Tag: Featured

Wooden spoon goes to GTE candidate

Wooden spoon goes to GTE candidate

| 15/04/2021 | 32 Comments

(CNS): This year’s wooden spoon for the lowest number of votes in the entire election goes to Richard Alexander Bernard, who got just seven votes in what could be the lowest amount polled by any candidate in the Cayman Islands since the country adopted universal suffrage.

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PPM-Alliance with easier road to government

PPM-Alliance with easier road to government

| 15/04/2021 | 57 Comments

(CNS): By 11pm Wednesday the count was in and Roy McTaggart was on track to be the next Cayman Islands Premier after the PPM-Alliance secured eight seats. Although they don’t have a majority, several of the independents that were returned have already indicated their willingness to support a PPM-led government, meaning that for the second […]

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Mac ekes out a victory in close WBW race

Mac ekes out a victory in close WBW race

| 15/04/2021 | 16 Comments

(CNS): Mario Ebanks came very close to removing the longest serving member of Parliament Wednesday night in a very tight race for West Bay West. McKeeva Bush was returned to office but his once hefty majority was sliced down to the wire, with Ebanks losing by just 27 votes.

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Ebanks-Wilks takes first incumbent scalp

Ebanks-Wilks takes first incumbent scalp

| 14/04/2021 | 14 Comments

(CNS): Katherine Ebanks-Wilks became the first challenger to take an incumbent scalp Wednesday night as election results came rolling in. The West Bay Central candidate ousted Captain Eugene Ebanks from the seat that he has held for 20 years and became the second woman in the district to break the once solid grip that McKeeva […]

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Count underway, early results trickle in

Count underway, early results trickle in

| 14/04/2021 | 2 Comments

(CNS): The count for the 2021 General Election is now well underway and the first early results are being posted on the Elections Office website in some constituencies from mobile and postal votes as well as the first boxes being counted and logged. Wesley Howell, the supervisor of elections, said his team had shown true […]

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Final 2021 voter turnout under 74%

Final 2021 voter turnout under 74%

| 14/04/2021 | 9 Comments

(CNS): As the polls closed at 6pm Wednesday, expectations of a very high turnout for the 2021 election were not realised when the returns showed that just under 74% of electors turned out to vote. This was very slightly down from the 2017 turnout of just under 75%, though more people voted.

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71% of voters polled before final hour

71% of voters polled before final hour

| 14/04/2021 | 0 Comments

(CNS): At 5pm, with just one hour left for polling, more than 71% of the electorate had already voted across all three islands, pointing to a relatively good turnout for the Cayman Islands 2021 General Election.

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Election roll time-lag causes some confusion

Election roll time-lag causes some confusion

| 14/04/2021 | 2 Comments

(CNS): Elections Supervisor Wesley Howell has said that the long gap between the deadline for registering to vote or making changes to elector details has impacted voters in today’s poll. A number of people have found themselves voting in constituencies where they no longer live and have not followed the campaigns, after finding their change […]

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Complaints begin as pace of polling picks up

Complaints begin as pace of polling picks up

| 14/04/2021 | 7 Comments

(CNS): By noon today more than 10,000 people, or over 42% of registered voters, had cast their ballot. But as the pace of voting picked up, complaints from voters also began to emerge about changes of address not making it to the register and voters being directed to vote in constituencies where they no longer […]

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Voting off to slow start as polls open

Voting off to slow start as polls open

| 14/04/2021 | 5 Comments

(CNS): Just over 16% of the electorate voted during the first two hours after the polls opened on General Election Day in the Cayman Islands. However, elections officials are expecting a busy day with a high turnout.

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