Brac man jailed for multiple drug charges

| 10/07/2023 | 4 Comments

(CNS): A 22-year-old man from Cayman Brac has been jailed for 21 months and faces a further two-year suspended sentence once released from prison. The man was convicted of 21 offences over a two-year period, relating largely to drug possession, drug supply and assaults on police officers.

“This is an excellent result for Cayman Brac,” said Chief Inspector Malcolm Kay, Sister Islands Area Commander. “We hope that it will serve as an example to other young people in the community as they see the consequences of illegal activities and the impact it has on their liberties and life long-term. “It is my hope that they may choose a better path than the one taken by this young man and that other frequent offenders will see this result and choose not to commit further crimes,” he added.

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Category: Courts, Crime, Police

Comments (4)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    When you grow-up with everyone in your family never making you be responsible for your actions.

  2. Anonymous says:

    So 14 months. What is wrong with you people?

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      14 months is long enough to think about life and a person’s direction and motivations. It’s not so long that a 22-year-old cannot emerge and turn his life around.

      I know what I’m talking about. In my own case, it only took three months. It worked wonders.

      • Anonymous says:

        Convicted of 21 offenses over a two year period…including assaults on police officers. I suspect he’s got you beat, so what’s wrong with you people? The rest of us would like to do without hm for at least five years.

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