Archive for April 28th, 2015

Reef pest becomes Cayman’s culinary delight
(CNS Business): As efforts to control the lionfish population wreaking havoc on reefs in the Caribbean continues, the Cayman Islands has jumped on board with the “If you can’t beat ‘em, eat ’em” campaign. Local restaurant owners said the demand exceeds the supply available on island, forcing them look elsewhere but organizations like the Cayman United Lionfish League (CULL) […]

Boundary meetings face low turnout
(CNS): There were less than 40 people at the Electoral Boundary Commission’s public meeting in George Town Monday night, when the panel tasked with drawing up the recommended boundary lines for the country’s new political landscape arrived in the capital. With just a handful of voters turning up to the Sister Islands meetings and just […]

Cops charge suspect serial burglar
(CNS): An unnamed Filipino national has been charged with a string of commercial burglaries on Grand Cayman, from George Town to Savannah over a four-month period. Police said the 44-year-old man was arrested and charged on Thursday with four counts of burglary, all at commercial premises, between 26 November last year and 26 March.

Hospital to step up urgent care service
(CNS): The government hospital has begun the process of recruiting two new doctors for the general practice clinic to improve the urgent care service and reduce the number of patients using accident and emergency when they are unwell. The health minister told the Legislative Assembly that the hospital has to prioritize acute patients in the […]

Victim takes civil action against ex-cop and CIG
(CNS): A man who was injured following an altercation at a gas station with on off-duty officer almost six years ago is taking legal action in the civil courts against both the former cop and the government. Adolphus Myrie is suing Rabe Welcome and the attorney general for the physical and mental injuries that he […]

Cops find fraud evidence in woman’s bra
(CNS): A Romanian woman accused of concealing false credit card codes in her underwear in part of a conspiracy with three other men appeared in court on trial Monday. Mariana Opriniou is charged with conspiracy to defraud and money laundering. The crown claims that she and her co-conspirators skimmed over $100,000 from ATM machines.

Myles sued by lawyers in housing fraud case
(CNS): The former deputy chair of the National Housing and Development Trust, who was convicted of fraud last year, is being sued for over $30,000 in connection with unpaid legal fees. The lawyers who represented Edlin Myles at trial and sentencing were preparing his appeal but they have also stopped acting for him, according to […]