Ebanks-Wilks aiming to unseat the captain

(Press release): On September 15, 2020 Katherine Ebanks-Wilks, along with her family, announced her candidacy for MP to represent West Bay Central in the upcoming Cayman Islands General Election on 14 April 2021. She is running as an independent, citing that it is time to get things done for West Bay Central and Cayman. Since announcing, Katherine has been pounding the pavement talking to constituents as well as hosting a community social and Children’s Christmas party.
“The job of a Member of Parliament is not simply about policy positions, it’s about the ability to get things done,” Katherine said. “Working with others and maintaining positive relationships is necessary to enact good policies. As our MP, I will continue to be a collaborator and consensus-builder you can depend on to protect West Bay Central and deliver results. I talk to neighbours throughout our community and I see firsthand what many constituents are facing. As a former civil servant and a lawyer in training, I will use my work experience and perspective gained to get the results for our constituency, in Parliament.”
Katherine has been described as a humble Caymanian with the heart of a warrior. Discussing why she wants to represent West Bay Central, Katherine said, “My most recent job at the Law Reform Commission provided me with an inside view of the functions of the government. I was required to attend the Legislative Assembly, or watch live, and every time I watched, I became more and more frustrated with the lack of representation. I saw egos prevent progress.
“The Caymanian people deserve a government that serves them and their everyday needs and leadership that works to make their quality of life better. I know getting things done for West Bay Central and all of Cayman will take humility, compassion, empathy and a large love for people and doing things for those in need.”
Katherine will work to improve opportunity, prosperity and quality of life for West Bay Central and all of Cayman. As an independent candidate, she is committed to working with like-minded individuals to do just that.
“My greatest strength is my humility. I am of the view that when we admit that we don’t have all the answers, we open ourselves up to dialog,” Katherine said. “I have spent the last six years talking with neighbours and serving the community and I have learned so much from them.
“I’ve heard them ask for a strong focus on the basics like helping Caymanians retrain for jobs that are available now, making sure those most vulnerable – the elderly, children and those facing illness – get help instead of being tangled in red tape, and strengthening education. Constituents have told me they want a representative that knows how to build consensus and I’ve committed to setting up a District Council to make sure all voices are heard.”
Fewer than 100 votes separated Katherine from being elected in 2017, and her committee of supporters are confident she will be elected to represent West Bay Central in April 2021.
Election Day is Wednesday, 14 April 2021. You can learn more about Katherine Ebanks-Wilks and her campaign by visiting her website and and by following her on Instagram: @Katherineforwbc and Facebook: @WestBayCentral.
About Katherine Ebanks-Wilks
Katherine grew up in the heart of West Bay with her parents and three younger siblings, where her parents still live in their family home. She witnessed the struggles of poverty and a lack of opportunities in her community. Her mother put a strong emphasis on education, and Katherine worked hard, graduating from Triple C school. While considering her career options, Katherine worked as a flight attendant with the national airline, traveling and broadening her views. In 2010, Katherine began pursuing a legal career and studied at the Cayman Islands University College of the Cayman Islands, graduating with her Paralegal Certification (ILEX).
She began working as a legal secretary and worked her way up the corporate ladder by attending school while working. Katherine earned her L.LB from the University of Liverpool in 2015, completed the Professional Practice Course from Truman Bodden Law School in 2019 and she is now completing her on the job training, which is required in order to become a qualified attorney.
Katherine resigned from the Law Reform Commission in September 2020, and immediately began focusing on her plans for the 2021 General Election.
Community service and passion for Cayman are part of Katherine’s DNA. She is a founding director of the United Against Bullying Foundation, a non-profit organization which focuses on prevention and education of bullying behaviour and helped the foundation push for anti-bullying legislation, which has now been drafted.
She is also a director of the Cayman Islands Youth Development Consortium, which is a non-profit organization that supports at-risk youth. Katherine has served as a member of the Chamber of Commerce Mentoring Programme, former president of the Junior Achievement and former president of Key Club.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, she worked with local charities and ensured that many families in West Bay received food and other necessities. During this time of supporting the community, she decided that she would put herself forward to serve the people of West Bay Central.
Katherine is married with three children and lives in West Bay Central with her family.
CNS will publish verbatim press releases for candidates and parties or political groups announcing that they are running in the May 2021 General Election. Please submit to info@caymannewsservice.com
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Category: Candidates
Wishing you all the best Katherine as you attempt to take on one of the partners of the Grandfather of Poverty in West Bay. Let’s make sure everyone notices the huge number of mobile voters in this part of West Bay.
I have no doubt that Eugene has signed up everything breathing in West Bay Central for mobile voting.
A very good candidate who had educated herself, worked, has a family and really nice parents.
She has my full confidence and support.
As a candidate, how do you respond to the lack of water quality monitoring for locals, children, and visitors alike:
I am urging all women in her district to give this wonderful young lady a chance we desperately need young women like her to improve our level of politics. As for those on here already trying to cast aspersions against her for her views and people she is affiliated with Wow! If you focus on your current leadership and all the serious flaws in there characters you simply would not have the time to run others down. She is neither gold nor glitter she will simply however be a better choice than you currently have.
“graduating from Triple C”, so the same qualifications as Mac pretty much then.
LLB = Law Degree, smh.
I believe she maybe making a mistake alinging herself with candidates from other districts. They are lost causes and she should have no sympathy towards them. I would give her a chance as she has a lot of potential and God knows we need capable leaders. I can not vote for her but feel certain she would make an excellent representative. She should be careful whose company she keep.
Are you willing to call for increased balance of nationality of teachers y seeking to hire best of best even if they’re not from Jamaica or are white?
If eachers are bullying or being unfair to generational Caymanians but have too many of their own nationals to support them, would you support an objective process to end contracts of those persons with complaints from students and parents, and not to simply transfer to another school?
In other words 2.12 is saying let’s have some first world educated teachers and not leave our children’s schooling in the hands of Jamaicans. They’ve done a great job in their own country haven’t they.?
Good luck. The people in WBC need to ask themselves, if I have been “Helped” by my representatives then why do I still need help.
Real assistance should last longer than a week or month. Real assistance should raise you up to be able to support yourself.
So well said!!
Pulse…check…you’re hired!
Sorry darling Eugene you don’t bet to retire just yet. Another tune has to be played Lady, ya ain’t striking the right cord just yet. Perhaps a little soul added to the bass and no more off chord licks might help your cause.
Oh Catherine why didn’t you run again Bernie. You had a good chance.
Thankfulky You worked in the civil service so I am confident that if you win you will be able to perform at a high level.
I wish her all the best.
What about WBW? Still no decent people willing and able to contest that seat? Come on, WBW–surely you have qualified people. Corruption hurts everyone and we are as guilty of it if we encourage it and turn a blind eye and vote for it to continue.
! I hope the people of West Bay wake up and give this wonderful lady a chance we just cant keep voting for the same old stale political veterans who sit down on peoples hopes and dreams. If you want change you have to vote for it Cayman! Yes 2:04am i here you and like the rest us she was trying hard to make a living. Not perfect and good things wow ! Sounds likes someone has fooled you from your entire post try her what have you got lose?????
I agree capt whogene is a worthless representative and has ripped us off for may years, functioning only as an extension cord for mckeeva. Katherine needs to be asked some serious questions and hopefully we will get some honest answers with regards to her connection to Mckeeva. Apparently mac’s political strategy of getting rid of Eugene was convincing him to publicly support him in the mauling of another human being. He is courting Catherine and planning to be her mentor. Electing a second mckeeva in rolston anglin is not what WB/Cayman needs. I hope the people will see the danger in that befor 14 April 2021.
She needs to make sure to stay out of Mac’s reach (politically) and represent her constituents independently (ie the manner she is proposing in her campaign).
Exactly. Much less than half of the current MPs we pay very attractive salary, pension and benefits do not bother to show up for work at all for the entire 4 years. This is absolutely ridiculous and must stop. Cayman has real and pressing issues facing it and cannot have only 5 out of the 19 actually working. WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!
Not McKeeva, she should stay away from Arden Saunders and Raul, too much outside influences
Despite whatever shortcomings the general public may feel she has the fact of the matter is fresh blood is indeed a must so I for one am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt this coming election.
Mrs. Wilks good luck.
A blind, 3-legged iguana would have to be better than what WBC currently has for representation.
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to vote for change 👍
Thank you for being brave and taking on the Captain. West Bay Central constituents deserve representation in the LA. He has been silent and doing nothing for them for WAY too long!
Just another person seeing a opportunity to get power and is no different from the rest. Will take the fat salary and do nothing or give excuses why promises made was broken. Will do nothing unless it is forself. Will fall in with all the boys and compromize herselve. How will you tend to all the problems in Cayman and I don’t want all the fancy catch words to make me feel you know what you are talking about. Thats what they do and have no clue. Don’t be fooled people. Where was she after the last election. Only now I am seeing her. Not even a thank you even if she lost last time. I will stick with who I no even if he is not perfect. Capt has done lots of good things.
And what has the Captain done? NOTHING! You ever see him mentioned or speak in the LA? He does whatever McKeeva tells him to do. Time to drain the swamp.
11.17 What is important is how he votes in the house, not what he says. A member might spend 2 hrs speaking against a bill then turn around and vote YES.
She is not known for being grateful.
All that glitters is not gold. WBC need to really examine her acquaintances, family connections and circle of influence.
God I hope you are wrong.