Thieves ransack buses in GT break-ins

| 12/09/2018 | 3 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): Thieves made off with cash and some personal items after breaking into two passenger buses and a car, which were parked at two different locations in George Town, overnight between Monday 10 September and Tuesday 11 September. Police said a Toyota Hiace passenger bus was broken into in Tempest Way, behind the hospital, where the suspects ransacked the bus before stealing an undisclosed amount of money and personal belongings. Meanwhile, over in Prospect on Anchorage Avenue, the front windows of another Toyota Hiace passenger bus and a Honda Civic were smashed and the vehicles ransacked, but nothing of value was reported stolen.

The break-ins are under police investigation but the RCIPS reminded the public to take steps to ensure that no valuables are left inside vehicles, especially overnight.


Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Hope they didn’t steal their indicators!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why do they leave money on the bus? Wow


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