CJ Smellie presides over his last court opening

| 12/01/2022 | 36 Comments
Chief Justice Anthony Smellie presides of the Grand Court Opening, 12 January 2022

(CNS): Chief Justice Anthony Smellie presided over a ‘pandemic’ short-form version of the official Opening of the Courts on Wednesday. However, it was revealed during the ceremony that the long serving justice will be retiring later this year and this will be the last time that he will preside over this annual event.

But with more than 5% of the population infected with the coronavirus, the usual pomp and circumstance and CJ Smellie’s usual long address reviewing the work of the court over the last 12 months and expectations for the year ahead was replaced with pre-recorded reports from court staff.

The proceedings began with the usual inspection of the police guard, during which one officer succumbed to heatstroke and had to be take to hospital, where he is said to be recovering well. The event moved indoors to a greatly reduced audience of dignitaries before Attorney General Samuel Bulgin and other members of the bar supported the chief justice’s motion to open the courts for 2022.

Most of the pre-recorded shortened reports reviewed the technological advancements in the judicial services over the last year, with the increase in information and services going online, as well as the introduction of live-streaming and Zoom court hearings, all of which have been hastened by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

The detailed facts and figures about the work of the court over the last year are expected to be available to the public later today.

View the proceedings on line on CIGTV below:

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I have been praying for this for years..The Jamaican stranglehold of the judiciary is finally coming to an end.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Is it still against the law to speak ill of these over esteemed and under regulated wig wearers?
    (Be it truth or lies).
    Really. I want to know.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Ich bin ein Berliner with strawberry jam.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Minions wear masks, but bigwigs do not, neither do they socially distance.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you had actually watched this, you would know that all of the judges wore masks during the inspection and entering the courtroom, and the CJ stated that all had registered negative lateral flow tests before the hearing prior to removing those masks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Morons pretend Covid is a harmless hoax.

  5. Anonymous says:

    How many Caymanians in the top row?

    • Anonymous says:

      None. And there never will be the way the industry is allowed to approach the training of Caymanians. They hardly stand a chance.

      • Anonymous says:

        5.52 look at the standard of education that produces the candidates, before you blame the industry.

      • Anonymous says:

        If most of the “Caymanians” you talk about weren’t actually Jamrock, baby mamma offspring then we could agree.

        Caymanians have every opportunity afforded to them. More than most in the UK and elsewhere.

        The “Caymanians” you speak of are of the wrong pedigree and didn’t originate here. Those be the facts. Jamrocks expecting a free ride for their brats whilst contributing nothing.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well said 9.30.
          The same circumstances have invaded every corner of Caymanian life and commerce.

    • Anonymous says:

      All … if you had asked how many generational Caymaninas then the response could have been correct … you all will claim paper Caymanians such as Mr Howell who passed recently … yes he was a JAMAICAN who came here and became a Caymanian but will deny others such as everyone in the top row … #RollsEyes #IsaidWhatIsaid

  6. Anonymous says:

    We would be happy to see the Attorney General retire soon too, along with the MLA/Speaker from West Bay that installed him via coup in 2003.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Howā€™s the prosecution of unqualified lawyers coming? You got one, but what of the hundreds of others?

    • Anonymous says:

      Do that and people wouldn’t be able to get a drink. Or am the only one who gets legal, marital, political, and financial advice from bartenders?

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