Former UK health minister takes over FCO

| 10/07/2018 | 7 Comments
Cayman News Service

Jeremy Hunt

(CNS): British Prime Minister Theresa May selected Jeremy Hunt to replace Boris Johnson as foreign secretary in Monday’s Cabinet reshuffle, which was triggered by the resignations of both Johnson and Brexit Secretary David Davis. Backbencher Dominic Raab has finally made it to the front bench as the new Brexit secretary, and Geoffrey Cox QC, who represented the Speaker McKeeva Bush when he was tried and acquitted of corruption offences here in the Cayman Islands, has secured his first cabinet post as attorney general.

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon remains in his post with responsibility for the overseas territories and David Lidington, the minister for the Cabinet Office who has been tasked with handling the constitutional talks with the Cayman Islands, has also kept his job.

The prime minister is looking increasingly vulnerable as the country’s leader, with Conservative party divisions over Britain’s exit from the European Union appearing insurmountable. Nevertheless, it’s not yet clear that a vote of no confidence would succeed, as the party is aware that a leadership challenge or even an election at this point in the Brexit talks would cause chaos.

To trigger a no-confidence vote in Prime Minister May, 15% (48) of Tory MPs must write to Graham Brady, the chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee, calling for a ballot. So far, he has stated that he has not received that many letters. But there are believed to be around 60 backbenchers in the Eurosceptic camp and others who want a “hard Brexit”, rather than the proposals set out at Chequers last week, leaving the PM’s future precarious.

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Category: UK, World News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Farage and UKIP gonna have to return and remind the Brits of who they really are.
    Jo Marney should be appointed Minister of Culture and Tolerance.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I predict the fall of the current UK Government, followed by a general election where as unlikely as it seems, the liberals will win and keep the UK in the EU. The Tories are screwed, and labour led by a Moscow paid moron.

    • Anonymous says:

      And I will give birth to a unicorn.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just to clarify, the only parties in the UK with proven links to Russia are the Tories and UKIP, who have received at least £880k in donations from Russians domiciled in the UK. Labour have not.
      It’s a lazy comparison to link Socialism to Communism, and therefore to Russia, which is where I suspect a good deal of this unfounded Labour = Russia rubbish comes from.

      Either way, both main parties are currently incapable of negotiating brexit, and I suspect neither party really wants to be in power when it inevitably tanks the UK economy.
      Best outcome for a GE right now would be a Lab/Lib coalition leading to a new referendum. My own feeling is that Cayman would be best placed with the UK in the EU to help shield our financial sector from them, something that will be much harder if the UK loses it’s vetoes.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hmm. There’s pretty conclusive evidence that the Russian trolls (and RT) are very keen on Corbyn, Brexit and UKIP. Just as they are keen on Trump. The divisive and populist politics in the West in recent years may be coincidental to the Russian campaign but I doubt it

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