Tag: Paul Tang

Minister exchanges views with EU tax committee

Minister exchanges views with EU tax committee

| 15/11/2022 | 54 Comments

(CNS): Financial Services Minister André Ebanks sat down face to face with members of the European Parliament last week to address the allegations that Cayman is a secretive tax haven. Answering questions from the EU Parliament’s Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC) in an exchange of views session, Ebanks explained how this jurisdiction works and the […]

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Cayman faces new EU blacklisting

Cayman faces new EU blacklisting

| 04/01/2021 | 107 Comments

(CNS): The European Parliament is planning a new blacklist of tax havens and the Cayman Islands appears to be at the heart of the move. While local political leaders here have made much of the efforts last year to get this jurisdiction removed from the existing blacklist, MEPs believe the removal of Cayman from it […]

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