Tag: Public Accounts Committee

WORC bosses to face PAC grilling

WORC bosses to face PAC grilling

| 13/06/2024 | 38 Comments

(CNS): The Public Accounts Committee will hold a public hearing from today, Thursday, to 20 June regarding the Office of the Auditor General’s latest performance report, Improving Employment Prospects for Caymanians, May 2024, in which the OAG made ten recommendations, primarily to WORC. Ministry of Labour Chief Officer Wesley Howell, WORC Director Jeremy Scott and […]

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CEO bemoans meagre pension for CAL staff

CEO bemoans meagre pension for CAL staff

| 10/06/2024 | 95 Comments

(CNS): Retired Cayman Airways Ltd (CAL) workers are facing a bleak future as the private pensions they accumulated are nowhere near enough to live on and they do not have post-retirement healthcare. Answering a question at the Public Accounts Committee hearing last week from Bernie Bush MP (WBN) about former airline staff struggling on meagre […]

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PAC to quiz CAL and ministry execs over OAG report

PAC to quiz CAL and ministry execs over OAG report

| 04/06/2024 | 26 Comments

(CNS): The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) will hold a public hearing this Thursday at 10:00am to examine the Office of the Auditor General’s recent performance report, The Efficiency and Effectiveness of Cayman Airways Limited. President and CEO of CAL Fabian Whorms will attend as a witness alongside CAL Board Chair John-Paul Clarke and Ministry of […]

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CIG still dodging CI$2.2B CS retirees healthcare liability

CIG still dodging CI$2.2B CS retirees healthcare liability

| 15/03/2024 | 59 Comments

(CNS): At a Public Accounts Committee meeting on Thursday, senior officials once again dodged questions on how and when the Cayman Islands Government proposes to place its liability for the future healthcare needs of retired civil servants squarely on its books. This financial liability is currently only included in supporting notes that form part of […]

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UPM failure to appoint member stalls PAC’s work

UPM failure to appoint member stalls PAC’s work

| 01/02/2024 | 26 Comments

(CNS): The Public Accounts Committee was supposed to review the latest report by the Office of the Auditor General on Thursday. However, the meeting was adjourned until March because the five-member committee did not have a quorum (three members plus the chairman), not least because it is currently one member short. The OAG report to […]

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Reporting $2.1B liability would create huge deficits

Reporting $2.1B liability would create huge deficits

| 27/07/2023 | 73 Comments

(CNS): Financial Secretary Kenneth Jefferson has said that putting the Cayman Islands Government’s future liability for post-retirement civil service healthcare costs firmly on its books would create massive annual deficits for public finances. But until it fully reports and accounts for these future expenses, the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) will continue to give […]

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PPM challenges premier to oust Mac from PAC

PPM challenges premier to oust Mac from PAC

| 30/06/2023

(CNS): PPM Leader Roy McTaggart is challenging Premier Wayne Panton to remove beleaguered MP McKeeva Bush from the high-profile Public Accounts Committee following the news that he had been charged with rape. The opposition leader has also asked if Panton will continue to allow Bush to remain on the government benches, given that he now […]

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Bush says McTaggart is ‘incapable’ PAC chair

Bush says McTaggart is ‘incapable’ PAC chair

| 26/04/2023 | 67 Comments

(CNS): McKeeva Bush took aim at Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart Wednesday in response to McTaggart’s criticism of his appointment to the Public Accounts Committee. Bush accused McTaggart of being an “incapable chair” and of leaking documents relating to the PAC when he was on an audit team before being elected to parliament.

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PPM accuses Panton of desperate cling to power

PPM accuses Panton of desperate cling to power

| 24/04/2023 | 46 Comments

(CNS): The opposition has asked why Premier Wayne Panton continues to enable and protect McKeeva Bush. Following Panton’s decision to facilitate the election of the beleaguered MP to the Public Accounts Committee, which is chaired by Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart, the Progressives have questioned the premier’s commitment to women’s rights after appeasing members of his […]

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Chief officers failing on transparency, says OAG

Chief officers failing on transparency, says OAG

| 13/03/2023 | 40 Comments

(CNS): Civil service bosses are not living up to the current administration’s commitment to transparency and many government departments are failing to make annual reports available to the public. In a recent review, which looks back on its own recommendations and those of the Public Accounts Committee, the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) found […]

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CIG gets failing grade on managing public cash

CIG gets failing grade on managing public cash

| 10/03/2023 | 83 Comments

(CNS): It’s now over two years since the Office of the Auditor General, supported by the Public Accounts Committee, made over thirty recommendations to the Cayman Islands Government on how to improve its budgeting process and management of public spending. But only two recommendations have been implemented. The finance ministry has made little progress and […]

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