Police seek more info on robbery getaway car

| 12/04/2017 | 34 Comments
Cayman News Service

A Honda CRV, used as the getaway car for Saturday night’s armed robbery

(CNS): The RCIPS is asking the public for more information about the white Honda CRV that was used in the armed robbery of a cash van outside the airport Foster’s on Saturday night. The car was found with the help of the public on Monday night at the end of Admiral’s Landing, and forensic tests confirmed it as the getaway vehicle. Police say that the car recently changed hands when the current registered owner sold the vehicle in January, but that this sale and transfer was never formalized.

Anyone who may have information about the car and where it was before the robbery to contact investigators. 

Thanking the community for the help and support they have already received in relation to the case, the police said they are pressing on with a number of leads, including ones that originated with Facebook posts. Officers involved in the case have reportedly interviewed the people connected with the suspicious images and inquiries are continuing.

The cash van heist took place in front on many witnesses around 7:15pm on Saturday, when a security guard was shot and injured in both his arm and leg. CNS understands that the two armed, masked robbers, who escaped with an undisclosed quantity of cash, both fired their weapons multiple times as they held up the armoured vehicle.

Anyone who can help with further information about the white Honda is asked to contact detectives on 936-8746 (DI Oremule) or 925-3075 (DS Taylor).

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (34)

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  1. frangipani says:

    in the good old days of honesty and integrity and knowledge of the systems here the person buying the vehicle would have gone strait away and had his/her name registered as the new owner. Unfortunately, with the many different nationalities here if the laws and practices are not explained (by the seller) to the buyer most likely for reasons of language or pure ignorance of the laws and regulations the purchaser goes merrily along thinking that all is well.
    It might be time for this regulation to change so that both parties must appear in person at the licensing department with ID to have the vehicle transferred.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Did the police try looking in the DVDL waiting area for the new owner? He/She could still be in there waiting for his/her number to be called.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m sure the investigation will lead to the original owners and then the questions will pour in.

  4. Anonymous says:

    It is a dumb system the DVDL runs in many respects. I have sold a car, got my end of the paperwork done, but the other person has never bothered. Maybe that could have been taken care of, if we didn’t have the system whereby two people have to simultaneously waste their time queuing in some crappy little waiting room for an indeterminate time.

    For most buyers, you’d think the carrot of actually owning the new vehicle would be enough, but not with all vehicles – especially the scrappers that run around the island posing as roadworthy vehicles.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually dumbass that’s the reason why the previous owner of this vehicle is being questioned now!!! They did no go into DVDL to have the transfer completed. If it was as you say, the vehicle would have been transferred.

      You contradict yourself. Any half brain twit would know that it is in their bed interest to ensure the vehicle has been transferred out of their name and into that of the new owner. I fail to see how you can blame DVDL for this.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The police can do there own dam job and find out the rest. They always ignore when we the law abiding citizens that pay for all their millions in equipment and other stuff voice our concerns on things affecting us yet they expect us to go out of our way for them to inconvenience us again. Even if giving up information can get an arrest I would like to see more than that. Like a conviction and real sentence like 25 years. If a person is a witness they have no protection from anything as they aren’t allowed sustainable police protection or the right to defend themselves by owning a gun.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Too simple way too easy. Some body got to make a big investigation.

  7. Anonymous says:

    All of those people who think I am a racist for suggesting that this was Jamaicans, what do you say now? Ohhh big fing surprise the getaway car was found on a canal.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes you are a racist,and you also sound like you may have some involvement because if the police doesn’t even know the race of the robbers and you can just clearly pin point that they are Jamaicans then it’s either your with holding information or your a racist prick who just doesn’t like Jamaicans,but God has ways to deal with hateful people like you,so don’t question anything when your daughter gets married to a Jamaican who has a very huge,ego!!!!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Some children will just disappoint no matter what.

      • Anonymous says:

        The security guards who were willing to give their lives for the protection of this money are in fact Jamaicans,I highly commend them for their act of bravery because I for one am not willing to die for no one else’s money,they should receive a medal of honor for their heroism and be given the highest rank in the security forces.Just put your foot in their shoes,and it doesn’t matter the race,would you die for money that doesn’t belong to you?. Yad life matters

      • Anonymous says:

        Stupid is as stupid does. I am sure they left the car at the canal, and took a frigging canoe to Denmark.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am married to a Jamaican. Doesn’t mean this crime wasn’t committed by one.

    • anonymous says:

      You are not only racist and dumb but also withholding information from the police. Maybe you are trying to take the heat off some one that you might know that is involved in this crime. Think about that.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hahaha, wow, you are a smart and clever detective. Surely I must have done this, or have knowledge of who did, because I can see that I getaway vehicle left at a canal might suggest the perpetrators are from an area within boating distance. Good job Colombo.

        • Anonymous says:

          It is really clear that you are a dufus and don’t know your ass from your head,the canal area where they found the getaway vehicle doesn’t really lead to anywhere but into the north sound right next to the marine base plus they still have to cross 8miles of the north sound to reach into the ocean which is a way further point away from Jamaica, plus marine patrols are more frequent in the north sound than anywhere else in Cayman,so if this was the getaway route then it had to be done by people who knows the area and they wasn’t planning to go very far,so sometimes when you don’t have nothing good to say you should just shut your mouth,racist prick

  8. Anonymous says:

    Did they say that?

  9. Anonymous says:

    If the sale and transfer was not formalized, then this car still belongs to the DVDL owner of record, they are responsible for its use, and he/she will know the party that had control of the keys. This isn’t that hard…

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you see any license plates in that picture, sherlock?

      • Anonymous says:

        Cars have a VIN# and they’ve already successfully sleuthed that out and contacted the previous owner. Surely, nobody is this dumb in real life?

      • Anonymous says:

        Lmao, it doesn’t need to have plates sherlock…it’s called a VIN # ever heard of it? “Vehicle Identification Number”. It’s embedded to the cars chassis. You might want to reconsider your atrocious remarks and think before you type.


    • Anonymous says:

      Ha, wrong, people sell cars all the time right before they leave the island. Usually in a rush. I bet you this person got the cash and left and barely even paid attention to who the customer was. Need to have a fine or something for the sellers who don’t ensure the paperwork is completed.

      • Anonymous says:

        why do you make the seller do the paperwork?

        • Freddy says:

          Because its his/her responsibility to ensure that transfer papers are signed by seller and buyer. Its always been the law . Nobody can drive a vehicle without having possession of keys , so the owner if not on island or on island should be held responsible

          • Anonymous says:

            Hahaha!!! We cannot even get real criminals back here to stand trial. Do you really think we can extradite people for clerical crap? No, put the onus on the buyer, they are the party most easily attachable.

        • Freddy says:

          because its Law and in this instance I wouldn”t want to be the registered owner of the vehicle. papework should had been taken care of.

        • Anonymous says:

          The onus to provide proper records should always be on the buyer. That way, we know who owns it, not who used to own it.

      • Anonymous says:

        If, as a Jurisdiction, you know you have transient individuals selling vehicles, why would you ever put the burden on them for this paper work? It makes no sense. They are leaving, they get their cash and say bye-bye.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, totally agree….what does that mean it was never “formalized”….

      • Anonymous says:

        You can sell a car without formalizing it. As long as you sign the logbook at DVDL and they stamp it that is good enough to transfer the car. However, if the buyer never goes to DVDL (Which happens all the time) the car will remain registered to the original owner.

      • Anonymous says:

        Transfer or sale section was purportedly not documented at the DVDL, ie, the section in the VIN-linked logbook requiring seller signature which designates new owner and assigns car (and all future problems) to them. There also would not have been any insurance without exercised ownership papers. It behoves the so-called seller (and current registered owner) to cooperate with police and inform them of who specifically gave them cash in exchange for command of their vehicle to carry out crimes. Aiding and abetting criminals is also an offense we ought to care more about. Seller should be compelled to identify these individuals or go to jail. We need to start leaning harder on crooks and their accomplices.

    • Freddy says:

      I agree with you, doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. And if the owner wasn”t driving the car nor reported it stolen he/she should be criminally charged . No 2 ways about it

      • Jotnar says:

        And what criminal offence have they committed, exactly? Not a criminal offence by the former owner if the new owner doesn’t register. Not a criminal offence if the new owner then uses the vehicle in a crime. Your problem if they commit a traffic offence and its still in your name, but failure to ensure the full process of ownership transfer has taken may be stupid and unwise, but its not criminal, and does not render the former owner liable for offences committed using the vehicle subsequently.

      • Anonymous says:

        Bullshit, transferring responsibility to the wrong party.

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