should public schools failing grades be ignored because they don’t pay school fees and their results are a given expectation? Oh please! EVERY Institution have a bit of each (high, average, low, ) of course a schools’makeup plays a vital role in students achievement but regardless, the CHHS, JGHS, PRIVATES each have their strengths and weaknesses. I see tons of students from private schools on a daily basis attending a certain institution on Walkers Road for tutoring, is something wrong with that because their parents are already paying high school fees and therefore those students should not require extra classes or tutoring because they are going to elite private schools, or better yet should parents ask for refunds from privates for having to send their children to extra classes…that is not a fair assessment right???? My point.. each and every school have their fair share of good,bad and ugly, some schools score lower, but within any given cohort you have your high achievers and those that are just not cut out for it, even if the school scores excellent.

      Parents do your part, get involve with your childrens’ school life especially and stop relying solely on on teachers. Know your children academics capabilities, get the necessary help if required and stop looking to point finger. My children have been part of 2 separate schools within the last year, (1 private n 1 public) both institutions scored weak based on inspectors report, but that did not halt their progress or hinder me as a parent. They achieved high honor passes from the public institution and average 3.9 throughout at he private school and are now heading overseas to further their studies.

      My 2 cents.

      • Anonymous says:

        My 2 cents…Inspectors need a high paying, low stress job. Keep the weak grades coming!

        • Anonymous says:

          If that were the case, no schools would pass. However, many schools have passed and with flying colours. These schools also have waiting lists and have stringent hiring practices for teachers as well as a strict focus on educating the students.

          Wesleyan and Triple C obviously both cannot compare.


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