Speaker urges supporters not to sign port petition
(CNS): Speaker of the Legislative Assembly McKeeva Bush, the leader of the CDP, has circulated a message to his supporters urging them not to sign the petition currently circulating asking for a referendum that would enable voters to say whether or not they support the proposed cruise birthing facility. In a social media chat message to the CDP party faithful, Bush wrote, “There is a petition circulated by the opposition to stop the building of a cruise facility. My suggestion to all our supporters is not to sign nor to entertain any discussion from those persons.” However, the petition is calling for a vote on the project, not to stop it.
The speaker made it clear when he took the prestigious post and joined forces with his former political rival, Premier Alden McLaughlin, to create a coalition government that he was unlikely to stay out of the political fray, regardless of the traditionally neutral role of the speaker.
In this instance he took direct aim at the official opposition MLAs on the eve of the next meeting of the Legislative Assembly, which opens in Cayman Brac today (Wednesday 5 September).
Bush told his voters and supporters, “What is happening now is the opposition thinks it has some thing to beat the Government on and is prepared to do anything to destroy us where they can get the upper hand. Some of you heard them this morning (Monday morning on Crosstalk) suggesting to the government to get rid of me, because they can’t outsmart me not out maneuver me in the chair. So they will stop at nothing.”
However, the opposition did not organise the PIR petition but have instead called on the government to directly instigate a ballot, for which a private member’s motion was filed to be heard during this session.
Although there had been concerns from the opposition that the speaker was not prepared to allow the motion onto the agenda for this week’s LA meeting, highlighting the potential conflict of his public declarations against the petition and his role in deciding what does and does not happen in parliament, CNS understands that the PMM has made the order paper and should be debated Thursday.
Bush indicated in his message that he and his longtime West Bay political ally, Capt. Eugene Ebanks, are sticking together on this issue, “as we have for the past 20 years”, but the speaker, who represents the people of West Bay West, made no mention of MLA Bernie Bush, who has departed company with his former CDP colleagues.
Throughout the years Bush has been a vocal supporter of a cruise facility, though he has often sought alternatives to the George Town Harbour idea, previously favouring the North Sound as the ideal location. He was embroiled in several controversies over the project when he was premier, culminating in a tentative deal with China Harbour Engineering Company outside of the usual tendering process, which was stopped by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
During his time as leader of the opposition between 2013 and the last election in May 2017, Bush remained a supporter in principle of the project but not the PPM proposal.
In June 2015, after the extent of the damage and disruption the project would cause to marine life in the George Town harbour and business in the capital was revealed, he said government should re-think the project, describing the findings of an environmental impact study as “disconcerting” with “serious consequences”. At the time he asked government to enhance the Spotts Dock and modernise the tender fleet to buy time with the cruise lines.
However, this week Bush dismissed the environmental concerns and said there had been several revisions to the plans over the past 40 years “to try to please naysayers”, and the design had been changed “so not to disturb some of the very scatters pieces of coral called a reef”. He added, “There is nothing out there like Barkers Reef.”
Although the new design model has never been made public, Bush told his supporters that the revised project is “on pillars and not a solid wall so that water and sand moves up and down in and out as free as it needs to. So if there is any threat to our beach it will be God’s doing and not by the Dock.”
Bush also told supporters that the new mega ships are what the “wealthy people travel on” and they “cannot tender the way the smaller ships can”.
However, the mega ships can, in fact, tender; they have simply stated that they do not want to tender these vessels. Some larger ships are already tendering regardless of size, and many opponents of the cruise dock point out that as one of the most popular cruise ports of call, the ships will continue to come to Cayman because of demand, with or without a dock.
Bush took aim at the local tender companies but also stated that they would still have business to tender ships when the piers are both in use. “The Cayman business that owns the tenders will still have business as they had for the past 40 yrs by themselves. Not one other Caymanian shared in it,” he added.
The petition continues to attract signatures from registered voters, and campaigners inch towards the number to trigger a people-initiated referendum. If they are successful, government will be obliged to arrange a national ballot.
The petitioners have stated clearly that this petition is not calling on government to stop the project but to put it to the vote, enabling supporters and opponents alike to express their voice. The government will be at an advantage with a PIR, as it still gets to set the question and requires 50% plus 1 of the voter register to pass, and not just a simple majority.
Category: development, Local News, Politics
Any signature on the petition is a vote against Cayman jobs
Oh you mean the Caymanian jobs China Harbour will bring in imported labour for? F’n muppet.
– Muppet Hunter
Check out Jamaica and the shanty towns / tent cities they have for all the CHEC labour that’s imported by the Chinese and paid $1 a day; there is no local labour force for any of their projects.
So who is being truthful about this referendum? So am I to decipher that mr. Bush and Capt. Eugene is against the piers?
Don’t nobody like your Dumbass Mckeeva. We will sign!!!!!!! Let us have a damn say for Christ sake. After you damn sell out the whole of Cayman And tuff yuh damn gut wid di money we mustn have no say! Gtfoh we Caymanians will sign!!!!! Let us vote for what we want!!!!!
mckeeva….the #1 reason why expats should be allowed run for election.
5.41pm Says who?
The problem is that too many expats are unfortunately God hating liberals that destroy objective morality, marriages , motherhood, fatherhood and the entire family unit just to name a couple things, and would infect and eventually destroy this nation’s wellbeing as they are in the USA, Canada etc.
Just look at the hideous state of gender issues going on in those countries. Middle aged man identifying and being treated as a 6 year old girl. Raising children as “gender neutral”. Grown men can now use women’s bathroom even if there are children in there. Government sponsored partial birth abortions. And the long list goes on and on… F@#ing abomination. And CNS here leads the way with this of putrid liberal vomit.
And how is CNS doing that? They report the news and it’s US the pubic that posts these comments. Leave those ladies out of your bile and go back under the rock you came from.
@7:08 Look here nugget, I am an expat here on a temporary assignment and then I am going back home but I have to say I go to church every Sunday, I believe in the sanctity of marriage and the family unit as a whole and I think that middle aged men who believe they are “6 year old girls” have mental issues and not a gender issue and that grown men using the women’s bathroom especially if there are children in it is ridiculous.
Not all of us from other countries are these monsters your xenophobic racists views paint us out to be. Some of us actually care about these islands and have worldly experience enough to know that the wool has been pulled so far down over some of your eyes that you now have feety pajamas and you are happy to revel in the warmth of ignorance.
In the words of my boy’s favorite cartoon character on Toy Story “you are a sad, pathetic little man and I pity you.”
The only people destroying your country’s well being are you Caymanians. YOU are the ones who allow us to come here, YOU are the ones who invite us here, YOU are the ones letting unscrupulous foreign owned companies come in and hold your people back, YOU are the ones tossing out work permits and allowing foreigners to buy their residencies though purchasing land, YOU are the ones selling your own country out from under your neighbors feet and YOU are the ones who can stop it but YOU DON’T because you all sure as hell love OUR money.
I’ve been in a few other countries on tasks that China Harbour have done projects in. You will learn the hard way the cost of doing business with them just like every other country has and by then your corrupt politicians will be richer and laughing at your sorry asses.
Now I’m sure the detractors will jump on this and thumb it down, hell “Muppet Hunter” might come and try to tag me as well but the fact of the matter is, the only people to blame for the things wrong in YOUR country is YOU! Grow a set of damned balls and take responsibility and take your country back and stop pointing fingers, remember each time you point at someone you have 3 fingers pointing back at you on the same hand.
Alistair Cameron from Toronto Canada.
P.S. Any government who does this much under handed dealings to keep the public blind when not a matter of national security is hiding something but what do I know right? I’m just a God hating, children corrupting, gender bent foreigner right? @7:08’s post is a good example of why expats laugh at you Caymanians.
@Alistair, nope no tag for you. You Sir are no muppet. I have expat friends who say the exact same thing you do.
– Muppet Hunter
Hi this is 21st Century calling 7.08. You know we have electricity now and frown upon incest, in family marriages, child abuse and so on? We also frown upon wasting money on projects that don’t benefit all Cayman. Hence you have no need to raise the expat card, as in a referendum, expats cannot vote, only Caymanians will decide. Unless you are saying they are so dumb that expats could influence them badly? That has never happened.
If Caymanians are acting as agents of foreign powers i.e. China do they have to register with the British or US authorities? Just wondering?
NO and our great speaker is wonderful. He always speaks the truth and wants only the best for our country. Mr Speaker is a national hero!
National Zero
Ok Doct… Doc…. D… Nope can’t do it. Ok Mr. Bush. If there will still be work for tenders when the 2 piers are filled? Yeah at a seriously reduced level. From the pictures, it looks like there will be space for 4 ships at one time? Considering the majority of the days there are only 4 and less ships here.. how will they maintain the same business they’ve had over the last 40 years? Can you explain how you worked that out Mr. Bush?
Gonna have eight! You bug-eyed soldier crab! Carrots and milk.
The Cayman people are not required to guarantee these two men who have the tender operations The same level of business they have had with their monopoly over the last 40 years. We Should be allowed to build our dock. We don’t owe them anything.
I’m not saying they should be guaranteed, I’m just trying to figure out his math and asking him to explain it. MUPPET HUNTER I NEED YOU! GOT A LIVE ONE.
Can we see the job description for Speak of the House please?
CHEC pulling the strings here? It would take more than a new freezer to stop me signing the petition.
I hope that mostly the People of West Bay see what kind of disrespectful representation that they getting out the Mr Bush after that wig has got to his head .
Is that wig on his head too tight on his head , and squeezing his brain and stopped him from thinking .
This brain you mention, do you have any evidence of one? Maybe you meant his wallet? Pressure on that would cause pain.
And finally, does this man realise that he is not a member of Government or opposition, the very definition of his job is neutrality. If he displays any “side” he is unfit for that office, but then personally I have always doubted his fitness for any public office!
Question: why is he so partisan on this? Why did he support the granting of this contract to the Chinese organisation that has had repetitional issues in the past?
Trying to figure out who really is in charge. Mac wanted CHEC when he was leading the country and PPM said him and CHEC were corrupt. Next term Alden is the Premier Mac warns against the port project as being questionable. Mac and Alden together this term and Mac is supporting the same port plan with CHEC and DART involved.
Decco and CHEC are the only ones who can do this job. Plus they will finish all the projects at way better prices than our government is getting now. Praise to you Honorable Premier! Get rid of this petition!
The more I think about what Bush said in the article , the more get upset with his arrogance and his ignorance . Why would he make a reference to the underwater environment and coral reefs , as scattered pieces of coral called reef . Does that boy know that it was the underwater environment that helped put the Cayman islands on the world map .
People of Cayman islands get him out of LA , and put him back in West Bay to cull iguanas .
Yup, Dictatorship , Banana republic in the making
Haha! In the making?? Bobo, it been here long time.
Rick Sorry but your Dictatorship plans aŕe going to be scuttled and you and the other organizers shipped out.
Quite literally. If they had the power to choose who votes and who doesn’t then.. oh wait nvm..
They must be building some nice condos on the port too……..
2:51pm no condos, only casinos that accept government corporate cards. I thought I had mine in my briefcase.
You can also buy nice watches with those.
Is he denying people the voice so they won’t tell the government what they want?
Are voters being painted as functional idiots who are unable to make up their own minds about this project?
This spectacle is agonizing and frenzied,
I fear that the majority of Mac’s voters do not even read the news, let alone the comments, and have probably already collected their $5 gas money with a sticky note “do not sign anything today” stuck on it…
Quite fitting that Mac would do this instead of the Premier, the Premier could never be seen trying to sway the voting public from standing up for their own rights of free speech…
Trying to influence persons to vote against the port referendum by the Speaker of the Houseos patently wrong and an abuse of power. He must remain independent at all times as is noted on several websites on the matter. Imagine some of his own constituency may not favour the port and Bush is saying do not vote for a referendum.
ha ha! you funny
There we have it folks, if we lose Seven Mile Beach “it will be God’s doing and not by the Dock.”
This is NOT a case of, “… if we loose Seven Mile Beach …” but simply, ” …when we loose Seven Mile Beach …” High time to call a spade a spade. I just cannot understand why Moses, et al. are shooting themselves in the foot (feet?). Sure, build the d***** cruise birthing facility and soon there won’t BE any tourists to shop at their stores – EVER AGAIN!
We will lose the SMB due to greet and government inaction.
Yes because God is building those hotels and condos.
This is becoming more entertaining than House of Cards.
Maybe they can raise funds with a Netflix series.
This, and Choudurry gone mysteriously…
Hello UK?
Mac needs to provide an explanation for that letter he wrote the the Belize Govt asking for Contracts on behalf of China Harbour who happen to be bidding on the port
It’s obvious that he is hand in hand with China Harbour. Also suspicious he closed down his non-profit before being forced to make it’s finances public. FCO needs to get in here and fast and stop this madness.
We can stop it ourselves with this petition for referendum….
I’m glad Mckeeva finally opened his big uneducated mouth
If the petition wasn’t guaranteed to get thousands of signatures
It sure as hell will reach 5300 now
At the end of your term it will have been 8 years of holding 3 seats in the LA (only in West Bay) for the UDP
Retire XXXX
The people will thank you for it
Caymans Mac Trump.
Supporters ..? Are we playing a football or a rugby match ?
Just like everything else Save Cayman does, they try to hide motives, twist information and trick people. They say “Sign petition if you are for or against, we just want a choice”
Complete BS!
They just want to dock stopped no matter what.
Now @1:37 is a special kind of muppet. Quite rare. XXXXXX
What information is there to twist and use to trick people? The government YOU so blindly follow hasn’t given any. In truth they are the ones twisting and tricking and very well by your comment.
The point of the referendum you muppet, is to get more information on the project to see if this is really a good deal not just for the environment but for Cayman on the whole.
If the facts say it should go through then let it but if the facts say no way in hell then stop the project.
What are you sheeple afraid of?
– Muppet Hunter
getting tired of “muppet”
Muppets do
Shut up racist
Racist? against ignorant stupid muppets only.
– Muppet Hunter
Muppet Hunter You are a totally disrespectful individual and if you are in favour of the petition then I want no part of it.
Spoken like a true kirkbot.
– Muppet Hunter
So if I said I am in favor of the port you will sign the petition against it? I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PORT.. BUILD IT AND DESTROY THESE SILLY CORAL REEFS, THEY’LL BE BACK IN 60 YEARS!!!
*hand @2:04 a pen*
F’n Muppet
– Muppet Hunter
The people asking for transparency are the ones that you question
Meanwhile you let the government do all their work behind closed doors without informing the public on anything
I have never gotten people who just mindlessly believe the government
Feel free to do it yourself but don’t attack people who do ask questions and then act as if we are the ridiculous ones
FYI this is not a save Cayman initiated movement #FACTS and if it was so what… why are you or anyone wouldn’t want all the information and have right to vote for or against????
But should not the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly represent democratic processes, and not speak out one-sided against petitions???
This is scary
VERY scary
why pretend that speakers are non-partisan? It only fools schoolchildren.
He can be partisan while maintaining democracy. Well sorry, Mac can’t but one should.
If it doesn’t benefit him he will.
1.30pm I believe he was speaking as CDP leader at the time. A totally different post.
what a joke!!!! thought we had the right to vote? thought we had the right to sign something if we wanted to! … Bet all them hard back “Keeva” / “MAC” fans who were going to sign it, wont sign it now that the speaker has spoken …
The fact that the government is so afraid of a referendum on this makes me very suspicious. What do they have to lose or hide? Or is Mac playing games and knows that by saying he might cause more people to sign the petition.
Seriously? He does not want the nation to decide based on facts, of which so far there are very few? Using misinformation about a referendum to “stop him”, just shows what may be going on behind this deal…if Mac is for it XXXXX…sign up for the referendum, don’t let the dirty tricks put you off!!! If it is really that good, everyone will vote for it anyway.
If Mac is so demonstrative, that will only serve the opposite intended effect — MORE people will be willing to sign the petition for referendum.
Sorry Mac, but you’re WAY out of line on this one.
As I asked previously; “What is the argument against a referendum on the decision?”
I also suggested we view all objectors with suspicion – and looked who popped up, lol!
That being said, I’ll be out and about in West Bay this afternoon seeking signatures.
Real talk.
– Whodatis
Exactly. Are the politicians working FOR the people, or AGAINST them?
You decide.
Why is the government afraid of a petition that might give people a say? This is quite sinister.
12.20pm You are right about the way Caymanians are being exploited by expats against the port project. The last time that I saw expats so eager to embrace Caymanians was when the expat tax was being proposed.
@2:15 When did @12:20 say anything about Expats exploiting Caymanians? You really are racists against expats aren’t you. And before you say anything I did not say I was for or against expats, I just commented on your racists view. I could hold the same view as you, I could not. I’m just saying you’re making public.
The government knows what happens when the people have their way and their say in a referendum
OMOV destroyed the power-base of the PPM in GT
We saw PPM candidates lose in areas where previously they would have won in a landslide
They know that if they hold the referendum the people will vote conclusively against the project
That is why the sitting Speaker of the House is not only taking a political position on an issue that doesn’t concern him
He is now publicly calling for supporters to ignore the petition and to just accept the government project
The speaker of the house wants you to remain in the dark on this issue while he and his cronies roll the dice on this project
If the people can’t see the sheer lunacy that is this process, this speaker and the collective Unity Government
Austin you better publicly come out and say that you are against this project now because if not you’re going to have a rude awakening in 2021 when the voters turn their back on you
Mckeeva we know you love to gamble, but go back to gambling with your own money, stop gambling with ours
Didn’t you get in trouble for that already?
You forgetting your lesson so soon?
What lesson? No consequences for any of his transgressions. His presence is toxic to the LA.
To 12.17pm The PPM won 5 of 7 seats in George Town. I guess their power base in GT was totally destroyed. NOT. McKeeva is not only Speaker of the L.A. but he is still a district representative and was posting comments as such.
MacNumpty Dumpty at it again. When he and his fellow rotten eggs tumble off that wall of ignorance it will be a good day for Cayman!
Now why in the world would you want to discourage people from having a DEMOCRATIC SAY in this berthing facility issue???
Come on! Let’s be a government for the people and by the people!
Because our authoritarian leaders have no interest in real democracy
They want your vote come election time and in between they don’t want to hear a peep
They learned their lessons from OMOV
They will do everything in their power to circumvent the will of the people
Vote these clowns out
This is our democracy. A laughing stock.
Thought the Speaker of the House was to remain “transparent”? What’s this then?
They are all the same vote them all out
Dr, Bush whatever name you wish to be addressed by, you are very much part of the problem that this government continues to be tainted with. The people’s lack of trust in the PPM was the main reason why the majority of 44% of voters demanded change in the 2017 election and sought to elect new Independent candidates who had integrity and ability to apply good governance. Although Bernie Bush does fall into that category,
not sure that you would be included. The peoples lack of trust in the PPM resulted in the PPM only getting 31% of the vote. The majority of people still don’t trust the PPM but then the majority don’t trust you either. Many of the people going out to sign this petition do so for important reasons that are much deeper than bringing extra hundreds of thousands of uber wealthy visitors to a few downtown shops. The few elected Independent politicians who crossed the aisle expecting to be able to effect positive change will discard your comments and when they obtain all the facts relating to this proposed development they will make decisions that will impact their future as well as the people of this country. Good governance is what the majority of the people want and they are going to achieve it.
@11.39am The MLAs that crossed the aisle said they did it to protest changes to Immigration law that they saw as supporting gay marriage.Since the election what have they done about it or to prevent it from happening? Maybe they just wanted to form another party and nothing else.
If the environmental/financial disaster, lack of infrastructure to cope with 6500pax ships and lack of transparency wasn’t enough to get you to sign, this pile of crap from Mckeeva should be enough motivate a lot of people to have their voices heard. Sign it yes!!
Clearly shows this mans intellect when he doesn’t even understand what the petition is for. The PUBLIC want answers that you XXXXXX won’t give us so you have left us with no other option but to ask for a referendum.
Here’s a thought Mac, Alden and Moses; how about letting us know what the plan is; in detail; from start to finish with nothing left out? Is that too much too ask or do you all have to much to hide?
It’s our future for God’s sake and you are keeping everything behind closed doors with regards to the country’s largest project in our history. You all have no track record whatsoever on projects; we are still trying to finish f**king schools that you started 12yrs ago FFS!
What in the world did i just read!!! This shows what McKeeva really thinks of his supporters. Wake up and stop allowing these career politicians to lead the Cayman Islands to the slaughter house! I think his career should be over, he has had a long enough run of incompetence, and playing games with our future. Same goes for the PPM.
When two XXXX parties decide to work together, this is what we get. Alden and Mckeeva will long be in their graves when our children suffer the consequences of these idiotic and egotistic ideas that these so called leaders come up with.
What scares me more than Mac or Alden in the house? The idea of a government controlled by some of these youngsters who went off to college and returnrd with totally foreign indoctrination, turning their backs on traditional Caymanian values. Now thats scary.
@2:39 Seriously? “foreign indoctrination”? Do you mean having your eyes opened to see there is more than just Cayman across the water? It’s people like Mac who only see what they want to see that is bringing this country down.
WTF – I was on the fence on whether to sign-up to the petition but now I have definitely made up my mind. CNS please post where the petition organisers will be this weekend. I am ready to sign.
CNS: We’ll try to get both the exact wording of the petition and the locations where people can sign before the weekend.
Anyone out there who expects anything different from mckeeva is as much out in left field as he is. He is who he is. He sets the standard for the rest of this government. Who would have thought, Moses and Alden bowing down to mckeeva. Politics sure does make strange bed fellows!
McKeeva and Moses are the true leaders of this Unity team. Same dog puppy
Mr. Bush must be aforesaid of what the people will say if it goes to the public vote. He must know that what they are trying to do is against the desires of the public. If not why would he be afraid of the vote.
Wasn’t going to sign it but I will now.
Doesn’t take much to motivate you does it.
CNS can you please publish a copy of the actual petition so that the public can see really what the Speaker Bush is really worth .
Mr. Bush should also know that Lawmakers cannot violate the Constitution , and if the petition gets the required amount of signatures of legally registered voters , they Lawmakers cannot refuse to do their civic duty to the Constitution .
CNS: We’ll try to get both the exact wording of the petition and the locations where people can sign before the weekend.
for lack of knowledge the people perish!
WTF did I just read? He has to go now!
he is so very biased in his role as speaker it is an affront to the democracy in Cayman. just embarassing.
He must be removed as speaker by Premier Alden McLaughlin after this latest embarrassing epidsode. His actions are unacceptable and will speak volumes if Cabinet and the elected mla’s do not take immediate steps to replace him.
The country is turning into a banana republic.
He won’t be removed by the Premier , because he’s helping him . The people have to remove them both .
People pushed vote of no confidence?
Taking lessons from the orange man to the north
The major problem here is that government continues to keep everything about this dock so secret. I’m not decided on whether I think the dock is a good idea or bad, but I don’t want it because I feel there must be a reason that they won’t share any details with us. And then hearing that the China company is involved again just makes me think this government is not capable of planning and managing a project of this scale.
Between Trump and McKeewa, who is more petty? One acts like a spoiled teenage girl who has fits if her bf doesn’t call her, and the other acts like a scorned wife who knows her husband has 20 side chicks.
Moses K is no different than McKeeva they do not thing rules apply to them
McKeeva wants the petition to fail. Good enough reason to sign it for me!
Mac, you had one job. Just one job, and that was to remain neutral. SMH & KMT
Mac will be Mac, he wont stop…..
Then Alden must grow some balls and remove him as Speaker or is it a case of the tail wagging the dog? This is a test he cannot afford to fail.
Mac is getting his sheep in line!
I agree with Mr Bush on this one. As far as I’m aware the decision to build a cruise facility was made ‘donkey years’ ago. The members of the LA was elected to make decisions on behalf of the people who elected them. They are very, very well paid to do this so why is the opposition advocating shirking their responsibility in this matter. There is no need to have a referendum on this. We would never get anything done (it’s bad enough how it is now when we try to build something) if every time we try to get something built people are calling for referendum, where do you draw the line?. If we want to go that route scrap elections and govern by referendums.
If you wish to be led by the blind, then you carry on, it is your right. On the other hand demanding to know the full details of this very opaque deal would generally be regarded as a sensible step. The fact that CIG seems really reluctant to provide that detail just raises suspicions of potential malpractice. However, you just carry on but don’t forget to say “Baaaa” every now and again so your leaders know the no-brain sheep are following.
The decision was made and the FCO stepped in and stopped it because the deal was deemed detrimental to the Cayman Islands yet here we are again with the same bunch of fools.
Must be written by the West Indian man!
Well that demonstrates his total disregard for democracy. I wonder what he’s frightened of?
I couldn’t help but laugh reading this article
The casual way he ignores the will of the people for the interests of businesses, and the donor class
I guess the years he spent talking about the need to rethink the project are passed now that he is back on his high horse
Have you no shame?
WB please get some sense, this man has been in power for nearly 40 years and you still have the same issues you had when I was born, vote him out
Being a career politician is not a skill or a compliment
This man flips and flops seemingly with the tides