LGBT advocates will have voice in JR of civil unions

| 01/11/2021 | 12 Comments
Cayman News Service
Justice Richard Williams

(CNS): The Grand Court has ruled that Colours Caribbean, a local LGBTQIA+ advocacy group, has the expertise to intervene in a judicial review brought by a conservative Christian group challenging the way the law that provides for same-sex civil unions was rolled out. Justice Richard Williams said that Colours is not only well aware of the potential consequences for the people this case impacts, it has also played an active role in the development of relevant legislation through its contributions at the consultative stages.

The judge said the JR will still go ahead during the first week of December but the lawyers for Colours are now permitted to argue in person.

The non-profit organisation argued last month that the lives of more than 40 couples, mostly same-sex, and their children would be “severely disrupted” if the judicial review of the governor’s use of his constitutional power to push through the Civil Partnership Law was to succeed and therefore they must be allowed to take part in the legal hearing.

Ruling in their favour, the judge said that as an official intervener, Colours’ lawyer will be given an hour for oral submissions in addition to their written evidence to make the case for retaining the Civil Partnership Law alongside the primary defendant, which is the governor’s office. The court has directed Colours’ legal team to work constructively with the legal team for governor’s office to avoid duplication.

Following the arguments submitted by the advocacy group, the judge ruled that Colours’ involvement “may well assist the Court’s understanding of the wider impact that the case might have and the interests of justice will be promoted by allowing the wider intervention they seek”.

The local NPO welcomed the decision that allows them to join Governor Martyn Roper in arguing against the application made by Kattina Anglin, from the Christian Association for Civics.

While it is still advocating for full marriage equality, the group remains committed to protecting civil partnerships for same-sex couples.

Colours said their efforts to intervene had been bolstered by their excellent legal team who have ensured that the LGBT community’s voice will be heard in this historic case. The team comprises Alex Potts QC, partner of Conyers; Caroline Edwards, partner of Travers Smith; and Sarah Hannett QC of Matrix Chambers.

See full judgment in the CNS Library.

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Comments (12)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Why wouldn’t this ruling be fair? Hope the LGBTQ advocates have access to Legal Aid too! Actually, I’d rather that the small pool of funds not be used for this matter at all (opponents should self-fund or raise funds), but it should go both ways (pun intended)!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Not just current couples, but generations of future same sex couples as well.

  3. Anon says:

    Do these “Christians” (Judge not, lest ye be judged and all that) actually realise that no one is going to be forcing THEM into same sex marriage 🤦🏻‍♀️

  4. Anonymous says:

    Good. Civil partnerships have been legal for months now and the islands have not been split by lighting. All that fear mongering for naught. I still cannot believe that Legal Aid is refused for victims of domestic violence seeking a divorce, but yet it was granted to this group. Should the churches not be dipping into their collection coffers instead? After all, it is the churches that have a problem, not the State.

    • Anonymous says:

      We did have a hurricane and are having a pandemic. The hurricane came right after the parade. Just sayin.

      • Anonymous says:

        To 01/11/2021 at 3:45pm: Maybe the hurricane came because we are in Hurricane Season like every other year; and the pandemic started before the civil partnerships so that theory is out the window.

      • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

        Brother, I hope you are just trolling.

        On the off chance you are not, please don’t reproduce.

        Be safe.

      • Anonymous says:

        Lol you are joking, right? This can not be serious.

      • Anonymous says:

        I will literally pay for you or your mans vasectomy. Blaming the hurricane on someone else’s love. You are 2 parts dumb 4 parts ass.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Let’s get with the times and once and for all get the church out of state!

    • Anonymous says:

      I feel sorry for anyone who still lives thier lives governed by the church. Not because I think religion is bad, but because I think its ridiculous that people in this day and age can’t think for themselves.

      • Anonymous says:

        But I guess you are one of those unbelievers that also say when a friend or family member dies they become an “angel”!

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