Cayman’s POF activists demo in Madrid

(CNS): The three young Caymanian environmental activists representing the National Trust for the Cayman Islands at the UN climate change conference in Madrid this week were in the thick of the demonstrations at COP25. After Greta Thunberg took to the stage and berated world leaders for their complete failure to deal with the imminent climate crisis. students from all over the world stormed the stage in another call to action.
Olivia Zimmer, Steff Mcdermot and Connor Childs are in Spain, along with hundreds of other young people, to network and press home the message that their generation is demanding change when it comes to environmental policy amid real fears that their generation will not have a habitable planet to grow old on unless things change dramatically and now.
This year’s UN Climate meeting is the twenty-fifth session of its kind, but this one follows a global surge in youth-led climate activism and in the wake of a fresh batch of reports highlighting the devastating impacts climate change is already having, while governments are falling well short of goals to limit global warming under the Paris agreement.
“Finding holistic solutions is what the COP should be all about, but instead it seems to have turned into some kind of opportunity for countries to negotiate loopholes and to avoid raising their ambition,” Swedish youth climate activist Greta Thunberg, Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, told the conference. “We are desperate for any sign of hope.”
After her address students from all over the world, including Cayman’s three representatives, stormed the stage calling for climate justice and direct action now.
However, the event has not been all about protesting for Zimmer, Mcdermot and Childs, who have been attending sessions by the world’s leading climate scientists and meeting indigenous leaders on the cliff edge of climate catastrophe.
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Category: Climate Change, Science & Nature
This is what leftists do. Indoctrinate children with their leftwing policies, then and give their newly found fame a false sense of significance on the world/media stage, so they learn that only emotions and words matter more than actual results (Such as what is required in _real_ science).
Thereby eventually crippling their ability to think critically and forever be dependent on the liberal machine to feed their emotions and sense of victimization because they can’t actually accomplish anything in real life.
You sound…indoctrinated. Plus you are outright lying, so I’m calling you a liar. Where do you come up with this stuff? Critical thinking or old fashion parroting?
The person you are replying too has read a history book. You obviously have not.
There you go. Lying again. Please stop lying, liar. Then maybe we can have us a nice conversation. But remember, no more lying.
If you think the climate will put us 50 under water in 12 years and children will save us from this, then you should stick to watching Disney movies and leave the thinking and policy making for someone else.
Yer right buck-o. We should follow your lead for a better word.
Not necessarily, you can continue to follow your globalist cult.
No, no. You are my new giant brain. I am turning over my thinking and policy making to you. You are my cult busting therapist.
It’s all arguable.
Until it’s not.
Green Power!
I say congratulations to these young people. They deserve the respect of being listened to. For those of you who do not believe the planet is facing catastrophe change, please EDUCATE yourselves. Learn about the melting glaciers and permafrost and the acidification of the oceans, as just a starting point. Oh, and more severe weather, who wants more severe than Ivan and Paloma? We will ALL suffer if something is not done now! We will soon be past the point of no return; oh yes, learn about that! Do you have children, grandchildren? It is they who will suffer most, not the older generation. Is that what you want for them?
Don’t agree with all the mumbo jumbo.
The good news now with the landslide victory in the UK, they will be able to dump the Paris Accord when they dump the EU.
CNS: Just because Trump thinks it’s OK to diminish teenagers doesn’t mean it’s OK. Get a grip.
Still ok to oppose them.
CNS: It’s OK to oppose their opinions. Why would you “oppose” teenagers unless you’re a total dirt bag?
What is POF?
A magic dragon
Protect Our Future
Plenty of Fish
Awe misguided youth.
I wish I knew then what I know now.
The only misguided one is you. Please just shut up with all your negativity.
You need to get s job.. and find out how the world works… you are ignorant thinking 16 year old children have the answer.
6:14 I have a job and 2 degree’s in biology, thanks. So I think Im good! 🙂 The only ignorant one is you.Plus Steph isn’t 16 she’s actually 19 (an adult) and old enough to make her own educated decisions and arguments. These young Caymanian’s are very well informed. There is nothing misguided about their concerns and arguments.
And I can bet with your 2 biology degrees ; you drive a car that uses fossil fuels and have electricity flowing through your abode … and I am not ever psychic. StOp sputtering your ignorance… 19 is still a teen.and has no idea what’s life’s about.
9:21 The majority of people on this island drive a car you moron. If the public transport was more reliable and cycling was safer I would choose them but alas. I still make environmentally conscious decisions. You cant use the fact that I use electricity as a way to berate me. We all need electricity in the 21st century. 18 is when one is legally classified as an adult. Maybe look it up. so yes at 19 i think one can be said to have a good idea on what “life’s about”. The only one sputtering ignorance is you sire/madam.
I think the thumbs up ( on my reply’s)shows who is the Moran.
Just wow.
If we all knew then what we know now, we should have worked to avert this climate emergency so that these kids wouldn’t have to deal with the mess we created.
“We” never created it. It is a result of industrialization that took us from living in squallor with a life expectancy of 45 to the unprecedented wealth we have now. Even the poor is magnitudes better of now then they have ever been.
And then?