Archive for April 20th, 2015

Government inches slowly towards dump solution
(CNS): As the Health Ministry inches towards a plan to tackle the islands’ rubbish problem, the premier said Monday that a report based on environmental tests at the George Town dump and regarding leaching into the North Sound will be made public in a few weeks after waste management consultants took samples at the landfills on all three […]

Kidnapper’s sentence cut by appeal court
(CNS): The Court of Appeal has cut a ten year sentence given to a kidnapper in 2011 by two years, paving the way for the man to leave jail this summer. Allan Sywell Kelly (45), a Honduran national, was convicted of being part of a gang that abducted a local man and asked for a half-million […]

Cayman signs new MOU with Cuba over migrants
(CNS): Deputy Governor Franz Manderson has signed a new Memorandum of Understanding with Cuba on behalf of the Cayman Islands, which officials say will speed up the process of sending migrants back home when they land in Cayman. The authorities have been dealing with a significant rise in the numbers of Cubans leaving their country, […]

Staffing plans to remain under wraps
(CNS): Government has rejected a private member’s motion to allow public access to all business staffing plans to help the unemployed learn more about career opportunities, training and scholarships available in the local market. Although government has talked about the need for more transparency regarding immigration via its new e-government initiative, the premier rejected this […]