Woman admits killing friend in Rum Point crash

| 21/08/2017 | 37 Comments

(CNS): A 24-year-old local woman from West Bay admitted killing her friend in a North Side crash more than two years ago when she appeared in court, Monday, for trial. Anastasia Watson had pleaded not guilty to killing Kimberly Bush (23) as a result of dangerous driving in the early morning hours of Wednesday 15 April 2015 on Rum Point Road. But on the eve of the trial Watson admitted causing death by careless driving and was bailed to return to court for sentencing in November. Watson had lost control of a silver BMW which crashed into a concrete wall. Bush, who was trapped in the passenger seat, was found dead by police when they arrived at the scene and Watson, who was also injured, was taken to hospital.



Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (37)

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  1. Veritas says:

    Businrss as usual, allow a guilty plea for an offence carrying a much lighter sentence just to save the CPS some legwork in prosecuting the case.

  2. Mike says:

    She plead not guilty to causing death by dangerous driving and guilty of causing death by careless driving. There is a difference. Dangerous has to be in speed or manner. careless is without care or attention. The article does not say how she lost control. Only that she lost control and hit a wall. People need to know the full particulars before passing judgment. As for why it’s taken so long for courts to conclude cases. Backlog. Court dates are always booked.

  3. Fred the Piemaker says:

    CNS can you clarify – did she plead to death by careless driving as suggested or the original charge of death by dangerous driving – significant difference in consequent sentencing ( and the public perception of why the guilty plea has taken this long and the motivation of the driver and DPP).

    CNS Note: She pleaded to the leseer offence of causing death by careless driving.

  4. JG says:

    Her anarchy tattoo on the side of her neck explains it all.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Can we get to the bottom of why these cases take so long to come to conclusion in the court? These cases are horrific for everyone involved and by having these things drag on for years it just adds to the further suffering and trauma everyone is experiencing.

    • Anonymous says:

      We’re talking about Cayman’s Court baby. Surprised it didn’t take longer to give the woman a sentence.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Reminding admitting killing as a result of dangerous driving (addendum) dont crucify the reporter well journalese!

  7. Anonymous says:

    When they plead at the last minute like this they should get no sentencing credit whatsoever.

  8. Anonymous says:

    It is not nice for the reporter to insinuate this ‘accident’ was intentional by using the words admitted to killing friend. She didn’t go out on purpose to kill her friend. This was an accident. She herself could have died. Have some mercy on her as I am sure she feels terrible as it is. She needs to live with the fact that her friend died with herself at the wheel. She did not intentionally do this so don’t use such accusing words. And whoever this writer of the article is, learn some compassion and tact!

    • Anonymous says:

      She is not the victim and should not be treated as such.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree she is not the victim, but accidents do happen. She was irresponsible by not driving correctly but it is not like she was drinking and driving, or at least the article doesn’t state that. How many cases of DUI are there and they get treated with a slap on the wrist. They are the ones who should be jailed as they do it repeatedly. It is a sad circumstance and of course she should pay for her role in what happened, I am not excusing that. However, bad things happen in life. We have all been guilty of going a little faster than we should, although I admit I never have a passenger. But what if it was a passenger of another car that was hurt. At the end of the day the lesson to learn is all your actions of consequences, so tread carefully.

        • Anonymous says:

          Glad you admit you don’t have passengers in the car when you speed. I’m sure we all feel much more safe on the road knowing this. Thank you.

    • Mr Anonymous says:

      But she left it till last minute to confess to her own actions. Disregarding instructions from her own counsel, her conscience should have made her admit that the harm done was her responsibility alone and accept it fully at the forefront. The fact that she waited so long to admit this, puts discredit on the defendant feeling “terrible”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course she feels bad. But the description in the article is completely accurate and reflects exactly what crime she confessed to.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t Drink and Drive then you won’t need to excuse your friend’s behaviour

      • Anonymous says:

        Here’s a little enlightenment for you. She was NOT drunk or under the influence of anything. An accident is exactly that, an accident

        • Anonymous says:

          What I have gathered from this, she didn’t need alcohol in her system to do some dumb shit, and people are on here trying to protect her when she is clearly not the victim. Yes, accidents do happen, but they can also be avoided.

          Everyone on her is quick to say she wasn’t under the influence of anything, and so what? She still sped, she killed someone, lock her up and that’s the end of that.

      • Anonymous says:

        In NO was she drunk and it’s clear she not charged for it so instead of spreading lies u should read a little bit better! Accidents do happen it’s sad that someone lost their life but in no way was she drunk!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Definition of kill
      intransitive verb
      : to cause the death of a person, animal, or plant

      She did kill someone and has plead guilty to killing her. Her actions mean someone died and if more people realized that speed/drink/drugs lead to KILLING someone maybe they will slow down. This island has few ‘murders’ on the books each year but a lot of ‘fatal accidents’ where people are killed.

    • Anonymous says:

      6.43, people have to be responsible for their actions, intentional or not. If excess speed was involved, or alcohol, (I have no idea) then it is a criminal act. We all have to understand- if in doing something which is breaking the law, then it is criminal and here will be consequences. If the speed limit was obeyed, it may have been a different story. So, I am sure she feels terrible, I would. But no sympathy. It is why we have laws.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe she should have admitted it in the beginning, and show “compassion” to the family. If i killed my friend by accident i would do any time the judge gives me to give the family some sort of justice and some sort of peace of mind for myself. She is obviously only pleading guilty because her lawyer is telling her its in her best interest!!

    • Anonymous says:

      She intentionally took steps that endangered lives of her passenger. If the natural consequence of your intentional act occurs then you as good as intended it in my moral handbook. But feel free to be an apologist for this sort of antisocial behaviour.

      • Anonymous says:

        3:05. This is just it. Apologising for her reckless behavior which took the life of her passenger and endangered countless others on the road.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Don’t be stupid and speed.

  10. Anonymous says:

    She must be a traumatized young woman. I hope she gets counselling. My simple advice is that the road is hard and dreary but you are young use your demise as a platform to encourage other young women like yourself to articulate the pain , suffering and loss you have endured. Most of all before you trod this path give yourself aplomb that when you are travelling on the road its a challenge. I know that you always relive this nightmare but whatever the outcome is stay focus.

    • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        This is Kimberly mom all I have to say to Ana is she should have the smart choice that night in coming home she knew she was drinking .but she still choose to drive drunk with my daughter in that Car and for that I have to relive the day every day in my head .and yet after that day she still maintains that she was not speeding or was drunk but yet refused a urine test when the police asked for it .I am still a mother and I will always cry for my baby girl Ana has no right to take her from me .so now I leave everything in God hands cause he don’t sleep and Kimberly will have her justice done in court .my plea for Ana is look for God’s face seek him out give her life to him and in return she will be able to sleep better at night .

        • Anonymous says:

          I am very sorry for your loss. Surely when someone has died, they cannot refuse a breathliser, blood or urine test to determine if alcohol played a role. If it had she would be charged with a DUI. She could not have gotten away with a harsher sentence of drunk driving. Those she socialized with that night could testify whether she drank or not. There would have been witnesses. And if the police failed to test her and they would have had the ability since herself and friend were taken to hospital straight after the accident it would have been negligent of authorities not to have tested her for drugs or alcohol. What makes me upset is those that do get DUI and even when there is no one who is hurt or died from their actions they are still not appropriately jailed, but merely get bail and their drivers license suspended. Especially in Cayman a jail term should be given for the mere fact you were drinking and driving. Everyone will leave this earth and in the manner in which we go no one knows. It could be an accident, old age or cancer. The truth is if it is your time to go, God will take you. She is in God’s hands and I pray that those left behind God will soothe their hearts and give them some peace.

        • Anonymous says:

          She did give a blood sample once she was at the hospital and it came back negative.
          I know her and I know that it haunts her everyday. She loved your daughter very much and the last thing she wanted was to cause her harm.

          • Anonymous says:

            I Have a lot of people that I love dearly as well .but one thing for sure I would never drive my friends or family drinking or speeding for that matter .I don’t care much for whatever lies Ana has to say cause the one person who can tell the other half of this story was taken away from me by her actions that night .I can tell all of you if there was one thing Kim hated it was speeding .and I know for a fact that night must have been horrifying for her not knowing what was really happening to her .so don’t say u love someone when u can’t even drive them in a more professional way .when I drive with one’s I truly love and care for I drive like ms daisy making sure everyone stays safe cause that’s true love . So don’t talk to me about she loved Kim if she cared about her she would have bought her back the same way she took her in one piece. For those of u who don’t know my child was like a broken doll when we buried her only her body stayed intact .so don’t comment about Ana loving her cause that wasn’t love .I know things can happen and I believe I would be more on the understanding side if another car was involved. But I pray she don’t do this to a next mothers child .if she can’t drive then walk .and far as I am concerned if she wasn’t drinking that night why refuse a urine test .and the blood that was supposedly drawn from her that came back negative well we the family never saw those results so as for me it don’t exist in proving nothing .


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