Choudhury petitioners widen campaign

| 15/08/2018 | 64 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): Two months after Governor Anwar Choudhury was recalled to London amid undisclosed allegations made by his office and house staff, petitioners hoping to persuade the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to send him back to the Cayman Islands are widening their petition. Organisers said that in response to public support for the ‘Bring Back Governor Choudhury’ campaign, the petition, which is only open to registered voters, is now available to sign at many more locations, including a number of stores, supermarkets and other retail outlets.

This petition is one of two currently circulating in Cayman relating to the situation regarding the governor. An online petition calling for the job to be given to Deputy Governor Franz Manderson, which is backed by the House Speaker McKeeva Bush, has collected around 780 signatures. The petition calling for the return of Choudhury is not available online and organisers have not yet revealed how many signatures they have managed to collect.

The details of Choudhury’s suspension remain under wraps, and despite indications by officials that the inquiry into the complaints about him would be completed within four to six weeks, it is now more than nine weeks since the FCO revealed that the governor was under investigation.

Choudhury had received a warm welcome in the Cayman Islands as people saw his more open and outspoken approach as refreshing. There was also a strong sense that he was going to hold the civil service more accountable and that he would improve governance. His recall, after he was here such a short time, has been met with suspicion, and in the absence of facts from government officials both here and in London, a number of conspiracy theories have emerged.

The petition calling for his return, which Acting Governor Manderson has said civil servants can sign, is available at the following locations:

  • A. L. Thompson Home Depot (North Sound Way)
  • Rayburn Ebanks (Smith Road Fruit Vendor, Smith Road, George Town)
  • Foster’s Food Fair stores, Customer Service Counter
  • Airport Store, George Town
  • Countryside Shopping Center, Savannah
  • Morritts Shopping Center, East End
  • Rebublix Shopping Center, West Bay
  • Strand Shopping Center, West Bay Road
  • Funky Tangs (Shedden Road, George Town)
  • Hurley’s Supermarket (Customer Service, Grand Harbour)
  • Kirk Home Center (Eastern Ave., George Town)
  • Renaissance Salon and Spa (Walkers Road, George Town)
  • Rubis Service Station Savannah (opposite Countryside Shopping Centre)
  • Simply Computers (West Shore Center, West Bay Road)
  • Sunset House (Front Desk, South Church Street, George Town)

Anyone who can help collect signatures, offer a location or personal to assist is asked to email: 

For more information visit the website or Facebook pages.

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Category: Local News

Comments (64)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This whole petition movement appals me. The Governor is the UK government’s representative in Cayman. Who he is, how long he is here, what he is meant to do, all that is an issue for the UK government and civil service in London to decide, it has nothing to do with what locals in the territory want.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why would you be appalled? The first governor that has ever given a shit about the Caymanian people is removed without evidence and you are appalled?
      Attitudes like yours are the reasons why people are desperate to get rid of colonial thugs with no compassion.

      Please rethink your position. If you are Caymanian, then please elaborate on your statement. If you are not, then you have no need to say anything as your motive is already clear.
      I remember leaving the UK to get away from this sort of racism.

  2. Rodney A. Barnett says:

    In reading most (but not all) of the comments, I note many writers ridicule others for supporting the petition, and say such a champaign is not the way determining the outcome of the Governors fate. Perhaps those writers are technically correct, but please note that many on these islands are frustrated, and feel they must do something.

    Those overseeing the Governors “review” and those controlling the strings here in Cayman are once again being disrespectful to voters and taxpayers who have elected and financially support the bureaucracy. We deserve to know the facts, and we deserve to have a fully functioning Government supporting the needs and will of the people. Not protecting the elite who currently are in power or connected to those who are.

    Just look at what has happened to the USA where an elite class of power-brokers and unelected insiders control that country!

    • Anonymous says:

      Vacuous populist claptrap. The electorate voted in populist jokers en masse and that electorate is so tiny because the said electorate like the power that it is incredibly easy to influence especially in tiny tiny contituencies.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This is a wild time to be in Cayman. Anonymous signature collectors, deported Governors, and Franz Manderson as Acting Governor. What’s next? Berthing port?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Q. In relation to the Port/Dock fiasco, where is the voter-led petition for:
    (a) public revised EIA and bathymetric studies
    (b) public updated business case
    (c) disclosure of estimated maint, dredging, insurance, and control costs
    (d) geological engineering study for newer deepwater plan
    (e) Public Education Period… and then finally
    (f) Local Referendum to go ahead or abandon?

    Why is that one so hard to organize? Isn’t it important that we compel this non-elected Unity Coalition to follow the rules and procedure to ensure good governance?

    Three columns: Name, Number/District, Signature. Submit to governor/assistant governor with at least 25% of electorate. If they fail to observe a legal petition, contact the FCO and/or file an injunction to stop the process until it resumes procedure.

  5. Anonymous says:

    What about the Governor that was said to had a child out of wedlock by a Caymanian woman, he was NOT sent back home, think, think.

    • Anonymous says:

      Governor Scott was on his way out at the natural end of his time here and he left as scheduled soon after the whole business came to light. Incidentally, he acted as a gentleman and acknowledged and supported the child financially.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why is this relevant to the current Governor’s situation? I am not following the reasoning on this one. Please explain/clarify?

      • Anonymous says:

        They’re saying his tenure was not abruptly cut short like Mr Choudury’s.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes, I suppose the insinuation of the original poster with his pathetic “think, think” comment was that Governor Scott was white while Choudury is not. The poster at 10:08 pointed out that Scott was leaving anyway so there was no need for any fuss/inquiry etc.

  6. Anonymous says:

    1:29 you all complain about the Politicians and yet keep voting them back in every 4 years, Caymanians maybe the foolish people in the world.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hear, hear. Well said! The voice of a patriot.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Do any of the petitioners or idiots signing it have a clue what he may or may not be accused or guilty of? I doubt it. Secondly why do you imagine the FCO cares about a petition? In the event we get him back, and I very much hope we do, it’s because he was exonerated. If he isn’t he won’t be back. It’s very simple.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Great. Let’s get this petition going. I look forward to seeing Gov Choudhury back here sooner rather than later.

  10. Cho Cho says:

    I would love to sign a petition banning petitions.

    • Anonymous says:

      Government needs to put check in /check out clocks so it may help civil servants to be on time and not to be in the Stores eating sacks on Govt. time and doing their weekly shopping on govt. time and showing up for work 5 days a week.The Brac needs these clocks badly.

      • Anonymous says:

        The Brac has these clocks…for teachers anyway.

        • Anonymous says:

          Adim. bldg. & post offices don’t have them and others places also don’t have them and they are needed badly so people espcecially at the P.O. might show up 5 days a week instead one or two days a week, come on Mr . Dep. Governor have these clocks installed so these people can be held accountable.

  11. Anonymous says:

    This is unbelieveably cruel for the powers that be to frustrate the people of the Cayman Islands by keeping them in the dark with absolutely no commynications about the sudden removal of our Governor!

    • Anonymous says:

      Or as we say in George Town, typical Tuesday.

    • Anonymous says:

      Perhaps more is going on than we realize ~ he already had lots of info to share with England about how Cayman is being run (and how Caymanians are feeling) with Dart being allowed to build a ‘Las Vegas’, the Cruise Dock fiasco, Education, Unemployment, Immigration/Work Permits, Financial Sector, etc.
      We can only pray that if he was set up or not, he saw enough for England to now scrutinize the problems to deal with them.

  12. Anonymous says:

    What part of ‘it’s the law’ and ‘the right to a fair hearing’ don’t you idiots get?
    The man is entitled to have his case heard without armchair experts giving their less than experienced opinion in the press.
    He is an employee of the British government and therefore entitled to due process under UK and EU regulations, because unlike Cayman’s culture of judgement by public opinion, employees are protected from unscrupulous employers and the self deluded by real laws and trade unions.

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you know whether he wouldn’t like to speak out about it? He is effectively muzzled until the FCO decides otherwise.

      • Anonymous says:

        He’s muzzled until he has a fair hearing. And how do you, or rather why do you naively assume he would.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Brilliant grass roots movement.
    So wonderful to see people refusing to accept this dishonest decision to remove a man who was genuinely concerned for the Caymanian people.
    I know for a fact that this man expressed concern at the influence of Dart within earshot of the wrong people.
    I also know that he held very meticulous meetings that pissed off the higher ups in the civil service.
    He also expected highly paid civil servants to work the necessary hours to justify their commitments and their titles.
    I do not know if he was guilty of the salacious behaviour that he was accused of and if Alden McLaughlin or Franz Manderson cannot provide any evidence, they should step down immediately since they would have failed a people wh had already placed good faith in Mr. Choudhury.
    The people are no longer afraid of being ridden all over roughshod by the government and are beginning to speak out.
    Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real.

    • Anonymous says:

      “So wonderful to see people refusing to accept this dishonest decision…I do not know if he was guilty”
      So it’s wonderful to see people refusing to accept this dishonest decision that may in fact prove to be both honest and correct, you mean?

      • Anonymous says:

        Dishonest in the fact that he was removed without any guilt being proven.
        Can you read? Obviously you can read, but there is another facet of the English language that you should acquaint yourself with and that is usually referred to as comprehension.

    • Ron Ebanks says:

      I think that anonymous 12:46 pm , and 1:29 pm , if you are not the same person , both of you are awake and should have an award for your comments. .
      That’s what I have been saying that you people need to wake up and not be scared of these politicians that I think is trying to mussel you and deprive of everything including Mr. Choudhury . Don’t be scared to tell your employees the politicians what to do or you are unhappy with , remember that they are supposed to be working for you the voter that voted for them .

    • Anonymous says:

      His job is to represent the UK’s interests not meddle in petty local affairs.

    • Anonymous says:

      Certainly he has discussed info about Cayman such as the allowing of the Dart takeover. Perhaps he will make a difference after all…

  14. West Bay Premier says:

    I wish that whoever did the petition to bring back Mr. Choudhury would be man/woman enough to sign their real name to it . Without that I think people are wasting their time , and no Choudhury. .
    returning, see too many strange names to believe it .

    • Anonymous says:

      Wholeheartedly agree. The secretism in Cayman is like a wet rot. Nobody knows whether they are coming or going. They are collecting signatures from Caymanians, we don’t even know if the petition organizers are Caymanian. Surely, someone should be able to get to the bottom of this individual. I think knowing who they are would speak volumes.

    • Anonymous says:

      West Bay Premier, there is probably a very good reason why you do not use your real name in your CNS comments.p

      Maybe you should respect that maybe the draftets of the petition also have their own personal reasons why they have chosen to not yet disclose their name(s).

      Can you respect that?

      • Ron Ebanks says:

        If I did the petition or anything else, I am never scared to sign my name to it , or say it .
        Ron Ebanks.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Petition to make thatch hats great again now available.

    Everyone go and sign.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sanctimonious, ignorant person alert.
      If you don’t like the culture, Bobo, f%$% #ff.
      Perhaps Egypt will be more welcoming to smart, intelligent people like you.
      Perhaps you can convince them to forget about their pyramids?
      People like you really get in my craw. You are a guest in a country and you strut around like an arrogant cock.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sanctimonious, wrong-end-of-the-stick person alert.
        Wonderful to see such a measured reaction with worthwhile content.
        On the other hand, they were probably being light-heartedly serious, although to be fair…putting thatch hats on a cultural/historical par with the pyramids might be a liiiiiittttle bit of a stretch…Bobo…

        • Anonymous says:

          You missed the mark as well.
          Don’t apologise for fools, they won’t thank you anyway.

          • Anonymous says:

            @8:00pm … Actually YOU missed the mark. How can making something great about the Cayman heritage be interpreted as being sanctimonious. You should just stop using big words if you don’t understand the meanings of them – I don’t suit you. I don’t usually argue with stupid cause you don’t get anywhere but to be clear I’m from here. And Egypt??! WTH are you ranting about HAHA

  16. Anonymous says:

    Yes to Choudhury, and a big NO to Caymanian governors.

  17. Anonymous says:

    The governor staff he is not pleased with nor would i be

  18. Anonymous says:

    I’m really not sure why there is such a big push to sign a petition to bring back a governor that (let’s face it) we really know nothing about it. If the powers that be found it necessary to remove him should we not just leave it alone and hope and pray for a more suitable person to be sent in his place?

    • Anonymous says:

      Suitable for who?
      Are you Caymanian? That is an easy question.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or could it be that he did nothing at all and that is the reason why we cannot hear anything further. The civil servants were too comfortable all these years and the minute someone came in to hold them all accountable the easiest solution was to get rid of them

      • Anonymous says:

        Just so I’m following your argument, these disgruntled civil servants called up the FCO and said we don’t want your man here, and the FCO said, oh in that case we will get rid of him and find one you do like?

    • Anonymous says:

      LOL the “Powers that be” remove anything and anyone that threaten their PEACE. That’s facts. It has been proven and continuously repeated.

    • Anonymous says:

      I did not bring the Governor here and I did not take him away. where do I sign?

  19. Anonymous says:

    Good Grief…the man is under investigation. If he is found guilty he won’t be back…only in Cayman would we want someone back who may have behaved or acted in appropriately and can’t wait for the investigation to end. That is probably due to no one caring about inappropriate behavior here…

    • Anonymous says:

      You sound like such a Nazi. This man’s character was slurred and there is no evidence.
      Just because you have made your mind up, it does not mean you are right…or wrong.
      Just bridle that soft thing between your teeth.
      No one wants a “dutty” bloke running them, but on the other hand the same people should be outraged if a government clique were upset because this man tried to help.
      You cannot have it both ways.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh dear 12.18, did you once try to read the original comment? The poster quite clearly says if the Governor is found guilty he won’t be back, implying that if not found guilty he will be back. I see no judgment there…unlike in your somewhat underwhelming and clearly biased response. His point is precise, let the experts do the job rather than armchair know-it-alls (read that for know nothing if you choose) like you.

        • Anonymous says:

          “if not found guilty he will be back.”

          That is the question. Will he? Looking at the bigger picture, really?

      • Anonymous says:

        “Always accuse your adversary of what you yourself are doing.”

    • Anonymous says:

      @12:03 “only in Cayman would we want someone back who may have behaved or acted in appropriately” Hey we do so with our elected officials, why not our Governor. We’re just keeping it real Bo Bo.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t be a fool, may have and did are two different things.
        How do you manage to twist the English language so much?
        Hold on, are you a lawyer?
        Note carefully that I asked you a question and have not yet jumped to a conclusion.

        • Anonymous says:

          @8:18 A certain WB MLA MAY have grabbed a servers ass and DID use funds for personal reasons but we still voted him back in. As I said.. just keeping it real.

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