Public wants to keep Smith Cove natural

| 13/07/2018 | 145 Comments

(CNS): The public has made it known that they want to see the natural environment at Smith Cove, Grand Cayman, preserved when government begins an enhancement project there, having purchased more $4.4 million worth of land in the area last year to save it from development. The majority of attendees at a public meeting last Tuesday voted against commercial ventures or even cabanas and gazebos at the location, as people want to see nature prevail at what will become a new public beach.

Government is planning to spend around $250,000 on basic facilities at the newly acquired land, with work due to start in August. Another $250,000 is expected to be raised through fundraising.

Barbara Conolly, the PPM back-bench MLA for George Town South, hosted the meeting in her constituency but made it clear that the beach, also know as Smith Barcadere, is popular with residents across the island as well as visitors. Despite some mixed feelings about what the public wants from the project, it appeared that the majority wanted to preserve the authenticity of the much-loved beach, with a preference to preserve rather than change, and that if there are to be cabanas they should have a traditional Caymanian design.

Conolly said that there was still time to compromise over the designs, and Al Thompson, the chair of the Central Planning Authority and owner of the largest hardware store in Cayman, who is involved in the project, said the designs were not set in stone.

Aside from encouraging a minimalist approach to the enhancement, people were keen to ensure that it does not become a tourist trap and discouraged the idea of organised shuttling of cruise ship passengers to the 3½-acre site.

Smith Cove, Grand Cayman

Smith Cove, Grand Cayman

However, the issue of access proved controversial. Kent McTaggart, who is the father of a child with special needs, raised the issue of installing a beach access mat at the new site. But this was rejected by Conolly, who suggested the disabled could use the facility at the public area on Seven Mile Beach, which is where the first access mat in the Cayman Islands has been installed. The GTS MLA did not seem to think disabled people should have access to this new public beach, a contradiction to her earlier claims that the beach was for everyone.

“I don’t think we should have these Mobi-mats all over on every beach in Cayman,” said Conolly.

McTaggart told local TV news station, Cayman 27, that he finds the notion offensive that Smith Barcadere can do without equal access for his family, others with disabilities, and those with mobility challenges.

“The truth is we should be working towards inclusivity, being inclusive to them in every manner, not saying, ‘Well, you can have access six or seven miles down the road — nowhere in Cayman is too far away.’ That is true, but the reality is that this is not a permanent structure; this is a mat that can be rolled in and rolled out, and it showed to me that the mentality of those who hold the ability to actually make Cayman a better place simply don’t get it,” he said.

Conolly later claimed that the discriminatory remarks were interpreted as insensitive, but she believes that the way the coves are positioned at Smith Cove, the Mobi-mat will not work.

However, during the testing process for the Mobi-mat before its official installation at the 7MB public beach, it was tested and used at Smith Cove.

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Comments (145)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The committee head is also the chair of the CPA where it is well known that any development will get approved regardless of the views of objectors.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why the “no loud music” signs when multiple groups show up with 3 foot speakers pumping music the entire beach has to hear. And “keep it natural”? Are you kidding me… it’s a mess with litter, broken bottles and gross bathrooms.

  3. Anonymous says: beach lands. ????
    But can we also preserve our kids?
    #Let’s also have: Librarians, Books & Computers in our 2 High Schools..

  4. Anonymous says:

    All of you can just stop it. Chill.

    ALT Jr is Chairman of the CPA, part-owner of the largest hardware store on the Island, and a close neighbour to Smith Barcadere.

    There is more…

    He will get what he wants!


  5. Anonymous says:

    Re: Mobimat-Gate

    Many of you are missing the point.

    When it comes to preservation and protection of the natural environment, that mission trumps ALL other concerns – and this is standard protocol the world over.

    Visit just about any treasured natural site in the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Hungary, etc., especially along their coasts, and you will be hard-pressed to find any structures or artificial additions whatsoever – especially at the core of said site(s).

    No ramps, mobi-mats, trolley systems and such. Preservation of the natural state is the sole concern.

    Is Cayman not worthy of the same high standards?

    Obviously, many of you are caught up in the modern wave of extremist political-correctess, but unfortunately for you, I, and everyone else – protection of the environment must always have the final say.

    Clearly these intrusive and manufactured “mobimats” have some negative impact on the creatures, organisms, and overall ecosystem that exist on our beaches, (heaven forbid the interruption of turtle nest and hatchlings’ journey to the water) therefore it is only sensible and responsible to explore any work-arounds.

    Again, there are options available that enable individual access for the disabled (and elderly) along the sand, down to the water, and even ultimately converting into floating devices.
    Could we not; purchase a bunch of them, store in the parking lot or on the edge of the beach, and grant free and unlimited access for everyone who needs?

    Call me silly, but that sounds like a solution that represents a win for all sides – if done correctly, could even be a bonus for many users.

    I am a staunch believer that such global standards of environmental protection must be adhered to in the Cayman Islands – in fact, considering our limited size and dependence on the environment, it should be insisted upon.
    Holding even our disabled to a standard will send an equal, strong, and much needed message in respect to the need to adjust / maintain our attitudes in this regard.

    Others are free to disagree, however, to do so and to dismiss the forwarded alternatives (or other options) leads me to believe their motivation is not as claimed or implied.

    – Who

    *For the record, since some are assuming otherwise, there are disabled and elderly people in my life as well.

  6. Don't fix what ain't broken says:

    If ALT wants these cabanas and parking lot for Smith’s Cove then put them in his front yard. That’s a fair compromise from him reigning over the Planning Board and supplying the materials from his own business I’d say.

  7. Sensible Approach says:

    Here’s what the Government SHOULD DO:

    1) Read the comments to this thread and observe the overall sentiment: do not fix what is not broken, and maintain the character of the area as it is, while making small improvements.

    2) Take the good ideas. These are the ideas that fix things that are broken. These are the small improvements that, since we’re all talking about it, maybe we should make. DO THESE AND ONLY THESE.

    3) Drop the bad ideas. Whether they come from this thread, from the meeting, or Government’s own policy-makers. If it breaks something that currently works or is appreciated the way it is, or adds something people do not want, or adds something people want in a way they don’t want, DO NOT DO IT. I don’t care if it came to Barbara in a dream. If it’s expensive, or changes the character, or ugly, or anything that’s going to set people off, don’t do it.

    4) Equally important, if not more: READ TRIPADVISOR. Here’s the link:

    This is what tourists think of what they know as Smith Cove AS IT ALREADY IS (by the way, the sign is confusing to them). Notice that it has 4.5 out of 5 already and is ranked #15 out of 180 things to do in Grand Cayman alone. Some cruise shippers walk all the way there rather than get bussed to SMB. I can attest to this personally because I live on South Church Street very close to the centre of town.

    I gave a father and his son a lift there once on a day off work when they asked me how long of a walk it was. I showed it to them. The other things they wanted were snorkel gear, and a restaurant recommendation. I said there were many more restaurants up SMB way; if they wanted to snorkel but had no gear, that’s also where they could buy gear; and of course, that was our famous beach. I dropped them off at Seven Mile Shops and wished them good luck. Guess what they did? I don’t know where they ate, but THEY WENT BACK TO SMITH COVE. I got an e-mail from the father weeks later:

    “Smith’s Cove was spectacular. To me it felt like a setting for a James Bond movie. [My son] had fun jumping off the rocks and the water was beautiful”.

    I responded: “…I am sorry for driving you so far away from Smith’s Cove if that is where you had your hearts set on swimming! I hope you were able to get some gear and see below the surface – especially the sea urchins I mentioned.”

    He responded back: “No worries. We enjoyed 5.5 mile beach. Had a drink and looked around. No drinks at Smith’s. Just comparatively, we preferred the look of Smith’s Cove and more interesting with the rock outcroppings. We would return to both.”

    That’s one story. Imagine how many more there are.

    66% say it is Excellent, and another 25% say it is Very Good. That is a total of 91% of the people who took the time to say something, who have essentially said, it was perfect or, despite minor flaws, a great use of our time and something we really enjoyed just the way it is.

    There are 737 REVIEWS to read. Have someone go through them all. Have that person note the frequency of specific comments, positive and negative. That’s how you figure out what to change and what not to touch.

    5) Having followed that formula, you now have the views of locals and visitors. Between the meeting, this thread, and TripAdvisor, you have almost a thousand data points to use. This is a formula for coming up with specifics. Then, you present those specifics at another meeting or in a published proposal, and get more input (remember, we are trying not to fix what is not broken – it is already not broken; we are only talking about making it even better). Refine the plan further.

    6) Implement the plan, at reasonable cost, without conflicts of interest in whatever work is to be done. Do it slowly so that TripAdvisor doesn’t start saying ‘we walked for 30 minutes and found a construction site. AVOID’ because that will happen.

    7) If you do that, we will have improved something that is already loved just the way it is. Let that be your legacy, Barbara: changing something in Cayman the right way. Set that example rather than follow all the bad ones that have already been set of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

    If anyone can debate this approach with me, I welcome them to do so. I will monitor this thread.

    • Meaw says:

      All is good, only let keep it hidden from visitors; you did good taking them to SMB. If they find their way to the Cove, fine, otherwise don’t advertise.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Are they suggesting to put a car park on the beach side so that ALT can buy the land where the car park is now?

    We dont need a car park on the beach side. The one there opposite the beach is just perfect.

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course that’s why they’re suggesting that. That and they’ll say people won’t have to cross the road anymore and so we won’t need a road crossing either. All of which will not only allow ALT to buy that land but will increase the value of the land he already has.

      Ask yourself: will users of the beach appreciate or not appreciate having the activity associated with cars starting, stopping, doors opening and slamming, people squabbling about who carries what, taking place NEXT to the beach, where it can be heard by people trying to enjoy it, or ACROSS from the beach, which is slightly less convenient, but preserves the reason why anyone is going in the first place: tranquility and seclusion.

      It’s a rhetorical question. Expanded car park across the street, with road crossing. No question here.

  9. Anonymous says:

    We need to smooth off the of the rock faces, take out that piece between the two little beaches to make one useful sized one and put a water slide out by the jumping rock.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Given the struggles we have with literacy, I imagine many say the sign indicating the location of the barcadere and believe that it is directing them to park car dere.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Smith Barcadere it is!

    Smith Cove is like all the other driftwood that born OR float up here.

    Next thing, George Town will be renamed Georgetown and ALT Jr will remain Chairman if the CPA for life.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I’m pretty sure all GTS voters and residents would prefer that the money was spent on new garbage trucks. We are currently experiencing a biblical plague of houseflies because our trash has been left uncollected for almost 2 weeks!! SORT IT OUT BARBARA!!

    • No way says:

      Barbara … the 2nd coming of Marco! No empathy no sympathy no heart! Just sarcasm and political ambition and narcissistic personality

      • Anonymous says:

        Marco was one of the ablest and most qualified individuals to ever sit in the parliament of the Cayman Islands. It was a disgrace that he was not returned to the Assembly in the elections held last year May .

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully, the decision makers will scrape this thread for all the good ideas and run with them. What more can they ask for and they don’t even have to work for it? Listen for a change all the good people on here have spoken!

  14. West Bay Premier says:

    While we are making lots of good suggestions for what should be done with the issue of SC , we are forgetting our own responsibilities . Do we know that at this point and time , we the people can tell the government to keep their hands out of SC . Because SC is a GIFT TO YOU THE PEOPLE , but can’t tell them anything about the joining property to the north , because that property was purchased by the government . Do we know that to keep the government involvement out of the property of Smith Cove , we can all come together and do it the way we wants to . But we have to come together , and stay together with unity . Then you can also demand for the government to keep it deeded as a GIFT , it would cost money but it would be better than loosing it . And that’s what I see happening in the future .

    • Anonymous says:

      “the north property” was purchased by the CIG, correct, but it doesn’t belong to the members of the government, but rather to the people of the Cayman islands. No one can unilaterally make a decision in regards to the piece of acquired land. If people of the Cayman islands say no to “enhanced development”, then government officials should not proceed with any development. Smith Cove and the purchased land should be preserved in its natural state for the current and future generations.
      Other than keeping it clean, nothing needs to be done.
      As for the idea in the first place, questions need to be asked.
      -Whose idea was it?
      -Where money would be coming from?
      -In which pocket money would be flowing?
      -Was competitive bidding process initiated?
      -Who approved the proposed development?
      -Was environmental assessment made?
      -Who came up with the design?
      -How it is going to affect traffic and was it approved by the road authority?

    • Anonymous says:

      The government is very anxious to combine the 2 parcels and youare so correct we the people own Smith Bacadere, but the other large lot going to the north is owned by Gov.
      The problem will come when we combine the two and that’s their plan.

  15. Anonymous says:

    The MLAs comment re mobimat and SMB is outrageous.

    Smith Barcadere is already almost perfect. If traffic is a problem and people seem unable to look both ways before crossing the road then surely all that is needed is a crosswalk, a sidewalk, expanded parking across road not on beach (people so lazy) and get police to ticket all the yellow liners, especially the CIG truck that parks there every morning obstructing the road. The area just beyond the entrance to the beach where people park inside the yellow lines could be turned into a space for the ice cream truck, and couple of disabled parking spaces. The mobimat could run from there to the beach.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Does EVERYTHING have to change! Can’t anything be left alone? This beach has been there forever without a problem. Leave it alone! Put a cross walk but leave the beach natural! Does everything have to be touched and developed? CIG needs to put their spending on environmental protection NOT destruction!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Allow Smith Cove to remain as natural as possible.
    If that means no customised access for the disabled, then so be it.
    (Unfortunately, we may have to limit such facilities to certain sites, e.g. Public Beach – arguably our most popular and “developed” beach.)

    Allow me to elaborate…

    Our coconut and mango trees are natural features of the country as well – and we all grew up climbing and playing in and round them.
    Should we also fit disabled access to each and every tree to “make Cayman a better place”?

    At the risk of sounding insensitive, a focus on preserving the natural state of our beaches should be made paramount – and that will result in sacrifices from everyone – not only our disabled members of the community.

    For example, cabanas should not be erected, bathroom facilities should be remote (across the street form / or in the corner of Smith Cove, in particular.
    (While we’re there, the safety concerns surrounding crossing the road etc should be addressed.)

    Here’s to a long overdue turning of the tide in respect to the “enhancement” of our natural features.

    – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      Tear out your bathroom and indoor plumbing and go back to living in wooden homes while you’re at it

    • Anonymous says:

      Bathroom facilities need to be beachside. Children and old folk should not have to cross the road to use bathrooms/bathe/change. All cars should park across the road.

    • Kent says:

      If I used your logic, we should only require 1 grocery store to have handicap parking and accessibility, as the expense is measurable to have them, and the disabled can just drive to the Fosters at the Strand (if that was the one designated to be accessible).

      Let me give you a little lesson in human rights, our Constitution established then, the disabled are covered under it, the treaties we subscribe to require that all people (including the disabled) be able to participate in every opportunity as long as the accommodations are reasonable.

      Is making climbing Mango Trees accessible to people in wheelchairs reasonable? Off the top of my head I will say no. Is making 1 handicap parking spot per 50 regular spots reasonable? Yes. Is making every sidewalk accessible to a wheelchair in a manner that keeps them safe? Yes, is it costly, potentially. But guess what, it is reasonable and it is required by our constitution, not that our humanity should dictate that we do it regardless of the law.


      • Anonymous says:

        Does it have to be a “mobimat” though?

        A number of companies now produce “beach wheelchairs” (with the large, broad, plastic wheels) which enable disabled members of society to individually access the beach.

        This would be a solution more in line with a perspective of maintaining the natural state of our beaches.

        At the end of the day, there is an onus on ALL members of society to do their best to ensure a sustainable and green environment for all.
        No exceptions.

        This is true equality.

        – Who

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s a disability you dillweed! We should be accommodating by not making them spend more money on wheelchairs. And guess what? Elderly who can walk on their own use it to get into the water as well.

    • Anonymous says:

      We should also ban xenophobia from all our beaches.

      • Anonymous says:

        What about post-Brexit?
        (Don’t forget, our beaches are technically British territory.)

        – Who

        • Anonymous says:

          Tis you who needs to never forget this fact.

          • Anonymous says:

            I shall for as long as that remains the case … which, thankfully, won’t be for much longer.

            The time is nigh to abandon that slowly but surely sinking ship.

            – Who


    • Anonymous says:

      I wonder how you would feel if it was you that didn’t have access to a beach.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who , you are being very insensitive. You of all people who seems to have the answer for everything should be ashamed. No one in their right mind would ever suggested disabled pathway. to every mango tree and you know it. About a remote toilet, perhaps you should go back to squatting in the bushes, cow itch and maiden plum comes to mind.

  18. Anonymous says:

    How about making South church street one way into town in the morning and after 3pm one way out of town. Parking could be in the new extra lane. It would save all the walkers, joggers and bicycles from being killed travelling along the narrow lane. Then Government workers could do a weekly event to reduce their weight. It would cut the expenditures of upkeep of the road. The people living along South Church street could keep there vehicles at home. They could walk or bicycle instead and help the environment???? Anyone??

  19. West Bay Premier says:

    What I believe about this development that the government is talking about doing , is to get Smith Cove combined with the the property which as just purchased by the government. The government didn’t purchase / buy Smith Cove , I understand that it was a gift to the people of South Sound , not to the government. So I think it should remain legally a gift for the people for at least one hundred years . We need to remember that when we alow someone else to come in and develop our own property, we are giving that person rights to the property .

    I say tell them politicians to develop and sell government properties, not Smith Cove that’s a gift to us .

    We have to remember that the reason why the government had to purchase the developer land to the north boundaries of Smith Cove , was all because government couldn’t sell Smith Cove to the developer . But if everyone sit down and let government develop and control it , in a few years the government is going to sell it .

  20. Anonymous says:

    Ban all Jamaicans that are leaving used condoms and busted Heinacan bottles there every night.

  21. Anonymous says:

    “Disabled people can just go to public beach”


    • Anonymous says:

      Typical public response…no we don’t want it.

      The same public that’s didn’t want

      The Ritz
      Camana bay
      Another radio station besides radio Cayman
      Stop lights
      New development
      West Bay by pass road

      Sorry the government knows best.

      • Anonymous says:

        No they don’t. They are feeble st best.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hasn’t every single one of these taken away exactly what the people are trying to prevent yet again with smith cove? The Tranquility and natural relaxing unspoiled surroundings…??? Can you see the beach as before when you are using or crossing any one of the rubbish you mentioned? Ok then. Idiot.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ecological Disasters:
        The Ritz
        Caymana Bay
        New Development…….

      • Anonymous says:

        Government can’t even get garbage collection done right. What makes you think “they know best”

    • Anonymous says:

      To be fair, we kept them locked up not that long ago.

    • Anonymous says:

      You people better accept what the upper class and their stooge politicians are willing to give to you. Since you wanted this representative who was just a PPM hang around, what in the world do you expect. As for our illustrious CPA head, the record speaks for itself. You want change then vote for some real leaders, otherwise button your lips because this is the new rule of order.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Just put speed bumps on that little piece of road in front of the beach and make it a 5 Mile zone.

  23. Anonymous says:

    1/2 mil for a few cabanas and some barber greene? Must be buying the lumber from ALT’s

  24. Anonymous says:

    What about the sand that is needed to complete this project? Are we going to get real Cayman Islands sand or more of that imported yellow crap sand from somewhere else like they have on public beach? Our sand is one of a kind and I for one do NOT want Smith’s Cove filled with that other crap.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dump all that sand in front of Al Thompsoms place and close off the main road, plant more trees, etc …

  25. Anonymous says:

    Why do we pander to newcomers who can’t use the words Smith Barcadere? It is not Smith Cove. This needs to be enshrined in legislation by the MLA’s to make the message loud and clear for all.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m 30, grew up and still live in South Sound and have never known it as anything other than Smith Cove.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can we fix the fish market beach known as Red Spot Bay. I went to swim there but there were 14 Wave Runners impeding me and other swimmers. Who the heck allowed that to happen. Government needs do something about this crap. I see Kel Thompson next door describes his beach as private and charges $10 to go on it. Is he desperate for money.

      • Anonymous says:

        You can blame the government for all his crap. He even put a sidewalk over two yellow lines. How did the NRA and CPA allow that.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was Smith’s cove for 20 of the 25 years I have been here. Get over yourself.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s the thing you want the MLA’s to spread their time on?

    • Kent says:

      I am 47 years old, have been going there since diapers were optional, and we always called it Smith Cove. The first time I heard Smiths Barcadere is when the sign went up a few years back. Not to say back before my time it wasn’t, as obviously it was, but for the love of everything holy is this seriously what we see as defining us as a people.

      You an name it what you want, but it will always be Smiths Cove to me.

  26. Anonymous Soldier Crab says:

    Purchase the vacant land adjacent the existing carpark, and extend the parking. Restrict the speed limit within a few hundred feet either side of Smith’s barcadere to make it safer for pedestrians; and have a policeman who will impose fines on those caught speeding through this area, as well as fining those who park where they shouldn’t. Other than that, tidy up the bogs, and then leave the rest alone (except for providing a mobi mat).

  27. Anonymous says:

    I hope they don’t clear away too much of the undergrowth in the lot next to SC. This is home to many many redshanks and soldier crabs. Leave them be!

  28. Anonymous says:

    Only a matter of time before vendors take over and are facilitated by government.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am already looking for 100 weather worn beach chairs to take there.

    • Anonymous says:

      I feel this is what is planned if Government takes it over. Remember they have no more Public beach and will soon be loosing Royal Palms. Government is frustrated and don’t know where to send these tourist, so what better place than Smith Bacadere. We must stand our ground try fix up the the community center.

  29. Michel says:

    I too agree that it should be left as it is and kept clean. So type of security needs to be considered and I am not talking about visible, intimidating guards and am no expert. Keep it so we at least enjoy as it always been in our memory and visual ” Smith’s Barcadere ” , such good memories and want my grandchildren to continue when older to see the same.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Roads are dangerous! All roads must be closed!! – Parent

  31. Anonymous says:

    Lets close all the roads on the island so “parents” kids are safe!!

  32. Anonymous says:

    Leave Smith’s Cove alone! Improve the bathroom facilities but the BS about knocking down all of the almond trees to put a parking lot on the beach has got to go. How about just installing a crosswalk from the current parking lot? If these “improvements” are done, Smith’s cove will inevitably end up just like public beach with a bunch of unlicensed vendors selling beach chairs and umbrella’s to tourist and locals alike. Can anything remain in its natural state in Cayman?

  33. Anonymous says:

    “This can be our legacy”. No Barb, this is all about YOU trying to create a “legacy” for yourself.

    No one wants it!!!

  34. Anonymous says:

    Still don’t understand how ALT who owns AL Thompson’s can be involved in such a committee, it has to be the biggest and most blatant conflict of interest I have ever seen.

  35. Anonymous says:

    The road in front of Smith Cove should be pushed back from the sea. A compulsory purchase of a suitable sized strip of the land directly adjacent should suffice.

  36. Anonymous says:

    I can’t believe that ALT, the landowner of the Disney Castle across the road, and head of development committee, was looking for corporate donations to beautify his own front yard. Give me a break. Who appoints these committees?!?

    • Anonymous says:

      I cannot believe you people are so vicious, Mr Thompson front garden is very beautiful and does not need anything more for his yard, some of you darn people need to get a

  37. Anonymous says:

    The way she insulted Kent McTaggart was so horrible. She always comes across as arrogant and condescending. Don’t you think that disabled persons would also wish comfortably use Smiths Barcadere? You need to practice being nice and respectful before you go out on these little pow-wows in the future.

  38. Parent says:

    When I go there I feel soooo unsafe with my kids. Because of the traffic and passing cars along South Church Street.

    I suggest government close off the main road in front of the Thompson’s residence and extend Smith Coves sandy beach. Why not?

    They did it for Dart and his Kempton Hotel! Extend the beach and make Smith Cove more safe for elderly and small children.

    • Anonymous says:

      And where would the road go? I feel unsafe because of the crime and the people parked on the double lines blocking my lane.

      • Dan says:

        She has a good idea.

        See my comment below –

      • Anonymous says:

        Remove the road between Antoinette Avenue and Thompson Drive. People living along South Church street can always in a matter of 2 or 3 minutes divert on Walkers Road – this is no hassle.

        We are talking about a beach that can be enhanced, and removing the main road will be a huge investment, and will beautify the place more. Make it more peaceful.

        • Anonymous says:

          No thank you. As someone who lives in the area I would hate for walkers to get anymore mucked up than it already is during school. I love the idea but unless someone will build an overpass we need that road.

        • Anonymous says:

          Across the Grand Ole House is a parking lot. Tourism Dept. can share it with the restaurant by building a multi storey car park. Then close off the road in front of AL Ts residence.

          But … who knows, he may object to this change. Then you got problems :))

        • Anonymous says:

          Now I would really like to know what you are smoking.
          Thompson Drive is privately owned it is not a public Drive
          as some may think.

    • Anonymous says:

      What kind of drugs are you smoking? I know for sure it’s not weed.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well I don’t know either, but using that property for Smith Bacardere will never happen in a million years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lmaooooo! Ladies and Gents we have a winner for the stupidest idea of 2018 award!! I know we are only half way through the year but “Parent” deserves the title!

    • Anonymous says:

      Or you could try actually being a parent and keep an eye on your kids instead of closing the road and creating a traffic nightmare for everyone else.

      Remember they moved west bay road and replaced it with a dual carriage way. And your idea is to close this road and just have one less road? Utter moron!

    • Anonymous says:

      We already have enough issues with traffic, this would divert way too many cars into more residential roads behind the properties adjacent to the beach. Not practical at all and should also never have been approved for Dart on WB road.

      People have been taking their children to the cove for decades. Just have to keep a closer eye on them than you would in other places….

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t understand. You get to Smith Cove, wait for a break in traffic, cross the road and enjoy the beach. What is so unsafe? Do your kids go back to your car several times?

    • Thumbs up says:

      Brilliant idea, Parent. I hope they seriously consider what to do with that air polluting noisy road!

      I live in the area and I wouldn’t mind having to drive along Walkers Road or another road. I don’t see why the naysayers are complaining so much about closing a part of our road to preserve the natural beauty of Smith Cove. If traffic is their issue, then the Government can always widen Walkers Road or make an overpass.

      At least, from what I see, the government is an expert on making roads 🙂

      • Anonymous says:

        Widen walkers?! Where? Tear down all the buildings already built right on the edge of the road that are occupied?!?! You must not have a job or children and only leave your house between 10a-2p and again from 7p-7a.

        The idea is ridiculous and will never be approved so why I keep arguing with you cashews is my fault.

        • Anonymous says:

          smh.. alas “thumbs up” there is always someone in Cayman who is pessimistic to tear down good ideas and projects. The response dont surprise me

  39. Anonymous says:

    It was clear what people want. Keep it as natural as possible. No parking lot on beach side. Enhancements only to improve local’s use. No commercial and no cruise ship enhancements. Don’t need an “office” on site, not even if ALT donates it.

    • Anonymous says:

      ALT donate??? Wha you smokin boy?

      • Anonymous says:

        People will never know how much ALT and his family donates. However they do not talk about it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Just for your information, when it comes to ALT being jenorus you only need to read how much he does for this Island and it’s people. He and his family are not
        people to toot their own horn. Wish it was more people like him, it is just a shame that people on this Island never remember the good things about people. It’s just too much jealousy here and the same one talking about him he has help.
        He does not need anything from any board he may be chairman of.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Dear Barbara, please leave Smiths Cove alone. Your voters don’t want any “upgrades”.

    Also, I’m not sure if you had a walk around the South Sound Community Center before or after your meeting the other day, but that building needs help! The gutters fell off because they became full of leaves that weren’t cleared out and the wood on the roof structure rotted away. After a few months they removed the gutters (still not replaced) and patched up the rotten wood. But they have left behind scaffolding and lots of junk from the repairs. This has been sitting there for months now, please would you have someone remove it? Please give that building a full on renovation and please actually maintain it.

    Thanks very much,

    GTS voter.

    • Anonymous says:

      The MLA will do what they feel is right regardless of what anyone thinks. Hey – you get what you voted for!

  41. Rosh Addlestone says:

    It is great that government wishes to enhance our use of our lovely beaches, but Smith Cove already has rest rooms and lovely trees for shade. Why not used the money to install restrooms at Governor’s Beach instead? That is also a very popular spot with residents and only has one portaloo. That money could also be used to improve beach access rights between various condos along Seven Mile Beach as well.

    • Anonymous says:

      Plus clear out under and around the trees to the north to extend the parking area.

    • Roger Davies says:

      Smith’s Cove is one of the very few examples of yesteryear when we were known as the “Islands Time Forgot” and as far as possible we should try and keep it that way. The Public Beach has become an ugly monstrosity covered in rented beach loungers occupied by cruise sheep, and besieged by vendors, God forbid our little cove suffers the same fate.
      I do agree with Barbara that limited improvements are in order, enhanced toilet facilities, maybe a few thatched cabanas, and clearing the jungle (but leaving plenty of shade trees. However we do not need a concrete car park taking up valuable seafront space, there is a large,empty, overgrown lot immediately adjacent to the existing car park, and efforts should be made to acquire this for additionl parking. As for traffic, a pedestrian crossing for access to and from the car park is already in the works.
      Closing a section of South Church Street, is completely unrealistic as this is an arterial road providing not only additional access to GT from the eastern districts, but also for the ever increasing number of residents of South Sound.There are several hundred new condos under construction already, and plans submitted for hundreds more. Building an overpass is fantasy, and any diversion will cause gridlock.
      I do completely agree with restricting access to the Cove as was discussed – no cruise ship buses, (and this includes the Trolley Roger which is also a major traffic obstruction along South Church St), no jet skis or boats, no vendors, no loud music etc.
      Finally, I also completely agree with one contributor, although not addressing the subject of the meeting, but the location, – the South Sound Community Hall is in a sad state of disrepair and certainly needs some attention as well.

      • Anonymous says:

        Trolley Roger should be removed from the road completely. Try getting stuck in the long queue of traffic behind it from BT to GT each morning. You know you are going to be late for work and no matter how bad the traffic builds up behind him he won’t pull even once to let some of it pass. All the time Trolley sways all over the road especially on Spotts speedway. Does he even have a stabilizer on that thing? He should park it up somewhere in town and drive home without it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Public beach at Calicos is a pig sty. Rubbish everywhere. Walk along it on a Sunday afternoon and marvel at the empty plastic cups, polystyrene containers, beer bottles and assorted other crap. SMB one of the world’s best beaches? Do me a favour guvnor!

        • Anonymous says:

          And cigarette butts EVERYWHERE. Why are cops not stationed on the beach walking around ticketing for littering? All that crap ends up in our ocean killing sea life.

          And those bloody beach chairs keep growing taller and wider. Where are the laws to limit the amount of chairs blocking the view!? They should have to move the chairs to their truck or a designated spot off the beach unless someone is renting one. The days of getting a cabana and having a great day at the public beach are over with those fools. They want to sit in my cabana out of the sun while they wait for customers too. No sa. I got the permit, you go away.

    • Anonymous says:

      You could get DOE staff to maybe power wash the toilets once a day. After they get round to collecting garbage.

  42. Anonymous says:

    No need to “improve” on nature. Leave it alone!

  43. Anonymous says:

    I have seen these mats and it’s not only the handicapped that use them. It’s easier than walking in the sand and is great for rolling coolers.

    • Anonymous says:

      I guess if you’re rolling your cooler into the ocean… That’s kind of weird.
      Oh!! You’re just trying to wind people up! I get it.
      Haha You’re no comedian. Don’t quit your day job. Just carry on trolling CNS

  44. Anonymous says:

    I have lived my entire life within a mile of Smiths Cove and I feel like it should be left as it is. The only thing I would ask government to do is have the police stop by every day and ticket those parking on the double yellow lines (including the trolly roger who seems to think he owns the place).

    Oh a few of those pre-cast stone benches and picnic tables would be a nice addition. Other than that, leave it alone!

    • Parent says:

      Would you consider like they did for Dart, closing off the main road and extending the sandy beach. This can be done in front of the Thompson’s residence. I am sure government has the power to do this small gesture for tourists and local people.

      • Anonymous says:

        Where would the road be diverted then?

        • Dan says:

          They can always do a round a bout. No diversion needed. It won’t hurt the homeowners in the area. Abd traffic can still flow on Walkers road. It wont be an inconvenience, I am sure of it. Government can do a simple survey and I bet they will get good feedback

        • Anonymous says:

          “Parent” is utilizing a common form of thinking in Cayman. If it sounds like a good idea, do it first, then worry about any problems after.

          See: laying road to tear it up later to lay pipe then repave.

      • Anonymous says:

        You should really have to apply for a permit or a license to reproduce. The fact that you are a parent is frigtening! Those poor kids.

    • Anonymous says:

      Still plenty of large Cayman Rock boulders around, stone carvers/wall builders out there can make some fine looking benches out of this material and dead Casuarina lumber. Keep it real natural, no concrete please!

      • Anonymous says:

        All that is needed is to clear/clean it up nicely, two cabanas, reduce speed to 5 miles per hour, pedestrian crossing, proper rest rooms and voila! It is not rocket science and we can save a bundle. Almost forgot: send a different PR person next time, perhaps David Wight, Lucille Seymour, Roy McTaggart or Joey Hew. Someone with a heart and soul. Barbara has that stupid condescending attitude like the rest of the PPM.

    • Anonymous says:

      While the police are there, maybe they could arrest all of the drug dealers who stash guns in the woods?

    • Anonymous says:

      The dudes in the white gov’t truck that go to blow their leaf blower and tidy up need to learn how NOT to park on the double yellow lines. The boulders and double yellow lines are there for a reason!!! They do this at peak morning drive time too.
      But you can’t fix stupid.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah gets me too. Car park almost empty and plenty space to park inside the yellow lines only a few feet further on. Yet he prefers to obstruct the highway.

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