Archive for July 19th, 2018

WORC boss promises great things as bid opens for IT
(CNS): The Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC) interim director, Sharon Roulstone, is promising significant changes for locals looking for work in Cayman as the new department begins to take shape. “WORC is radically changing the way job-seeking Caymanians connect with employers and vice-versa, with technology playing a pivotal role in the process,” Roulstone said in […]

Women withdrew support for port complaints
(CNS): The author of the Internal Audit Service report that dismissed sexual misconduct allegations against a senior manager at the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands has said it was not just the freedom of information request that came in around the same time the complaints were made that led to the rejection of the allegations. […]

Governor was taking active role in civil service
(CNS): Minutes of the deputy governor’s meetings with civil service management, released this week in response to an FOI request made by Cayman News Service, revealed that the now-suspended governor, Anwar Choudhury, was taking a direct and active role in the management of the public service and attended all of the chief officers’ meetings during […]

Home invader uses spray on victim
(CNS): A woman who woke up to find a burglar in her house in the middle of night was reportedly sprayed with an unknown substance by the home invader before he fled with her purse, police have said. The substance turned out to be benign, possibly hairspray, as the victim was not hurt during the […]

CITA defends tourism taxes and regulations
(CNS): The private sector association representing the tourism industry has come to the defence of the regulation, licensing and tax regime surrounding the local accommodation sector. The Cayman Islands Tourism Association released a statement this week saying that the regulation has served the tourism industry and the country well, as it is fair for all […]

Activist calls for proactive approach to crime
(CNS): Former government social worker Michael Myles, who is a vociferous advocate for a more proactive approach to tackling the causes of crime at an earlier stage, is calling on the current administration to intervene with vulnerable children and young people before they go off the rails. In the face of rising crime, he is […]

Ministry claims safety risk, turf makers disagree
(CNS): The manufacturers of the artificial turf that was donated to the Edna Moyle Primary School in North Side by a parent have said that although it was designed for indoors, it would be perfectly safe to use outside, with the only risk being that it may fade in the sun. The ministry has nevertheless […]