US fugitive to fight extradition

| 11/01/2018 | 99 Comments
Cayman News Service

Wayne Collier outside the Cayman Islands court house

(CNS): Wayne Collier (28), who is wanted by the American authorities in connection with the murder of his pregnant partner, appeared in court for the second time Thursday. Defence attorney John Furniss, who is representing the US fugitive, told the court that he planned to fight the extradition to the USA. Collier is accused of shooting Heidy Bowen (27) outside her Miami home in November. Bowen was shot three times and rushed to the hospital. Her baby girl was delivered but died 12 days later, and Bowen died as a result of her gunshot injuries last week.

When he appeared in court today, Furniss asked for a two-week adjournment in order for him to make a bail application. A date was also fixed for a case management hearing next month to enable prosecutors and the defence to set out a timetable for the extradition process.

According to Miami news reports, in the immediate wake of the shooting, officers from the Miami Dade police department who are investigating the double murder identified Collier as the suspect. But he went on the run and police began a nationwide, then worldwide, manhunt. A US$3,000 reward was posted for Collier and a wanted poster was circulated.

It is still not clear why Collier was in Cayman or what connections he has here, but was arrested on a provisional warrant by the RCIPS in Prospect yesterday afternoon.

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Category: Courts, Crime, USA, World News

Comments (99)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    people defending Haiti but wouldn’t live in it, its not a paradise so dont need to lie about it.its the way it is because of the french.

  2. Tut alors!. says:

    Bail application! his lawyer must be bonkers.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Lets do some fingerprinting…wont happen becuase the jamaican/hondurans in power dont want us to know how much crime they bring to the island.

    • Anonymous says:

      And the only proposals made for fingerprinting were contrary to the Government’s legal obligations.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please name these “Jamaicans” and “Hondurans” that are in power
      I’d really love to see that list

      • Anonymous says:

        You can identify them by how proud they are of thier customs during the holidays that links them back Jamaica or Honduras, they usually marry into being caymanian or they claim their great great great great granfathers came from the Cayman Islands. They are your bosses and polticians at every level. Too many to name, easier to name who is not.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yet not one name was given,
          nice talking point but you ain’t fooling anyone

          The chase is over and the goose is cooked
          Try again sweetie

  4. Anonymous says:

    Send him back to his s**thole country of USA!

    • Anonymous says:

      You should protest the USA by never again buying anything that is imported from the USA, using any web browsers that were developed in the USA or every stepping foot in the USA.

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly, and instead of being a typical full blown hypocrite, spend a few months in beautify Haiti to show support for those beautiful countries, then bring back a few of those refugees here in Cayman (all of which are currently being deported if they come here)…21071.22074.0.22953.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..1.1.90…0j0i67k1.0.dND8ggAOruE

      • Anonymous says:

        That may be a good idea, but it doesn’t change the fact that the US President is a racist. A shit hole racist.

        • Anonymous says:

          Sadly, a lot of Caymanians are too.

          • Anonymous says:

            A lot of people are. A lot. But they’re not leaders of a country.

            • Anonymous says:

              Haiti is a sh**hole country because of the french, Trump is a racist, Most Caymanians are racist, something happen in cayman who does most caymanians blame? other nationalities. we are a backward country tbh and its really sad, before you blame other nationalities remember most crimes happening now are caymanian related it be your own kind.

            • Anonymous says:

              12.48pm… he “may be”!!!! A racist but PRESIDENT Trump is correct….the USA is just like cayman how much more are expected to accommodate ?????

              • Anonymous says:

                I believe Cayman is full of other nationalities because of the reality that is there but no one wants to accept. You were and still are unable to build a small island. You had it made but were too comfortable to ensure that you sustained it. Pack up all the the nations represented here and send them home and see what happens.

            • Anonymous says:

              Yeah!! Papa Doc,Baby Doc and Idi Amin all fine leaders. I’ll bet you can name at least two more

      • Anonymous says:

        Relax big fellow. The poster is probably upset about trump’s adolescent, outright racist comments. It’s only understandable.

      • Anonymous says:

        Let’s not tar all Americans with the same brush. I have met some really nice ones….although not many, to be completely honest.

        As for USA’s exports….it’s China who you should really boycott, as the USA outsourced most of it’s manufacturing to them, largely in pursuit of profits.

        Unfortunately, it’s the loud and arrogant Americans who drown out the higher calibre individuals, who have so much potential for that country’s future.

      • Anonymous says:

        Please Please Please respond with your full name and I will personally send this list to some friends back in US customs who will be glad to turn you back from your Miami shopping sprees. Nothing more annoying than to have US visitors who insult the US under their breath while in the USA like a bunch of thieves who think they are getting away with hating the US but will still take our products.

      • Anonymous says:

        Until America is great again its mostly coming from China or some other 3rd world country.

    • BELONGER says:

      Trump’s – Gutter Trash !!

      • Anonymous says:

        He truly is. Humankind at its WORST.

        • Anonymous says:

          8;31 pm, Try and get the facts, Mr. Trump is doing a good job for his country, he is a good President for his country. The Stock market is at its highest, un-employment at its lowest, he is trying to keep out drugs , etc, etc, etc, Try to find some common sense and understand the facts. Why don’t you go and live in Haiti ?.

          • Anonymous says:

            The stock market has been growing since it recovered after 08′
            perhaps you could point to the specific policy or law that Trump has signed that has caused the stock market to grow and unemployment to drop? (I’ll wait for that one) and if you think it’s the “Tax cuts and Jobs Act” think again
            While Walmart gave it’s employees a one time bonus and a slight raise (that still leaves most of them them below the poverty line) what they forgot to mention is that they are closing dozens of Sam’s Club stores and putting thousands of people out of work ( all while buying back company stock and lining their own pockets with the profits)

            Trump ran on draining the swamp, meanwhile a cabinet has never been whiter and richer in modern history than Trump’s Cabinet

            Let’s move on to the stock market talking point that Trump has clung to (probably because it is the only positive growth associated to his presidency) The stock market has little if any effect on the everyday lives of the average person in the US, the vast majority of the stock is held by companies and a small percentage of rich investors.

            And all the jobs that Trump has “saved” like the carrier plant that he managed to stop from outsourcing to Mexico early last year, waited until the cameras were off and the public wasn’t paying attention and began laying people off anyway

            Of course while Obama was President everything was shit but as soon as Trump took over everything is fine and dandy, a man who only has one major piece of legislation passed is somehow given the credit for doing a great job with the economy and unemployment numbers that he inherited from his predecessor (if you have somehow convinced yourself that Obama was bad with unemployment and the economy because of low GDP growth I would suggest you look at the graphs and information from 2008 and 2009 right after Bush stepped down)

            Perhaps you heard otherwise on Faux News, but anyone with a grain of common sense and a respect for the truth can look back at the history of Republican presidents and Congress

            First they cut taxes, then they say they need to manage the budget (aka cut social programs ) all the while increasing military spending and expanding the surveillance state (while advocating for small government) on an already over-inflated budget and blaming all the countries woes on the opposition. They literally just extended the rampant warrant-less wiretapping this week.

            Not to mention all of the “tax cuts” on the poor and middle class expire in a couple years (no doubt the GOP will then turn around and blame the Dems for raising the taxes) while the corporate tax cuts are permanent (even if there is no growth from the tax cuts that are supposed to jump start the economy)

            Surely if the GOP really beleived any of the lies they are selling they would be comfortable putting a provision into the law that requires certain economic markers to be met to keep the cuts ( of course they won’t they aren’t stupid)

            Have we forgotten just how hated George Bush was (mostly for the Iraq war but his economic policies were just as bad)

            They only care about states rights when the states are supporting a conservative position (look at the DOJ now allowing Federal prosecutors to go after state legal pot businesses)

            The cherry on top of the Hypocrite cake :The Republicans have held control of the House of Representatives since 2011, Obama got NOTHING through without their approval for almost 5/8 years of his presidency think on that fact the next time you want to attack Dems and defend the GOP

            I’ll let you in on a little secret, the midterms are 10 months away and unless Donnie does an about turn, he will be singularly responsible for putting the Dems in control of the House for the first time since 2008
            Trumpism will be facing the scrutiny of the Dems and let’s not forget if the Trump Russia probe uncovers anything illegal whether it is collusion or money laundering (which Bannon has said they likely committed) the Dems will be well placed to start impeachment proceedings from the House.

            • Anonymous says:

              When the stock market crashes, there’s also a major correction upward. Printing trillions of worthless paper with a dead American president’s face on it and dumping it into the economy tends to make that happen even faster.

              It was liberals and liberal minded policies that caused the 08 collapse in the first place by meddling with the banking regulations and essentially forcing banks to lend to people who would otherwise be denied. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae being the two largest contributors. This opened the door to vultures of every sort.

              Republicans tried to intervene only to be labeled as racists.


              During the past year, the economy and stock market have improved sharply. We were told that if Trump was elected that markets would tank. So much for that.

              Hundreds of growth killing regulations have been removed in the past year.

              Consumer confidence is at a 17 year high. Try to enjoy the ride, you’ll be happier.

          • Anonymous says:

            Can someone tell me why Obama was not demained among the readers, and President Trump is bashed on a daily basis? Hmmmm!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Better yet, ship shithole Trump here.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s just what we’re after! As to which countries are shitholes, I think you’d find pretty close consensus in any nonpublic gathering.

    • Anonymous says:

      7:16 am, if you think the U S A is a s..thole, why you eat the food from there and do shopping from there ?, you are one that don’t have any common sense period. But the man should be sent back there to his country to stand trial and NOT be allowed to stay here,

    • Anonymous says:

      Usually when scum run from the U.S.A. to avoid prosecution, they run to sh#* hole places like you have are from. Jamaicans to their defence run from s%&* country. And many contribute to the s%*@ status of other countries

  5. Anonymous says:

    Can someone tell me why the CI Government is wasting taxpayers money to give him a trial? Ridiculous! He killed a woman and a baby. Send him back from whence he came!

    Our open waters are for everyone to come an lay their head down. Why not take refuge in mountainous Jamaica? Aaahhh…life in the Caymans is much more care free…

    • Anonymous says:

      He is suspected of that, it is not proven…ah that good old Lynch mob mentality is never far away…

      • Anonymous says:

        Because we are not on the jury, we’re supposed to ignore the facts? Namely, his pregnant girlfriend was murdered, the baby died as a result and on or about the same day he left the country. On the 17th of Nov his name was publicized widely in the U.S. media and yet he did not come forward to proclaim his innocence or turn himself in. Just because you want to put your head in the sand doesn’t mean the rest of us have to, nor does it mean he won’t get his day in court.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well, presumed innocent until proven guilty, but yes, I agree. Send him back to the USA to defend himself there.

  6. Anonymous says:

    If you are a wanted fugative…. how are you able to travel? Did homeland security miss something here? How and when did he get here? Who was he residing with?

    • Anonymous says:

      As mentioned in previous comments, he may not have been a suspect yet when he traveled here. The crime happened on the 3rd of 4th of November. The story didn’t run with the reward until the 17th. I guess we will know more when we get the rest of the story and the details about when he arrived in Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      8.45pm … precisely… who was providing shelter etc.. this needs to be checked thoroughly. I think he is familiar with Cayman. No good criminals seeking refuge in Cayman. They have no right here.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Exactly he will go back. He committed a heinous crime in the US and he will be sent back to face trial. As they say a drowning man will grab at a straw- guess we can’t blame him for trying.

    • Anonymous says:

      Doesn’t he get a fair trial where the facts are considered? Like did he actually do it? Do you know for sure he did it, saw him with your own eyes? I didn’t, so in my book he gets a trial and the jury decides. But you already made your mind up. Caymankind.

      • Anonymous says:

        Because when your girlfriend and her unborn baby are murdered the first thing an innocent person does is flee the country.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ah, the all seeing all knowing eye has spoken. Neither you nor I have got a clue as to what actually happened or how or why it happened. So if he did it and confesses and is found guilty, fine. If he didn’t do it and they find the real perpetrators, also good. I think your good Lord tells you not to judge…or is that not for Caymanians?

      • Anonymous says:

        If you took a second to check his record in just miami dade county on the clerk of courts website, you would see this man has over a dozen different assault, dv, and home invasions charges on him.

  8. Anonymous says:

    There are Colliers in Cayman. Perhaps he was visiting relatives?

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe he was just spending a relaxing holiday vacation with his loved ones.

      • Anonymous says:

        If he is not deported back to his country, then what ? He expect us to keep him here, maybe he thinks we are that stupid and in some cases we are that stupid for expats.

        • Anonymous says:

          If he is able to successfully fight extradition it will because of the death penalty which is legal in Florida.

          • Anonymous says:

            Pretty standard to give a ‘no death’ undertaking in order to get the suspect extradited back.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I’m suprise he isnt getting called racist names by his fellow racist white americans that love to hide behind cns comments??

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh, those darn racist Americans, why aren’t they calling him racist names!

    • Anonymous says:

      You can always tell who the racists are, they are the ones usually busy calling everyone else racists…

    • Anonymous says:

      Never once have I seen anyone called racist names on CNS, you sure you aren’t making that one up?

      • Anonymous says:

        We prefer to use idiot, moron, twat, fool, inbred, thirdworld, backward, bible-thumping, sky fairy worshiping, uneducated, xenophobic, lazy, etc. They all mean nword in context.

        • Anonymous says:

          Sounds legit, particularly when your mind immediately turns to race each time there is criticism and you really don’t know actual definitions of words.

          Here’s another word you might want to google, “projection”.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Ask his Caymanian girlfriend what he was doing here and how he got here. If the RCIPS digs deep enough they should know who she is and how long he has been here by now!

    • Fred the Piemaker says:

      Or you can simply read the Compass article, which states he arrived on Cayman Airways in the normal way on November 3, nearly two weeks before an arrest warrant was even issued in the US.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you can read…read again and ask his girlfriend (who is busy cleaning up her social media accounts) **WHAT he was doing here.** The Compass article did not state that. So yeah, might wanna keep your stupid sarcasm to yourself.

        • Fred the Piemaker says:

          Was referring to your suggestion that they ask her so they can find out how long he has been here. Why did you suggest they ask her that if they already knew – or perhaps you really didn’t read the article.

          • Anonymous says:

            Perhaps you should learn to read, or comprehend English, or maybe even go get a life and stop responding to my comment. Just a thought…. I clearly said to ask her ***WHAT*** he was doing here. Do you comprehend what that means? Ask her WHY he was in CAYMAN in the first place. That is not stated in the Compass article so please hush and stop responding with nonsense. Thanks!

            • Fred the Piemaker says:

              You are getting awfully hot under the collar, aren’t you? I am not meant to respond to your comments, but you should be free to respond to mine, using terms like stupid sarcasm and nonsense? I was perfectly polite – but if you are going to be rude feel I am free to point out exactly how inconsistent you are being, and insulting me ain’t going to change the facts.

              You posed a number of questions the RCIPS should ask. I responded to your suggestions – quote “If the RCIPS digs deep enough they should know who she is and how long he has been here by now!”, and “how he got here” Not your WHAT point – because quite apart from anything else not sure what relevance what he is doing here has (other than the fairly obvious fact he is evading justice in the US).

              Now you can paint it any way you like, but the original article stated how long he had been here, and how he got here, both of which your original comment completely ignored. Feel better now?

  11. Anonymous says:

    We need to build a wall to keep these guys out! There’s some really bad hombres in the USA!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Have you been anywhere near the coastline recently? Free Wall!

    • Anonymous says:

      If Americans were landing in Cayman illegally by the boat load on a daily basis and those boats carried low wage workers and a few murderers, rapists and drug dealers among them, your failed attempt at satire would make a little sense.

      What happens when you’re caught entering Cayman illegally?

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe build a wall around every point of Cayman commerce so all that USA cash will stop pouring in too.

  12. Anonymous says:

    What? But he american no entry requirements of any kind. Come as you are and do as you please.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well this only the tip of the iceberg. We live to blame hondurans, jamaicans, for all of crime issues, drugs, guns, etc. However, the USA is wide open, and not everything, everyone coming from the USA is golden.

  13. Anonymous says:

    There is no need to house criminals that don’t belong to us if they haven’t committed any crimes in Cayman. Hence, we need an Automatic Deportation Order for criminals on the run. If they’re caught in Cayman, they are automatically deported to the country that issued the warrant at that country’s expense.

  14. anonymous says:

    Can someone explain to me how a person can fight extradition from Cayman if they don’t have a right to reside in Cayman?

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m pretty sure this will be very interesting. I dont even know why he’s still here?! Only in Cayman… #caymankind

      • Fred the Piemaker says:

        Actually it would be exactly the same in most countries party to extradition treaties. Entitled to contest an extradition treaty if he wishes, and the decision gets made by a judge applying the law, rather than the court of public opinion prejudging guilt or innocence. And incidentally, the defence against extradition for a crime that is punishable by the death penalty is one that would be open in the UK and any number of other jurisdictions, so less of the “only in Cayman” BS.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you’re an expat or criminal or both, you have more rights to everything in Cayman than the natives. Look how long Dr. Syed’s trial took.

    • Diogenes says:

      Because let’s say he was hiding from a corrupt but legitimate regime (in the sense that other nations accepted their right to rule) if he could prove that his extradition would put him in immediate danger, or if he was going to be treated unjustly it would be immoral and an injustice for us to send him back to certain death, or worse

      For instance if dissidents (or rebels if that’s what you want to label them as) from Turkey are allowed to remain in the US because if they are returned it is likely they will be assassinated by Erdogan or will receive no justice they could fight extradition
      Also whistle-blowers like Edward Snowden and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange who are political targets receive similar treatment
      (if you want to know what would happen to Snowden or Assange if they are taken to the US look at how Chelsea Manning was treated)
      ( and yes I know Assange is wanted in Sweden but I’m sure the US would love to get their hands on him as well for his role in massive data leaks)

      This guy will be heading back to the US not today, and not tomorrow, but trust me he will be in front of a US jury eventually

      • Anonymous says:

        Provided he does not make a successful human rights claim to the effect he faces the death penalty if returned to the US. Does Florida still execute convicted young mother and baby killers? If so, Cayman could find itself in a very interesting position.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well said but as FL has the death penalty I fear his vacation here at our expense could be lengthy.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yeah. Thank the lord for lawyers!! Hip hip hooray.

          • Anonymous says:

            usa will need to undertake that it will not seek death penalty..and all is clear for extradition—

            • Anonymous says:

              Maybe not. Might let him rot in Cayman until he thinks the coast is clear and tries to sneak back.

          • Anonymous says:

            Don’t blame the lawyers. Blame the politicians who gave such scum these legal rights. Lawyers are only following the laws and rules mandated by the politicians.

    • Anonymous says:

      Read the Cayman Islands Constitution

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