Plans for COVID-proof elections in the works

| 10/06/2020 | 13 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): The supervisor of elections has said that he is hoping the May 2021 General Election will be carried out in the normal manner but the Elections Office is developing a contingency plan just in case. With the national ballot more than 11 months away, everyone is optimistic that by then COVID-19 will no longer be dominating our lives and even eliminated from Cayman.

Supervisor of Elections Wesley Howell told CNS that contingency plans included modifications for social distancing if it becomes necessary.

In the meantime, the Elections Office is expected to reopen this week to allow people to begin registering again.

However, the voter drive for 2021 will be conducted differently this year. Howell said that elections staff will not be going door to door, but will be heavily relying on social media, internet adverts as well as traditional media, public service announcements and radio ads. 

“It is notable that during the run-up to general elections, potential candidates and their teams typically conduct heavy canvassing for new voters and encourage persons who are eligible to register,” Howell added. He pointed out that the aim to get all those who are eligible to join the voter roll will not be neglected.

As of 1 April the Official Register of Electors stood at 21,800 voters, but this figure is set to rise to 21,824 in the July list, which is currently under review. However, now that an election date has been set, there is likely to be a spike in new voters over the next period of registration for the 1 October list.

Given the time lag between each new register, anyone wanting to vote on 26 May 2021 will need to make the 1 April 2021 roll, the deadline for which is the 1 January next year.

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Category: 2021 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (13)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Where are the free masks in BT? Why are we still having to pay $1 at Ozzy’s and $3 at Countryside gas station for reusable paper masks? Lost count of the times we have been told since March that we would all get masks. The elderly and vulnerable cannot just pop in to the local MLA office or gas stations for paper masks. Where are the free reusable masks the police were supposed to be delivering? They said door to door. Haven’t seen a soul here on Northward Rd. What are the politicians doing about this when they are forcing all to wear masks in public? Still using an old T shirt here.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Well said 8:55…

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully their is an alternative to the current government. By all accounts I can say the last four years has been a failure.

    1. Covid Economic Response
    2. Dump, fires and all
    3. Port
    4. Finance put on Black List

    Just to name a few. Please expound on the list.
    No mandate to rule.
    Only if there was a real alternative to vote for.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Jon Jon for Premier.

  5. Anonymous says:

    7:15, don’t count on it. Caymanians have a very short memory. History is on my side with this statement.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Just hope that the people remember the lies that was told by the current government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ha! Did you fall and hit your head 7:15????? Don’t you know Caymanians are very easily lead to preverbal slaughter every election year?!! Two promises and bam!!!! Done deal. No analytical thinking in politics here.
      All you got to do is get out into the public realm a few months ahead of election. Volunteer and be visible while doing it. That’s the only qualification to win over some voters. Once they k ow they can call on you for a handout…..not a hand up, don’t get it confused. So no 7:15, don’t you go getting your hopes up!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Plans for “Unity Government” proof elections in the works.

  8. Anonymous says:

    If there are ANY elections, it will be huge surprise. Trump probably won’t make his term and……

  9. Anonymous says:

    Dear unregistered Caymanians: this elections cycle, please fix your hair, put on your grown-up pants, and march your butt down (former HSBS Building on WBR) for the 5 minutes it takes to register. Do it as a matter of civic duty. If you fail yourself, that’s not on the Elections office, or any subsequent government. You won’t have the legal right to whine about them. There are thousands of other folks that aspire and hope they’ll one day share in the civic honour that many of my loudest fellow Caymanians still crumple up and throw in the trash like garbage. Go.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Watch out for the Russians!


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