Increase in local fake news causes concern

| 05/02/2018 | 77 Comments

(CNS): The police and other government authorities are becoming increasingly worried about the increase in fake reports on social media as well as misleading or insensitive imagery and information being posted on Facebook, Instagram or circulated on WhatsApp and other social media platforms being used locally. From the name and pictures of a suspect in a murder case that has not been charged to completely fake claims that a child was paralysed during rough play at school, there are concerns that people are being dangerously mislead.

Police have raised their concerns on a number of occasions recently about the use of social media to post entirely unverified gossip, pictures that have distressed the victims of crime, as well as dangerous accusations made against suspects in the complete absence of evidence.

Although Cayman is not unique to facing the problem of fake news, misleading information or graphic and troubling imagery on the social media platforms used by residents, given the size of the community, the misinformation can cause significant but unnecessary concerns.

The RCIPS has an open line of communication with all of Cayman’s media, which has been greatly improved in recent times and the police media team is quick to respond and verify information from genuine news inquiries. A spokesperson stated recently that the police will continue to supply information to the established media outlets as quickly as possible.

All serious incidents are reported to the media relatively quickly. Less serious incidents, such as domestic violence, break-ins where no was hurt and weapons were not involved, petty theft and property damage, are not automatically reported to the press but the RCIPS will confirm the details of those crimes if asked.

The education department also expressed concern this week when it had to respond to false rumours circulating about the injury to a child at Clifton Hunter High School, who was said to have been paralysed on social media but who is, in fact, fine and back at school.

Responding to the fake news re-posted on several social media platforms, including Facebook and WhatsApp, education officials said the misunderstood incident happened more than two weeks before, when a student sustained an injury during rough play between two friends. The youngster was taken to hospital, but was treated and released.

“The school liaised with the students and parents, and also checked on the injured student while he was at the hospital, and again at home,” officials said, noting that the student was no fine and back in school in good health.

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Category: Crime, Education, Local News

Comments (77)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Red herring,
    Red herring,
    Red herring,
    Red herring,
    Red herring,
    Red herring,
    Red herring,
    Red herring,
    Red herring,

    • Anonymous says:

      I would imagine to be so devoid of wit must be very painful, but sadly I suspect this poster does not know what they do not know….

      • Anonymous says:

        I am actually very witty. Very witty. I was poking fun at the idiot that commented red herring about 5 times.

    • West bay Premier says:

      Is that the best comment you can write and post ?

  2. Anonymous says:

    One-sided, agenda inspired and biased reporting is every bit as pernicious as genuine “fake news” and probably worse because it come with gravitas from a perceived reputable source.

    • Marl Karx says:

      Of course you mean perceived one sided, agenda inspired and biased reporting, unless of course you work for one of the media outlets and are here admitting your own experiences.
      Persons who highlight this generally have some issue with the information being reported and not the origins

      Newsflash, No one expects completely fair reporting, if you want objective scientific or evidence based reading material might I suggest scientific journals and peer reviewed studies.
      The whole unbiased and neutral media is an ideal we should strive for not a modern reality
      Every outlet has their own inherent biases, the purpose of having a free and unregulated media is to be able to acknowledge which sources actually put in the effort to maintain some semblance of objectivity while still reporting valid and interesting information mixed in with their (hopefully) professional outlook and allowing persons to make their own choices to what media they would like to consume and rely upon.

      To insinuate that somehow CNS, the Compass and other sources are near the level of CMR or Cayman Islands FB News Page shows the degree of your own bias

      CMR, and other such social media based “news outlets” or whatever other descriptor they wish to affix upon themselves, who take rumors, gossip and half-truths and then publish them under the umbrella of the “marl road” while adding in commentary and sources (such as herself, which she does often). While clearly being written in a rushed and shoddy manner, with blatant grammatical errors and no regard for the truth. (you’d think in the modern day with spell check and programs that can look for mistakes that she would run her articles through something, guess not, the nonexistent scoop and those early clicks are what she cares about)

      The issue with CMR and others is not the stories they cover, (Cayman is only so big and there is only so much news to cover) it is the manner in which CMR (aka Sandra Hill Catron, most educated Caymanian in all of History, professional snoop and gossip extraordinaire, Admin, proprietor, entrepreneur, child advocate, local activist, and whatever else she claims to be) decide to cover these stories.

      CMR and it’s “Admin” (the same one who complains about the anonymous hate she gets as she writes articles semi-anonymously claiming she is distanced from the process (yet it is still her that gets taken to court for lie after lie)

      We all know just like the portion of text on the website that CMR speaks HER (her being Sandra) truth not THE truth

  3. Gray Matter says:

    What’s New: ! Barefoot Man had a song for this back in the late 70’s … Something like this he sang .. You catch a cold in George Town and time you reach East End you had an uncurable desease . It’s just a Cayman Thing, Always want to be in other people Business.????

  4. Anonymous says:

    The term fake news, has a bitter taste to it now.
    Better call it rumors, gossip etc.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Fake news is just another name for lies. As long as humans are around there will be lies. As for CMR I visited it once, soon discovered it is crap, so I don’t read it. The internet is not forced on anyone

  6. Anonymous says:

    Speaking of fake news – did CNS just use the CMR photo for that fire story? That came from an exclusive video given to just them – as I took it myself – so where did CNS get that from?


    CNS: As I’m sure you well know, once a picture gets gets re-posted a few times on FB, there is no way to know where it originated.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Ironically the stories listed here as examples of fake news – NONE of that was done by CMR … what a bunch of haters!

    Girl, keep posting. I LOVE your site and check it as my first source. I get that when you say something is a RUMOR that’s precisely what it is. BUT 98% of the time you’re spot on or not very far off and guess what? That’s good enough for me.

    These crybabies can hide behind CNS and call people names … I notice how they don’t do that with the Compass or anyone else.

    Something is DEFINITELY fake around here.

  8. Anonymous says:

    How about false facts from people being paid full time to get things right? DoT still publishes a Wednesday night dinner special on their recurring events calendar for a restaurant that shuttered in June 2016, and a movie operator that ceased operation in the jurisdiction in Nov 2017. What kind of knuckleheads do we have running this stuff?

  9. Anonymous says:

    One poster seems to be suffering from Recurring Red Herring Syndrome today…most tedious.

  10. Guru says:

    The libel law should be amended to include electronic dissemination and make it a criminal rather than civil offence.

  11. Anonymous says:

    None of this is a problem. People passed on rumors by word of mouth before there were telephones. Now it’s on the internet. Stop expecting news to be objective, it never is.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Why does Cayman Marl Road web site confuse anyone? The name says it all. Everyone knows that “marl road” info has always meant that it was dubious, fake, lies, whatever you want to call it. Sandra Catron Hill is not masking anything she publishes under that outlet. She is clearly telling anyone and everyone that it is strictly “marl road” information, not necessarily to be believed. What a gullible populace!

    • Anonymous says:

      She is clearly talking out of both sides of her mouth
      While she has her little disclaimers saying that CMR is not a news site
      The vast majority of what she posts is considered news, the word “news” is all over the page
      Just because she tries to cover her ass by saying “this isn’t news” doesn’t mean that she should be allowed to get away posting fake stories, rumors and defamatory information especially when it has the potential to interfere with police investigations or cause incidents on island

    • Anonymous says:

      Is that you Sandra?!

    • Anonymous says:

      Considering she sponsors some of her stories, which in FB terms is called “boosting”, the stories are made for all to read not just her followers. So no, not every person who lives in Cayman or other places, who can see these posts know what “marl road” is. Or really cares for that matter. So never assume…

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s very silly!! Simple google it! Common sense what MARL ROAD Means and if you read the site you will know. Would you like her to change the name to fake news and then you all can get a life?

        • Anonymous says:

          Why would anyone waste time googling “marl road”? Most who have a life could care less.. Yes changing the name to Sandy’s Gossip page would be a good start.

        • Anonymous says:

          I understand your need to defend yourself Sandra as you are clearly in denial but seeing as everyone knows its you, you should probably refrain from talking about yourself in third person. It’s embarrassing.

        • Anonymous says:

          How about you get a life Sandra!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (enough exclamation for you)

      • Anonymous says:

        EVERYONE sponsors stories but you do have the common sense available to you to click on I don’t wish to see this ad.

        It’s so simple. What’s wrong with you? Fake brain?

        • Anonymous says:

          But what is most amusing are the stories you actually spend money on to sponsor. Ridiculous. Common sense has nothing to with what pops up in your news feed and what you control. Wrong term lady. It would be a choice. Just like you “choose” to spread bs.

  13. Catcha Fire says:

    How can one control rumor and disinformation when government itself delves and uses it when it suit their purpose or convenience????

  14. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps this speaks more to the concern people have for lacking of integrity surrounding media and authority communications. The public no longer trust either of those, and in the absence of unbiased media or politicians, people are now turning to online sources.

  15. Anonymous says:

    That woman, either through her social media page or that CMR, have caused unbearable pain and DISTRESS for people and it must be stopped.

    I have no doubt, some have sought counselling because of the misinformation, inaccuracies, vicious dirty gossip, scaremongering, slander, manipulative actions and hateful comments attributed to her in these public forums. There appears to be a pattern of shaming for personal aggrandisement. Is that behaviour of a classic social psychopath?

    It does not surprise me then, that the professionals, including the police, therapists and the like are here expressing grave concerns about these sort of actions and behaviour especially in such a small community. It can make people ill. This is not good folks. This is serious business and no laughing matter. The wrong person will be hurt, directly or indirectly, as these people have family and friends who care for them, and it may not be well with her. We are now seeing the very real vocal public fallout because of this and it can only get worst if she is not stopped.

    My question is, how long will the authorities allow for her to negatively impact, cyber-bully and scar people in this fashion?

    It seems from the recent article about this woman’s court case that many are hoping that Marco Archer will not let her manipulate him from holding her accountable for the pain she has caused him. It seems that many are privately cheering him hoping for justice through his case. That alone speak volume to me.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get a life … bunch of babies! Don’t read it! Simple.

      IF she had done something illegal there’s always the option to SUE her or call the police as there’s a criminal element to defamation also … but you all know better than that. There is still no merit to someone making an accusation they cannot prove.

      This is your opinion but you’ve not provided any evidence to back it up! Many child molesters do not want their names out there either even after convicted and you could ever well be the wife of one of them that she has publicly called out. While people are sitting here liking your post they should consider that very real possible.

      Are you feeling bad because you’ve continued supporting him after what he did to young girls?

      • Anonymous says:

        Sandra, is this you?
        Classic distraction tactic where you compare a totally unrelated issue to an issue that everyone agrees causes suffering and pain. If your words could be trusted as having any true journalistic integrity then that would be of benefit to the society. Nice try but only the truely gullible will fall for this.

      • Diogenes says:

        Ahhh the bait and switch using an indefensible position to try and win support

        I’m sure the hundreds of persons who despise you Sandra are all the “wives of pedophiles” not just people who year after year have been exposed to all your shit

        You have done something that few thought possible, made yourself, an unimportant un-influential citizen (who can’t even get elected to the LA) into one of the most hated people in the Cayman Islands

        Well Sandra as my Great grandmother would say, “The higher the monkey climbs the more he shows his ass”
        And quite frankly the people of the Cayman Islands are sick and tired of the view of your rear end

      • Fred the Piemaker says:

        The juxtaposition of the original posters reference to Mario Archer’s legal action against you and your diatribe in response about a child molester is to say the least rather unfortunate.

    • Anonymous says:

      The judgement will speak volumes too … you all will have a field day then.

  16. Cayman Citizen X says:

    Oh Booo hooo the Govt owned State media can’t control internet now .so they whining like a little Bitch about fake news. Well they had better get over it. It would have been okay though if they were the only one’s in control feeding us their govt bias slanted news covering up their incompetence and blatant corruption .Now they crying like a spoil brat about rumors and disinformation which has been in existence since man walked upright and learned to tell lies. Oh but these gov’t people have alot time to come up S%$#. I get the feeling this has more to do with government’s negative image and people dislike for them and their inability to manipulate the media in their favor. Well those days are well behind us .The best way to deal with that is to engage and inform the people which will enable them to manage and police themselves to dispel rumors and fake news. But alas this is not about that is it??? I will them some advice my kids gave get down wid program before the program takes you down. Coming from those removing talkshow hosts from a Government radio station who’s only offence is telling the truth Talk about F%$@*&!# Hypocrites.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is it a full moon again already?!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yikes! So defensive. Possibly a fake news follower and gossip spreader?

    • Anonymous says:

      Citizen X. You are so anxious to criticize Government, that you failed to realize that this lashing out against fake news is being driven by members of the public who have suffered because of it.

  17. Anonymous says:

    This story is FAKE news!!

    CMR did not published any videos or pictures related to any murder and stating or implying that is libelous. Furthermore, the RCIPS DOES NOT WORK on weekends NOR do they get news out there quickly! They need to stop lying to the people and focus on their jobs.

    Go talk to Trump about fake news!

    CNS: We did not name any personal social media pages. And there is always someone from the RCIPS available to the media at the weekends. As to the delays, it is always better to wait for the truth than to publish gossip as truth.

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS you are so right.

    • Anonymous says:

      What I reading here!? SH and CMR trying to claim libel bahahaha. You should remind yourself how dangerous that is, since you live your life slandering others. What a pity.

    • Anonymous says:

      Damn. I wanted to like CNS’ comment…oops!

    • Anonymous says:

      Sandra, you are so easily identifiable just by the way you write. We all know it is only you who defends “you” and that stupid page you have going, CMR. CNS did not even name your page and you fly in to defense mode. Reading is fundamental kid.

  18. Caymanian facts says:

    There are 2 pages on FB that alway put out fake news, the biggest problem isn’t the fake news it’s the hatred, racism, discrimination and. Slander these 2 editors write about. They try always to divide us and love to stir the pot.
    If you reply to 1 of their comments and they don’t like it they curse at you as well as insult you. Then they ban you from their pages.

    • Anonymous says:

      Fake news is the reason I don’t listen to Cayman cross talk in the morning. It’s worse recently.

    • Anonymous says:

      They remove comments and ban people because they can’t handle the truth or anyone disagreeing with their views.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Religion is the bane of fake news here on the island.

  20. Anonymous says:

    There are 2 pages equally guilty and ridiculous. Cayman Marl Road and Cayman Islands FB News Page. The admins of these pages are known rivals so its a constant pissing contest to see who can post more BS and pictures of dead people. KT’s page actually shared a photo of the man who hung himself, dead hanging from a tree. Classy. I am sure his family was pleased. Sandy dug up financial information on the Crystal Caves gentleman while his body was still warm, and shared and insinuated his finance issues as the cause of his suicide. Seriously, people need to just unfollow and ignore but it seems everyone feels the need to know everyone’s business around here whether it true or fake.They are pathetic and what authorities should do is be report these rumor posts to facebook. It’s easy to do and yes, Facebook will take down posts and pages if there are enough reports made. Don’t ya wonder why IACWAMR no longer exists? Something to think about. As far as the admins of these pages and their “supporters” go, get a life.

    • Anonymous says:

      I really wish I could hit the Like button one million times, They both need to seek medical attention. You would think that SC would have less time to be in people business now that she’s married and have a family right? Nope. Only now she have time to be in everybody business. Disgusting really…but just wait. You know what they say about people that love to pick. Keep picking till you pick Sh*t

  21. Anonymous says:

    It’s not only staggering that the Police lecture the public on social media expertise, but they pretend to be proud of their transparency while insisting the public FOI their budget for the Traffic Unit (see Auntie columns). They direct the media to their website which lacks any financials for any of their myriad departments for any period of time. CNS, please be the one media outlet willing to hold their feet to the fire on this. Our now-rampant crime is inextricably linked to the lack of visible police deterrent, and a glacial response time measured in half-hour increments rather than single-digit minutes. The public has been demanding more police involvement for over a decade and they respond with a “zero tolerance” platitude, and a territorial force of just 10 shift-cordoned Traffic Duty constables while employing 407. We need to talk about this disconnect, the chronic misrepresentations, and senior people will ultimately have to be held responsible.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is red-herring. This is not about the police but about the nasty behaviour of just a couple of people who everyone seems to know.

      • Anonymous says:

        The media misrepresentations and financial opaqueness of the RCIPS are not Red Herring issues – they’re an ongoing outrage that affects every person residing or visiting our islands. Bring on the transparency RCIPS, or prepare to be called out when pretending to be transparent!

    • Anonymous says:

      I dont know how many times I see that the media is waiting on a response from the RCIPS. Most of the time It never comes.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Social media is a wasteland that is slow swirl taking civilization down the toilet. It is a shining example of why governments, flawed as they are, are better than anarchy. People, generally are short sighted, devious, and too stupid to be left on their own.

  23. Anonymous says:

    The alleged unemployed figures are a good example. The real number is close to zero.

  24. Anonymous says:

    CMR and the other one, prime suspects, although I was horrified to be shown footage of the recently murdered man…who does that kind of stuff? Sicko’s? Just stick to the real news folks and with people like CNS who have the means to verify stories. You cause yourselves and others a lot of stress by not doing so.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Sandra Hill and her inflammatory Cayman Mark Road site is part of the problem, in my opinion.


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