Johann going head to head with Joey

(Press release); Local businessman Johann MoxamJohann Moxam: Independent candidate for George Town North - Managing Partner of Lainston International Management Ltd. Background and education: Moxam studied at the University of... announced today that he intends to stand as an independent candidate in the upcoming April election for the constituency of George Town North. He said, “Cayman is at a crossroads. The choices we make in the upcoming election will chart the course of our future for the next decade.
“I am putting myself forward as a candidate to help create a better Cayman for all, one that reflects the diversity of our community; a Cayman guided by the values of honesty, integrity, accountability, transparency, equal opportunities and respect for all Caymanians.”
Moxam explained that in his view the status quo and the current administration work primarily for a select few while most Caymanians live with real consequences of the expensive mistakes and the inconsistent decisions of a Government that has lost connection with the majority.
Moxam believes that the divide between the have and have nots continues to grow. He said the existing Government policies are unsustainable, including the race to a population of 100,000, which he believes will only serve to exacerbate the social issues and inequality. As a result, there is growing frustration and despair amongst working class families, young Caymanians and those not part of the political elite.
Moxam promised to share his concerns and proposed solutions to the most pressing issues during the course of the campaign. “The time for excuses and rewarding incompetence is over. The time for malicious, spiteful politics and lies is over; it’s over for cronyism, conflicts of interest and rewarding systemic corruption. It’s time for elected leaders to be champions of the truth, accountability and transparency. I am ready to do my part in front line politics because Cayman deserves better,” he added.
Moxam challenged all voters, especially those in George Town North, to carefully examine the track record of each candidate and to elect the best candidate to become their MP.
“George Town North deserves leadership which can be trusted to do the right thing, to represent the views of the majority of the constituency and not merely represent the interests of friends, families and financiers of election campaigns,” he added.
“We must raise the standards for leadership, as citizens we have to raise our expectations of leadership. Cayman Deserves Better,” he concluded.
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Category: Candidates
The recent outburst on Cross Talk by Moxam shows that he’ll say anything. He was so unhinged and unprofessional. The more Hew kept his cool the angrier Moxam got. He succumbed to shouting and personal insults like a very petulant child not getting his way. Is this who you want representing you? A bully who uses cyberbullies (CMR). His family has also has ties to big developers and works with the biggest. There is nothing wrong with that but he shouldn’t be so hypocritical when it applies to someone else. Do you really think he will listen if he gets in or, based on that embarrassing display of poor sportsmanship, will he do and act exactly what he very well pleases? CMR is his mouth piece to post and say all the fictitious rhetoric and hides behind her to do his dirty work. Ask him to denounce her and see if he uses his eloquent words to slither out of an actual answer. Is that who you want representing you? Someone who will use a convicted cyber harasser who has zero scruples.
Typical transparent smear campaign.
A winner talks about what they bring to the table. A loser talks about their opposition.
Moxam kept saying , Joey coming up short. But he gave no solutions to any of the questions. Then like a bully of a child in front of the ladies to say his hands and feet are short insinuating he is small all over. Barry had to tell him to stop.
Minister of Ice Cream.
Windbag vs. Windfall in GTN
What an insult to our voters
Minister of ya mummeh.
If you look Cayman’s most recent historic political heavyweights of the likes of Bodden (rip), Ebanks, Bush and Tibbetts then pound-for-pound Johan fits the bill.
Moxam ain’t no Jim Bodden.
Mann the road worx that are going on is amazing everything is being paved and potholes filled even CuC is dropping poles round da place Must Be Election time eh JOEY HEW Showtime NRA votes count eh bwoy! The game of politricks is yet again being played on Georgetown voters I just hope they are smart enough to see it for what it is ?
Political Sabotage. The name says it all. What you’re saying is that using your logic Joey is in a lose/lose situation. If he does his job and fixes potholes etc he is “buying” votes so he is a loser. If he doesn’t fix the potholes he is useless an therefore a loser. Well I think I will stick with the ‘loser’ who is getting the job done.
Buying votes with government money is illegal
It’s not what hes doing do much as when and for only a few!
Just wish that NRA would do the paving when the roads are not busy like every where else in the world. Let them do it in the wee hours of the morning. And for the sake of common sense mill it down before paving so the side roads and parking lots don’t flood any more than they already do because of the constant raising of roads.
Why did he wait until right before election to do this road repairs and paving? It is absolutely vote buying! He even paved Marbel Drive the street he lives on to ensure his votes..
The problem with this is that Caymanians see this as he doing something to help them but don’t understand that he had four years to do this and he hwas waited until four weeks before the next election to get it done.
This is nothing new in Cayman though, past politicians used the same tactics if they were int he government. If they were not lucky enough to be in control of the government, the appliance stores would see a surge in sales as the other politicians would have those delivered to constituents in their districts..As of late the PPM introduced Turkeys and Hams particularly around Christmas time.
For once, I would just like to see a politician not have to reduce themselves to this level of gutter politics and vote buying just to get elected.
1:52 Hear what you would have done.
where is HE?
1:52 are you saying someone, will be holding their HANDS at the BALLOT BOX.
Don’t need to hold their hand if the vote has been bought and paid before they even enter the voting booth.
When will Joey release the 5 deals that the public cannot be told about? Voters open your ears and eyes and understand the dangerous path we are been taken down. Who represents the country and holds back pertinent information from the people? Let the deal breakers release the information now.
Too many unscrupulous devil worshippers are involved and the parasites are causing our demise. Wake up! Vote for honesty, integrity, and fairness.
One of the 5 deals is a 50 storey building in the Seven Mile Beach Corridor.
Where have you been, Road works being going on now for past four years, the road work going on have nothing to do with the upcoming Election.
What’s that smell? Could that be hope in the air? It’s been so long that I can’t recall its fragrance.
From your post know daddy it sounds rather personal but unfortunately it’s not about you or even Johann it’s about what’s best for Cayman and who is the best person to represent the residents of George Town north unfortunately you and other dissenters are very eager to point out or bring attention to Mr Moxam’s alleged connections to Dart via wife island companies etc Yet you have failed to point out his opponents store Bon Viant right on Market street his close relationship with Dart CEOs and his family business cleaning contracts with Camana Bay and I could go on on about Dart ! It still does not deal with the core issue of who is best for this political seat ? Shall we have a person who is clearly the tool of the very elite few and is allowing monstrous development projects to destroy our main attraction to these islands with little or no regard for the environmental or social concerns and issues it brings to our little island
Johann is the elitist not Joey. The average Caymanian does not know Johann because he has never associated with us. So trying to paint Joey as the elitist just won’t work.
Johan is too cheap to be pretentious or elitist and has no interests to hang out at cocktail receptions hoping to be the prettiest dart boi at the ball. He does not hang out at bars. He is a regular guy focused on his family. With a major ice cream addiction. He is intelligent and has principles that alone makes him a better candidate that Joey Hew out the gates.
Thank you. One of them is same person he was when we finished high school, just much smarter and experienced in life and work. The other is a wonder he finished high school and has sold his soul to the other side.
I have to agree. I knew Joey back in the days he was Chamber president and thought rather highly of him, but what a enormous disappointment he has become – pretentiousness is just the beginning. He has truly sold his soul.
6:01 why ice cream will make him a better Candidate1
LMAO you really do not know Johann Moxam. Try something else other than that bs!
Call out the monster who has his hands too deep in the developers pockets. Stop the destruction of the environment (the run-away train) that is taking us down into the precipice. We deserve better.
Who did Dart buy Island Companies from again?
exactly. dart payed moxam a hefty sum for IC.
They bought his father’s business over ten years ago. Get a life
Wasn’t that his father’s business? Did you ask Johann how he felt about this? It was years ago and his father has a right to do whatever he likes with his businesses..
1:54 I hope you know you are saying his Father, have a right to sell.
But Dart don’t have a right to Buy!
who cleans all of Camana Bay? I believe it’s HEW’S! Who owns Bon Vivant? Oh, I believe it’s Hew’s!
Who owns Audiophile?
You got the point finally!
Both Johan and Joey are Dart’s boys.
Shit, part of Johan’s direct monthly household salary depends on Dart!
It’s not belief it’s facts. They have had the contract for the cleaning ever since Joey got do you think DART keeps his boys in line?..Joey better step up When DART needs some concessions or to get a variance here and there..of course AL’T with his rubber stamp helps too.
Wonder if the people will be bamboozled by this.
Ok, Moxam may be smarter than the average Joe(y) (pun intended) but what has he ever achieved other than being a big talker. What has Johann Moxam ever been interested in other than Johann Moxam. I’m sorry, but this “I’m offering myself…” is complete BS. Offer yourself in service to your community first….
Based on your comments it is clear you haven’t been paying attention over the years at all. GTN finally gets a quality candidate that is proven yet jealousy and hate are common traits amongst Caymanians is why good people do not enter politics.
Clearly state your position on MacKeeva
Promise not to kiss Dart’s behind every time he wants something
Recognize corruption and stand against it,
Then, I’ll vote for you.
He has already done so in writing and on radio
Um…Cruise Port Referrndum ring a bell? That was for the people. The majority of us, as finally admitted (or noticed) by our Ego Premier
Amazing news!! He’s got my households votes
I hope the other members of your household have made that decision for themselves.
That’s not how it works.
LOL – You’re obviously not from around here, are you? What papa says goes around election time!
“…including the race to a population of 100,000, which he believes will only serve to exacerbate the social issues and inequality.”
Johann, you must realise this is Dart’s modus operandi. That 100-story iconic tower aint gonna be built just to sit empty. How do you reconcile this with Pilar as their mouthpiece and marketing brains behind all their development?
Best way to destroy something is from within.
I’m not Johann, but the sooner Cayman can get rid of Dart, the better it will be for the Cayman Islands! This man is only interested in getting richer!
8:28am. Who are we developing for? Why are we developing at such a hasty speed? How can we pull the brakes on the run-away train? Staged development is the to go, no need to rush. Some want to collect their kick back now and not later, so they can feed their piggy bank.
2:16 Ask that question to the CONCRETE and BLOCK makers!
You are an idiot… Get rid of Dart. You my friend are the following.
“What’s the secret to eternal happiness?”
To not argue with a fools.
“I disagree.”
Yes, you are right.
Dart owns Cayman and this government. What they do as a business has no influence on Johan Moxam’s politics. He is consistent and clear in his positions. Look at the cruise dock project that was supported by dart. Mr. Moxam was a key figure in cpr to stop the project and played a crucial role in our success. Imagine if Johan and cpr did not fight to do the right thing the bigger mess Cayman would be in right now.
The cruise port was not supported by Dart. If it was, it would have already beenn built.
7:33 what PART of the CRUISE DOCK PROJECT was DART?
How easy we forget. Barkers beach club and deal with Royal Caribbean cruise lines
Oh great, another choice other than who.
Sir, I know you read these comments. What is your stance on the legalisation of either personal or commercial growing of Cannabis? The medical benefits have been demonstrated and there have been zero overdoses related to Cannabis in history. The UK is the world’s largest exporter of the medical plant.
Would you embrace a legal Cannabis industry in Cayman for its medical and economic benefits, as demostrated by Canada and half of the USA? If not, do you support the production and sales of alcoholic beverages in Cayman?
TIA for your response. I am a constituent in the district you plan to run in, but do not feel comfortable posting my name due to political neutrality mandates.
While you’re here: No weed for me? No wote for you.
As a big supporter of Cannabis. It will be impossible for the Cayman Islands to fully legalize and monetize Cannabis until the USA makes it legal at a Federal level. We would not be able to put proceeds in the banking system without being sanctioned. Our banking system fully depends on intermediary banking relationships, and if those relationships collapse, the financial sector of this island will dry up before your eyes. The most legislators can do at this moment is to decriminalize Cannabis and allow possession of small amounts for personal use.
As a candidate, how do you respond to the lack of water quality monitoring for locals, children, and visitors alike:
Yay! Go Johann. I am sick of the silence on important issues. The lack of accountability, the lack of morals! You have our three votes.
YES 🙌 Caymanian’s here’s the change. Can vouch for this man. He is here to work for you and us collectively. He certainly ain’t no fool fool.
It sure ain’t about keeping his business alive or his family contracts. Spaghetti roads and roundabouts, 100K selfie junkies and a george town revitalisation project on steroids goiing nowhere, not one realistic vision and CUC price hikes – jeez what a conflict, how dumb we are.
Joey and Dart and his gang cannot be beat johann Caymanians no longer count on this West Bay Corridor you got that buddie boy! We Got da power and the hour Joey and all his Developer friends Run tings around ya now boY! Caymanians like you Going Down BRo!
Johann’s wife works for Dart, has done so for years.
You clearly do not know Johann if you think that matters he’s been the same man talking the hard truth for years with no fear of anything including dart
He has NEVER made a public statement about that organization and he never will.
You are wrong stop playing this silly game. He gave his number call him
Not true you have not listened
When last did a man Rock his WIFE BOAT!
Joey Who is a joker. We have areal man in the race now.
Five votes in my family are yours Moxam
4 in mine.
The winds of change are blowing in GTN
Who holds on to a worn out pair of shoes? It is time to make that change. Make it without delay on April 14th.
Good luck Johann. I know you are a no nonsense fighter that gets it. A real is champion for Caymanians and a natural born leader.
Johan now is the your time we need quality candidates that will fight for Caymanians and speak honestly about issues.
A vote for Joey Hew is a vote for Dart control that must come to an end.
This is easy vote Joey Hew OUT on 14th April 2021
Johan is also a straight Dart
@Anonymous 3.45am
I hope you are a voter in George Town North.
I am happy to have a discussion with you face to face to address your comments or any issue if you are prepared to remove your cloak of anonymity.
I am confident that the reality of the situation is very different from your comments which are based on some sort of fantasy or malicious intent. I understand it’s all part of the game of politics given that we have entered the “silly season” etc
Either way if you want the facts I can help set the record straight. Please call me on 9260984 to set up coffee.
Enjoy your weekend
Best regards
Johann Moxam
You sound very arrogant.
This is politics
You better toughen up
Actually he sounds like he can school your butt. Good Luck Mr. Moxam. I’m an expat and can’t vote yet. Next election though. 🙂
He is intelligent and professional. He will not allow anonymous persons to spread lies and offered to talk face to face. That is very welcomed in our politics. It is also reasonable and mature leadership.
He responded pretty damn politely…
Johann, why don’t you just post you position regarding DART on here for everyone to see, rather than asking people to call you individually? There is a lot of voters wondering where you stand on Dart, particularly in view of your ‘close family connections’.
Ask Mr. Hew about his close connections and contracts with Dart.
Unfortunately you and other dissenters are very eager to point out or bring attention to Mr Moxam’s alleged connections to Dart via wife island companies etc
However, you have failed to point out Hew’a store Bon Vivant right on Market street his close relationship with Dart CEOs and his family business cleaning contracts with Camana Bay and I could go on on about Dart ! It still does not deal with the core issue of who is best for this political seat ?
Shall we have a person who is clearly the tool of the very elite few and is allowing monstrous development projects to destroy our main attraction to these islands with little or no regard for the environmental or social concerns and issues it brings to our little island XXXX. XXXX constituents who he has ignored for 4 years speaks volumes of both his opinion and views towards them and his own political seat and ministerial post he holds in this government!
LOL Dart hates Yohan
Do you know for whom johann’s wife works?!?!?!?
Fox in the hen house right here
YES This is why I am voting for Moxam
“The time for excuses and rewarding incompetence is over. The time for malicious, spiteful politics and lies is over; it’s over for cronyism, conflicts of interest and rewarding systemic corruption. It’s time for elected leaders to be champions of the truth, accountability and transparency. I am ready to do my part in front line politics because Cayman deserves better,” he added.
Well said Johan. You have my vote.
The press release captures the essence and understanding of the current situation by Mr. Moxam. My family finally have a candidate they can trust and vote for this election.
Johann Moxam is a man with integrity with leadership abilities currently lacking in GT North and parliament. Go Johann we are all with you
7:46 The BIG Problem now, you will have to DECIDE which PARTY, will be best for HIM!
Finally an intelligent candidate fiorfor a real constituencyat J is a one term under under performing a hole.
This guy had a brain
Hope there is more choice coming out for GTNorth because the one we have now is useless except for paving his own road first when the main road is like washboard boulevard.
He’s got my vote in GTN. Thanks for running Johann. I was getting worried that my only vote would be wasted again this year.
Wonder whether he’ll be able to keep his mouth shut long enough to hear what his constituents have to say. My experience is he talks at you rather than to you… Oh well we’ll see definitely an interesting election.
At least he won’t sell his grandmother for the almighty dollar and actually cares what happens to Caymanians, to our culture and to the environment… he’ll be a breath of fresh air compared to what we’ve had for the past 8 years!
k, but he did sell island companies to dart, so…
Caymanians- crabs in a bucket..
Johann, you got this. I would rather hear your mouth running than having Joey in there giving out developer concessions left and right and having no idea what the country is getting in return..and not even wanting to disclose how much he is handing out..
Cayman lets rid ourselves this year of the remnants of the PPM and CDP. They have served their time and miked us and this country dry..
6:43 you don’t seem to have any UNDERSTANDING, Johann will be no different, giving concessions, is how the system works.
just remember when you give Johann a vote, it goes to DART also.
I don’t have a problem with that!
Game over for lil joe now
That is not what the people in jJoey’s constituency are saying. Joey will retain his seat. Remember you saw it here!
I’m his constituency and there is no way he will get the votes of our household. He’s had his chances and not proven to be about anything but his ego. Time for change.
Not getting my vote again either and believe me my entire family is fed up with him. I can’t tell them how to vote but I don’t think he can count on getting them again this time.
Exactly, he is another one who loves the sound of his own voice. Can you imagine, if he wins, along with the three other “long winded – taking up all the oxygen in the room” “experts on everything”
Relics of the pass? Bring out the mute buttons before we all go deaf.
Moxam clearly got your nose. Maybe you just can’t stand to listen to sensible discussions or don’t understand what he is saying?
You almost got a pass on your spelling.