Local man gets 5+ years for bar room stabbing

| 19/12/2018 | 12 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): Carlo Malik Webster Jr was sent to prison Tuesday for five years and three months after a judge delivered his sentencing decision over a bar room stabbing that happened more than 18 months ago. The 22-year-old West Bay man pleaded guilty to the serious wounding, which happened at the Jungle Bar in March 2017, when he became involved in a fight between West Bay rivals and stabbed a man in the stomach. The fight was caught on CCTV and Justice Roger Chapple said the defendant could be clearly seen pulling a knife and stabbing the victim in an “entirely unprovoked” attack, as the fight had already ended and Webster had not been involved.

The injured man was badly injured and rushed to hospital for surgery. He spent a week there incurring significant medical bills and loss of wages.

Among the aggravating factors in the case was Webster’s long rap sheet, as the young man has been in trouble with the law since he was a teenager. However, the judge was also aware of the very troubled past that Webster endured, especially after his father, who was his only care provider, was gunned down and killed in a local nightclub when Webster was just 13 years old. He was then sent to live at Bonaventure Boys Home.

Webster’s father was killed in the Next Level night club in September 2009, when West Bay gang rival Devon Anglin, who is serving a 30-year life sentence for the murder, shot him in the head by the dance floor in the busy late night spot, where police estimated there were nearly 300 people at the time.


Category: Courts, Crime

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  1. Anonymous says:

    They should have the death penalty for badmind ppl like yourself and all the other anonymous pricks on here hating on people and wishing bad on them you piece of anonymous garbage. Try come off da young man name and look at da whole picture you imbecile. There’s always 2 sides to a story but only one is ever told at a time.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Attempted murder always get reduced to something less. 5 years is not enough for this considering how soon he will get released. Some judges need to stiffen up their sentencing practices. A deprived childhood is less of an excuse when you are no longer a child. Can you say career criminal?

  3. Anonymous says:

    MakesTooMuch Sense, do you know your a dumb ass? It must be difficult for you to go through life being so stupid. Best advise you can be given is don’t speak as it will save you a lot of stress.

    • Anonymous says:

      Makestoomuchsense is actually correct. What does devon have to do with it. I guess i should stab people because i dont have a parent.

    • MakesTooMuchSense says:

      “Anonymous” – A full grasp of the English language isn’t something you have, so your feeble attempt at an insult is wasted. Maybe you should be sharing his cell until he gets out and then enable him further.

  4. Anonymous says:

    He’s a troubled kid that was destined for this. Get him rehab as he has a chance at life. Losing a parent is awful but to be sent away is to be neglected. Get this chap some meaningful help. Free Steve.

  5. MakesTooMuch Sense says:

    Y’all couldn’t just leave this about him and his actions. You just HAD to make this about Devon Anglin and trying to give Webster an excuse for his actions, which were long in play before his father died! Typical of CNS though.

    • Anonymous says:

      Shitty upbringing by shitty parents is what caused this boy to do what he did. I’m glad CNS pointed it out. People need to stop burying their heads so deeply in their rectum.

    • Anonymous says:

      “However, the judge was also aware of the very troubled past that Webster endured, especially after his father, who was his only care provider, was gunned down and killed in a local nightclub when Webster was just 13 years old. He was then sent to live at Bonaventure Boys Home.” This was brought up in court and just wasn’t simply added on by CNS. As for Devon Anglin? Too bad Cayman no longer has the death penalty. People like him needs more than 30 years for such a crime, might also act a stronger deterrent for other would be shadow heroes.

      • Anonymous says:

        Devon needs a second chance after his tarrif.

        • Anonymous says:

          D is a good yute just went down a bad path. We all make mistakes but The Lord is a merciful and forgiving God. Maybe people can learn to be the same one day.

    • Anonymous says:

      Point the finger and say “that’s the bad guy” kmt

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