Man guilty of gas station stick-up with toy gun

| 19/03/2023 | 21 Comments
Alvin Shaquille Ebanks, Cayman News Service
Alvin Shaquille Ebanks (from social media)

(CNS): Alvin Shaquille Ebanks (25) from West Bay was found guilty on Friday of holding up the Hell Esso Gas Station last December with a toy gun while on bail for another offence and wearing an electronic tag. He was convicted by a jury of one count of robbery and the possession of an imitation gun. Ebanks burst into the shop at the local filling station with an unknown accomplice as another customer was buzzed in through the secured door. The robbery was caught on CCTV but Ebanks’ face and hands were covered and he had cut the tag signal by wrapping it in tin foil.

Police were nevertheless able to link him to the robbery because he left his DNA and forensic evidence at the scene when he dropped the toy weapon after a fight with the gas station clerk. After he demanded cash Ebanks hit the clerk with the gun, which broke apart. He then opened the till and grabbed the money before he and the second robber ran to the getaway car nearby.

Police officers recovered the imitation gun and found partially burnt clothes a short distance from Ebanks’ home that matched what the robber was wearing on CCTV.

However, Ebanks denied being involved. When police arrived at his house to arrest him, he ran off. When he was later apprehended, he said he had run away to dispose of an ounce of ganja he had in his house.

The jury took less than three hours to find him guilty, and he was remanded in custody until a sentencing hearing, which is expected to be held in around eight weeks.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (21)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The boy is from West Bay and known all over West Bay.

    So he goes and robs a gas station down the road from his house?

    He’s horrible at being a criminal. Why wouldn’t he go to Bodden Town, or East End, or NOT WEST BAY if you want to rob a gas station?

    My gosh. What a tool.

  2. Anonymous says:

    caymanians commit an unusually high proportion of crimes per capita……

    • Island Time says:

      No way. Caymanians would never commit a crime. It has to be an expat. Just ask any Caymanian.

  3. Island Time says:

    Wow i don’t think Ebanks is the name of an Expat. Aren’t the Expats responsible for all the wrongs on the island.

  4. Sweet Bunkie says:

    He’s back in Northward, lovely.😍

  5. Elvis says:

    If his brains were dynamite he wouldnt have enough to blow his hat off as my grandfather would say.

  6. Anonymous says:

    bad enough to be a criminal but a stupid criminal… LOL

  7. Anonymous says:

    Another local waste boy locked up. It’s a shame but The Northward Hotel the best place for him.

    The sad thing is that there are plenty more little waste boys like him. Their time is coming.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Please tell prosecutors who your accomplice was so that justice can be served and Cayman’s populace will be safer and the better for it.

    Otherwise, your code of silence demonstrates your lack of love for your fellow man.

  9. Anonymous says:

    No fixing this one. Lock him up.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Safe to assume his accomplices were Simon and Theodore?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Stay in school kids.

  12. Anonymous says:

    How can we be so certain that it wasn’t Blacks, or Buju?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Didn’t know you could flee police to dispose of dealer sized bag of weed while on parole. How was “the other robber” not identified to face the music at same trial? When parole tags go dead before the end of parole, shouldn’t there be a patrol car routed to last location to confirm they have absconded? Fake gun or real gun, the terror level is the same, even if the threat to life wasn’t.

  14. Anonymous says:

    scumbag…his scumbag parents should be named and shamed too

  15. Anonymous says:

    Damn Jamaicans coming here and robbing the place…..oh, wait a minute

  16. watcher says:

    Good. Sorry, son, that you chose this path. I once chose a bad path and paid the price. Be a better person when you get out of prison. Always remember that whatever fate befalls you, it is your responsibility.

    Be safe and come back to us wiser.

    • Anonymous says:

      This path was chosen since he was a child.

      Failed by his family and himself. He was afforded opportunities for education, but wasted them. He then went the whole bad man on dirt bike mode, with petty thefts etc.

      This was always predictable. Luckily he’s not a smart or sophisticated criminal. I mean, regarding the use of foil on the tag, wouldn’t that lack of signal prompt a visit from police anyhow?

    • Anonymous says:

      19 @ 7:22pm – God bless you for such honourable advice! No snide, judgmental comments! A breath of fresh air!

      Stay safe yourself.


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