Ex-cop and lover jailed for sexual assault

| 30/09/2022 | 39 Comments

(CNS): A woman who offered up a close friend to her lover as a birthday present has been jailed for four and a half years while her boyfriend, a former RCIPS officer, has been jailed for five years for sexually assaulting the woman while she was trapped in their vehicle. Antonio O’Neal Marshall (43) and his girlfriend, Ericka McFarlane Lynch, were convicted in May after a jury trial where they had claimed the sexual encounter was consensual.

The judge said the victim’s life had been affected in many ways and she had been traumatised by the couple’s callous and selfish actions, “but those actions have consequences”. Justice Marlene Carter also imposed a sexual harm prevention order to prevent the couple from contacting the victim in this case after they have served their lengthy jail time.

With friends and family in the courtroom, both Lynch and Marshall were permitted a lengthy and emotional goodbye before they were taken into custody to begin serving their jail terms.

Lynch, who was employed by WORC before she was convicted, and Marshall, who was recently fired from the RCIPS, were accused of tricking the victim, who was said to have been a close friend of Lynch, into a sexual encounter in a car against her will. Both Lynch and Marshall sexually assaulted the woman while the car was in motion, preventing her from getting away.

The couple both have children from previous relationships. Marshall has an eleven-year-old son in his native Barbados and Lynch, who is Caymanian, has two children for whom she was the primary caregiver. The judge had explained that this was the reason why her sentence was slightly shorter than the term given to Marshall.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (39)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Can we ask CIG HR head if they be fired now?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Deport Marshall after he serves his time and if Lynch is Caymanian by Status, take it away from her and deport her too after she serves her time. JUSTICE!!!! for once prevails!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      come see how many women in his own country he’s convince to help him pull off this same stunt. Remember the other Jamaican officer dat excited two men in Jamaica but one survived…? well he’s since been extradicted back to Jamaica but oh yes Cayman he was here

  3. Anonymous says:

    Let see what happens to the child cases now.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Sex is fun, but it is never appropriate to do so where consent is lacking, because it is then criminal.

  5. Start. 2 Pray more says:

    and she was so nice at the Adventist Church I saw her at!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Just shows that the whole police department is rotten , killing dogs, rape and assaults
    What can you expect when the elected Government has convicted criminals and Drug dealers ,and the so called Boards are full of cronies and convicted thieves…..
    PACT has to the the crooked and criminal laden Government ever .
    There is people in the Police department that can’t read or spell …. Yet we hire more and more nincompoops.

    • Anonymous says:

      There ARE people …

    • Anonymous says:

      There ARE people in the Police department that can’t read or spell…Oh the irony 😄

    • Anonymous says:

      With grammar like that and your spelling, following your analogy….. you’re a cop? Right?

    • Anonymous says:

      Despite the person, who used bad grammar themselves, contending that the Police cannot spell, it is true that most RCIPS cannot spell, use proper grammar and appear to have the writing abilities of a 3rd grade student (and that is being generous).

      I am an attorney, who, unfortunately, has seen this time and time again. It is really bad. And, without trying to be unfair to any nationalities, the Jamaican officers are the biggest culprits.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, and, I teach with many an educated Jamaican teacher who use improper grammar. I’m not talking patois, I’m talking improper English grammar. Whilst they teach it properly, they don’t model good grammar.

        • Anonymous says:

          statement seems faulty and sensationally driven, because if they teach it properly and do not use it, given the culture of patois and colloquial use of English, it suggests it must be that they are deliberately being informal in their use and conversations.

    • Anonymous says:

      only in Cayman can a foreign police be hired & receive a salary & get both RENT & UTILITIES paid for them. But our born & bred Caymanian Officers don’t get these perks🤔

  7. Anonymous says:

    I dont think she should have received a discount, considering it was her friend she lured in the situation, she was basically the mastermind. And if we on the topic of equality, regardless of her kids she should get the same time as him. What difference is 6 months going to make in the 4.5 years any way…..

    • Anonymous says:

      agreed, why do women get a lesser sentence for the same crime. I guess equality when it suits them.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I’m sorry but she should have thought of the children before being a sexual deviant. That friend is traumatized for life. That was someone that she trusted and she betrayed that trust. The poor victim will never be able to trust again.

  9. Anonymous says:

    married/single ppl…adultery is not a crime in the law! but rape is…

  10. Anonymous says:

    Deportation orders?

  11. Uncle Karma says:

    They created a jail for their victim imprisoning and assaulting her. I suspect there are other victims out there who were too scared to come forward. Kudos to the victim brave enough to report to police,now please proceed with a civil case to get financial compensation. Karma has away of catching up.

    • Anonymous says:

      They should have been given life sentences. What the hell kind of police officer he was anyway? I hope a check is being made on his behavior re any arrest or contact he might have had with women while carrying out his duties. I cannot believe that family members really showed up for their sentences. They should have been to embarrassed to.

  12. Logic says:

    This judge a Legend…WELL DONE👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  13. Anonymous says:

    What about the RCIPS “officer” who allegedly threatened a recent murder case witness?

  14. Anonymous says:

    That doesn’t seem to fit, surely by past precedent there’s a Govt promotion there somewhere 🤷🏻‍♀️

  15. Anonymous says:

    Dude’s beard is closer to his hairline than his actual hair. Creep.

  16. Neverwannabeacivilservant says:

    So how long did these deviant criminals sit at home on full pay, awaiting trial?.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Excellent job Judge. Deport the male rapist.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Good riddance! Throw away the key!

  19. Kadafe says:

    Doesn’t seem very lengthy to me.

  20. Anonymous says:

    stupid people


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