Dart gets OK for major festival site

| 18/05/2018 | 195 Comments
Cayman News Service

Future site of the Dart Festival

(CNS): With the line-up of international artists already announced and tickets going on sale around the world this week, it would have been embarrassing, to say the least, if the Dart Group had failed to obtain planning permission for its festival site at the north end of Seven Mile Beach, where it is planning a major music festival on the 15 and 16 February 2019. But despite a number of objections, planning permission was granted Wednesday by the Central Planning Authority for building and facilities on the 6.9-acre site that Dart plans as the venue for the KAABOO Cayman festival.

While Dart has been billing the music festival as great news for Cayman, residents in the area are concerned about the impact that more than 10,000 people descending on their neighbourhood could have. Opponents expressed their feelings before the CPA, including representatives of the Heritage Club condos, who are the closest residents to the proposed festival site.

The spokesperson and strata official made plain their objections at the planning meeting, raising concerns not only about the potential noise nuisance but also safety and security issues from the
expected influx of thousands of revelers to the area over the two-day festival, which is expected to go on until 2:00am on the Friday, 15 February, and until midnight on Saturday, 16 February.

One owner at Heritage Club, who said he had been coming to Cayman since 1977, was concerned about the likelihood of noise from the concert stage, the additional cars that would descend on the area and security. He was also worried about the prospect of large numbers of people holding tailgate parties on the fringe of the venue.

Jackie Doak, president of Dart Real Estate, claimed that the quality of the festival and all the different aspects to it means that when people arrive, they are likely to want to go straight into the grounds. Additionally, she pointed out that no event that had been held at Camana Bay had ever had any issues with tailgate parties. Nevertheless, she said Dart intends to staff up for this event, which they expect to host for the next three years, with its usual Camana Bay policy of one security guard for 75 people.

However, the festival site is intended to be a permanent fixture and will also be used for other events.
A representative of the strata for Heritage Club said that their property had already become a
turnaround spot with the changes that have taken place at the north end of Seven Mile Beach. With the festival taking place and the potential for it to become a regular event, the condo owners were
concerned they would now become a drop-off point.

During the appearance before the CPA, Doak said she completely understood any concerns about noise, pointing out that guests at the Kimpton Seafire regularly complain about the noise from neighbouring beach bar Calico Jacks and have requested hotel rates to be reduced as a result.

She explained that the design of the festival site, with the two stages pointed towards the Esterley Tibbetts Highway, would not only help reduce the impact of noise but also leave Seven Mile Beach as the backdrop to the performances, which would provide a stunning advertisement of the beauty of the Cayman Islands to this global audience.

In a statement announcing the event, Doak said the most exciting part about KAABOO Cayman was to be able to unite local and international talent, from musical performances to the food and beverage scene.

“We are estimating 47 bars and 22 restaurants to cater,” she said. “This festival will also drive economic benefits for Cayman, for those who are engaged to set up or work at the festival as well as for our hotel, transportation, retail and technology industries.”

Dart had originally proposed building another hotel at this location but the firm has stated that the need for an environmental impact assessment before it could remove beach rock from the ocean front area of the land made the developer re-think plans for the site.

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Comments (195)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    One super thing about DART is that their projects successfully price away the low grader moaners who don’t like the wonderful things DART does. Nothing is better than hearing an anti-DART moan if at the end the moaner says they will never pay “rip off” prices at Camana Bay.

    • West Bay Premier says:

      People don’t get your hopes up that this thing is going to be a yearly events center . I think this is another way to to destroy more of the mangroves , and get the building site ready .
      By the year 2020 we would have another 3 3/4 stars hotel finished and opened .
      I believe that the idea of doing it would be good to boost the off season , but see what time it planned for . That concert project aren’t going to make enough money for the man .

    • Anonymous says:

      People are people. People without as much money as you are human just as well. You are weird.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Vulture Imperialist – nothing more, nothing less

  3. Anonymous says:

    Don’t worry, it didn’t take rocket science to wonder why daddy Stewart’s and darts gulf stream IV-X, and V, both their helicopters and baby stewart’s citation and the baron are flying into the sister islands more than express on a good weekend. They don’t even have the decency to finish destroy grand cayman first before turning too on the sister islands, especially little cayman. Wake up Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Disagree here. As long as they don’t pave over paradise but just add high-end options to it, I’m fine with it. I’m Caymanian and I won’t go to either island because I’m just too used to a better standard of living. Little Cayman needs a Le Soleil and Cayman Brac again needs one too.

    • West Bay Premier says:

      Anonymous 3:27 am , I agree that Cayman people need to wake up cause I think that they have been sleeping too long with the government and this man . I believe that it would be a different story in Little Cayman became the few people there are awake .

  4. Anonymous says:

    Read the story numpty. If they only say ok where’s the Four Seasons?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Er, you,ll see nothing from the beach lol

  6. Anonymous says:

    What a load of stupid whiney comments. Dart gets what ever he wants WAH WAH WAH. Except of course the only reason this is happening at all is because they weren’t going to let him remove the beachrock for the Four Seasons so he was forced to abandon it. No interest in the line up personally but I still hope it’s a huge success for the island.

  7. Anonymous says:

    This Dart chappie is becoming somewhat of a nuisance.
    For taking over the island, buying all the choice real estate, inflating the cost of living and generally riding roughshod over the people of the Cayman Islands through his political leverage (you know who you are), I can bring myself to forgive him, but I cannot forgive him for bringing Duran Duran here.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Duran who?

  9. Anonymous says:

    This is a travesty, more jobs stolen from kitchen dancers and cayman rappers.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Don’t like it don’t go simple

    • Anonymous says:

      Can we have the greenery back?

      • Anonymous says:

        It wasn’t yours to begin with.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not sure what you’re saying, but yes it was. Just because some big buzzard corporation comes along and buys up tracts of land and destroys them, doesn’t mean it a wise, skillful or right thing to do.
          Your kids will hate you for what you’ve done to their world. They will be much more aware of the outright foolishness of your actions. Much like you are probably aware of the foolishness of past generations of say dumping toxic waste into rivers and streams. Nobody likes the old Nazis, but in their day, they had plenty of support and unenlightened followers.

  11. Fake News Caymanian says:

    Got to love some of these comments. This festival is way better than watching bunch of fat pigs dancing up and down West Bay Road grinding on each other, well that was last weekend, I much prefer this weekends event, sexy young chicas, but still the same thing.
    I read that this festival isn’t Caymanian, nor are those street fets, we stole it from Trinidad, but we are fine with them.

    Get over it Cayman, this is a great thing for Cayman and very cheap for all the artists only $300. I know several of you who spend a bunch of money to go to Miami to see concerts, flight $350, hotel 100, tickets to concert 150, rental car 100, food 250, so 300 bucks for 2 days and you can sleep in your own bed at the end of the night CHEAPER..


    • Anonymous says:

      Can we have this comment framed.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you Donald trump jr.

    • Anonymous says:

      A DARTBOT speaks again!

    • Stan Gibbons says:

      Hee Haw, Hee Haw!!! Up yours, Fake News! A lot of us don’t want this kind of “entertainment”. It is certainly of no interest to me. The only ones who gain from this will be the producers and Dart. It will mean nothing to me and will be an inconvenience to most Caymanians. I will agree with you on one thing, though……….. Humping on the street is crude and certainly detrimental by any standard.

      • Anonymous says:

        what about us caymanians attending church for those two days

        • Anonymous says:

          We will extend it so you can hump on the street too!

        • Anonymous says:

          If you’re in church you’re not there, if you’re not there, not planning on being there then why care about it? You won’t hear anything from it while you are in church. Not everyone attends church and not everyone has to stay at home while YOU attend church. And before you comment, I am Christian, my belief is strong but I have not gone to any of the hypocritical establishments that passes as churches on this island since I was a child. My relationship with God is my own and just fine.

    • Anonymous says:

      I thought the sexy young chica ratio was more than adequate on both occasions. Full disclosure, I have never had anything to do with either event, but I’ve been in full support always.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Well, if your not going to save the world, you may as well go full tilt to hell. Thanks Jackie! Thanks Dart-O. Making the world a litt bit crappier, one project at a time.

    • Anonymous says:

      More and more we are realiding how the DARTWEB is capturing the Cayman Islands.

      Little Cayman is next yo destroy the tranquillity of a nature Island into DART SANDALS ISLAND.

      Yes it is now known that ĎART AND BUTCH STEWART plan a new mega development on Little Cayman.

      Brackers your MLAs know about these plans but are keeping it secret from you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Bam! Well said.
        Dear God, I hope the press will be able to maintain their neutrality under this impending tsunami of cash?
        That is actually a prayer and I know they will.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Dart is taking over and CIG are allowing it. Music festivals are not Caymanian. Music festivals are not where you go to relax, to have romantic honeymoons or appreciate the amazing reefs. Music festivals do not belong in Cayman. It may only be 2 days but that is not the point. I am British and really feel sorry for Caymanians. They are losing their culture bit by bit and they don’t seem to be listened to. Caymanians are quiet, religious people who are proud of their country and heritage. They are not ready for this. They can’t even handle Gay people yet! I don’t want to sound patronising, but countries need time to adjust to changes. This little island is just being taken over by the greedy American culture and before long the island will be completely ruined. Protests are needed! Come on Caymanians, take back your country! Chain yourself to the diggers! Don’t let Dart ruin your beautiful country!

    • Anonymous says:

      That is a very kind comment. Thank you.

      • NorthSideSue says:

        It was not kind. It was extremely condescending.

        • Anonymous says:

          Maybe condesending, but true. I have worked for Caymanians and on work nights out, even having a drink of alcohol is a big deal. Im not saying that’s a bad thing, but they are quite sheltered people. I know that there are other influences here like Batabino and soca wet fetes, but at least they are Caribbean.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you didn’t to sound patronising you probably should have had someone proof read your post.

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymanians have alot of other real problems other than Dart developing and creating jobs, You don’t need to feel sorry for us with regard to development, the majority of Caymanians welcome development but some want things to change but also to remain the same. Dart is a Caymanian and his projects are beautiful and well maintained, don’t be a HATER!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      American here. I agree. There is a sad, senseless, greedy, rude movement rolling over cayman. I actual left because I’m not sure how to live there and not be part of it. Good luck.

    • Anonymous says:

      Succesdive Governments have destroyed Cayman to the point to where not even Caymanians are Caymanians any more!

      Caymanians are foreigners in their own Island!

      • Anonymous says:

        Damn right they are. They deserve everything they get. They keep electing politicians who lie to them and then 4 years later, they do the same thing. They are not worthy of this country. God gave it to their forefathers and they gave it away in their quest for personal gain.
        Your ancestors are turning in their graves and you call yourselves “Caymanians”?
        You should be ashamed of yourselves. Oops, Massa calling, I will need to make his coffee. Be right back.

    • Say it like it is says:

      12.25pm “Caymanians are a quiet religious people” – what planet do you live on?, have you never been to some of our infamous night clubs – they are certainly not filled with Martians. You don’t mention our “in your dreams” film festivals which were paid for by the taxpayer and flunked. Remember it’s Americans who are investing in all the real estate on Seven Mile Beach and unlike our cheap cruisesheep passengers spend a lot of time and money here supporting the local economy.
      Parts of our financial sector are under attack and Cayman needs to broaden it’s economic base and keep up with our competitors in the Caribbean.

    • Anonymous says:

      We never know what to think about things like this until the 5th anniversary is being announced. Cookout was the same way.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cookout is pretentious people who have no idea of local cuisine….you know the rest. You pay the big bucks for your plate of ground beef.
        Yes, I want to stir the pot. It needs stirring. Wake up Caymanian people.
        There is no “rapture” for Caymanians only. Get out of your comfort zones and take your country back.

  14. "Anonymousir" says:

    lol … will they ever, never say ok to dart?

  15. "Anonymousir" says:

    DART gets everything “OK” … and even when he cant … he just pays you some money … cause your gonna spend it back in his country anyway and he gets his “OK” dart, go ahead!

    • Anonymous says:

      If you say no to Dart, your own or your relative’s employment with one of his companies will be at risk. That is the fear that gives them control over you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well he didn’t get permission for the 4 seasons so not really true…

  16. Anonymous says:

    cave folks out again….
    after trying to save a road and object against tunnels…..now they are against music festivals……….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    • Anonymous says:

      You make it sound so simple. Is it simple to you?

    • Smiley says:

      4 Q, troll!

    • Anonymous says:

      4:21pm the “tunnel punkerel” is back out again, reciting the Dart-tribe from her hymn sheet, and calling others “cave folk”.

      Go back to your hole and marinate ole Sasputch.

      You’re just like 7up: you never had it and you never will get it.

  17. Anonymous says:

    The Kimpton ruins the view looking up the beach from 7mb as you see two cement towers. What will you see now once this venue is built? The peaceful 7mb vibe is going, going…..soon gone.

  18. YOU CAN EASILY STOP IT!... says:


    Heritage condos residents, all you need do is appeal the Planning decision by spending $50.00…


    It takes for ever for the Appeal Tribunal to meet and then if you still don’t like the results, appeal to the Grand Court…

    By the time you get an answer, it’ll be 2020…

    Btw, what a stupid name!…

  19. Anonymous says:

    Wait, so this was after they started advertising?

  20. Anonymous says:

    Hemingways is closing? Say it isn’t so! Love RP & Hemingways!
    Was so excited to hear of big show coming, but Not impressed with the lineup- thought it was going to be much better. Will wait till next years show Youngsters might like this one?!?

    Bottom line… guess I’m just not a fan of concrete- Kimpton, tunnels, and cant justify the price at Camana Bay.

    • Anonymous says:

      go to the brac. you will love it. don’t come back.

      • Anonymous says:

        Dart has bought most of Litttle Cayman and has already been in discussions with your two MLAs who support the DART snd BUTCH STEWART mega development.

        Ask Moses and Julie sbout it.

        Another sell out for Caymanians.

      • Smiley says:

        @ 8:42….. I did. I do. I won’t. Q Q Q Q!

    • Anonymous says:

      Where I love concerts, what is all the big hype of KABOO, the acts are mostly retired or one hit wonders…Blondie, Duran Duran, Salt and Pepper to name some…Sean Paul is always coming to Cayman so no big hype, so does Maxi Priest…so where is the WOW, OMG!!! All this for what…..

      • Cheese Face says:

        “British band Duran Duran have released fourteen studio albums, three remix albums, two live albums, four compilation albums, two box sets, five EPs, thirty-nine singles, fourteen video albums on various record labels. Duran Duran have sold over 100 million records.”

        One hit wonders right enough.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s OK, these places are all the better if the miserable and cheap stay away.

      • Anonymous says:

        We know what is best so you all need to be quite and listen to the boss. Cayman would be nothing without Mr Dart and his organization.

      • Anonymous says:

        The real issue Re. the $300., IMO, is the line up is not worth the money!

    • Anonymous says:

      Afraid so, I love Hemingway’s, my favorite place…where the hell are we supposed to go where you can be on the beach, on a sun bed and order quality food and drink? In future it will be for hotel residents only. And him letting Hemingway’s go is nuts. Nowhere and no how will he be able to open a restaurant that holds a candle up to their standard….seriously pi$$ed off…

      • Anonymous says:

        He’ll have that same company that does all of his restaurants hire some chefs who said ‘yeah I can totally cook that’ in their interviews and…can’t.

    • Anonymous says:

      Calicos gotta go too the Seafire guests don’t like it. A festival will be cool and will attract visitors and $. Air bnb your house if you live near by and make a few dollars.

    • Anonymous says:

      The line up is terrible. Jason Felts should be fired if he can’t land a headline act after nearly three years of planning. Where are the Foo Fighters?

  21. Anonymous says:

    ‘Guests at the Kimpton Seafire regularly complain about the noise from neighbouring beach bar Calico Jacks.’ I’m a regular at that bar and if the noise from there is getting into the rooms at the Kimpton it’s because somebody cut corners on the building’s windows and sound-proofing. I fly out here from Heathrow Airport and frequently have to do overnight hotel stops there – decent double glazing would have blocked out any outside noise in this tarted-up self-styled 5-star hotel.

    • Anonymous says:

      We stayed ocean view at the Kimpton through a busy weekend but never heard any noise from Calico Jacks at all, even sitting outside on a night.

    • SSM345 says:

      The noise from Calico’s at the Kimpton on Saturday nights is purely because they built a giant building that acts as a enclave for base beside a night club; its like building your house beside a Rugby Club and complaining about noise on Saturdays, or claiming airplanes create noise pollution if you build on Crewe Road. Yet our Planning Board bows down and allows these assholes to push their agenda and get what they want even though we been enjoying and going to these places long before the Kimpton became a hotel chain or people had ever heard of or located Cayman on a map. Why do you think that public beach access is all of a sudden becoming an issue? Wait till they build the dock and have nowhere to access SMB as Joe public. People down here are blind and dumb as f**k as to their Leaders actions yet blame everyone but themselves and their countrymen for what happens.

  22. Sun Downer says:

    There is always a hidden agenda with Dart. This site will likely be used for more than a music festival. Perhaps a new site for cruise passengers who need access to SMB since Dart bought up everything else e.g. Royal Palms and the public beach is a bazaar!

    • Anonymous says:

      Pretty sure the planning application stated just that. Try educating oneself.

    • SSM345 says:

      DART’s land grab on SMB of all the bars/restaurants is because they are going to build the cruise pier and all those spots we all once enjoyed i.e. Royal Palms, Calico’s, Hemingways, Tiki Beach etc will be ear-marked, locked off and catering the masses from the mega ships because unless you own properties on SMB there is nowhere for the projected masses of cattle to go. I cant wait for the announcement that DART will also be buying the Sand Bar, Rum Point, Kaibo whilst also developing 2 new Stingray Cities with imported Colombian Sand.

      • Anonymous says:

        DART cant buy if you don’t sell

        • Anonymous says:

          Ahh, yes, but cash is king.

          Hard to resist the temptation when one does not have half the money and power the DART group has.

          The saying is true to our society in Cayman: “One eye man is king, in blind man country”.

          That’s DART to Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      You nailed it , what do you think the chances are of a public beach version 2.0 , except without the non compliant beach vendors / Royal Palms 2019 ?

      • Anonymous says:

        A downtown Disney in Cayman for cruisers? Nothing left affordable for locals?

        • alaw says:

          5:44 why cant locals build for locals?
          then every thing would be fine and we would not have to complain
          but then that would be boring.

          • Anonymous says:

            Because Caymanians don’t want to see other Caymanians succeed and flourish.

            The rich Caymanians want to keep their money for themselves and will never invest in their own people or country….this is why DART rules.

            Where Caymanians could have UNITED and invested their money together, they never did!!!!

            Signed: Native.

  23. Anonymous says:

    gggeeeeeeezzzz people, get a grip!! It’s a 2 day festival of music, art and culinary events! Can’t we just enjoy something different and not whine and cry about everything?? If you don’t like it, stay home, stay off island those 2 days, rent your condo and make some money- I’m certain you won’t be complaining about the extra loot it puts in your bank account!!!

    This will give unemployed locals a quick job, and will boost conversations about vacationing in Cayman, which most of us can benefit from. Hush up with the negativity… it’s getting old man, like really old!

  24. Anonymous says:

    $300 for general admission to see a bunch of washed up yesterday’s acts on mosquito infested reclaimed swamp. Geez take my money lol

    • Anonymous says:

      glad you won’t be there.

    • Anonymous says:

      He requests approval after the venue has been chosen and work has started. Are we missing something here???? Shouldn’t all this have been done before all that was done…its a no brainer…

    • Anonymous says:

      Lol. Go see Chronixx by yourself then bro, tickets cost about the same. Nobody cares.

    • Anonymous says:

      Washed up? what kinda crack are you on? Cayman really does have some STUPID people.

      • Smiley says:

        Yes, I am a washed up person. But I don’t do crack. I just enjoy life. It just happens that I don’t like the idea of an unwanted, money grubbing bunch coming here to “entertain” me. Skru dat! I don’t want that kind of “entertainment”! And I don’t like the way Dart owns CIG! Sad, sad.

      • Jotnar says:

        Think washed up is a reasonable term when referring to acts whose last hits were in the 1980s. One thing to have fond memories of the era, but it doesn’t justify you saying people living in the 21st Century are on crack.

    • Anonymous says:

      $300 is hardly a lot of money.

    • alaw says:

      2:01 had we buy the mosquito infested swamps, we would not have to envy DART

    • Anonymous says:

      With DART bringing in Kaaboo, why can’t the CIG bring back the Jazz Fest. each year???

      Both are great functions which cater to many types of people and tastes for art and music.

      The more functions the better…..we lack artistic incentive and appreciation here in Cayman.

  25. Anonymous says:

    I love Dart projects, but this is going to be a catastrophe. It should have been done far away on the other side in the middle of the swamp. He had to develop the swamp anyway where its going now. By the way where are all these people going to stay? How many do we think will be local people? How many tourists? The logistics seem lacking for transportation. This is when you would need a lot of local busses to bring and take people home instead of private cars?

    • Anonymous says:

      “47 bars???” 10,000 drunk fools all descending upon the highways and byways?? Gee, what could possibly go wrong??

      • Say it like it is says:

        7.08pm there’s a lot more than 67 bars on Cayman, and we have a thousand drunk fools driving around every weekend.

    • Anonymous says:

      yep..because dart has a record of messing stuff up….zzzzzzzzz

  26. Anonymous says:

    Well done CNS for finally reporting something about Kaboo. Now the real question is what does everyone think about the line up? It’s hard to get an un-biased opinion as they’re advertising all over the news networks who are paid to promote it.

    • Anonymous says:

      I remember these acts back when I was young. Guess they fit in the budget.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m a tourist who has always wanted to see a concert in GC ( I travel down 1-2 x a year and always miss the carnivals/ shows). I was excited as this falls on a holiday, but I saw the line up and there is no one personally that I would be too interested in seeing ( as the ticket is pricey, airfare is high in February and so are hotels). If there were some artists wo I really wanted to see- I might pay the price and come down. Those going- enjoy, though because I think if you are interested in that lineup- it would be a fun two nights.

    • Anonymous says:

      Comedy is A+ music is C

    • Anonymous says:

      They get Aerosmith, RHCP, Killers & Foo Fighters. We get Duran Duran. Massive fail with the lineup. We’re paying twice the price and getting a quarter of the quality which seems like par for the course in Cayman.

  27. Anonymous says:

    He pretty much owns the whole place anyway, it will soon be government asking him permission not the other way around

    • Say it like it is says:

      1.07 pm you mean like government always asks the Civil Service for permission before they legislate.

  28. Anonymous says:

    It’s 2 days. People need to calm down. Every single day I have to hear loud motorcycles and sawed off muffler cars.

    I’m a little upset at the lineup, but we already have our tickets. 15 year old me would have been stoked though.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Well whoopy do…now he is closing gradually those great SMB watering holes frequented by Caymanians and Expats alike (Hemingways, Royal Palms, Calico Jacks), we are now all supposed to pay a fortune to go to his “entertainment” zone? CIG needs to get some balls and stop this…SMB is now becoming the plaything of those that can afford expensive hotels and not the people who live here. Don’t get me wrong, I like a lot of what Dart does, but this is a step too far for me and Hemingways being shut from September is the final straw. Public beach is n longer an option-to sordid and crime ridden…Mr D you may have made a big mistake with this one…

  30. Anonymous says:

    thank you dart. you are great.

  31. Tiffany E. says:

    Dear Fellow Caymanians,

    If there was ever a time to lauch a well organized protest against corruption, the elitists, and the systematic devaluation of our culture, this is it. Imagine if we could stop our crab in the barrel mentality and 1. Boycott this event 2. Protest in #s outside of the event. The world will be watching, and if there was ever a time make our collective voices heard, this was it.

  32. Anonymous says:

    It’s 2 days and residents are complaining?

    We live on a tiny island, it’s impossible not to inconvenience other people some times.

    Let’s all be a bit more “embracing” please.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Dart is the best thing that could have ever happened to this Island! All of you who always have something to say about him are the first one in Camana Bay on the weekends!

  34. Anonymous says:

    Unless the Dump is also in the “picture”, this constitutes false and misleading advertisement.

    Dumps pose lung dangers to nearby residents.
    Cayman News | 25/05/2016 | 67 Comments https://caymannewsservice.com/2016/05/dumps-pose-lung-dangers-to-nearby-residents/

    Gasses emitted by rotting rubbish is a hidden travel risk in the Cayman Islands.
    Whatever it takes to lure naive, unsuspecting tourists to the KABOO Cayman festival!

  35. Anonymous says:

    To the ‘owner’ who has been ‘coming to Cayman since 1977’, please stay away if our festival upsets you.
    That is the typical response of those self entitled visitors who believe as guests on this island they have the right to stop those who really live here and contribute positively to our society from having fun for two days out of 365.
    Get it straight in your heads, you are visitors, you do not own the beaches nor do you have a say within our community unless you live, work and raise a family here.
    Until you understand the true extent of your entitlements on Cayman you will always be treated with contempt by those that do.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ah that good ol’ Caymankind hospitality on display for all to see. Visitors come here for fun and a break, and certainly not to be lectured at by an ignoramus like you

      • Anonymous says:

        Perhaps consider a purchase in any area other than that designated Hotel and Tourism should one want peace and tranquility?

      • Anonymous says:

        Wait $300 a ticket isnt for caymankind though…hmm so did you love money or mankind?? Hmm…mm…hmm…

      • Jotnar says:

        Posters point was that visitors don’t get to lecture residents either.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is not “our” festival.
      As a Caymanian, I want nothing to do with your “festival” that belongs in Miami Beach.
      Please leave us alone.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lol. Which beach do you own?

  36. Anonymous says:

    “…which would provide a stunning advertisement of the beauty of the Cayman Islands to this global audience.” False and misleading advertisement, unless the Dump is also in the “picture”.

    Fooling unsuspected visitors into “pristine environment” which in actuality is a health hazard.

    CNS, 25/05/2016, Dumps pose lung dangers to nearby residents/ https://caymannewsservice.com/2016/05/dumps-pose-lung-dangers-to-nearby-residents/
    “…gasses emitted by rotting rubbish are increasing the risk of lung cancer for those living closer to landfills by 34% than for people who live more than three miles away’

    Welcome to the Cayman Islands!

    • Jotnar says:

      Don’t disagree the dump is a disgrace, but trying to shoehorn it into a discussion about Kaaboo is a bit misleading. The dump is more than 3 miles from the Kaaboo site and the visitors are hardly going to be resident- so the article quoted just isn’t on the money. And given its 3 miles away, how are photos of the backdrop meant to include it – so saying it’s misleading if they don’t is just plain unreasonable.

  37. Kadafe says:

    This is a great effort by the Dart Group to bring in tourists and establish a great event that will only continue to grow as years go by. Thank you for putting on an event of this magnitude and giving Cayman the exposure it needs and demonstrating that we can handle events of this size and quality. As for the nearby condo owners, why don’t you embrace it and go out and enjoy yourselves? its only a two day event! At $300 per ticket (regular admission) I would doubt that any of the kind of people your worried about will be in attendance.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Does DART own Cayman ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Is that a rhetorical question?

    • Anonymous says:

      DART owns this unity government especially Moses, Alden, Joey, Roy, Jon Jon and McKeeva. Anything is just one phone call away or after a private meeting at the Kimpton and like magic it happens just ask the CPA!

    • Anonymous says:

      Absolutely, those too jaded to see that are either blind or have no stake, no remembrance and or no care what Cayman was before this super capitalist vulture took over. I sense that some of his one time supporters are seeing now what he’s turning this place into and don’t like it.

      Well it’s too late the concrete has set from morning, and it’s going to be next to impossible with our greedy politicians to rid this vile bird from our bleeding carcass.

      Anyone thinking that spin off business is going to benefit the general populace is sadly mistaken. All this will do is funnel more revenue into the Dart’s own businesses. The rest of the island will be left with the crumbs and the fallout. Dart’s vision is and always has been is to create his own metropolis for the elites by the elites.

      Most people don’t realise that if he had the technology to create an impregnable dome over his Cayman “Vegas” he would, it would be done tomorrow.

      • Anonymous says:

        Welcome to Grand Dart, Little Dart and Dart Brac! When he gets done with these islands, there will be no room (nor any affordability) for the average native Caymanians ever again! $300 for a two day event?? That is totally ridiculous! I’ve been to shows in Vegas and other large venues and have never paid more than $75-$100 for such an event! Who is going to deal with all the drunks leaving after the 47 bars have liquored them up ’til 2AM? This is absolute lunacy!

        Have you ‘shopped’ the stores in Camana Bay? Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills can’t hold a candle to the prices there. How many startups have tried and failed at running a business there? Only the most profitable accountancies and other businesses supporting large multi-national conglomerates’ operations can afford to keep offices there.

        • Jotnar says:

          I don’t shop at Camana Bay, and I don’t want to pay $300 to see a show. However I don’t think that others who can afford to pay those prices shouldn’t be allowed to do So. How does that hurt me – or you? Sounds like you are just jealous.

        • 4am bar closings now that the law was changed says:

          Bars closing at 2am is outdated information.

      • alaw says:

        if we did not have DART to complain about, what would we have, life would be boring

      • alaw says:

        2:42 I think you are trying to say if we have DART for the rest of the Island then
        we would no have crumbs

    • Anonymous says:

      11:18am you must be new here….

    • To the haters says:

      Stupid question, everyone knows the answer.

    • Anonymous says:

      money owns cayman

    • Anonymous says:

      so what is the problem?

    • Jotnar says:

      Last days I saw he actually does own more than a third of it!

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