Nightclub killer’s jail time cut by two years

| 06/07/2023 | 9 Comments
Cayman News Service
Mason Bryan

(CNS): Mason Courtney Bryan (28)’s ten-year prison sentence for killing Recardo Lionel Pars (27) outside a nightclub complex at The Strand plaza during a fight has been cut to eight years after it was appealed. The Court of Appeal ruled this week that the provocation by the victim was substantial and Bryan’s response in the heat of the moment was not extreme.

Bryan had been attacked by Pars, his brother and other men outside Lillie’s in August 2020. He had been kicked and punched in the head many times by the men, according to witnesses and supported by CCTV evidence. At some point during the attack, Bryan got his hand on a knife that was on the floor, and he stabbed at least one of his attackers multiple times. Pars was fatally wounded and died at the hospital shortly afterwards.

Bryan was charged with murder, but the crown later accepted his plea to manslaughter. On 17 December, he was sentenced to ten years in jail as the judge accepted he had been provoked.

Despite this, during the appeal, his attorney, Jonathon Hughes, argued that the judge had still started his sentence too high, given the circumstances and the very significant level of provocation from Pars and his brother. While Bryan’s response was fatal, not only did he not mean to kill anyone, he didn’t even know which of his attackers he had stabbed as he lashed out to protect himself.

Bryan has said, “I did not even know which brother it was at the time or how many people I was being ganged by.” However, he had accepted that he had gone further than necessary to defend himself.

The appeal court judges agreed that the stabbing was brief and happened in the heat of the moment following an attack that lasted minutes, and, importantly, there was no intention to kill.

Suggesting that the judge could have started his sentencing exercise at a lower point, and after taking the admission and other mitigating as well as aggravating factors into account, they said a sentence of eight years was appropriate.

“Such a sentence would recognise the extent of provocation and that in the heat of the moment the Appellant, having picked up the knife, made use of it not intending in doing so to kill,” they stated as they cut the time Bryan will serve.

Having been in jail for four years, Bryan can now expect to be released from jail at the end of next year.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (9)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Almost sounds like this man should not be in jail at all. I am obviously unfamiliar with ALL details, but when you’re being punched and kicked in the head by several men, you’re in danger of losing your own life. This guy did what he had to do in order to save his life, end of story…

  2. Anonymous says:

    It seems that FAFO was the case for several people that night. One in prison, one dead, one lost his brother. All for the square root of zero.

  3. anon1 says:

    Having heard of this for the second time and the evidence supporting that this guy was ganged up and pounded on, there is a real fear for one’s life in that moment. This case either way has been a tradgedy and its now alot clearer that this guy was acting out in self defense supported by cctv. If we could appeal to this young man and if he reading this. Take care and further yourself in prison and make the best use of your time to better yourself. aim to come out of there to do a complete 180 to integrate yourselv back into society and make something of yourself. don’t become a lifelong statistic like a lot of these useless guys in and out of the jail merry go round or worst.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Easy to tell somebody they went too far after the fact. You’re being attacked by multiple people, you don’t know how far they are willing to go, how exactly are you suppose to determine what level of force is needed to save you life? That young man should not be serving any jail time.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hundred percent. Let him out!

    • Anonymous says:

      Was it reasonable force? Need a heck of a lot more information that this brief article. Where exactly in the Stand? Was it right in front Lillie’s? What time? How many people were around during the fight or was it in a dark area beside bushes where no eye witnesses? Where were the Lillie’s security bouncers? Video evidence would hugely help. Did Bryan have friends around or completely left on his own.
      Self defense is a complete defense so why didn’t his lawyers plea not guilty then? Based on that info it’s safe to say it’s not self defense but intent to murder. How many times was the victim stabbed? Multiple times or just one slice cut?

    • Anonymous says:

      Carry a knife, lose your life, whether it be to prison or the grave.

    • Anonymous says:



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