Kilpatrick’s stay extended by Foreign Office

| 24/03/2017 | 29 Comments

(CNS): Helen Kilpatrick was expected to end her tour as the Cayman Islands governor this September, but her office released a short statement Thursday saying she would be staying on for another six months until March 2018. “The extension was made at the request of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for operational reasons,” officials stated. There are few hard and fast rules regarding the length of tenure a governor generally serves in any of the UK’s overseas territories but they usually stay in post for three or four  years, in line with other FCO jobs.

Kilpatrick had been posted to Cayman from the Home Office, rather than the FCO as is usual, originally for a three-year tour. Coming to Cayman as a local government and financial expert rather than a diplomat, Kilpatrick has been a relatively low-key governor with an uneventful term.

There has been little controversy between Kilpatrick and the current administration as she has stayed well away from public comment on most of the major political issues of the day.

However, there was some criticisms of Cayman’s first female governor regarding her performance and also her unwavering support for the former police commissioner David Baines, who came in for considerable criticism himself as chief of the RCIPS.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Was involved in the cover up of operation tempura. Fco and Covington still not held accountable for what happened

  2. Anonymous says:

    She has been a fantastic Governor. The mere fact that we are not reading about her every day demonstrates that she is doing her job.

    • anonymous says:

      really 12:12 pm? what a measure of success! Keep your head down and don’t rock the boat. It is a time-honored civil servant mode of operation. Served her well, too!

  3. Anonymous says:

    This is a strategic move by the FCO, in an attempt to ensure a PPM Government after elections.

  4. Anonymous says:

    just because she wasnt on television/radio bickering her mouth people of course will call her uneventful

  5. Anonymous says:

    In my opinion she has been one of the best and most active governors this island has had. Hence, the extension. Empty minds have the loudest mouths. Her excellency does her work and the actions speak for themselves. Not everything needs to be a public spectacle. All that being said, I guess congratulations are in order so all the best Your Excellency.

    • anonymous says:

      Please tell us, 5 pm, about her activity — apparently this is a well kept secret.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly what makes her excellent? The world needs less of the pompous British way thay bestows titles in an effort to subjugate.

  6. Anonymous says:

    …”a relatively low key Governor with an uneventful term”. I thought that is what the new Caymanian political classes wanted, to be allowed to get on with running the country without any interference from the English Governor.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree with the post at 2.40pm. The government who led the constitutional advance was determined to reduce the Governor’s powers, and they did. Thankfully they didn’t get all they wanted. By the way, ‘Kilpatrick’ is ‘Her Excellency the Governor’.

      • anonymous says:

        I actually see nothing wrong with reducing the power of the Governor, 9:52 pm: in case you haven’t thought of the implications, it is in the interest of Cayman’s democratic development that the elected representatives take on the leadership.

        And if that does not happen, it could spell great trouble in Cayman’s future.

        There is absolutely nothing wrong with moving in that direction — and Britain knows that.

        • Anonymous says:

          So long as it does not mean a parallel increase in the power of a local politician who wants the unfettered ability to sell us all to his mighty foreign patrons.

        • Anonymous says:

          Err, except there are not enough correctly qualified people who want to lead Cayman currently…unless some of the younger brighter and worldwide ones get involved…those who love Cayman and can see its faults and want to fix them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Territory, please.

  7. Anonymous says:

    We have a Governor?

  8. Anonymous says:

    She may be disappointed. These low key appointments in the boondocks are usually a pre-cursor to a more interesting and meaningful appointment.

    • Anonymous says:

      Especially here in the Cayman Islands. Can we change the topic?

    • Anonymous says:

      Boondocks? We are the 5th richest country in the world, Tell us more about where your from?

    • anonymous says:

      I agree, 11:50 am, these “low-key appointments in the boonduckets are usually a precursor” — but not to “more interesting and meaningful appointments” — it is usually the icing on the cake given to long-serving UK civil servants for a career in which they managed to survive on their climb to the top without rocking the boat. And it is a really highly sought after bonus, given the salaries.

      Your assessment shows you know nothing of which you speak.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the article. No one would have noticed, we’re used to the silence……….!!

  10. anonymous. says:

    Not surprised at all. What else is new ?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Would not have noticed….had you not written about it

  12. Anonymous says:

    Feeling sorry for her if Mac is back.
    Taylor had what it took to control the loose cannon, Helen, well she’s just too nice.

  13. Anonymous says:

    That’s not news.


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