Tag: Bernie Bush

Ebanks-Wilks takes first incumbent scalp

Ebanks-Wilks takes first incumbent scalp

| 14/04/2021 | 14 Comments

(CNS): Katherine Ebanks-Wilks became the first challenger to take an incumbent scalp Wednesday night as election results came rolling in. The West Bay Central candidate ousted Captain Eugene Ebanks from the seat that he has held for 20 years and became the second woman in the district to break the once solid grip that McKeeva […]

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‘We have a political mess’ says Rolly

‘We have a political mess’ says Rolly

| 24/03/2021 | 34 Comments

(CNS): Rolston Anglin, who is challenging Bernie Bush for the West Bay North seat after eight years on the political sidelines, distanced himself from any alliances, including those of his West Bay candidate colleagues, as he answered questions at the Chamber of Commerce Candidates Forum on Tuesday. Anglin described the current election campaign situation as […]

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Candidates duck Q&A forums

Candidates duck Q&A forums

| 17/03/2021 | 23 Comments

(CNS): Two candidates, both in tight head-to-head constituency races, ducked out of the opportunity to answer questions from voters alongside their opponents on Tuesday. Bernie Bush, who is a two-way race with Rolston Anglin in West Bay North, left the Cayman Crosstalk studio on principle, he said, as he registered a protest against the new […]

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