Ebanks-Wilks takes first incumbent scalp

| 14/04/2021
Kathy Ebanks-Wilks and Bernie Bush celebrate their victories

(CNS): Katherine Ebanks-Wilks became the first challenger to take an incumbent scalp Wednesday night as election results came rolling in. The West Bay Central candidate ousted Captain Eugene Ebanks from the seat that he has held for 20 years and became the second woman in the district to break the once solid grip that McKeeva Bush and his allied candidates have had in the district.

Bernie Bush also kept his seat in West Bay North, running as an independent and keeping the challenger, Rolston Anglin, also allied with McKeeva Bush, at bay, giving the independents two MPs on the score board and an early lead.

Meanwhile, in North Side Jay Ebanks handily defeated the incumbent, Ezzard Miller, taking almost 55% of the vote despite a four-way race. Ebanks was running as an independent but received a last minute endorsement from the outgoing premier Alden McLaughlin on the eve of the election, pushing up the PPM-Alliance score.

But by 10pm Chris Saunders had retained his Bodden Town West seat in a landslide. Kenneth Bryan also had a convincing victory in George Town Central with what will probably be the largest majority in the country, which is likely to help ease the pain of his cracked ribs. Bryan told CNS today that he fell from a ladder while taking down his campaign posters last night but was pushing on through.

Meanwhile, Heather Bodden secured the Savannah seat for the Bodden Town Community Creates Country team, following Osbourne Bodden’s failure to oust Dwayne “John John” Seymour, who took a comfortable victory for the PPM-Alliance. However, Wayne Panton was on target for a comfortable victory in Newlands, remaining in position for a leadership bid in an independent coalition government should the independents hold on to their narrow lead.

Johann Moxam conceded George Town North before the full count when it was clear his race had not gone as well as he had hoped against the incumbent Joey Hew.

Both incumbents on Cayman Brac retained their seats. Moses Kirkconnell took 85% of the vote in CBW&LC While Elvis McKeever’s bid to oust Juliana O’Connor-Connolly failed to materialize, even in a high turn out for CBE.

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  1. Ministre de sante says:

    The BIG question as far as I am concerned is are we going to have the same Minister of Health who knows nothing about health?.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The only difference between capt Eugene being elected and not being elected is where government sends the paycheck each month.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I was very offended by what MacKeeva said last night. This is 2021. I think people needs to be reminded that Spaniards are people from Spain. Please stop calling citizens from Spanish speaking countries Spaniards. Just because they speak Spanish or is bi lingual doesn’t mean that they are a Spaniard.

    If you have to show differentiation say Costa Rican, Nicaraguan, Cuban, Honduran, Columbian, Mexican, Chilean, etc. Calling people Spaniard is an insult because the Europeans and Spain went into the world and killed out almost all the natives in Central America and South America.

    Why should we continue to be ignorant? If this is the case, then every citizen in the English speaking Caribbean should be called English then since we all speak English…

    From a Caymanian born and bred

    • Anonymous says:

      What do you expect? It’s McKeeva Bush – ignorant, arrogant, disrespectful, etc, etc….

      • Anonymous says:

        Its not only him unfortunately. A lot of people on island have this mindset

  4. Anonymous says:

    Bernie won largely because of Rollie traffic record. I suggest Bernie open an Office in West Bay today and actually work for his people.

    Otherwise he is toast in 4 years.

    The people have demonstrated their intolerance for incompetence and misbehaving. Watch out Bernie.

    Congratulations to Kathy.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Congrats to Isaac, Jay, Katherine, Andre and Sabrina!

  6. Anonymous says:

    MacKeeva, you must feel very isolated down in WBS.

    You worked very hard to get there: damaged too many people, wasted your chances and destroyed your friendships.

    Perhaps you and Rolston can seek alcohol abuse help together as a team and rebuild your respective lives.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Johanne you were told here on this blog that you would not win, now you need to decide, why?

    Hint: Cayman is sick and tired of MacKeeva gutter style Jamaican influenced politics.

    You are a rough cut model of that very approach.

    • Anonymous says:

      Clearly Cayman is not tired of that style of politics. Alden was chanting “Sammy dead” up until the very last minute and his braindead supporters were laughing and clapping… some were even dancing. And he kept his seat. Wtf is wrong with Cayman voters?

      • Anonymous says:

        In his defence – he did cut the song short, he did it on the last campaign night, and he runs in a constituency with a different voter profile.

        Actually: the song turns in Sammy favour if he allowed it to continue – so Johan you can still do it.

        Also, Alden did not follow it up with the Johan blowhard style of berating, arrogance and downright rudeness.

        In Johan’s defence, he did get at least 2 issues right: environmental concerns and international financial services demise – does he believe this or is simply parroting what is popular, remains to be seen.

        Not saying that I will ever agree that Alden is without sin!

        • Anonymous says:

          “Also, Alden did not follow it up with the Johan blowhard style of berating, arrogance and downright rudeness.”

          Actually, he did, including the usual lies which Sammy already rebuked numerous times.

  8. Anonymous says:

    In an Alliance landslide.
