Cayman urged to watch Tropical Storm Isaac as path wavers

| 13/09/2018 | 13 Comments
Tropical Storm Isaac, Cayman News Service

TS Isaac, 4am Thursday (Weather Underground)

(CNS): Tropical Storm Isaac was edging towards the Leeward Islands Thursday morning on a path that could bring the storm into the Cayman Islands area. Moving west at around 21mph, the storm is expected to continue on that track for the next few days before it comes into the central Caribbean Sea at the weekend. Isaac has maximum sustained winds of 45mph with higher gusts, and officials at Hazard Management Cayman Islands are urging people to keep an eye on the storm’s path because it could be heading our way. Although the storm is expected to weaken, it has followed a wavering path and could still pose a threat to Cayman early next week.

In a release Wednesday night, HMCI urged residents of the Cayman Islands to continue to monitor the progress of Tropical Storm Isaac, as the official National Hurricane Center forecast now places the storm near the Cayman area by Monday, but there is a high degree of uncertainty in the current forecast track and intensity.

“At this time, Tropical Storm Isaac is not considered an imminent threat to the Cayman Islands but that could change,” said Tara Rivers, Minister responsible for HMCI. “As we enter the more active phase of the hurricane season residents should have their hurricane preparedness plans well established and in place, and be ready to complete final arrangements such as shuttering and moving to safe shelter if necessary.”

Tropical Storm Issac was one of four weather systems rolling across the Atlantic Thursday, including the dangerous category 2 Hurricane Florence, which was packing winds of almost 100mph as it headed towards the Carolinas on the east coast of the United States.

Meanwhile, Helene is heading north towards the British Isles at around 14mph and sub-tropical storm Joyce was some 945 miles WSW of the Azores drifting southwest. A trough of low pressure over the western Gulf of Mexico is also producing disorganised showers and thunderstorms this morning, which the NHC had a 50% chance of becoming a storm.

Given the current activity, officials in the Cayman Islands reminded residents to decide where they will shelter during a storm, ensure travel documents and insurance policies are up to date and in a waterproof ‘grab and go’ container.

Generators should be serviced, home owners should also check shutters, making sure that they fit and have all the parts, and trim back trees. Store non-perishable food and water, assemble an emergency supplies kit and stock up before the storm on emergency supplies that can be used after it passes.

For information about the emergency supplies pick up a copy of the Hurricane Information Kit from the Government Administration Building on Elgin Avenue, or  download a copy from the HMCI website.

For current weather conditions in Cayman visit the National Weather Service website

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Category: Science & Nature, Weather

Comments (13)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Forget the politics and be prepared – and I mean every hurricane season because you are at ground zero. I went through Hurricane Ivan in ’04 and everyone thought it was just a laugh because there hadn’t been a storm for 20 some years. There were hurricane parties just before and residents didn’t prepare until the last minute. Don’t be fooled hurricanes are getting more deadly – just look at what happened last year in the area.
    Why isn’t the government talking about climate change and the reality of what is in store for islands at sea level.
    Make friends with Epats – you may need them some day.
    Love u guys – enjoyed living and working on Grand Cayman.

  2. Anonymous says:

    when was the last time we had 25-30mph winds???

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thanks but the HMCI is not qualified to make any kind of prediction or warnings. I get my info direct from the NHC and other good websites.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Wind speeds of 25-30mph would be fairly routine here, and not something to stoke panic about. Tara and HMCI sound like they’re on the ALT payroll.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is the dumbest comment of all time! Telling people to have their plans in place is not stoking panic… that’s absolutely typical advice from any official during hurricane season. And to infer that they have something to do with ALT is just you trying to create controversy where it doesn’t exist.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sure, you can get to stocking your freezers, loading your flashlights, buying your generator, and filling your tubs and revel in how clever and prepared you are…while the rest of us (with access to the internet) will simply carry on with our lives and wait for a credible threat.

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      NHC have been dead wrong many times in the past. They do a good job, but it’s just a probability — a guess — and not written in stone. When TCs get into our waters, anything can happen.

      I think Miss Tara wants people to be prepared for a change, and not take the NHC guess as gospel. I agree that TD winds and surge would be no biggie, although it doesn’t seem to take much for George Town to flood.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh give me a break! NHC have aircraft and satellites at their disposal and they are always conservative. Just where do you think HMCI get their info from?

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