Tag: Ezzard Miller

Miller calls for transparency on relief visa policy

Miller calls for transparency on relief visa policy

| 29/09/2017 | 100 Comments

(CNS): Opposition Leader Ezzard Miller says he is fully behind the need to offer visas and temporary evacuations to the citizens of BVI and other territories as the countries attempt to rebuild their business economy after the devastation from hurricanes Irma and Maria. However, he has called on the government to publish the full details […]

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Premier justifies extra cash for councillors

Premier justifies extra cash for councillors

| 27/09/2017 | 33 Comments

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin has justified the difference in pay received by MLAs, saying that the representatives on the government benches have a heavier workload than those in opposition. Following calls from the opposition leader to implement a structured salary pay scale for politicians that sets out the packages for all MLAs depending on length […]

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Miller calls for transparency in MLA pay

Miller calls for transparency in MLA pay

| 26/09/2017 | 62 Comments

(CNS): The opposition leader has called for a new pay structure for politicians that he said would be more equitable and transparent. Ezzard Miller has written to the deputy governor proposing a salary pay scale that is based not just on the jobs MLAs perform but also the time they have served, which he believes […]

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NAU challenged by ministry action and client numbers

NAU challenged by ministry action and client numbers

| 11/09/2017 | 46 Comments

(CNS): Tamara Hurlston, the director of the Needs Assessment Unit, revealed that her department is helping more than 1,800 families but the number of people in need is growing. Painting a picture of a department challenged by the increase in people seeking help on one hand and a lack of direction from the ministry on […]

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PAC queries value of social affairs OBC

PAC queries value of social affairs OBC

| 06/09/2017 | 19 Comments

(CNS): The chair of the Public Accounts Committee and Auditor General Sue Winspear both raised concerns Wednesday that the $180,000 that government spent on an outline business case (OBC) to look at social assistance provided to the elderly, disabled and indigent was a waste of time. Ezzard Miller said he was very worried government had […]

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Mandatory cancer registry may be resurrected

Mandatory cancer registry may be resurrected

| 04/09/2017 | 17 Comments

(CNS): The new health minister has hinted that the proposed mandatory register for cancer patients in the Cayman Islands, which was rejected after enormous public backlash, maybe resurrected. Although Dwayne Seymour gave very little away during the recent Finance Committee hearing when he was asked about the reporting of the disease, he said that he […]

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Land list published with PAC report

Land list published with PAC report

| 30/08/2017 | 34 Comments

(CNS): Following a meeting of the Public Accounts Committee earlier this month, PAC Chair Ezzard Miller was able to secure a copy of what has, until now, been the secret list of land parcels that the government plans to sell off. The fact that the government had not revealed the potential sales to the public […]

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CIG’s proposed land sell-off remains secret

CIG’s proposed land sell-off remains secret

| 29/08/2017 | 61 Comments

(CNS): Government’s plans to sell off crown land, even though the public purse is no longer in the red, raised concerns for the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) recently because the list of proposed sites that may be sold remains under wraps. Members asked why the list hasn’t been made public and who would be buying […]

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Conservation Law ‘ridiculous’ says premier

Conservation Law ‘ridiculous’ says premier

| 25/08/2017 | 77 Comments

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin has given a clear indication of just how much his new government will be backtracking on environmental protection when he referred to one section of the National Conservation Law as “ridiculous”. He made it clear Thursday that he would be repealing the section that requires Cabinet to consult the National Conservation […]

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Miller’s proposed health review rejected

Miller’s proposed health review rejected

| 24/08/2017 | 24 Comments

(CNS): The government rejected a proposal by the opposition leader to have a joint select committee review what he has described as the crisis in local healthcare provision in all areas. Ezzard Miller filed a private member’s motion asking for a six member panel made up of four government members of the LA and two […]

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Official opposition and Bryan part ways

Official opposition and Bryan part ways

| 22/08/2017 | 71 Comments

(CNS): The opposition leader who has said he wants the group of independents he is leading to form a cohesive alternative to government will no longer caucus with Kenneth Bryan as he told CNS that he does not believe the George Town MLA is “a good fit” with the official opposition. Ezzard Miller has been […]

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