Tag: Pensions Law

Miller argues alternative to pension withdrawals

Miller argues alternative to pension withdrawals

| 27/04/2020 | 41 Comments

(CNS): MLA Ezzard Miller (NS) has proposed an alternative to allowing people to access their pension funds as a way of injecting cash into the economy to battle the financial fallout from the COVID-19 panic. Speaking in the Legislative Assembly on Thursday, Miller said that while he supports the pension holiday he is the only […]

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MLA urges pension raid to reset ‘ridiculous’ system

MLA urges pension raid to reset ‘ridiculous’ system

| 26/04/2020 | 89 Comments

(CNS): Opposition MLA Chris Saunders (BTW) made a powerful argument on Thursday for everyone who has a private pension to raid it following changes to the law. He said that such a move might be the catalyst needed to reform the current “ridiculous system”. Saunders said he had never heard anyone who was satisfied with […]

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MLAs to pick new deputy speaker

MLAs to pick new deputy speaker

| 17/04/2020 | 128 Comments

(CNS) UPDATED correcting day of deputy speaker election: Ten Members of the Legislative Assembly will meet next Wednesday, obeying social distancing rules, in order to amend Standing Orders, paving the way for all members to sit in a virtual session the following day. At that emergency meeting members will elected a deputy speaker and amend […]

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Rules change on pension refunds

Rules change on pension refunds

| 12/12/2019 | 53 Comments

(CNS): From the end of this year onward workers in the private sector will only be able to access refunds from their pension when they leave Cayman if there is less than CI$5,000 in the account. The changes made to the National Pensions Law, which will come into effect on 30 December, largely impact expatriate […]

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Employment ministry adds month for discussion on laws

Employment ministry adds month for discussion on laws

| 01/09/2015 | 19 Comments

(CNS): The public consultation period on the draft labour and pension bills has been extended by another month, official said Monday. The window of opportunity for individuals, businesses or organizations to submit comment on the two major pieces of legislation was due to end today but the employment ministry said it was extending the timeframe […]

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Ministry plans roadshow for new laws

Ministry plans roadshow for new laws

| 09/07/2015 | 17 Comments

(CNS): Following the recent publication of both the draft labour bill and extensive amendments to the pensions law, the employment minister and her ministry team are hitting the road next week to begin the task of presenting the proposed new legislation to the public. Starting with the Labour Law, which is a complete overhaul of […]

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