Failed fraud lands driver in jail over traffic case
(CNS): Theodore O’Neil Morgan (40) from West Bay was remanded in custody on Friday to begin serving a three-month sentence for a failed attempt to dodge a driving ban for not having insurance. Morgan, who had ambitions to become a lawyer, has likely also ruined his future career chances with what the judge said was “deceptive conduct of the most egregious kind”.
Morgan had been summoned to court after a traffic stop for speeding and admitted having no inspection certificate and an expired vehicle licence. However, he denied driving without insurance and presented the court with a forged document.
The document raised the suspicion of the prosecutor and an investigation was launched, after which Morgan was charged. But instead of coming clean, he pleaded not guilty and stood trial, compounding his attempts to dishonestly challenge the system at the insurance company.
But Justice Cheryll Richards, who presided over the case without a jury, found his evidence “implausible and inconsistent”. In contrast, the evidence from the employees of the insurance company was clear and credible, she said. As a result, he was convicted in October and bailed until his sentencing hearing Friday,
As she handed down the three-month jail term, Justice Richards said deterrence was called for in this case as he had been very quick to resort to dishonesty. She said this was not the character of someone who should be involved in the law. Although Morgan has completed his law degree, he was still trying to secure articles, according to the social inquiry report.
The court heard that Morgan had held a number of posts in government, but after his mother had been diagnosed with a serious illness and with some health problems of his own, he was no longer working full time, though he was doing voluntary work.
The judge said that Morgan was an intelligent man but what he did was a deliberate and carefully conceived fraud. Prior to the sentencing hearing, Morgan had finally come clean and expressed his remorse. He was said to be “guilt-ridden” because he was scared and was now embarrassed by his behaviour.
But his late confession and expressions of remorse failed to help him avoid a prison term after he turned a traffic offence into a crime.
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Category: Local News
He is not sorry for the act, he is sorry that he committed the act. Got away from jail time overseas in college but karma still catches up sooner or later. Hopefully this wakes him up and he changes for the better.
Caymans Jussie Smollett
Looks like George Santos lol
In the 90’s Caynan was great
Sad that supposed to be sensible people are not honest
Someone should update his imdb page, maybe he will finally get his big brake in cinematography as the village idiot.
I understand that he has mental health issues. There are alot of people struggling with all sorts of mental issues and doing crazy and dumb shit. It’s becoming more and more of a social problem.
His issue being dishonesty with delusional belief he would get away with it?
I cannot wait for the lifetime movie he will produce, star in and write the score for. #actor #producer #musician #lawyer
Guy is going to be the new West Bay elect now that there is an opening
Offence involving dishonesty – means he can’t run. Now if he just beat up a defenseless woman, or sold drugs, he would be fine.
You must be the only one that’s gonna vote for him.
what an idiot! It’s not hard to just phone the insurance company and ask if it’s a valid contract. He should also be charged with insurance fraud perhaps?
Perfect lawyer material.
Perhaps for the large law firms.
A wise man told me only break one law at a time.
when you are breaking the law, don’t break the law
I Know Theo dawg and ma boy is gonna come out of prison Bigga and Betta than Eva wit a new album hit songs free stylin like the Cayman 2pac no doubt in my mind. BBC is Back, You Behoove Me and Pass Me the KFC all gonna be in da new record. Skies da limit next stop Hollywood! Peace
Say no to crack! Seriously!!!
Lol. Clearly it behooves you to be a fan of Darren Fleet Comedian.
Well this gentleman still has the opportunity to expand his portfolio after his release e.g driving under the influence and driving whilst banned.
Guys, he is more than just an idiot. The things he has done to people I know over the past 10 years would shock you. Nothing violent (as far as I know), but whisper campaigns, stalking, manipulating and pretending to be someone he is not. He is 100% toxic. 3 months is not enough.
The most real comment here. This guy is a horrible, and yes, he has been violent – I saw him bottle a lad at a party who was facing the other direction. Then HE called the police on the victim!
I’m sure you provided a witness statement to that effect ?
Theo wouldn’t bust a grape in a fruit fight. You’re just capping.
what’s he done?
Thank you. It was my comment. I was one of his victims. The island is too small to identify myself. It’s hard enough to make it with all the gossip and judgement here. I wish I could tell the world what he did to me, and many others.
Dunning-Kruger effect in action. Clown.
Effed around, found out.
Now, imagine he didn’t speed, he’d still be driving around like thousands of others are today.
Let me say this. I certainly would NEVER EVER EVER EVER hire him to be my lawyer or any company who hires him.
This is the kind of thing you going in for not licensing a bicycle and go to prison on a murder charge.
How do you take something so simple and turn it into jail time? How dumb can you be.
Its like the saying goes. Usually its not what you did wrong that gets you but what you did to cover it up.
ooh boy. I wish I could emoji a Facepalm here.
While I understand, appreciate and agree with your points, one pivotal consideration you may have missed is that you are unaware of what other lawyers and the “company” employing them have actually done and have kept “hush”. Theo was am absolute fool here and he deserves his punishment just as the prosecution and the court should be commended for their diligence. The judge is spot on in their assessment of the behaviour expected of attorneys (which Theo clearly fell short of) but Cayman courts are aware of a number of other instances of similar (or worse) behaviour and those complaints appear to have fallen on deaf ears. Perhaps a clear distinction is that Theo was “aspiring” to be a lawyer while the conduct referred to via the complaints was carried out by attorneys currently on the roll.
That’s what makes this look even more stupid.
What’s the worst that would have happened?? License lost for 1 yr? Now license gone, you in prison and career in the crapper.
Cayman needs to amend the Elections Law to bar convicted felons and con men from making a career in politics.
If you bar con men/women from politics in Cayman….. There won’t be anyone to elect. The educated moral individuals have little interest in the mess CIG is.
The majority of the electorate don’t really want educated elected members. This last grouping shows that clearly. If he so desire to get elected after serving his time he will fit in nicely.
Maybe he could run in WBC. Man not running again.
The educated “groupings” would sell their mummeh to Dart if they could. So there’s that…
but would that not lead to a bunch of unemployed and unemployable politicians – sarcasm
Such a poor decision with severe consequences (rightfully so). Hoping that he can rebound from this with new outlook once he is out.
Tell us about what district your from, and all the heroes and crackheads who do the same.
Most Caymanians that like to talk down on West Bay cannot afford to live in the district. They prefer the likes of Prospect. Just look at where most crimes are committed in the last five years.
LOL leave Prospect of this!
true dat! we posh these days.
smb corridor.
Hmmmm … Caymanian priviledge … “guilty ridden” due to embarrassment
It’s spelt “guilt-ridden”.
living and growing up in cayman doesnt make you a “caymanian” he may be caymanian on paper but his behaviour is typical of another nationality.
Born in Cayman, mum called Ebanks, lives in Cayman, legally Caymanian but sure OK somehow always the foreigners fault.
Always someone else to blame.
Guess where his father is from?
Ah, the basic racist card of the basic racists.
Stupid is as stupid does
3 months for driving an unlicensed and uninsured vehicle and then falsifying documents? Our sentences need to be reviewed, this is barely even a slap on the hand.
Amended in what way? So that he could get 10 years?
Finally, some justice for the community! This awful character is getting what he deserves for his bad actions.
Too right. There are many people on Island who will see this as poetic justice for his abusive other crimes
This is just too funny
Deport him.
He’s Caymanian. Can’t deport him.
Outsmarted yourself in this one
He would have been better off accepting the driving ban and continuing to drive if he was so adamant about not losing his DL. At least he would have not gone to jail.
As a teen I was always told, “it’s easy to get in trouble, but 10 times harder to get out.” Make the right choices and you don’t have to worry.
Silly Billy!
What a massive idiot.