COVID-19 tally grows among travellers

| 23/11/2020 | 35 Comments

(CNS): Another four travellers currently in quarantine have tested positive for COVID-19, Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez confirmed Monday. The positive samples were among a batch of 475 tests carried out since Friday. The four were said to be asymptomatic travellers who were tested at either the beginning or end of their 14 days in isolation, though officials did not say which. There are now 19 active cases of the coronavirus among 877 people who are either in a government quarantine facility or isolating at home or at an approved location. Only one of those patients is believed to be suffering from mild symptoms.

The current tally of detected positive COVID-19 cases to date in the Cayman Islands is now 265; two people infected with the virus have died here.

The news of the increase in cases of COVID among people in quarantine comes after government officials revealed Sunday night that there had been a breach of home isolation regulations by at least one person, who is now facing prosecution. However, there has been no indication whether or not the individual or anyone in the same household is one of the 19 active cases.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (35)

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  1. Juniper says:

    AAHHHH Oh No!! The cold, the flu!! Lock it down!! Keep out the furiners!! Baaahhhh said the Caymanian sheeple

    CNS: Only people brainwashed by the crazy fringe media call everyone else “sheeple”. It’s a clear giveaway. COVID is not the flu.

    Excess deaths in the US:

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you CNS for setting things straight. There is far too much ‘Truth Decay’ about Covid being spread.

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS,with all due respect, statements like “Only people brainwashed by the crazy fringe media” should not be made. We’re free to believe in what we believe. “Crazy” is subjective, and “normal” is too. Not long ago we were brainwashed by the mainstream media that margarine is healthier than butter and eggs, salt and saturated fat are bad fo you.

      11:22 is no saying that COVID is flu. As for the “sheeple”, I have seen comments with worse insults. People, in general, have not been taught how to present their arguments civilly.

      CNS: Discussing different ideas and beliefs is generally good, even or especially ideas outside the mainstream. Conventional wisdom changes over the years and big business lies in order to make money.

      However, what is happening now all over the world but especially in the US is an explosion in conspiracy theories – stuff that is just made up – and “sheeple” is part of the lexicon of the conspiracy theory world, which are not ‘different ideas’ but crazy nonsense. This includes the constant refrain that covid is a hoax or “just like the flu”, and yes, that it what the commenter was saying. FYI see The Economist. And social media has removed all filters. So it’s not the insult that concerns me, it’s the source for a collection of ideas that are truly dangerous.

      • Anonymous says:

        Crazy is not subjective. In virtually every country parameters are set that define when someone is crazy. One common thread through all those parameters is failure to discern reality.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Day 14 Holiday Inn PCR testing had all of the soon-to-be released travelers sharing a single upholstered testing chair that wasn’t being sterilized between test subjects, most of whom were wearing shorts, with their skin alternately pressing into the same material. If there were any post 14 day positives in that test group, I’d certainly want to know, having been exposed and now released into the community thinking I am all clear.

  3. Anonymous says:

    @CNS, can you find out at what cycle the PCR testing is being done across the Islands? Only asking because it is remarkable that despite the uptick in ‘positive’ cases, we’ve got zero community spread – even with best efforts of CIG, etc, there are always lapses in the quarantine setup (take out deliveries, quarantine at home taking out garbage, other breaches)

    All leads me to question whether we are running PCR cycles above 30? If so, the prevalance globally of false positives on PCR’s above 30 (and especially above 35) is extraordinary and at least we can rest assured that despite the ‘positives’, we’re actually in a ‘false positive’ community and all is good

    • Anonymous says:

      If the virus isn’t detected within 40 amplification cycles, the test result is negative. If SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA is detected at any point, 40 cycles or less, the PCR machine stops running, and the test result is positive. The concentration of viral shedding by an infected positive-testing host doesn’t factor into the binary positive result. Nor should it. Symptomatic/asymptomatic doesn’t matter once a subject has been found to be carrying the virus we are trying to keep out of our community. The volume of RNA shedding can vary widely by illness hour, and by individual, whereas the quarantining/treatment protocol in the Cayman Islands remains the same for all detected in the positive category. That’s why/how we are winning where everyone else is still grappling in various stages of losing, even at month 11-12.

  4. Jah Cure says:

    615pm poor you still holding on to the notion the world will return back to normal soon? keeping up your delusional state of mind must be real hard with the vaccine coming and all of that now eh!

  5. Anonymous says:

    What happened to the 48 hour testing prior to travel and Doctor’s certificate confirming negative result in order to travel to Cayman???? Why are we testing only AFTER arrival. And what happened to only 800 pp per month?? We need another CIG briefing to know what the plans are and what has changed with December and Holiday season fast approaching.

    • Anonymous says:

      Keep up with the news

    • Anonymous says:

      It was initially proposed as 72hr testing, and the bottleneck is with capacity and clinical turn-around times in the traveller-originating countries. The 72hr testing is also 72hrs old by the time the traveller presents in Cayman. We really need to be observant of our remarkable good fortunate at having the test kits, reagents, and per capita lab capacity we have. Most first world countries are struggling with all of this, and with ICUs brimming.

  6. Tired says:

    Is Cayman on Level One Suppression?

  7. Anonymous says:

    why no pre-testing before they fly?????
    i know it is not fool-proof….but it is would a lot better than the current arrangement where cig is letting anybody(possibly positive) fly here and then quarantine at home where there are no check on visitors coming and going.
    cig is actively responsible for every covid case on cayman at this stage….hope they have some good lawyers when they get sued.

  8. Anonymous says:

    It is not surprising that we are finding cases on arrival given that we are not requiring airport day of departure airport testing. We should be thankful that we still have a 14 day quarantine as a backup as without that we would probably be in much worse shape.

    Bermuda’s more lax protocol has shown its flaws over the weekendas they now have community spread.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, everyone has been saying we should open our borders and test like they do in Bermuda. They have negligible visitors in the winter (it’s wet & chilly there now) & look where it’s got them wanting those almighty tourist $’s from the small numbers coming in.
      Community spread.

      • Anonymous says:

        Announced today six positives in staff at Bermuda’s only Hospital

      • Anonymous says:

        At least they have press conferences and updates. What does CIG give us?…..Silence!

        • Anonymous says:

          They have press conferences in Bermuda when there’s something to announce. Yesterday it was community spread including an infant,
          Similarly, our last press conference was when there was something to announce – the Red Bay school incident.
          I don’t want a daily press briefing if there’s no news to share (I don’t need to listen to various unqualified people spouting prayers),

  9. Anonymous says:

    Yet still no spread and zero deaths.

  10. Ripped Off says:

    Cayman Airways are doing their best to deter more travellers, charging US$386 one way from Miami when we have no choice, whilst American is charging US$711 for a return flight from Miami to H’Row.

    • Anonymous says:

      if you thought cal pricing was a rip-off before covid wait till you see what they will do post covid…. but what do you expect when protectionist prcing is in place which prevents any other airline undercutting cal?…..
      just another day in wonderland….where cal can still run at a loss charging people $400 for a 70 min flight to miami…

    • Anonymous says:

      Excellent, it should be $1000 one way. It is ridiculous that we are still bringing in loads of people particularly those on work permits when so many people are going hungry and without work. Top that off with the government not being able to properly monitor all these people supposedly in isolation. We have seen that means nothing to anyone and the precedent now set by the courts is $1000 despite the $10,000 fine that can be imposed.

      We need to get this situation under control and priority attention needs to be given to this flawed ImSafe crap that the government is putting out. They may be safe but my family and I are not..

      • Anonymous says:

        What a load of BS.

      • Bobo says:

        You sound very stupid. Your own caymanians are on those flights and you feel that they should pay $1000 to come back home ? I think you are the ignorant and selfish one

        • Anonymous says:

          I have no issues with Caymanians coming back. Do a special airfare for them but bringing in people for vacation like the Regal Beach two that basically circumvented the ImSafe system, went to the liwquor store , went out to eat, went to the grocery store, walked on the beach together at sunset and all this before they were caught..They were fined $1000 and allowed to go back to the their home.

          These people basically took their bracelets off from the time they arrived at their condo and if it wasn’t for the CCTV at Regal Beach and the Marriott no one would have ever known. They even lied to the police and then changed their story when the Police showed them the CCTV footage.

          Our stupid judges here set a precedent by giving them a $1000 fine. I am sorry but if I was that judge, I would have fined them the full $10K and put their asses on the next flight out persona non grata..

          If you want to travel during these times remember that Cayman Airways may be operating one or two flights a week to Miami, how the heck are they supposed to make money if they are charging $100 or less to travel particularly with 50% 0f the plane empty. I saw an ad for someone chartering a plane out of Toronto to Cayman and they were charging $1800 seat and people are paying it because they want to travel. Stay your butt home if you don’t want to pay the premium in these pandemic times.

          • Anonymous says:

            This Canadian couple got a slap on the wrist, but this selfish and lax attitude could very well extend to their jobs when they are let out of quarantine – I for one would not like to have them handle my food or dental hygiene, nor would I trust them to advise me on my finances or anything else either!

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