Petition calls for return of Choudhury
(CNS): A group of anonymous individuals, some of whom are believed to be government workers, have begun a petition calling for the return of Cayman Islands Governor Anwar Choudhury, who was suspended from his post last month as a result of as yet unconfirmed complaints. The petition, which began circulating today, is asking the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to send Choudhury back as soon as possible unless they can demonstrate he has committed a crime, because despite his very limited time here, many people believe he had already made a significant impression.
In a short press release, organisers of the “Bring Back Governor Choudhury” campaign raised their concerns that there had been no information from the FCO about his removal. Referencing Operation Tempura and the “offhanded way” that both the local and UK officials dealt with the very costly debacle, they indicated that this could go the same way.
“The UK Government initiated the investigations, but the Cayman Islands taxpayers are paying the costs,” the petitioners said of the still unwinding saga of Operation Tempura, a fruitless investigation into the RCIPS that nevertheless accrued a price tag of more than $10 million in associated costs.
The organisers said the aim of the petition is to collect signatures from Caymanian electors calling for Choudhury’s return unless it is found that he had committed a crime. They believe the current complaints were made by “disgruntled individuals in whatever capacity, or displeased persons due to change in the order of things”, and that there appears to be no indications of any serious grounds for his removal.
In the petition, which is addressed to Lord Tariq Ahmad, the overseas territories minister, the petitioners credit Choudhury with a number of accomplishments, such as his stated action calling the civil service to account and his interest in finding solutions to rising crime that has already delivered more proactive policing.
“Mr Choudhury has been the first governor by attitude and action to show equal respect and regard for all sectors and individuals in Cayman and not limited to a small elite and self-important few who wish to be given special treatment, including invitations to Government House,” the petitioners stated. They added that there had been an increase in “public trust and belief that finally there was a governor who would listen and was not afraid to right the many wrongs in governance”.
Implying that Choudhury’s removal appears unfounded, the petitioners also pointed to wider concerns that the recall has caused in the business community as a result of the “speculation, numerous rumours and uncertainty” and questions why, when he had shown such genuine interest on the public’s behalf for good governance, he has suddenly been taken away.
The FCO had suggested that the investigation into the complaints about the governor would be completed by the end of this month, but officials have since confirmed that it was delayed after Choudhury’s mother died. There have been no indications about the progress of the complaints, which appear to be confined to bullying allegations from a staff member in his office and another worker at Government House, the governor’s residence on Seven Mile Beach.
Although the petition is available to view online in full, the organisers are seeking to verify that all of those supporting it are eligible electors because previous petitions included visitors or short-term residents, enabling the authorities to dismiss the petitioners’ causes.
Anyone wishing to sign is asked to contact the organisers by email at bringbackgovernorchoudhury@
Category: Local News
The governor is gone ? never even noticed everything same to be going fine without him the garbage collection is even better and they are accepting junk vehicles at the landfill again
Governor Choudhury fixed a lot in a very short time.
Some are not aware, but it was Governor Choudhury who got the garbage collection working again because he accepted no excuses – only results that would get the job done.
Yes, that upset many high Civil Servants.
I would sign the petition but need to know who are the person’s organizing it to make certain it will be properly dealt with. Stand up and put your names up front so we can sign ours.
In light of independence becoming a reality in the near future, by choice or otherwise, British colonial history shows that now is NOT the time for “good governance” to be the standard for the Cayman Islands – as far as the UK is concerned.
Instead, there will be a sustained, deliberate and covert mission to destabilise all aspects of Cayman society.
Therefore, the removal of Choudhury was an easy decision as apparently, he did not receive the memo or was unable to recognize “colonial code” that has existed for generations within quintessentially British quarters.
I doubt we will be seeing him again anytime soon – and his replacement will be a more “suitable” player.
– Whodatis
* Some may take issue with the above, but silly me, I’ve only gone and relied on actual history.
All opposition and complaints should be directed to the proper entities…and archives.
** As usual, personal insults can be slid under the door.
Happy Friday to each and all.
So this covert conspiracy. Do tell us more.
* Kicks off shoes, opens a cold brew, sits back and waits.
I’m actually done.
How’s that beer?
– Who
Ah well, Who admits he is full of it. Again.
My friend, your little earnest mission to discredit Whodatis absolutely pales in comparison to the far greater issues referenced in my original post.
Whereas I empathise with the inherent desire of individuals like yourself to protect the offender at all costs, at any given time – I honestly could not give less of a sh!t about your one-sided sensitivities.
Nevertheless, I wish you a pleasant Monday.
– Whodatis
*History is on my side…and is very much against yours.
On the subject of one-sided sensitivities….
As usual sweeping generalizations with no evidence meant to create some sense of urgency or emergency along with assertions that will in time be proven to be false and nothing more than empty drivel, while leaving out the fact that there were plenty of Caymanians pushing the ISIS, terrorism, anti-christian, sharia law narrative
Everything Who posts can be boiled down to this line:
The only thing his incessant ranting and raving reminds me of is Stephen Colbert, literally pulling out a chalkboard and connecting separate words with lines and forming nonexistent theories (except when he did it, it was 1) funny and 2) meant to be a jok
Someone is clearly trying to pay close attention to Whodatis – but unfortunately, reading comprehension appears to be a weak point in their development.
We only fail when we stop trying though.
Keep on keeping on…
– Who
No, Who, 3.04 and 4.31 both called you out for the baseless drivel in your post. And, my little narcissist friend, your answers were wanting, very wanting.
(Please see my reply to your colleague above, thereafter, copy and paste into the reply box of your comment.)
– Who
Whodatis, you are a trip. Incoherent and ill conceived as usual. For example, where did you get info about imminent independence? Do tell us.
I doubt you would spend precious time and effort following and replying to a usually “incoherent and ill conceived” individual.
That would say more (negatively) about you than I.
– Who
*I’m open to further exploring my referenced trends in British colonial history though …
There is great irony in many of these comments, would we ever see a Moslem MLA or Government minister?. We have a large expatriate population many with status and permanent residence but they will never be allowed to be represented in Government as in the UK and most EU countries.
Contrary to popular belief, there are quite a lot of civil servants who are trying every day to battle against laziness, corrupt practices, illegitimate sick leave and incompetence.
In my dept we have hopeless management, ineffective leadership and some staff who believe the govt works for them and not vice versa.
The use of govt vehicles, govt time and govt position to further private personal and business interests is far too common and the Dep Gov should crack down on those who fraudulently use public assets and funds in this way.
If this is what the Gov was looking at when considering the CS future, then I’m not surprised the locals didn’t like it.
I said from the beginning of this whole fiasco that he was getting too close to the caymanian community and the , foreign and commonwealth office didn’t like his style because he was showing too much respect for the people, no disrespect to anyone but let’s not forget who we are dealing with it’s their style from day one divide and conquer
Enough of your stupid paranoia. Before any diplomat is posted they are selected for their expertise in a relevant area, (in this case national security) and briefed as to their priorities.
This Governor was brought in to sought out internal and external threats, then to sought out the Civil Service management.
Getting ‘too’ close is his job, he needs to find out the real story of Caymans plunge into lawlessness, social breakdown and the appalling management of the CS.
Shamefully some Caymanians dislike the Governor on the basis of religion, others, equally as shamefully believe he is a good man because of his colour. Neither should be the case as he is a fine diplomat, a genuine human being and a proven expert in his field over many years service to the Crown.
If you support him, support him for that and leave the paranoid crap where it belongs.
I find this hysterical! Before the Governor arrived many of the people on here were stating “end of days, a Muslim governing the Cayman Islands”. Now, even when circumstances are not clear but the Marl road says some serious things happened, you want him reinstated? But you can’t love your own Caymanian fighting for her right to equality? Time will tell, we really know nothing of what is alleged. If he is innocent he will be back, if not, he won’t..this place is screwed up big time.
Don’t stop the Carnival…..or those that control the Islands’ largest voting block.
And herein lies the problem with this island and it’s totla ignorance of privacy, integrity and corrupt practice.
The Governor is entitled to have his case investigated, heard and adjudicated according to the facts, not by the judgement of those who don’t understand the simple principle of fairness.
Too many Caymanians believe that an allegation is a verdict of guilt or that they should share the tittle tattle of what could and should be a very private matter. They also share what is not theirs to share and discuss personal details which may or may not be true.
Let the machinery of justice take its path according to the highest of workplace rules, regulations and laws. You can be assured that His Excellency will have the very best representation in the UK and should there be a case to answer it will be judged according to UK and EU law, not the kangaroo justice of nosy public opinion.
I liked the emerging policies of this Gov, his attentiveness to forgotten committees, and willingness to challenge engrained norms – but if the piggish allegations are substantiated, the UK can have him. Gone are the days of free license by those in any position of power. Let them either confirm or absolve him through the passage of due process.
I don’t doubt that he was putting a few noses out of joint, but surely it was the FCO who recalled him, rather than Cayman rejecting him. So if we are to believe in this conspiracy theory, then people would have been ‘encouraged’ to make spurious complaints, or lie? Alternatively the FCO are in cahoots with Cayman and would do their bidding (sound likely?). I would have thought that the FCO would have been happy for their man on the ground to be stirring things up, or at least disinterested in any local complaints.
So the options I’m left with are that the complaints are serious, or they are lies, or embellished enough to sound serious. Or something not in the public domain.
At last! A rational, well thought out response.
Caymanians please take a long hard look at this situation. If they can remove a governor for these ridiculous things What do you think they will do to us for even thinking them or saying them in private. Cayman dont let them get away with this It is bigger than Governor Choudhury!
I just wish that you all would stop trying to advise sensible people on what to do. Everything about the removal of the governor is heresy. Just wait and see what the end results will bring. Jumping on the van wagon and to form a petition without knowing the truth about a situation is very immature. Get real , get educate then move.
Oh dear. No it isn’t heresy but it is hearsay. And I certainly won’t be jumping on any van wagon. It is very important to get educated and then post comments, I agree with that though.
I just heard Ezzard Miller on Radio Cayman’s Talk Today with Sterling Ebanks discussing the Governor’s recall.
The comment was that if it is true that the Governor’s staff was able to get the Governor recalled while Legislators could not — we have a problem in this country.
I tend to agree it is a rather serious.
Miller should keep his nose out. He has no right to comment on the seriousness or otherwise of the Governors predicament.
It just goes to prove once more that Miller is unfit for public office and a mouthpiece for rabble rousing idiots.
6:10 pm: how funny. Why would Miller not have a right to comment? At least be rational.
It sure is. It’s highlights that the powers-that-be will stop at nothing to protect their own interests even though this man was trying to implement measures that will improve the efficiency of the civil service and those that it serves.
I did email that I was willing to sign the petition, but no one has responded. Are they checking the electoral list? Is that what the hold up is?
Is there another way to sign up? A place that people can go to sign?
A certain high-level source has said that he is hearing that Kilpatrick is being reinstated. That would make me absolutely sick!
For God’s sake, how much more are we Caymanians to take!!!
Dont do that, please! Let Franz continue to act.
Maybe the complaints are not ridiculous!! You just don’t know.
He cleaned a fish and that drove everyone crazy.
I have never in all my days — and they are many—seen lower staff have so much power over a governor.
Why? Because of the colour of his skin? Because he is not a part of the landed gentry, the snooty upper echelons of British society? Because he is Muslim?
This only goes to show the horrible lines of demarcation that obtains in our society–we now know how deep they run.
This may have seemed to the FCO as a simple matter, but they have opened up and exposed Pandora’s box. Sadly, it may not be possible to capture and put under wraps again the many unspecified evils now exposed.
Caymanians stand up for Mr Choudhury because he was trying to stand for us! Do not let these immoral demons destroy this decent man and mislead you with their false propaganda because the well to do felt slighted and the untouchables in government felt uncomfortable. Arguing with his mother inlaw mann i still can’t get over that one. Ridiculous cow dung not even qualified as bull$#@!
Push Hard push hard Cayman lets get OUR Governor back here to do his JOB! Wrowing with his mother inlaw, bulling government employees unnah must be joking. XXXXX When since people standing up for what they know is right warrants monitoring people phone !!!
8:35am….you heard of the lodge within the lodge? you must be on wrong side….they who run the govt and cayman islands…sad!????
If the persons behind the petition had names then I suggest that it would help “the petition” along.
Every action has consequences. Recalling a Governor on the basis of private matters at his house and on the basis of a rebellion of office staff is just ridiculous. He had a different style, quashing Friday afternoon siestas and requiring them work late and all that.
Even if his FCO bosses wanted to look into that, why did it have to become a national issue?
If my boss wants to speak to me about issues, I don’t think it necessarily has to be disclosed to anyone else.
It all comes back to the release issue by the Premier and the words he used.
The consequences of that action are fairly significant for the FCO, the Governor, the Cayman Islands, and even the staff of the Governor’s office with all the rumors swirling around.
So while I WILL sign the petition—and I think it is important for the FCO to know how we feel about what has happened—I am not very optimistic about the outcome.
I have to completely agree the name of who launched the petition should be made known to the public , for reasons . Without knowing who would be forwarding this petition after it’s finished . Who would be held accountable for the answers after .
CNS , can you please tell the person/people who did this petition , “which I agree with ” that it would get more signatures , if they are serious about bringing the Governor back , but the people wouldn’t sign the petition, if they don’t know who to ask about the outcome of the petition and the return of the Governor .
So let us know your name/names , so we can hold you accountable for the answers for the results of the petition . I don’t think that it’s fair to people who sign the petition, and it be put in the cabinet to collect dust , and that’s what I think would happen to it without knowing that the petition was forwarded to the appropriate person or party .
I don’t think that no one should be ashamed or scared to participate in this matter .
if he had quickly joined the lodge….he woulda still be here….????nothing said….
Wrong, the lodge here actually doesn’t do shit for their own.
So Franz’s minions jumped on board pushing his agenda and are electronically circulating another petition begging for support for Franz to be appointed Governor, God help us that that does NOT happen. Weneediur Governor to be returned.
I am a new Caymanian, but not a registered voter yet. Why I should the petition only limited to those select few Caymanian, and not all of us?
Go register then.
Anonymous 7:00 am , by the constitution of the Cayman Islands, for any petition to be valid, it has to be signed by the registered voters of the Cayman Islands .
The constitutional provision re registered voters petitions is in relation to petitioning CIG. There is no question of any petition binding the FCO to do anything irrespective of who signs it. All it does is indicate public sentiment- and in that regard the more names the better – the FCO should be just as concerned as to what residents of the islands have to say about their governance as voters.
Deep state controlled cabal here are not happy about this.
Bring Choudhury back!
8 31? Amen to that.
He came and interacted with locals.
He visited the people at the Pines and was photographed pushing a wheelchair. Not that he had to do it but it showed he was getting with the every day activities of the natives.
He was visiting for lunch in homes. He attended meetings. At the shore with fishermen listening to them.
Why are we not getting answers about this mystery? We deserve answers.
This is cruel. A BOT treated this way is uncalled for!!!
He was smiling every single time I saw him. Terrible what has happened to him in Cayman.
sounds like he was holding them accountable and “bullying” them into doing some work….
I think you hit the nail on the head with that, I once had a new boss who came in and shook everything up. Not much ppl liked him at first, but after time we grew to love him and learned a lot from him as well, wish he was still around.
CNS, this strongly suggests what most of the public suspected – that Mr. Choudhury’s recall perhaps had less to do with his alleged actions to his staff than to his intention for reforming the Civil Service. Clearly, civil service leaders and senior staff were not happy with his intended approach – to the detriment of the public. A local media house appears to be correct when they accused our senior public servants of being inherently corrupt.
I feel sorry for the minority of ethical public servants who are swimming against the tide!
Governor Choudhury had to go because he was holding the Deputy Governor and his direct reports Chief Officers something that has never occurred previously. The Governor refused to accept the excuses frequently offered by Mr. Manderson and his hand picked leadership team. His tone was direct and he requested reports and set timelines for all. Matthew Forbes and the rest of the Governor’s office staff were accustomed to leaving work between 1-3pm on Friday’s but Choudhury had them frequently working until 7-8pm. Choudhury was different and had a complex but was driven to let everyone know he was in charge. This drove everyone especially the Brits in his office and at the Governor’s house insane. He must of thought he was one of their kind. His biggest sin was he held everyone particularly senior civil servants accountable in front of anybody at any meeting and was pushing the Standards in Public Life law into force which is unheard of in the civil circus.
SInce when does heavy drinking count as work and how can I get a job there?
Unfortunately for the Governor’s staff, this whole drama has put them under the microscope and made them the subject of rumors. Not surprising what happens when you play with fire.
As I see it, the Governor’s staff really have no commitment to Cayman — they likely see themselves as working for the FCO—and why should it matter what happens here— they are looking out for the FCO’s interests. Choudhury seems to have thrown a spanner in the works—he wanted to accomplish something as the ultimate head of the Civil Service.
By the way, there was a time when the Governor had one staff member — and PA and that PA was Caymanian.
They have wrested away all those many posts to non-Caymanians as far as I know, who are all ensconced in their ivory tower.
I have heard that his staff, both at the residence and the office did not like him or his wife? I wonder why?
He could not be pushed around.
Suite 1A, as the sign outside the non-descript door says. I believe it says “ring for service” or something similar. Right next to the grand Office of the Premier and Cabinet Conference Room, just hidden there on the left, FCO style.
Then let him come back and “endeavour to promote good governance and [act] in the best interests of the Cayman Islands so far as such interests are consistent with the interests of the United Kingdom” as the Constitution charges him with doing (and we asked for that wording in the negotiations by the way!) Along with his ultimate authority over the Deputy Governor, that gives him just enough room to whip the Public Service into shape without crossing the boundary of internal self-governance as far as policy and spending goes (noting that the Governor is NOT a member of the Cabinet, which decides policy and the implementation of policy, and the Premier is the elected head of government who appoints the members of the Cabinet who are bound by collective responsibility to support all its decisions).
I doubt Choudhury would have continued in the manner he started once he had instilled the necessary culture change we have all been begging for and answering surveys about and that the Civil Service itself claims to be making year after year. It seems to want to make only those changes that allow it to look good while still moving no faster. To get faster they need a new building or new equipment or more civil servants to spread the work around so no one has to actually do a full day’s work. The few that do work hard work extremely hard and have to summon extraordinary personal strength and put their egos and sense of fairness aside to do their jobs surrounded by and constantly being pulled down by a bog of buffet fuelled laziness. Praying at the beginning of each meeting…’Dear Lord, we ask you to make this work really easy and comfortable for us while still making it happen quickly and accurately, amen.’
Those civil servants need a kick up the ass and I can only imagine how betrayed and depressed those few that work hard and saw times were changing were when Choudhury was recalled. And Matthew Forbes has not come out of this looking very good at all. By all accounts he compiled all of this and took the decision to send it over his boss’ head. So sorry he had to work until a normal time for an organisation with big things to accomplish. He can enjoy the beach on the weekends like the rest of us. We don’t get to hire these people but we pay them and insofar as they work for the Governor, they work in our best interests as the Constitution says.
I’m signing this petition.
Great post.. and to quote Cardi… “where’s my pen? B***h, I’m signing!”
Let’s invite our good D.G. to sign as well, as one who is committed to seeing better service from the C.S.
4th Floor! Your disrespectful manner is exactly what’s wrong in the civil service.
How about giving the Government a full days work.
You really believe that FCO so concerned about us that they remove the Governor at our request? Get real!
The inept civil service bosses, crooked board members, crooked politicians and crooked politicians got rid of Dan Dougay because he did the job he was paid to do. They then thought that the replacement was going to be a pushover, back to same old, same old corrupt inefficient PMFL law violations, but they were wrong!
Every Auditor General since then has done their job and now with the first functional Public Accounts Committee, the poor corrupt governance is exposed daily.
If the UK actually does replace Govetnor Choudhury then let us hope it is with an even more involved governor demanding good governance, exposing those feeding at the trough of corrupt poor governance
Too many ‘apple carts’ will be upset because of his good governance as some have their eyes set on a local ‘kisses and favours’ governor, instead of a by the book one, leaving no stone unturned to elevate Caymanians and prevent take over by power hungry ‘premiers’ who sell out the country from under us the Caymanian stake holders of our beautiful Cayman Islands.
I’ve never seen an upset apple cart. I have seen one tipped over however.
With all of the swirling talk and it is swirling because everyone is in a tizzy about this subject!!!
So the word on the street is that his family members are in Cayman.
We see by reading the news that his Mother passed away.
So she was in the UK?
We send him condolences and wish our Governor a speedy return.
We assume he will be coming back to us if his family is still in Cayman?
CNS you probably can answer some of these questions that groups of us out here are asking?
We should all plan to mob the airport with waving flags the day he does come back to us. We miss him and will cry until he comes back. He is a pillar of stability.
We stand as one in awaiting his return.
What happened then?
In this day and age of information from the internet, there is no reason why we should not be told what is going on. Why all the secrecy and suspicion. Comments here and there about this entire scene. What is going on? This is not professional and the UK is treating all of us like a mushroom farm. Kept in the dark and fed bull crap.
We need the entire story to be outed.
To Debbie at 4.18am “Britannia Rules….”
governor asked some awkward questions and then got the ‘caymankind’ treatment…..
Honestly. Ive never commented here but I had a good feeling about this Governor. I also suspected he would be a little unconventional, historically great leaders of change tend to be a little unconventional and God knows above all else…I truly love this country, the good and the bad…but we need a change in leadership to finally make change to the bad of this country. Bring the man back with his little islamic rebellious self lol. Lets start being a bit more tolerant of each other as human beings. The world is going to s $#! Because we cant embrace what makes us different. Im a bit on the conservative side but hey Im open..look what we have been dealt with this far???? Signed a true Caymanian.
I thank and praise the ones who have started this petition to have Mr. Choudhury reinstated . And I ask every registered voter to sign the petition, and tell all 19 elected Politicians that you signed it . And when he return, give him a bigger welcome than what the Queen would’ve gotten. And make those Politicians know that they are not included in the welcoming of Mr. Choudhury this time , because WE THE PEOPLE WANTS HIM HERE .
Everyone needs to relax and let the investigation process proceed before you all. Go calling for his return when you know no facts, typical
11:11 pm: I think that the petition will send the message that people here are concerned and want answers.
In any case, what could have happened in two and a half months that was so bad that all this brouhaha has to be created? What could have happened here that could not be discussed on the telephone and in person and resolved?
We have people in jobs for years, including governors, not doing a d..m thing — and no one does anything, even when there is much more cause than could have come about in two and a half months.
This does not smell good at all.
That is what the petition is about.
Elvis at 11.11 pm you are missing the point(s), which are (1) What the hell is taking so long? and (2) Why the lack of transparency and communication? Personally, I SMELL ROTTEN FISH GUTS, and this needs to be dealt with speedily!!
Can anyone say who the Organisers of the Petition are? Or is this a secret also?
Where do I sign?
Would like to sign 1000 times.
Rule one …Never make a decision without knowing the facts. Don’t bring the petition to me.
9:35 pm: No one is “bring(ing) the petition” to you. If is still a free world as far as I know.
Anonymous at 9.35 pm. OK, so do you know the facts regarding Tempura yet? Get the point?
The man’s biggest sin was holding all accountable including Governors office staff including the MI6 agent, Deputy Manderson and his senior management team. Cayman will not see the likes of his kind ever again
I would like very much for Governor Chowdhury to return to the Cayman Islands.
For the short time in which he was here there was much improvement. Everyone loved
him and was so good to our people.
Perhaps being good to our people was his downfall. He really wanted to embrace the local folk and that has never been the norm for past “governors” on this rock.
We all want him back, it was such a change when he came, now we will never get our
crime cleaned up. Thanks Forbes, Manderson, and the rest.