Violent men face long jail terms in feud case

| 14/12/2017 | 53 Comments
Cayman News Service

Malik Mothen (left) and Kashwayne Hewitt

(CNS): Malik Mothen from West Bay has been sentenced to 13 years in jail and his co-defendant, Kashwayne Hewitt, a Jamaican national, received a 12-year term for a violent attack and shooting outside the Fete nightclub in February. The men were both found guilty Thursday of attacking and shooting Daniel Bennett and Carlney Campbell in a feud-fuelled altercation. Visiting judge, Justice Roger Chapple, delivered his sentencing ruling following the convictions this morning.

As he handed down the lengthy terms for GBH with intent for both men and the possession of an unlicensed gun for Hewitt, the judge said it was a blessing that Campbell, who was shot as he lay on the ground, was not more seriously injured or worse.

Justice Chapple said that although Mothen was not found guilty of possessing a firearm, as the older of the two men he should have been more aware that Hewitt, who had the gun, was likely to use it. He handed Mothen a 12-year term for the grievous bodily harm against Campbell and an additional year for the two other charges of actual bodily harm on Daniel Bennett, which brought the total to 13 years for the 36-year-old father of four.

As he sentenced Hewitt, who was 21 on the eve of the trial, the judge said that he had thrown the best part of his life away because he thought there was something seductive about guns and had been misguided and easily led. He also recommended that Hewitt, who married a local woman less than a month after he arrived in Cayman, should be deported after he had served his time. Hewitt received 12 years for the GBH on Campbell and nine years for possession of the Colt 45 used in the shooting, which the judge ordered to run concurrently.

The judge said, “Given your behaviour during the two months you were at liberty here, the island is better off without you.”

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (53)

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  1. Bertie :B says:

    Idiot ! cant even but a hat that fits his bone head . look like a damn fool .If that’s cool ? leave me out of the cool crowd ,

    • yanawantedyah says:

      Deport both of these idiots.

    • West bay Premier says:

      That photo really explains the two of them, the fool leading the foolish . Just like the blind leading the blind .

    • Anonymous says:

      Skinny little punk, put the gun down and come around the back yard, give you a proper ass kicking. See how tough you are without your gun

  2. Anonymous says:

    Two women now looking for new men, letā€™s hope they choose wisely this time. Being a gang bangers girl does not make you important, in fact frankly makes you look like an abused streetwalker. Break the ties, run with normal people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Their new men will be attacked by their ex’s friends….that’s just how it goes with these brainless scum.

  3. Coolio Ebanks says:

    Keep spending most our lives
    Livin’ in a gangsta’s paradise

  4. Anonymous says:

    The violent criminal element in Cayman are very dangerous to everyone. Local people know who these thugs are and are afraid of them. Local criminals need to realize they do not run wild in Cayman.

  5. Anonymous says:

    13 years behind bars for being a punk. Was it worth it?

  6. Unruly says:

    When the police got a hard on for u they try their best to sink u away manslaughter u get 5yrs a gbh for kicking 12yrs wtfe that’s why Cayman is the way it is the ones that should be put away for attempted murder is bout the place sinking people …I cry the blood of Jesus on u …

    • Anonymous says:

      Lol are you one of the wives? Kicking? They shot someone! Stop crying, you wanna-be thugs are always tough until you get caught, then you’re balling like a baby to the magistrate lmaooooo

      • Anonymous says:

        lol her comment smh I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, she really needs to take an English class or go and get her GED “i cry the blood of Jesus on u….) really??? sigh

        • Anonymous says:

          She doesn’t need an english class. She’s speaking “Caymanian”. We are in “Cayman”, so you’re the one that needs the class to understand us not her.

          • Anonymous says:

            The belief that there is a language called Caymanian is possibly the most stupid thing I have read in recent times, and demonstrates an appalling education. Canā€™t fix stupid.

            • Anonymous says:

              You are insulting the President of our Univiersity who will promote you if you speak like him.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I agree this Country is sinking because we allow it to. Hats up to the Security from Caymana Bay who would not allow those Hondurans to parade up and down with their noise either being happy for the results of their Election or being disgruntled about it. Congrats Security. However invitations are going out on whats up about the same thing they are planning for this Saturday night at the Park across from Fosters Food Fair. Why don’t these people go back to Honduras and help to finish destroy their Country rather than to make Cayman look bad. You never see our Caymanians out with frying pans etc before or after our election. I think they are just trying to attract attention. We don’t even have anyone who will even attempt to stop it. Lets see whats going to happen this Saturday night. Hope our Commissioner will send out a load of Police and Immigration will arrest them and send them home. God help us we have lost it.

    • Hustle simmons says:

      Little off topic…. But okay

    • Anonymous says:

      This type of behavior never ceases to amaze me. Why leave your home country and then celebrate the elections from afar when you have no immediate or future plans of ever living there again. It just boggles the mind. If you leave home for short-term economic reasons or just for the experience of living overseas, that’s ok. But for those that live elsewhere, get married, have children and build a house in another country, YOU ARE NOT A PATRIOT!!! You are an opportunist and your loyalty is to yourself not your country. Comprende?

    • Anonymous says:

      I am guessing the same goes for Americans, Canadians and all others who come over with their stuck up attitudes, feeling entitled to everything on the island?

      • Anonymous says:

        #1 why do you have to go there? Is there a USA or Canadian gang Iā€™ve not heard of. #2 please be sensible before submitting a comment. All it does is to show how ignorant of a person you are. Or, you be the poster child that pushes the government to take in more Hondurans or Jamaicans to the island…seems to be working out so far. Why not expand?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is sinking faster than the Titanic. At least we will deport after.

  9. Anonymous says:

    And some stupid dumbass girl married this Jamaican thug one month after he arrived here. Who was the marriage officer? Take the license away.

  10. Anonymous says:

    What about a special prison for these gang members.
    They can’t be older than 12.
    Put them all together for life.

    • Anonymous says:

      Again… we wasting our time and money on these creeps..there is lots of ways to deal with them. In jail life is going to be good.. better than they would have it is Jamaica. Creeps iare even going to get expensive teeth. Waste of time and money. They needs to get back on the streets in Jamaica … where they will be like a snow in hell.

  11. West bay Premier says:

    I hope that those two are kept separately in solitary confinement then they would different people when if they are released . But not if they spend their terms together. Cause they would really really be criminals then .

  12. Anonymous says:

    Good news and kick these assholes out from cayman islands for good!

    • Anonymous says:

      When are we going to acknowledge that Caymanians are part of the problem and we can’t just “kick them out”?

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS: I know it is a lot to monitor, and it is okay to be passionate about some subjects, but is it possible to weed out some off color words?

      • Anonymous says:

        If you can’t handle coarse language stay of the internet darling, cause this is the kiddie pool

  13. Happy Days says:

    One thing we can say about the BTH Gang, they all stick together. One went to maximum security and all rest followed. No one has to do them anything , they all self destruct. I hear a lot of them gangster’s bawling for their mama’s at Northward. Love to be a fly on the wall. Bad man a road, punks behind closed doors.
    Wa ya say BTH Gaza for life , Oh I’m sorry it’s now BTH Northward for life.


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