Jet-skier killed off resort on 7MB

| 15/04/2015 | 21 Comments
Cayman News Service

Jetskis at the Westin

(CNS): A jet ski rider has been killed in a water-related accident off Seven Mile Beach, police have confirmed. An RCIPS spokesperson said emergency services were on the scene Wednesday afternoon in connection with the man’s death at around 1pm. It is not clear when or how the 30-year-old man was killed. But police said the water-related crash happened off the cost of the Westin Resort and Spa. More details are expected to be released shortly.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I think jet skis are getting a bad rap when it is the operator. 15 years of age is fine and rental ones are usually pretty sad anyway.
    Most owners are responsibble andfollow all the rules.
    I check mine when I go out including both speed setting. If the ON setting doesnt work I dont go out.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Even though XXXXX is not a rogue operation their are the ones who are at fault for renting a PWC to a15yr old child without parental guidance on board as according to law and they are also responsible for the fleet of PWCs on tours to the sting ray city everyday, but because of their financial influence for the tourism board and officials it will all be swept under the rug for the so called rogue operators to take the blame, and when they say rogue they actually mean Caymanians, when it is the Caymanians who are on the beach every day from sunrise providing the beach clean ups in the mornings for the tourists to view our soft white garbage free sands and our crystal clear waters, they also provide life guard services for the people that comes to swim in our beautiful waters, the tourism and government officials don’t provide any of those services. There have only been two deaths recorded in the C.I involving tourists an jet skis, the first incident happened over twenty years ago and there are more recorded deaths involving visitors doing other water sports activities like under water diving and snorkeling or drowning’s, yet still those activities remain available, so for the so called sickened Caymanians who’s only sole purpose on the beach that day was to catch news should probably think before they speak.

  3. Steven says:

    Last time I checked, Red Sail Sports was not a rogue operater

    Seems to me they have very high standards

    If someone wants to not obey the rules accidents will happen. Red sail has a policy of not going near 50 ft of anybody

    • Anonymous says:

      Once any congregation of jetski pals calmly leave the beach area, all bets are off. The maniacal full-throttle ad-hoc race to the first available marker cone or sailboat begins shortly after that, followed by “who can get the most air”, and the most dangerous one: “who can spray the other craft”. There is no control or required adherence to any operator’s internal policy out there. The daredevil leader usually goes way way way way out to sea – to the “big waves”. There’s only a fleeting hope that everyone and all gear will return at the appointed time without a collision. It’s been like this since jetskis were invented.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Don’t you have to be 16 or older to ride alone?

    • Dom says:

      I thought it was 18! 16 is still a little young as you are operating a motor “vehicle”! 15 is even worse! He would have had to provide and ID and a credit card to rent! (Or his parents should have known better!

  5. Ralph says:

    Where are the police?!!!!!!! Dont be so foolish do you really expect the police to be everywhere. Tour operators need to be held accountable for the tours they operate. They are the ones that need to get it together.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Very sad that a tragic accident happened and some one dies again in the beautiful waters of our island. If the jet ski was rented out by an unlicensed operator then I truly hope that they face the consequences, if it happened because they had given inadequate or no safety instructions. Jet skis are no different from cars. They can be deadly if the driver does not know what he is doing/drives at speed &/or whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  7. Concerned Caymanian says:

    There is also a dangerous practice by these same rogue operators that take tourists to Stingray City on jet skies and let them tie them up together and wonder off to pet the stingrays. We had a string of jet skies knock into our boat and our children on a weekend not long ago and neither the operator nor the tourists were even interested. more lives will be lost and property managed if this continues.

  8. Anonymous says:

    OOooooowww but we want MORE cruise ships to come see us!!! Let’s build a dock so even more people can jam themselves on our beaches like they do in Europe. Yay

  9. Anonymous says:

    May this young man RIP and condolences to his family. Unmonitored jet ski operations along SMB is a real probem

  10. Sickened Caymanian says:

    Where are our tourism officials and the police? We were waiting for this to happen. After a visit to the Public Beach yesterday around noon, we saw passengers from five cruise ships jamming the coastline–between bodies and chairs you could barely walk to the sea, Rogue watersports operators have set up shop right there on the Public Beach and taken over the cabanas and beach area, renting jet skis moored in the safe swim zone to tourists RIGHT OFF BREACH EDGE without any instruction. We saw these operators allow three overweight adults get on a jet ski and drive off erratically, the machine obviously unbalanced and overloaded. And we saw tourists drove their rental jet skis right through the swim zone back to the beach–with swimmers all around.Officials need to take immediate action and these operators down. This is illegal and extremely dangerous!

    • Ann says:

      Someone has died my dear. Instead of ranting first thing try sending a thoughtful reply to the friends and family. May his soul RIP.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, let’s sweep the inconvenient truth under the carpet. The truth might get in the way of some money being made.

    • Anonymous says:

      And thats why I don’t go to public beach

    • Anonymous says:

      As long as the government is too scared to regulate the watersports/dive industry out of fear of upsetting local families then the death toll in Cayman will always be far higher than it should be.

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