Cops concerned by booze fueled call-outs

| 24/04/2017 | 41 Comments

(CNS): Police have had another very busy weekend, with some twenty people arrested and over 100 calls for officers to attend incidents on Friday night alone, many of which involved drink. In one call-out early Saturday morning, a 37-year-old man from George Town was tasered and arrested after officers arrived at the scene of a fight outside a bar to find the man armed with a knife and a machete.

Officers had to use the taser on the suspect when he refused to give up the weapons, the RCIPS stated.

“This was a very busy Friday night for our officers, who responded to a number of serious incidents,” said Robert Graham, Superintendent of Uniform and District Operations.

“Alcohol appears to be a factor in many of these. The law provides for measures to be taken to improve safety in and around liquor-licensed establishments, and we will continue to work with liquor licence holders to take advantage of these,” he added. 

Police management also noted that it is a criminal offence to carry restricted weapons, such as machetes, into liquor-licensed premises or to have possession of knives and other weapons even near to licensed premises, such as in the parking lots.

In the case where a suspect was tasered, the police were sent to the parking lot outside Meringue Town on Boilers Road in George Town at around 1:30am Saturday, where a group of men were said to be fighting and one was armed.

When they arrived, the man with a knife and a machete was described as “behaving in a hostile manner”. After he refused to obey police commands to drop the weapons and began advancing on them, officers deployed a Taser gun and then the man was arrested for a number of offences. As well as being charged with disorderly conduct at a licensed premises and possession of a restricted weapon, the man was charged with  two counts of indecent assault.

Police said the fight had been triggered because of his behaviour towards a woman in the bar before the police arrived. He was due to appear in court Monday.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (41)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Try legalize ganga to calm these guys down. Drinking charges them up.

    • Anonymous says:

      Depends on the hundreds of different kinds of weed. Natural Indica strains were traditionally mellow and chill. Some Sativa strains now are as stimulating as a line of coke. Modern hybrid strains take high characteristics of both plants and synergize them. Nowadays, either could be laced with a solution of one of the many cheap and dangerous Chinese synthetic cannabinoids to increase potency and dependance, or opioids like carfentanil that are killing kids all over the world. The FDA can’t even keep track of all of them. Unless you grew it, you don’t necessarily know what it is, or where it has been, or how much blood has been spilled to get it to you. Enjoy.

      • Anonymous says:

        Depends on the hundreds of different kinds of weed. Natural Indica strains were traditionally mellow and chill. Some Sativa strains now are as stimulating as a line of coke.
        Stimulating as a line of coke without the risk of addiction and without the added harmful chemicals. What else do you want?

  2. Braaaaaaad says:

    Maybe if people knew how to drink responsibly. I don’t turn in to a raging a -hole after too many pops. Happy guy.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Being a child of an alcohol abuser, I can say for a fact that this substance is what is causing the breakdown in our society and families. Thankfully because of my experience and a mother who got out in time, I didn’t have my first drink until I was 30 years old and I still don’t see why everyone is glamorizing alcohol. I can go years without tasting alcohol and do not see it as a necessity to have a good time or to calm me down. The police can only do so much with alcohol consumers, as it is not their responsibility to rehabilitate or stop them or even monitor their intake. As a previous person commented, most domestics disputes occur due to alcoholism and seriously harm, not only the mother or father, but the child. Having a parent come home drunk, yelling and screaming at the other parent will affect a child no matter the age mentally and emotionally. Personally I’m afraid of drunk people. Why because I don’t know what to expect of their behavior, no matter who it is. If people want to drink and can still compose themselves and drive home safely, go right ahead (I know people like this and they don’t scare me). If a person drinks and their behavior negatively affects themselves and other people around them, then there is a problem.

    The police cannot stop people from drinking they can only protect the public from the abuse of it. I believe they go to schools to teach young people about it substance abuse, this is the best way to help control the problem along with parental guidance.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I put my kids to bed on saturday night and drank a six pack . As a result I fell asleep while I watched a movie . Alcohol alone is not the reason this crap happens . In 9 years on the island I have NEVER witnessed a fight in any of the more touristy / expat bars ..such as coconut joes , peppers,lone star, rackams to name a few . So what’s the difference between them and super C’s , power bar, bananas and the like ? Too easy to blame alcohol . I would say shut these establishments down but then the ‘big men ‘ might come to the bars where the rest of us enjoy a trouble free night out , plus if you did where would certain politicians get there taste of Spanish girls from ..

    • Anonymous says:

      Alcohol is a world wide problem folks, not just in Cayman. everyone can beat on about regulation and all that jazz but in the end, its a billion dollar business so its not going anywhere fast. Children are abused, marriages fail, cars plough into people, the list goes on and on but nothing will be done. I agree somewhat that a little herb isnt a bad thing. problem is, it is not tried and tested and could go in a completely opposite direction and then Cayman will be full of space cadets robbing at will to feed their new addiction. The same can be said about gambling.

      A certain group of the population just dont know when to stop drinking, gambling or in the worst case doing hard drugs. that’s the problem.

      Too many of these back street bars are cursed and need to be closed.. An example would be everglo in BT. on sundays cars can be heard playing loud music, Wheelspinning out of the car park and doing donuts in the carpark and this isnt at 2am. its 2pm in the afternoon.

      The only way to stop this is if the owners of these bars stop all this stuff or are forced too but there to focused on the dollar and there is little or no regulation which can close them for this. so they just let it happen. I strongly believe that the route cause of all these issues is policing. Where else in the world can you ride around pulling wheelies on a bike with no registration or insurance and a policeman simply waves at you when you go past him. Which ever government gets in, they need to drop millions of dollars into taking cayman back and put hard police out there. its not that hard. go for a decent drive at 11pm any night of the week and i guarantee your will see several cars swerving, speeding and tailgating drivers. Any unmarked police car could run these guys down ina heartbeat. Get these lawless people off the roads. its time to clean this island up and i don’t mean by bagging trash on the beaches…that’s another story Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        There is a yellow caution sign just East of Bodden Town near the police station in the Westbound lane that says “watch for motorcycles”. No joke. RCIPS have obviously conceded defeat in the fight against lawlessness, and the law abiding traffic is being asked to yield to lunatics.

        • Anonymous says:

          I think thats a bit of a stretch the sign doesn’t say watch for illegal dirtbikes it just says motorcycles which includes the law abiding citizens who ride besides im sick of all this garbage about bike riders Why does no one focus on the THOUSANDS of idiots who drive cars that can kill a whole family in one crash

  5. Anonymous says:

    Drinking is a family matter, we best keep those things secret and blame all our problems on prudes who don’t drink.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Marijuana users be like, what was I mad about again? Come here give me a hug teedee/bobo

    • Anonymous says:

      Yup,marijuana has thousands of purposes,medically,and 0 record of deaths,so put that in your pipe an smoke it,literally.

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually, I’ve lost several good friends to pot driving – they fell asleep and drove into a wall or another car. Plenty of avoidable road deaths from this – even in Cayman.

  7. Anonymous says:

    It disgusts me with how relaxed people are about alcohol here. Every place and event has to involve drinking. Then when you tell them you don’t drink its a crime against humanity. If you want to drink and act a fool that’s your business but don’t try to make me look like a fool because I don’t drink.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed; I don’t drink either (stopped a long time ago). Zero health benefits of drinking liquor.

      Also, looks like a lot of locals have lost loved ones to drinking and driving; this is so sad.

      • Cayguy says:

        Same here, zero benefits regardless of scientific hype and marketing. Gave up on alcohol seeing that it’s a known carcinogen as well as slowly destroys brain function and cells one drink at a time. have never been more clear headed and energized after quitting . those that still drink setting themselves up to be darwin recipients as one can attest to all of the needless alcohol related deaths on this tiny island.

        • Al Catraz says:

          “slowly destroys brain function and cells”

          Alcohol does kill brain cells. But like any other natural process, alcohol goes after the slow and diseased ones. Because alcohol only kills the dumb brain cells, and leaves the smart ones behind, your brain gets smarter on balance. Believe me.

  8. Anonymous says:

    For the last decade or so:

    Laws not been enforced, especially on petty crime and offenses
    Parents not been held responsible for their children
    No proper juvenile correction center/rehabilitation in place

    This is the result……………

    And I am sure in the head of those who are the reason why police has to be called out, it’s of course not their fault. In Cayman everything is always somebody else’s fault.

    • Anonymous says:

      Plenty have been arrested and released by a “jury of their peers.” Maybe jurors should start convicting this folks instead of letting them back on the streets.

    • Anonymous says:

      Machete bar fights go back generations.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Notice there were no cannabis fueled call-outs. #legalizeit

    • Concerned citizen says:

      ALL drugs including cannabis are mind altering drugs and when mixed they pose an even greater risk of causing harm to oneself and others due to the side effects and oft times people do not remember what they did when they sober up however, some use that as an excuse not to accept responsibility.

      We have the liquor licensing board to thank for a lot of this madness because the approved extended hours of which bars and liquor licensing premises including some gas stations have been granted are unnecessary and are being abused by individuals. You can’t depend on people to drink responsibility! There are parameters of which should be sought including making the liquor licensing establishment responsible for shutting off sale of alcohol to an already intoxicated customer.

      This leads to the question….is making money at any cost more important than saving someone’s life?

  10. Anonymous says:

    We continue to regulate alcohol as if it is an harmless drug. The problems is the lack of education surrounding these drugs which have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of users. Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in the world and causes more deaths per year than any other drug be it prescripted or illegal. Alcohol is the most destructive gateway drug and that will never change. Cannabis is a safe and natural plant which does not have the addictive and destructive properties of alcohol. Regulate cannabis and stop alcohol. Save lives.

    • Anonymous says:

      I respectfully disagree. Cannabis is very much destructive, just in different ways.

      • Anonymous says:

        Please do tell us more 8:44am; what exactly is destructive about it?

        (Bare in mind those who mix liquor while smoking herb – this is toxic)

  11. Anonymous says:

    Cayman, the land of alcoholics.

    • Anonymous says:

      Tell us more about where your from

      • Anonymous says:


        I am from here, born and bred. But if you’re going to sit there and tell me that this is not a land of alcoholics, then you’re in serious denial.

        • PUNKY says:

          Not everyone here in this “land” drinks….read the comments you would have seen that! Stop Fight Against Your Own People Online and Offline, Please build not break!

    • frangipani says:

      how sad as a country to have this reputation but alas, I think its true.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Cayman the land of alcoholics” is a very sad statement to make. Believe you me, Cayman is not on its own. This is a world wide problem. Cayman, being a tourist island doesn’t help the fact that visitors expect alcohol to be on tap 24/7. However, maybe this sale should be restricted to these extended hours to hotels only. Not of course that we would want local residents to be treated unfairly. I would consider it being more responsible. Do we really need alcohol to be available in bars from 10am till 1am? Outside of hotels from 7pm till midnight should be sufficient. If one hasn’t had enough to drink from 7pm till midnight there’s something radically wrong. Unfortunately, it’s easily available in liquor stores and supermarkets and the like all hours. If people have access to alcohol 24hrs a day it’s going to breed trouble. There are always going to be idiots who don’t know when they’ve had enough but restricting hours of purchase is a step in the right direction. In the U.K. Bars used to close at 10.30pm and were never open in the day until around 6pm. There wasn’t half the problems they have there today. Now bars open around 12noon till 11pm and clubs are open till practically the following morning! This has caused a huge amount of problems with drunks fighting and killing each other on the streets all through the night. All alcohol related. Police resources are better spent elsewhere than clearing up these irresponsible people. There is even mobile hospital units in these streets to alleviate the high volume of drunks being transported to hospitals because of their irresponsible behaviour. Just like we have Police stations permanently in hospitals to deal with the violence alcohol is associated with on admissions. What a world we are living in fellow citizens! ……….all down to alcohol abuse!

  12. Anonymous says:

    How about the occasional drive by? The Power Bar in Marquee Plaza blasts music almost every night while their patrons hang out in the alley doing drugs, breaking bottles etc. Drive by every once and a while Mr Policeman or even better close the dump down.

  13. Anonymous says:

    “Concerned” my corn toe!
    Cayman is drowning in drink. Pills and other drug uses. Everyone trying to escape this “paradise “.
    So easy when bars and clubs are open midnight Sunday to midnight Saturday.
    Now gas stations too

  14. Unison says:

    Has it not dawn on you yet, alcohol consumption is related to practically most (if not all) domestic incidents, traffic fatalities, and serious crimes.

    The “evil” affects of alcohol has to be taught in schools more so than ever. :/

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you Unison; well said.

      But who wants to talk about the elephant in the room; it’s such a $$$-maker right?!?


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