We are making history so must get it right
Mario Rankin writes: It has been a long, hard fight collecting over 5,288 signatures of registered voters, which is 25% of the electorate, in order to trigger a people-initiated referendum so that we, the people, who elected the politicians can also have a place in politics without having to always depend on our government to […]
Cabinet’s failure: no referendum law
‘A. Caymanian’ writes: In the spirit of transparency and good governance as the Cayman Islands deals with the first people-initiated referendum, it is troubling that there is currently no referendum law or guidelines in existence in order to ensure a clear and objective set of rules to aid the Cabinet, Elections Office and the public […]
Cruise Port Referendum facts
Johann Moxam writes: It’s always interesting to read the anonymous comments of people who will say all types of nonsense to deflect from the reality regarding the people-initiated referendum. I accept this is all part of the freedoms we enjoy in Cayman regardless of how one views the proposed cruise berthing facility project. For clarity […]
Political party v. independents
Gilbert Connolly writes: Two years after Cayman’s general elections, local politicians are now debating the merits and demerits of party politics v. independent representative. Premier Alden McLaughlin of the Peoples Progressive Movement (PPM) is leading the debate in favour of a government based on party politics, while members of the opposition are arguing in favour […]
The sexualisation of our boys
Protection Starts Here writes: If you aren’t concerned about the photos of grown women wining on infants and children, you aren’t paying attention. Sexualisation has been a main topic of discussion for well over a decade, and certainly since it was better defined by the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Task Force Report on the Sexualisation […]
MLAs wrong to condemn constituents
Bille Bryan, of Colours Cayman, writes: With all the news surrounding our LGBT community in recent weeks, it has been a trying time for our small organisation. As such, regrettably, we have not had the opportunity to properly address many of these events and would like to share some of our thoughts and feelings in […]
Cayman’s homophobia has British roots
Madeleine Rowell writes: As a queer Caymanian woman, I was happy to hear the news of Justice Smellie’s decision to legalise same-sex marriage in Cayman. Rights gained for our community should be celebrated, and I am so grateful for the other LGBTQIA+ people in Cayman who made this possible, including Chantelle Day, Vickie Bodden Bush, […]
Love trumps hate
Dominic Dyer writes: Love trumps hate. This double entendre that rose to prominence during President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign is something that many people of the Cayman Islands need to be reminded of.
CPR rebuts premier’s misleading claims
CPR Cayman writes: Premier Alden McLaughlin again stated at last week’s Chamber of Commerce Luncheon that no public money will be used to build the proposed cruise berthing facilities. This statement may be technically correct, however it is misleading. Taking into consideration the accounting principle, substance over form, while public money might not be allocated […]
Government secrecy and deception is a slippery slope
Johann Moxam writes: The Ministry of Tourism’s refusal to release the FOI requested information on the cruise berthing project speaks volumes. Does anybody remember the public meeting hosted by the ministry on 26 Sept 2018 at the Family Life Center? The participation of the cruise lines’ representatives at the public meeting and the failure by […]
Slapping down political discourse
Anonymous writes: I will never understand the logic or rationale behind Cayman’s general approach to persons who are active in the community. We detest our government and also detest anyone who tries to run to change anything in the government. The comment above (see here) highlights part of the issue.
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