Archive for April 23rd, 2015

Police hunt for silver car in fatal hit and run
(CNS Video) Updated Friday 4:30pm: Police are appealing for the public’s help to find what they now believe was a silver car which killed Donnie Ray Connor when he was knocked from his bicycle in the early hours of Thursday morning. An RCIPS spokesperson said traffic investigators think the car has been damaged on the front nearside (left) fender, its front […]

DoE officers get power to protect
(CNS): With the commencement on Earth Day (Wednesday 22 April) of the bulk of the National Conservation Law, important local flora and fauna across the Cayman Islands are now, finally, after years of waiting, lawfully protected. Species like the banana orchid, the country’s national flower, and the silver thatch palm, its national tree, have protection under […]

Mac’s motion stirs up political fireworks
(CNS): The premier and opposition leader could be heading for a major political fight on the floor of the Legislative Assembly but the men are not only at odds over the content of McKeeva Bush’s alleged conspiracy motion; they are also rowing over whether it can even be debated in the parliament. Last week Bush filed the […]

Man’s body found on GT highway
(CNS): The RCIPS has now confirmed that the body found on the Linford Pierson Highway early this morning is that of Donnie Ray Connor (59) from George Town. Police and the emergency medical services were alerted by a member of the public who discovered the body on the George Town Road at about 4-30 am and police have […]