Missing suspects landed illegally

| 22/06/2017 | 39 Comments
Cayman News Service

Garth Stewart (43)
Height: 6ft
Weight: 160 lbs

(CNS): Garth Stewart (43) and Jerome Calbert (26), who fled after a drug bust in Hutlands, North Side, at the weekend, are believed to still be in the Cayman Islands illegally, police have said. The RCIPS has issued a public alert for assistance in tracking down the two Jamaican nationals, who are wanted in connection with a drug case and have been on the run since the raid on Sunday.

The RCIPS urged anyone who sees them to exercise extreme caution and not to approach the men but immediately call 911.

Cayman News Service

Jerome Calbert (26)
Height: 5ft 9in

During the drug bust police recovered what they said was a large quantity of ganja from a shed. But despite the involvement of officers from  the firearms and K-9 units, the Drugs and Serious Crimes Task Force and the police helicopter, the men managed to escape.

Anonymous tips regarding the whereabouts of either Stewart or Calbert can be provided directly to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.


Category: Crime, Police

Comments (39)

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  1. Don Cayman says:

    Let’s build a wall to stop Jamaicans from entering!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Boarder patrol and immigration screening
    should be the priority!

  3. Anonymous says:

    The one and only Gun Dog

  4. anonymous says:

    I too am puzzled by the absence of even a plan on how to secure our coastal border. We have had, and continue to have, repeated instances of criminals landing illegally and running amok. With today’s technology surely it is all the easier to be able to monitor our complete coastline and intercept suspicious craft. And I’d imagine not just the UK but other countries would be willing to help financially and with the expertise. Hopeful for some action in this matter and a stop to illegal landings of dangerous criminals.

  5. Sharkey says:

    You watch the Premier turn into a President Trump and start talking about a wall around the Islands and make Jamaica and all the drug lords pay for it.

  6. Michel lemay says:

    We have so many able seaman to patrol the waters. Big lack of organisatuon and laws with teeth. Get training, proper equipment incentive and hire abled Caymanians.

    • Anon says:

      Not just Caymanian. All living here who are willing to offer there time and assistance . Work together to manage crime.

      • John Davis says:

        There means over there as in the other side of the room.
        Their is how you spell their as in their room…..showing possession. They’re is called a contraction. As in they are.
        Now boy’s house is the apostrophe in that case meaning a singular person. S apostrophe as in boys’ houses would be used in writing when both are plural. Just do a little reading and educate yourselves folks. Use your grammar skills. Caymanians are educated people let’s show it. That was a contraction for let us.

  7. Bertie B says:

    The Mug Shots would have been sent over to Cayman from Jamaica , surely their friends ratted out their names

  8. Anonymous says:

    For such a famous seafaring nation, Cayman is strangely passive about controlling the sea around it. No one even notices or cares about the foreign boats fishing in your exclusive economic zone offshore, much less all the smugglers going back and forth.

  9. Anon says:

    Is it only me or is anyone else wondering where did they get these Mug shots from? clearly something here Is not adding up. There is either a big gap in this article or RCIP’s account of the series of events.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or how does the RCIPS know who these men are if they got away?

      The RCIPS has to be leaving out information on how they know who the men are.

      Either these men have been coming here on a regular basis and they are just notifying the public about it or someone in the RCIPS know who these men are that’s how they were identified.

    • RosieBee says:

      Thank you! I was wondering if I was the only one thinking this.

  10. Anonymous says:

    jamaican’s unna want janaican’s ya get!?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep, they run the Police, run the Hospital, run the Prisons, run the Taxi business..have I left any agency out?
      Now we just need a calypso by Barefoot…”Jamaicans? We a
      rule dis country!”

  11. Anonymous says:

    Does Maritime patrol in this country work 24×7? Everybody probably knows which coastal areas are used for arrivals and departures and what time of the day.

    Do RCIPS memeber have physical fitness standards and mandatory physical training?

    • Anonymous says:

      You know I keep seeing people ask these questions.. And I keep thinking to myself, people really don’t know how corrupt Cayman can be.. I would have thought the drugs being “stolen” from the police station would have shed some light on this but obliviously it hasn’t.. I keep seeing mention of patrol and radar systems but at what point do we accept the obvious that there are people on the inside who allow illegal drugs and weapons to arrive here for a fee??

  12. Anonymous says:

    They done gone. Most sensible people know much of our crime is “imported” this way but it’s easier to blame “lazy” Caymanians than to actually try to mitigate it. It won’t change until there is a change in our policing, far too many incompetents taking up space. Just give us a few good men or women, highly trained and eager to go to work. Problem solved.

  13. Anonymous says:

    no adequate border patrol…maybe coming by sea on canoes?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Its too bad we dont have a cost guard

  15. Anonymous says:

    Yet all of that task force and they still manage to escape. The RCIPS need to step up their act.

  16. Anonymous says:

    It would be good to get more details of the initial and ongoing training for the K-9 teams and how the police helicopter is equipped for these types of operations.

  17. Anonymous says:

    On the run since SUNDAY and we are being told about this on Friday!?! Why are we only being told now!!!!??? These two guys are probably armed and dangerous and you didn’t think to notify the public for 5 days!!! What the actual F RCIPS????

    If someone was hurt by these two I hope they would sue the police for negligence!

  18. Sharkey says:

    How can they say that jerome is 5ft 9in and the mug shot measurement shows the top of his head above the 10in mark.
    It’s good that everyone knows what they look like.

    Take the battery and spark plugs out of your boats.

  19. Sharkey says:

    How can they say that jerome is 5ft 9in and the mug shot measurement shows the top of his head above the 10in mark.
    It’s good that everyone knows what they look like.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can’t include his hair in calculating his height bright spark!! The measurement is from his hairline/scull. Using your measurement, if he shaves his head he shrinks by 1 inch. LOL.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you see him are you going to ask him if he could stop so that you can measure hI’m?

      • anonymous says:

        Why not? As he’s standing up against the wall and you’re fumbling with the tape-measure the police can be en-route. We need to think outside the box. man!

  20. Anonymous says:

    There is growing confidence within those type of criminals, that it is easy to enter Cayman illegally by water. Now that’s very dangerous on several counts. Drugs and guns go hand in hand. They land with drugs then they land with guns. More guns means more robberies and more crime. That is definitely going to damage the island’s reputation as a safe destination for tourists.

    So it’s a win win for those guys who most of which would have had a history of the sorts and would not be able to get a police record to support a visa application to visit here. So it’s inviting to attempt entering illegally by boat which is needed to carry the drugs and guns.

    So it’s seems logical that security around our waters must be heightened and increased. Stiffling that activity will result in less inland gun crime, less drugs, less gangs fighting for territory and power.

    Having said that, it seems highly likely that some locals are collaborating with those criminals to make money at the expense of the island’s safety and reputation. These guys are currently hiding by someone who knows them. The police therefore must conduct a two prong approach to curtail this or else it will get worse. Perhaps we need a special independent marine tactical unit which is not part of the local police force. That independence might uncover a few things as well.


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