Police still looking for home invaders

| 21/06/2017 | 20 Comments

(CNS): Despite arresting three men, including a teenager, in the wake of a violent home invasion in Patrick’s Island early Saturday morning, police are appealing for more information after bailing those suspects. As the probe continues into the aggravated burglary, in which a man and a woman were tied up with duct tape, threatened at gunpoint and assaulted with a hammer, no charges have yet been made. 

The incident happened at around 4:30am on 17 June, when three men, two armed with guns and one with a hammer, broke into the George Town home and tied up the couple before making off with cash, jewellery and other possessions. Although the male resident was assaulted during the incident, the couple escaped serious injuries. After the intruders left, one of the victims was able to free themselves and raise the alarm.

The investigators working the case are again appealing to anyone who has any information that may be relevant to contact Detective Inspector Joseph Wright, who is heading the enquiry, at 936-8169.

They can also contact the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the Crime Stoppers Tip Line at 800-TIPS (8477) to remain anonymous.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    We need EDUCATED, HONEST AND TRUSTWORTHY police and back ups THAT ARE made up of Caymanians!!!!. Its plain to see that these criminals are way ahead. As usual the real criminals are long gone in the opposite direction, while the distraction is staged, this has happen before and the police pretend/fumble, making it look like they are after the criminals – all a part of this corruption. THINKING OUT SIDE OF THE BOX,

    • Anonymous says:

      If not Caymanians, then British. This is a British territory!!! Caymanians need to be woken, and realize that their country is on the path to disaster.

      Hiring from 3rd world countries is a bad idea. They aren’t here to keep Cayman safe. If crime fighting was their passion, they would have stayed where they were and deal with the crime there. Here for the money, nothing else!!

      • Anonymous says:

        This person as no clue what she is talking about. Those British officers are referring to, mojerity of them could not make they were, and run come British islands. They could not solved a crime if it was save their life. Now that they are here they take the island as a hotel vacation gateway. Trust me any crime being solved in Cayman islands is not by the British. Trust me, from some who have work for years in rcips. But what can we do! We are salve to our English masters.. here is how it’s setup.. Caymanian and ( third world officers) will do the work and our English masters will go diving. When he crime is solved, our English put on there nice white shirts and pips and lurel and stand before camera..tell the general public ” my officers have been working diligently on solving this case” British officers my foot..

        • Anonymous says:

          You ask what you can do. How about starting with an English course of basic grammar and spelling. You know like 10 year olds are taught. Maybe then you could take a statement and put a file together.

          • anonymous says:

            For goodness sake, a couple of typos and anyone who can write is getting his or her underpants and knickers in a twist. Please, I appeal to you, let’s all calm down and keep focused on the job of successfully caging these proto-humans asap.Thank you.

            • anon says:

              I used to rail against grammar police too…but there is no doubt, without an education your words and thoughts cease to have meaning in the eyes of the public. The truth is if you don’t care about yourself, how you express your thoughts or your words, why should the reader?

          • Anonymous says:

            Agreed. But then again, that is the standard of grammar in some Caribbean countries.

        • Anonymous says:

          You really need to re educate yourself 2.32pm and learn to speak the Queens English! That stupid statement you just made is disgraceful from beginning to end. You certainly haven’t passed any English exam that’s for sure! Please get a co-worker to write any future Police statements or you will be a laughing stock. Bless you.

        • Anonymous says:

          But they can write English

        • Anonymous says:

          Learn how to spell!

    • Anonymous says:

      12:32pm What use are the CCTVs serving? Those ornaments should be taken down and CCTV robbers arrested. Taxpayers money swiped.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Let’s hope they’re caught before they terrify another family.

  3. Anonymous says:

    begining of the end…soon there will be burgular bars on ever window and doir as in other caribbean and centeal american country…including trinidad and jamaica along with honduras? paradice lost…freedom lost…fear and anxiety up…so sad????

  4. Anonymous says:

    Kidnappers are essentially terrorists. Come on new and renewed politicians get off your asses and do something (and don’t you dare blame the Governor). This is our country, let’s take it back.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed they are 100% terrorists! And what does the US of A do with terrorist? They send them to Guantanamo Bay and let them experience waterboarding and such. Please can we give our terrorists the same treatment?

    • Anonymous says:

      Police answer to the governor only.

  5. Anonymous says:

    This is so sad – why the hell can’t the police catch these criminals!!! Maybe we need to bring in help from our mother country where they can take evidence and write proper statements.

    • Anonymous says:

      8.24pm Apparently you believe these individuals are walking around with a sign saying that they are the home invaders.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh come on! Have you ever had your home broke in to? I have and the cops literally did F all.


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